Forum Replies Created
The general idea isn't bad, especially the voting for upcoming features and the extended previews, but I'm still unsure about one thing: who would decide who would be the first members, and how?
Let me explain: letting the existing “vips” vote for new members is ok, but who would decide on the first ones: Tom and Rab? But on what basis?
So let's see your suggestions people! And don't get me wrong Sandy, I do like your idea!
Thank you as well Rab
This pose was vastly needed; it can be perfected of course, and things added, but it's nice to see that you guys actually listen to us.
J'aime beaucoup la nouvelle signature Louna
Et puis, je pense que notre ami Danyello va apprécier aussi: tu te redresses progressivement…..
Just a little technical suggestion: it could be useful to have a “sleep” status appear next to our name when we use the “sleep” key to reduce the program in the systray.
Dis-donc Louna, tu ne m'aurais pas piqué l'idée?
C't'un joke, comme on dit chez toi
Moi je suis du Nord; la région dunkerquoise pour être précis, et le premier qui dit que je suis ch'ti s'en prend une…
P.S. Heureux de pouvoir ENFIN faire ta connaissance Louna; tu n'as jamais le temps pour moi en chat :'(
Amitiés à tous
Thanks Bobbler, but the subscription link on top doesn't appear anymore once you're logged in, which brings us back to my previous question.
There should at least be a button to cancel our membership. Tom and Rab might get in trouble if this doesn't exist.
Just trying to help of course; wouldn't want this great site to go down for such a silly little thing
Just one thing: I can't find the membership links? Is that because I'm already Premium? In that case, if I want to cancel the monthly in order to take a yearly, how can I do?
I had decided to stay out of this, but I can't anymore: danyello I'm sure you think you're doing it for good, but it really is a bad idea, especially for the girls whom you put on your list.
Let me explain: girls in Achat already get bugged with tons of invites and insulting messages from stupid people. Some of those people come here and read the posts and see your list. The girls whom you put in the list will get even more of this. So you're really not making them a service.
This is a place to chat and have fun with people. We're not here to compete with each other. Even if I proposed a karma system, it was not meant as a comparison tool, just something to help people know who they're talking to.
So please, stop this list thing. It's really not a good idea, even if you have good intentions. Hell is paved with them…
Maybe this will help you find the source.
I noticed it happens when you log off but leave the achat client open in the task bar. When you try to login again, you get the error message. Exiting and restarting the client solves the problem.
bobbler, it's possible
When someone's name is selected in the chat box, there is the “?” button next to “send message”
Coming from a French guy who lived in the States and knows about American football, I don't find anything sexy about these either. Hey, you might even knock the poor lady unconscious with that helmet!
But let's see the good side: Tom and staff heard us and are working on cuddling scenes
) Yippee!!!
I'm sure you would volunteer to take the blood samples Luna!
Continuing the flow…. the first few have already been stated I think
I'll add the buddy list to the “must do asap” list
It's not one of my priorities, but more variety for anal sex would be nice.
This one is new to my knowledge: the message icon blinks everytime you login, even if there's only old messages in it. Maybe it could be configured to blink only for unread ones.
I'll try and slow the flow down. You guys have enough ideas to work on now lol
Take care all
Hehe, I just proposed the same thing today in the other post
Great minds think alike
Goog idea; you guys probably have a few projects under developement at any time, maybe you could create a “what's next” topic where we could tell you where we'd like you to put more focus.
My first vote would definitely go towards the no sex kissing and caressing
Oh, and thank you Florent, I found it out too