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nope me again, tucking myself in
Maybe Covie will tuck me in?
I don't have a j o b I do days at College but sometimes I have to work late into the night
When you wear your jeans, do you wear
pumps or sneakers?
Cindy Lauper: Girls just wanna have fun
Nope, it's just lil blu with a sore butt and a big smile.Hugs to you all and kisses too, been a busy weekend, missed you lots.
Next will be Covems?
I heard chains rattling !
I'll take a snog from you anytime Martin xxxxxMaybe Brandy be next with an early morning cup of tea
Padding along behind Momma Andrea in my bare feet on the cold stone floor as we walk to her cell, I feel so foolish, I don't know what to do with my arms, maybe I should be in all fours on a lead?
We go inside and she sits me on the only chair in the middle of the floor. I feel clean, refreshed and wonder what the day will bring as I sit patiently with just the damp fluffy towel wrapped around my shoulders.
I hear the microwave ping and Momma brings me a bowl of hot noodles… I smile ironically to my self.. “Student food”, but it's hot & filling and I wolf it down ravenously, licking the bowl clean. Momma snatches it from me, “Show some manners girl” and I shrink visibly. But she isn't cross, she brings me a plate of fresh fruit and I eat two juicy pears, slurping noisily and wiping the juice dribbling down my chin with the corner of my towel.
All the while Momma is standing behind me dragging her fingers through my nice clean locks as they twist together like a climbing vine. I smile inwardly knowing after 22 years that without a hairbrush & comb she has no chance of taming my tresses.
I hear her sigh and she pulls it all together in one hand and ties it round so that it hangs like a big ponytail down my back, but it will soon look like a firework explosion.
I tilt my head back to look at her, loving the attention and knowing I owe her big time for coming and rescuing me. I speak softly in my best sorry little girl voice “Thank you for taking care of me”
She smiles back at me with a grin reminiscent of the Cheshire cat as she strokes my cheek “Oh, this isn't free, little love” and she pulls my ponytail , tilting my head back further and kissing me hard on the lips. I don't fight it, I love it and push my full red lips back against hers, giving a moan of pleasure into her open mouth. Finally she pulls off, but remains very close, staring deep into my eyes. “Time to pay, Pretty.” she almost winks at me, then scooping me up, carries me across to the bed and lays me across it widthways, slipping lovely leather cuffs onto my ankles and wrists and restraining one leg to the bedhead, the other to the foot. Then my wrists, again stretched the length of the bed. My knees are pulled back and wide apart. I offer no resistance, I am in submissive mode and curious to find out what she has in mind. If I bend my head backwards I am in the perfect position for deep-throating and I smile at the irony.
She walks around the bed, stroking my body with her fingertips, first up and down my arms and I am suddenly covered in goosebumps. Then my throat then down between my large breasts and my nipples stand up like marines on parade. She kneels at my head and leans over me, kissing my forehead and moving down along my body, her hands on my thighs. I tilt my head backwards as her full heavy breasts slide over mine, the sensation on my nipples is exquisite, I see her navel level with my nose and her dark thatch approaching my forehead. I poke my tongue out and lick her belly, I want to taste her, to appreciate her.
' WHAM! '
I recoil in pain as I feel her slap my damp open pussy hard with her flat hand.
“No-one told you to touch me, pretty!” she says in a school-maam voice and I feel like a naughty little girl caught pulling another's hair.
My inner brat rises quickly to the surface and before I can stop her she whines back “It was a lick.” poutng as she does.
Without changing expression, except perhaps for a sardonic smile, Momma slaps both my breasts with her fingers. Not viciously, but hard enough to leave distinct red prints on them. “And now you are trying to Top from the bottom.” she says in a matter-of-fact voice. “I'm not giving you a spanking….. not right now..”
The insinuation is not missed but is tempered with curiosity and the inner brat leaps forward once again with her sweetest innocent little-girl voice before I can regain control and take an adult view of my situation, “What are you gonna do, Momma?” I squeak, already cursing my bratty inner child.
Momma bent over me again, kissed my nose, then softly settled her luscious lips on mine and as I opened my mouth in anticipation, before we began tongue wrestling, she breathed into me “Love You” and then squashed her mouth onto mine, thrusting her hungry tongue between my teeth and pulling my head up to hers.
I wish I wasn't tied down so I could hug her, so I could wrap myself around her, but I have been told no actions unless told. I feel tears of gratitude of emotion welling in my eyes.
So, here I am. A little girl, restrained, submitting to another's will and loving every sensual second of it.nope, it's lil blu on afternoon break
Sure hope Covems is next!
Same as SinfulDoll66
No matter how many times I save the changes, the nipple-rings fall out the instant I move off the jewellery button.Fix please Suze & TOM!
Head or Tail?
Bear….. I will respond to both your posts…..
Sometimes I have had maybe 6 friends on line at the same time and the person wanting to room with me was doing so because we had previously agreed the time.
It takes a long time to tell all 6 people that you are leaving them to room with someone else and not all are happy about it. ever!
I do say to the person about to room with me, “Ok, just gotta say bye to all my friends, be a minute”, but they are expecting it to happen instantly and think that I shouldn't be talking to 6 people when I have an appointment with them…..
So how is the best way to deal with it?
I log on and wait
friends come on and chat. Maybe some of them would like to room me too, that's why they're friends on here, right?
Should I say “Sorry, can't chat, waiting for X to room me?” I have tried that, but I never mention the person's name… goes down like a lead balloon usually.
I wish there was a button with a saved message on it to blanket respond to everyone talking to me, something like “I'm sorry to break off the chat, catch you later, I have promised to room someone and they're getting impatient. xx Blue”
try typing that to 6 people at once!
I have even copied & pasted it once or twice
and then of course some of them respond and want answers….
So what I would say to you Bear, is practice tolerance. Maybe you weren't half-way through a sentence when the other person was invited and they thought you were busy chatting to someone else.Returning to the game after a long absence…
I always log on now & then to check my messages even if I've no intention to play or just don't have time, the zzzzzzzz button gives me chance to do this, likewise sometimes I change my outfit without ever speaking to anyone the same way.
Put your apology in your profile. If people are looking for you, they will read it. Once you're happy and back playing properly, you can change it again to say what you really want.Or if you think someone has been rude to you, you can always take them into your room & spank them soundly!
, :p, :p, :p!
Absolutely love giving him bj's… He can't have anal until the honeymoon!
spit or swallow?
Brus & Reds! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Well not in a garage, but I can answer definitely over someone's car……..
Over the hood or over the trunk?
Momma, I'm copying this in chapters onto my tablet and I'm gonna read it to HIM softly. I love it. PLeeeeeease write some more? I know you're busy with your story too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can I take a 5th?