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  • in reply to: Unexplained friend / lover cancels and ignores #61866

    Evelyn, hentaiboy hit the nail right on the head with the hammer. someone may not like or  appreciate another's posts, but that doesn't detract from the value of the post or the person posting. you are every bit as important as anyone here. i started a topic on this months ago but can't find it! lol. if anyone sees it, send me a link (inside joke..sorry).

    when i first started, i sent TONS of cold invites for friends AND lovers. not knowing how the game worked, i thought having more people on your list would make you more popular and you would have a better chance to get laid. i wound up with 8-10 pages each of lovers and friends, 99% of whom i had never even talked to. upon learning the game, and getting a few good friends, i realized i had to get rid of the clutter. i started out sending messages, but after 10 or 15, i decided they had accepted with no message, so they could leave the same way. mass deletions occured.

    now i don't add anyone i haven't at least chatted with a bit (except for the occasional interesting oddball), and anyone i delete definitely gets a message. many if not all on my lists are in different timezones and i don't expect a constant stream of messages. i won't drop any of them for other than gross misconduct. I have 3 or 4 on my list from the first month that i have gotten to know and treasure.  also my first “roomy” on achat. messages aren't necesssary, but they are polite. manners are important in the virtual world and the real world. without them, you won't have friends in either. my 2 cents (us) worth

    in reply to: KingKevlar. Sooooooo! #53150

    Welcome KK!!!!! it's all been said here except don't be boring or off-topic!!! lmao! the whiney-booooos will getcha!  ;D ::) truthfully, EVERYONE  here is wonderful. have fun, and bring us some, too!


    if i may voice MY never to be humble opinion, i absolutely DETEST (=TESTED) these forum links!!! 2/3 of the time they don't work (for me) anyhow. if you have enough info to give a link, you have enough info to give a subject, topic and page number so we can go look it up for ourselves. (you also find many OTHER interesting things along the way). i ignore these messages with links for this reason but often wonder what the heck someone was talking about? i love finding myself in musty dusty old archives where no one has gone before (for a while, anyway), and finding the occasional gem. i MIGHT give a link, but i would also quote what i found or at least explain what it was. sorry. another semi  ot rant. *leaves quietly*

    in reply to: Books, Books, and More Books #23987

    i think they are interesting mainly to children but i try to feed my inner child and keep him healthy  ;D

    in reply to: Star Trek #63009

    agreed wholeheartedly lover. i loved all the movies though the first two were a bit weak due to funding and competition from star wars, but from IV on they were epic!

    in reply to: Books, Books, and More Books #23982

    anything by heinlein or asimov
    anything by stephen king, but especially the gunslinger series
    japanese mysteries by edogawa rampo (it's a nom de plume. say it aloud :))
    perfume was fantastic as a book. i am afraid to see movie
    dean koontz
    hell, i read cereal boxes, though they USED to be a lot more interesting

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19395

    another apropo quote: “Never attribute to malice that which may be adequately explained by stupidity!”

    in reply to: Star Trek #63007

    Gee, Pafe! you don't LOOK so huge…lol i think you are a nice, pleasant size for a fan. those really big ones cheese me off! as for my faves, i loved all the obvious ones, but kirk, spock, bones, uhura and sulu from tos (with kudos to bruce campbell), and picard and data from tng. by the time the rest got rolling i was a bit trekked out, though i did enjoy the early ds9. and i don't care what anyone says 7of9 should have been 6of9!!!!

    in reply to: Funny Finds #20509

    Personally, i find boudioir shoes a heckava lot funnier than some of these posts (most of which are hilarious), but what i find to be deliriously ecstatically hilarious is the people bitching about the posts were the BIGGEST SCREAMERS OF INTOLERANCE in the previous “off-topic” flame war!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Let he/she/they who are without sin cast the first stone! Grow up everyone!!! get a life and have fun. if boudoir shoes draws this much ire, i guess i won't put in my request for nicotine-stained, bubble-gum matted, vodka bleached, fuzzy, pink rabbit eared bedroom slippers…. I might get booted from the system.

    in reply to: Forum Game. Anagram. Riddle: Letter chaos #62203




    you can also pay here using your checking account. i used that method when i joined as there was some problem with my card going through. just thought i'd point that out.

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59666

    my ONLY point was that, since it's rukya's topic, she can say anything she wants, and it's “on-topic”… and that was supposed to be slightly humorous. oh, vell, vat do i know from humor?! kvetch!kvetch!kvetch! lol

    in reply to: Funny Finds #20525

    LOVE THE SIGNS! i just saw this the other day while out driving. in real estate the three most important things are supposed to be “location, location and location. i saw a veterinary hospital right next door to a thai restaurant. maybe you need my bent sense of humor for this one…

    in reply to: Forum Game. Anagram. Riddle: Letter chaos #62226

    relationship it is. also, rukya, you could have gone with pear for hb's pare


    in reply to: Funny Finds #20522


    the answer to that question is obvious unless you are a creationist. since all birds are descendants of the dinosaurs or other birds, the first chicken came from the egg of its predecessor. therefore, the egg came first, unless you mean a chicken egg. then the chicken came first.not funny enough? lol

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 115 total)