Forum Replies Created
Pink: So what!
William Wordsworth
Or a Haycart
Lolz, Well done TG and lotsa thanks to HGO for the competition
I hadn't seen this when I posted on the pumpkin competition.
THANKS FOR RUNNING THE COMPETITION HGOI think there's a Marylin creation I don't have yet, and I gonna buy a yacht!
HGO deserves a huge thanks from all of us for running the competition. I didn't win anything, I didn't even vote for my own entry, but it was fun and we need more fun on here.
It's a trap…. why did I post next?
NO I don't like to shock…next one likes to be shocked!
Center of attention
They do say “Redheads have more fun”!
mmmm private male dancers … kicking back to enjoy
Can I sit next to you, BB?
I back that too BB, we have campaigned for years for equality for our LBGT friends!
Rukya, are you reading this?
Thanks for coming back & posting Miss Brandy. xxYES! I can haz peanut butter cookies! I'll go buy the ingredients on my way home this afternoon.
Next one has a teapot to make the tea in?
Sorry, Momma.
You aren't going to spank me are you?I promise I'll be good
yup, here I am and it's way past my bedtime.. Big hugz for everyone and kisses goodnight!
Next will be Lover
That looks like exquisite torturethose nasty knots!
These three… I get the domination aspect and the sub has to please her domme/Mistress, but does having a piece of plastic strapped around your waist sucked by someone really do anything for people? Suck it to lube it before penetration, especially on a man yes. suck it afterwards to clean it off, yea. But mouth-fucking someone? I think that's a transposed man-fantasy. Just my op, so if anyone else knows different, please tell! Is it just the power thing?
ok. I've had a soft flogger on my pussy and been hand-smacked when i was naughty, but nothing harder. I have had this ^^ done to me in the Ice House and seen a few posts on here of people wanting to do this to me. Soooo… I am going to try it in rl tomorrow. I have asked and he has agreed… After we've been horse riding! I'm not looking forward to it, but in the interests of research.. I have my safe-word, but it isn't FUCK OWW which is most likely what will come out and then I get worse for swearing. -