I'd sell it to the bank for $1m
What if I give you an Indian head massage?
Always let the guy pay…….. Not that I ever got taken out that often until I got engaged!
Tex-Mex or Chinese?
Space – Magic Fly
Nope, just lil blu getting ready for bed
Maybe Peeka is next?
Here I am Momma! xx
Next will be Martin!
cleaning lady pose!
Faith no more: Angel Dust
Bob Dylan: It's all over now, baby blue
The Eagles: Hotel California
Bee Gees: It's only wordshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy_bJelwa0c
A Skylit Drive: All it takes for your dreams to come true
Depends…… paddle over my jeans, but bare on bare is best it feels much more personal.
sky-diving or scuba-diving?
Jeez, Momma. Camping really pissed you off didn't it? :-* :-*
I like horses!
right color, wrong girl!I can haz cuddlez?
next is Martin again, but this time with MY cuddle!