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  • in reply to: General Chat #42480

    As a thought, if it is an added feature premiums only. If one has to purchase the option,..then it should be restriction free. 

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13389

    I am thinking they understand the deficiencies of the 3some poses. I look forward to them expanding that area. (Honestly though I would rather see them work on some more FF poses for you ladies first). We know there is limited expansion, question is priorities in the releases.

    Hopefully they will pay attention to sinnnn's suggestions and work on that in the meantime.

    in reply to: The rude, the crude and the downright nasty. #42898

    Posting anything on the profile doesn't provide a complete buffer, but will deter those who do respect, others ploy on, perhaps believing everyone is fair game.

    No doubt Antebellum, those who read your banners may think it an open invitation to all. ;)
    That's part of the fun though…

    in reply to: General Chat #42477

    Really have no honest opinion in this other than whatever the rule it should be applied evenly. I think that is one area you and I will agree on.


    It'll make that airplane ride back from the British Isles more interesting… ;)

    in reply to: Funny Finds #20436

    Literal videos…(Total Eclipse of the Heart satire)

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13387

    Personally I think the poses killed it off,…I don't enjoy just standing around…and have found it hard to find good partners who could take it to a different imaginative level.


    Wonder how much m kilt is going to cost when it shows ::)

    in reply to: General Chat #42475

    It's a chat room Unhealer,…and for those with a good imagination and descriptive abilities such a setting could launch some interesting encounters. ;D

    It should be a premium feature. Staying out of the non-premium conversation though. I have the feeling at some point someones going to gripe about their exclusion if it occurred. One though though if excluded, excludes all non-premiums.

    in reply to: The rude, the crude and the downright nasty. #42894

    There is no easy answer that question.

    AChat is a place of sexual fantasy, and the personality types range from passive to aggressive. The misconception is that passivity equates to acceptance of abusive language. It doesn't.

    Rudeness is but a characteristic of the personality, and all one can say is use the ignore button. Is rudeness sufficient to validate banning from the site. IMO, no. Only extreme circumstances should be considered, Outright racial, sexual orientation and religious degradation are socially unacceptable. They should be here too,..scammers attempting to fleece others,…those come to mind. The ignore button is a personal restraining order, although the general chat will in its current structure will expose you to them, simple rule, don't respond.

    Lover said it best, and I'll paraphrase it to my best ability. Treat others with respect, and dignity, and you will get further with potential partners than any other approach. Good words to live by, though sadly those buffoons are less likely to read the forum and take them to heart.

    in reply to: Pose Ideas for Threesomes. #42866

    Some sweet ideas sinnnn, had to take a cold shower after thinking about them,…which existing poses do you think can be modified to provide a reasonable facsimile of your thoughts?

    in reply to: General Chat #42465

    I like that idea Janine… ;)

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13384

    Huh,…payment of women?…that model had nothing to do with wages,…I am talking of marketing. (15 years as a mid level manager with a heavy female based co-worker population, I know what you are speaking of…but that point is immaterial to the issue)

    You ignore the MM population,…the silent minority who are impacted by this. Frankly I do not know what options are available for them in this since they are few and far between, haven't played with them and have not spoken to many besides. I presume they deal with the same restrictions.

    In my mind I reason that is why the gifting may be oriented the way it is. Females receive and males do not. A counterbalance of the matter of sorts. (Also to prevent males from creating female avatars and whoring themselves out…it will happen).

    Personally, I like your idea if it is directed to actual paying customers and not opened to scrip subscribers. My bottom line is still market, how much freebies do you provide? Would such drive the male membership down, since they don't need to purchase a membership. In the end those that actually pay will have to support them.

    My other thought,…(a post script)…limited 3some access to non-premiums,…maybe 3 encounters,…before you are forced to make decision.

    Frankly though I think they settle the issue if they develop more poses along the 3some line. They will get more interest from the established premium population.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Free Male able to do group with Two Premium Players. #13383

    Ah Bear, gender equality has it's place in economics.


    Would disagree, marketing and economic theory are highly age and sex biased. Target consumers are selectively catered to, with an end result of expanded market penetration to the target market whose dollars/Euros you are trying to attain. As much as sociological equality is desired, in terms of application in a business model the attributes of your major target group directly affect your strategy.

    Just playing the devils advocate here, I see and understand a primary point that there is a feeling of a short supply of qualified favorable male partners. My point is where do the freebies stop…especially since females highly utilize scrip already for monthly subscriptions.

    in reply to: Female Impostors. Male Imposters. Gender Fluid Avatars #42757

    Exactly sinnnn, who cares as long as long as they play well with you. I am more concerned about a person being silent, unimaginative,..impatient than looks. If I can't make a connection to them with words wtf do I care if that are some slim, model type with nothing between the ears. I'd rather just watch video porn then 2 avatars silently fucking on a screen with an occasional “ooo”,  “ahh”  thrown in,… like that makes me all excited….

    It's the person behind the avatar who matters.

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