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  • in reply to: New MF Pose Idea #61758

      Yeah, I agree .. Its a brilliant idea. Particularly  Love the idea of  kisses and nibbles  by the guy on the the girls neck and shoulders  in “effect” mmm
      Losing the room, would also have fabulous opportunities in the bath, hot tub, swimming pool, sauna mmmmm

      Sorry, my mind was beginning to wonder …

      Like Lovers idea of turning round too if its possible too.
      And Pafe's lapdance finale …

      Definitely a thumbs up from me Azrielle and  top compliments on the thought and presentation of your idea. :)

      in reply to: Not tonight, I have a headache (Make new friends!) #61772

        Silverxza,Welcome to Forum,

        Hey, I have those days too –  Eventually as you make friends you will have, chat and dance buddys. I have a few and in some ways they tend to be more treasured as they last longer … hehe …

        I use a similar line … “I have an Achat headache today Sweetie, so only chatting.. just let me know if you hook a fish .. ;)” Some take it well, some dont, some move on and some, its the start of a beautiful friendship :)

        One guy, I'm friends with, bless him – we have worked out a mutual code of etiquette – We chat between his rooms lol. Goes along the lines..
        Me – ” Hey Sex God, How you doing today?
        Him – “Good ty. Fishing today. I'll let you know if I hook one”

        Its a sweet way of telling me to bog off, when he finds a lady he wishes to persue.. of course.. it works the other way too :D  and its sort of cascaded into other conversations I have.

        Have fun and Good luck :)

        in reply to: Game ideas. Sound Effects & Music for the Rooms #61647

          Welcome Jayc, nice to see you here 🙂

          I like this idea – maybe also include howling wolves / cayotes / falling water could be rain or a shower or a waterfall / a kettle boiling / fireworks / clinck of champayne flutes / snoring lol / doorbell / knock on the door

          and perhaps naughty moans ( Thinking about … Harry met Sally in the restaurant lol )

          in reply to: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users" #61550

            Count me in, I dont use this for reasons as outlined previously :) 
            ( Beware if I find out when your birthday is hehe – rubbing my hands in glee )

            in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #13432

              Hehe.  Thank you Hentai for your top tip. ;)

              Rukya –  Gripping my heart in dramatic terror,  falling to my knees in deep loss – ” Noooo, My bumblebee”  before rolling on the floor laughing – “now where's my rolled up newspaper” to exact my revenge….  :P

              in reply to: Busy State. New Upgrade Button. #59257

                I agree, cold invites are annoying but every cloud has a silver lining  hehe … Turn a negative into a positive

                Having had the trick played on me , and it is quite thoughtful, your ” Friends” have gone to so much trouble.

                On your birthday, being bombarded with cold invites, A special Achat ” Happy Birthday” ,  each  cold invite,  being its own ” Happy Birthday wish, hug  and kiss :)”    It does bring a smile to the receivers face.

                How do they do it, by  putting it across their profiles requesting members to send the lovely invites to the Birthday boy or girl in question.  Most members are sweet and join in the fun, of course, in the spirit it is intended :)

                Naturally ,  I returned the compliment on the anniversary of my friends births too :)

                Its all good fun and I for one can put up with the annoyance when i think of the above :)

                Plus, I dont want to alienate freeusers chats – they are potential prems afterall  and can be just as interesting to talk to as prems :)

                Therefore it is not a facility I will use . :)

                in reply to: Dynamic Lighting #52420

                  It is a great idea – anything that helps create the right mood and ambiance for an intimate moment has the thumbs up from me.  :)

                  in reply to: Blue Stars include Premium and Free Users. #61492

                    I  dont think there is a way of telling a users subscription has lapsed once they have a blue star, until they go into charachter editor and a freeby  background defaults.  Of course some premiums have not bought a background as they want to build up their poses or clothing first.
                    So I do not think there is a positive way of telling at the moment – just that it maybe the case, if they have a free background displayed for the question to be asked prior to rooming.
                    If anyone knows different, I'd be interested to know myself  :)

                    in reply to: Should AChat have mentors? #61454

                      I voted No to Mentor but Id vote Yes to a colour coded smiley face or similar  :)

                      in reply to: Should AChat have mentors? #61453

                        Ok, Maybe we are all looking to deeply into this –  Maybe Mentor is the wrong name and we just have ” Friendly Face”  logo colour coded for the different languages – Bagsy  ” Red” for UK lol

                        And basically volunteer members display it on their profile to show they are willing to assist in explaining

                        1) Profiles and how they work
                        2) Forum and what its for
                        3) Directions to Robot girl and Robot boy to see how poses / actions / exit / room works. Any questions come back.
                        4) Manners and  etiquette and Hot talk for some lol
                        5) Any other basic stuff I might have missed :)

                        Its something I end up doing most days anyway – damm I even started to tell the newbys a red rose is hot on their arm so they have been Brandybee branded lol . Check out the Newby guy  profiles – you'll see mine by the brand lol

                        Keep it simple Folkes. A coloured smily face or similar logo is much better , less time consuming and if you are playing, tell the newby, you are not available at the moment and to look for another volunteer or to come back in … when ever time frame is convenient.

                        Simples :)

                        I'd volunteer for the above – I do it anyway :) 

                        in reply to: How to get and keep members #61351

                          Duly noted. Ideas. Got it. Apologies.

                          in reply to: How to get and keep members #61346

                            I agree that freeusers should not get a trial period. They can try their chat up to bag a premium and try the  whole range of poses. Their success will depend on their social skills . I was  a freeuser for about 4 or 5 weeks before coming premium. I guess being a girl is easier as there are way more guys but I , like others here, have shown  new guys around and some have gone on to be prems. Obviously rude ones dont get the time of day, but we dont want to attract people like that here in any case.
                            The trial period would only be taken advantage of  by unscrupulous  multi- avatar users –  free users and prems alike.

                            I'm also loathe to allow anonymous freeusers to post on the main forum, as I think this could also be open to abuse. Far better to allow them perhaps limited access to a separate topic area , where they can voice their ideas and questions and perhaps the chosen moderator, then, transfering it to the correct topic platform for discussion. Then any abusive freeusers can be banned & barred.

                            I just think, there should be some kind of commitment from a member, usually monatary , before they are upgraded to full use of the Achat facilities.It just leaves it wide open to be abused and no doubt annoy fully paid up members.  The separate topic area would give them an idea of how Forum is used and posting etiquette. They can read the main Forum platforms in any case and  also access the game.
                            I think there is enough there for them to make an informed decision then on whether to subscribe or not.

                            in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45810

                              Wow – this thread is getting long.

                              I would like backgrounds to enhance my rp dates


                              Sort of an addition to the log cabin ( appropriate variations for the penthouse

                              🙂 but I like the wild wilderness hehe )
                              1) Country designer kitcken sink and table and cupboards – thinking of that little pink pinafore hehe
                              2) Decking and firepit, loungers / chairs / cabin and country garden
                              3) Lake / waterfall / picnic blanket with basket and contents

                              4) Northern lights over a wilderness setting
                              5) Mountains in the wilderness
                              6) Deers and antlered Stag in a a field grazing
                              7) Birds visiting a bird table in the garden, maybe other wildlife too – rabbits / racoons / hedgehogs

                              8) Lighthouse with crashing sea
                              9) Castle with turrets and big oak doors
                              10) Mansion or Palace

                              Just fires the imagination 🙂

                              in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #13428

                                Why not,  It would be cool to have a few more choices in the tattoo range too.
                                Personally I wold like a choice of flowers for the girls –  Lilys,  Roses, Orchids.
                                I'd like a Bumblebee too :) 
                                I'm sure the guys would also have ideas for their range.
                                And what about Piercings too –  nose, lip, nipple, cock, labia – studs and rings . :)

                                in reply to: MF Pose Review – 70. Pampered Woman: #61385

                                  OMG – Very nice

                                  🙂 Gets a thumbs up from me too. Smiling bought back happy memories. Its a must have for every room. mmm 🙂

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