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  • in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #207190

      Friend of mine made this and I just love it, thanks Scotty :p

      in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #206608

        The previous image and the one at the top were made on perchance using this generator, if anyone wants to mess with it.

        in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #206607

          Generated a new profile picture… wanted something with more… ropes?

          in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #206604

            If anyone was curious, it takes about 10 people t-posing to block the bridge.

            in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #206350

              Goofing off with friends in city… we have fun 🙂

              in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #205970

                Forum Challenge 3 BDSM Test … doing things in the proper order sounded boring.

                in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205673

                  I’ll be in touch by electric six

                  in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205672

                    A choppy, yet sincere apology by riverboat gamblers

                    in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205671

                      posting a few more normal songs… can’t have people think I ONLY listen to shanties and musicals.

                      The Slowest Drink at the Saddest bar on the Snowiest day in the Greatest city by Lawrence Arms

                      in reply to: Ignore / Block button. #205512

                        Ignore Button has been upgraded and vastly improved

                        Ignored users now only show as stick figure outlines and their names display as “Ignored(username)”

                        If someone is ignoring you they will also display as stick figure outline and you can no longer see their name at all. The text simply reads “User is ignoring you”.

                        Adding this after a quick test – Users that you have ignored can no longer hear YOU.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Brit3434.
                        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vaughan.
                        in reply to: Brit3434 – the one with the pointy hat #205489

                          Interview thing!

                          FUN INTERVIEW

                          Interviewee is Brit3434 (Achat Name)

                          1) A) How long have you been here in Achat Game and Forum?
                          I’ve been in the game for about 10 days now, forum for a shorter time only about 5 days? I started on valentines day… clearly I was very busy that day lol

                          B) Why did you originally join Achat Game?
                          I think I joined for the same reason most people do… Some combination of curious, horny, and lonely… I honestly expected to play it once and never touch it again.

                          C) Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
                          So this was a bit of a slow shift… I did a few scenes through blind dates, it was okay, nothing amazing, most partners left mid scene abruptly. Then I happened to match with someone who wanted to RP and I had a ton of fun. After that though is where things started getting strange, I wasn’t just logging in to do a scene or two then logging out. I was chatting with people in the public areas, often for hours at a time. Now that’s basically all I do in the game, I just hang out in city and chat with friends (come dance with meeee) and I barely do any scenes at all.

                          2) A) What were your first impressions of the game?
                          I had a overwhelmingly positive first impression which is why I stuck around and was willing to chat with people. I’ll describe it in the first day part below though.

                          B) Describe your first day.
                          I walked into summer, there was a big group of people talking. I wasn’t really too sure what to do so I just asked for help. I’m not sure she wants to get named on here so I wont say the name, but someone took me to a private room. They must have spent over an hour just talking about how the scenes work, what all the interface stuff does, things to know, things to avoid, letting me mess around and test things, etc I don’t think I could have asked for a better introduction.

                          3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
                          My favorite thing is easily talking with people, the vast majority of people have been very nice and welcoming. Also many of the people are just very interesting and willing to share.

                          4) Your best memories?
                          Best memory is probably getting help on the first day, me and that person talk very regularly now, and I was very lucky… or maybe doing a fetish fashion show in the middle of the street… I don’t know there’s been a lot of good memories in a short time.

                          5) Your worst memories?
                          So… the vast majority of people are very nice. Even the ones with… shall we say very specific tastes? tend to be friendly when they are not in a scene. Every once in a while, someone walks up already in full RP and I very much do not like that, especially if its on the more extreme end.

                          6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
                          Change – I’d love if the social features got an overhaul… the friends list leave a lot to be desired, private messages being non-functional unless you are in the main menu, a way to just disable invites from non-friends or even a busy status that declines them automatically when in public…. idk its great fun but there is definitely room for improvement.
                          Add- I would love to see better bondage options, the racks are somewhat limited, and the handcuffs are just okay… Can we get a ball-gag please…
                          Remove – honestly nothing specific… there’s definitely some scenes that are not for me but I see the appeal.

                          7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
                          Favorite is pinned down, particularly with the options I get to wrap my arms and legs around. I love cuddly scenes and it just works for me. It can also be great for rp stuff.
                          I don’t know if I have a particular least favorite, there are a few that just don’t look right though… always a mood kill when my head turns all the way around backwards or my arms are in knots.

                          8) A) What is a turn on in a partner?
                          I very much enjoy teasing people, trying to sort of push their buttons to get a reaction… When people do it back it makes for a really great scene with a lot of back and forth. It’s just great when that happens, that does not happen often though. I’m a sucker for people that love the dancing scenes or cuddle scenes before and after. I very much want my partner to take the lead. Thats not saying that I can’t lead, just that I prefer not to.

                          B) What turns you on?
                          I like to do sub RP but I’m pretty picky in who I want to do that with (I’ll get into that more in the turn-off section). I will follow all the rules… most of the time… hopefully there won’t be consequences for that. *blushes*

                          9) A) What is a turn off in a partner?
                          This is a completely outside the bedroom thing but people who act like they deserve a scene, I’ve had several people act like by hanging out and chatting they are filling up some sort of bizarre punch card… “we’ve talked for 20 minutes you owe me one sex please”… total buzzkill. Also people that say they want to dom me then either do something completely different or switch mid scene and ask to get pegged. Like, its totally fine to do scenes that aren’t sub/dom, but once its started it should stay consistent in my opinion.

                          B) What turns you off?
                          Anything that is extremely unrealistic, a abrupt shift in tone, or anything excessive without any sort of prior agreement. For example, I’ve had at least 2 different people say something like “makes you swallow gallons of my cum”…. this isn’t hot… this makes me think you need to see a doctor to fix your weird junk. The excessive stuff is a little blurry, I’ll do rough (choking, hair pulling, slapping, spanking, etc) but there definitely is a line for me. Examples on that one, I don’t want to hear “I’m gonna fuck you bloody” or “I’m going to beat you black and blue” just hard no for me. Honestly I’m a little baffled people even jump to that without some sort of discussion before the scene.

                          10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words.
                          Dom, talkative, semi-strict, caring, protective

                          11) Describe yourself in 5 words.
                          Sub, playful, tease, talkative, cuddly

                          12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
                          I haven’t heard any pick-up lines… I hope to hear all of the cheesiest though.

                          13) Give us your cheesiest pick-up line.
                          I haven’t really done any one-liners outgoing either… I’ve invited a few people to come see a magic show though? It’s quite the performance if I do say so myself.

                          14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
                          Currently minimal, I’ve posted a few songs and this. I’m open to more involvement though.

                          15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie (New Member)?
                          I am somewhat new so I’m not sure I’m in much of a position to give advice. I will share what happens when beginners wander over into the people I’m talking with. Almost everyone falls under one of two categories. Those that are looking to actually make some friends and learn a little OR they just want to spam cold invites and be obnoxious for the sake of it. The former often gets a private invite for a little “tutorial”… sometimes I’ll even bring a friend of mine for some group learning. The latter often gets pegged in the middle of the street. Seems like an easy choice to me personally. *shrugs* Also, please put clothes on… including shoes..

                          I wasn’t sure where to add this in so I’m just adding it to the bottom, I met someone on here that was adamant that the cuddling scenes were by far the best. I was totally not interested and didn’t think it would be something I would be into. Then he talked me into it… if you have not tried the cute scenes, I strongly encourage you do so, they seriously are amazing.

                          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Brit3434.
                          in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205253

                            Joli Rouge – Dreadnoughts

                            okay… have an actual good one… :p

                            • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Brit3434.
                            in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205252

                              Pegged – Schaffer the Darklord

                              I swear I’ll post something that isn’t a fetish jam someday.

                              in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #205137

                                Brit3434’s music intro thingy

                                Dirty song by Cars can be blue

                                I’m so sorry :p

                              Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)