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I'm a virgin!
never give up!
*sigh* thank you Peeka… no-one will understand why, but I'm tearing up now.I hear Dirish selecting things from the rack.. and putting them back..I listen intensely, I can't see, but I can hear and I recognize sounds.
He takes something down that doesn't jingle or swish and I hear him slap it against his palm. It sounds thick & heavy to me and I hear him say in a satisfied tone “This will do well!” Too late to cringe now… I bite my bottom lip. I hear him walk slowly back to me, what is he weighing up? Then he strokes my back and sweeps my hair over to one side of my face dangling down from my shoulder. He lays something heavy across my shoulders and whispers in my ear.
“Are you ready young lady?” 'Am I ready young lady?' Non-one ever calls me young lady.. not since the principle at College.. stop daydreaming ****y! I nod my head to show I'm awake “Remember you have a safe word if you need it.” That's twice he's mentioned safe word.. Is this to be so severe? I clear my mind and up my awareness level.
I feel his hand in the small of my back and the weight across my shoulders is lifted. I feel a heavy “Thwack” across both my ass cheeks and I jerk in response to the impact.. there is no immediate pain, but a burning starts a second later and builds and I let out a low moan. A second “Thwack” and sensation just under the last blow. I feel his hand rubbing my cheeks where whatever he is using hit. It is too flexible to be a wooden paddle and too narrow to be a leather paddle, too heavy to be a belt… I've never felt this one before, it imparts a bruising thud more than a shocking sting and I know I will bear the marks for days, even though he has not removed my shorts & panties..Not yet that is.. How will he get them off when my legs are apart and shackled to the “Thwack”, “Thwack” my mind is drawn back to the present as he hits one cheek and then the other before pausing to rub. I lift my hips in response to the rubbing, he can do that all day… I feel dampness and fire in my crotch. He trails the implement up my calves, first the left now the right, but “Thwack” and I feel a blazing sting across my bare thigh.. I start to grunt, but quickly stifle it and bite my bottom lip, I kiss the leather top of the horse and wish I could bite it. I feel Dirish kissing the burning stripe he has just laid across my leg and I have to chew harder, but this is pleasure and I so want to wiggle my hips to get some feeling against my pussy.
I was right about this man, he knows what he is doing, soft & hard, sweet & sour, leather & lace, he is increasing my awareness and tormenting me much more than a quick walloping would ever do.That is pretty.
Can you do a firefox for me?
I would, but I'm late for cheerleader practice with HGO, Roxxy, Andrea & Sexi cos I lost my pom-poms
Next one buy me some more pom-poms!
Nope, but lil blu wants to hula!
I think Foxxy Roxxy will be next xx
Happy Birthday JayC :-* :-* :-*
Blu are you missing these? 😮
Not yet, but I have a feeling they'll be on the dungeon floor quite soon
Then he's leading me by my bound wrists. We stop and he pushes my shoulders to make me lean down. I feel the smooth leather beneath my arms.. it's the vaulting horse. Dirish pulls my wrists forcing me to lie along the top, squashing my breasts against the cold hide, my hard nipples pushed back into me. I hear him securing the rope from my wrists to something, the other end of the horse, I'm guessing.
“Do not move Blu, I will be watching.” I smile to myself as I lie perfectly still, 'Like I could move even if I wanted to!' I hear him walk back to the racks and hear clinking metal. I feel something icy cold against my ankle and I breathe sharply.
“Do not move Blu!” comes the voice as I feel my lags being pulled apart and my ankles fettered either side of the horse.
“You are being a very good girl Blu.” says the soft Irish brogue as I feel him raking his nails up my thigh, digging in now, scraping the skin and I squirm, then “Smack!” He spanks me hard and it stings.. I wait a moment to see if there is more, but he is waiting too, so I lift my hips, give a small wiggle and set myself back on the horse as comfortably as is possible.
Was my wiggle too cheeky? Did he want a gasp or a squeal? He'll have to work harder to get that sort of reaction from me. In spite of my blindfold, I close my eyes and float in the limbo he has created. My senses are focused. I can hear his breathing. I hear a “hmmmm” and his footsteps away from me.Dirish turns back from locking the door. He lifts my chin up and looks into my eyes.”You are very beautiful, Blu” he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand as I blush and strokes downwards over my throat then brushes my hair back over my shoulders. I stay perfectly still as he walks round behind me “Do not move Blu until I return”
I am frozen like a rabbit in the glare of headlamps.. I was supposed to be showing him around my dungeon, but he is exploring it on his own. I hear his footsteps across the stone floor as he goes to the wall and inspects all the implements arranged in their groups, small to large, short to long. I hear him lifting some off and testing them, noises of approval like humming, he sounds pleased. Then he walks around the vaulting horse and the spanking bench, I can hear his hands stroking the leather and I feel a tingling between my legs.. I would so love to turn around and watch him.
Then he goes through into the “bedroom” well, it has a bed and a shower and a closet. I hear him open the wardrobe and make more approving noises. I wonder if he'll switch any of the electric toys on? I allow myself a smile as he can't see my face. I stifle a giggle as he whispers an exclamation to himself.
I hear him return, the sound of his leather-soled shoes echoing around the deathly silent dungeon walls. “Hah!” I think to myself, “not for long!”
He comes back round in front of me and kisses me softly. I open my lips and feel myself melting as I close my eyes, but it is only a brief moment of pleasure. “Good girl, Blu.” his soft Irish brogue is so sexy.. “This is a very interesting room you have Blu. I am going to enjoy our time here greatly.” I look into his eyes searching for his soul, but he kisses me again, harder this time and pulls my body close against his own. I feel his hardness against my hip and I respond by pressing even tighter, but again the moment is so brief as he pulls back and takes my wrists, crossing them over my belly, resting them on my belt buckle.
“Keep your hands & wrists together right here, Blu.” I obey as he walks back towards the wall-racks and I hear him unhook something.
“I am going to blindfold you, Blu and then bind your wrists. before we begin, I need to know your safe word my dear.”
My safe word? oh my how intense is this session to be.. my ass tenses, my pussy glows and I feel my cheeks blushing as my imagination flies off into realms of pain & lust and “Blu?” “Your safe word Blu?” I come back to the land of the living and clearing my throat I tell Dirish the word I hold in my head as a lifeboat, unused but always ready. Dirish repeats it back to me to make sure he knows it as he wraps a scarf around my head covering my eyes and hightening my other senses. I feel him lift my wrists and bind them. -