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  • in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59661

    Rukya, Lover already said it very eloquently. i will just re-iterate, deleting posts is the least of a moderator's functions. all i really meant is that since this is your topic, you have the right to take it in whatever direction you wish…

    in reply to: New avatar customization #53671

    actually, i am surprised at how much variation is actually available on the avatars. the one thing i would say DEFINITELY needs to be done is a large view or face close-up in the store to allow you to try on faces, noses makeup etc before purchase. many/most (guys anyway) don't even try, but it does make a difference. my avatar is very close to how i look(ed)(20 yrs ago! lol), except i didn't shave my head then. maybe i'll put up an old pic on my profile for a while, just for chuckles… also, the clit rubbing games pose has great (imho) tit fondlinf action for small tits, si it can be done… ;D


    I like the “yellow” for just general busy. i like the idea of keeping SOME outside ppl guessing if i'm rooming or not.

    >>a “blue” light/ball for in the forum/shopping/AFK

    >>a “ring through” option for spouse only, even if in room. (this would definitely make people discriminate more in selection of spice ((plural of spouse)) )

    >>busy to all but friends/lovers/spouse

    >>busy to males/females/shemales (select one or more)

    in reply to: Cunnilingus #52150

    I am going to mention it here, but the women should take it to the appropriate “groupsex” discussion. the MF “Lick me quickly” pose, one of my absolute favorites, does not have a FF equivalent???? Camon!!!!! It should have ORIGINATED there and trickled down to MF. also please put in a good word for correcting actions so that non-conflicting actions don't cancel each other. why should i have to stop licking to fondle a tit or finger a clit, etc??? also, replace a pleasure face with a kiss and/or hug in EVERY pose where possible, and give the option to initiate it to the men as well. some of the new poses have included this and are most excellent! oops! veered off topic there a bit. sorry

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59655

    Lover has it right. Technically, the topic is the title in white just above each post. the thread is the posts within the topic which may have offshoots leading to new topics. many people use them interchangeably and it really doesn't matter unless you are trying to explain it.

    continuing… @Rukya, technically (can you tell i was a technician in a previous life? lol), this is YOUR topic AND thread, and you can put anything you like in here, within the bounds of forum posting rules and etiquette. you are also the mini-moderator of this topic/thread along with the official overall topic group moderator. Moderators, if i am incorrect in this, feel free to correct me as needed.

    in reply to: Firestarter. Introductions I guess #61847

    >speaking to the shadows< no worries, firestarter! "normal" being 'that which is most often seen' isn't anything that i aspire to. i love the askew, bent or even just slightly tilted, but outright bonkers can be fun too! almost everyone i like is at least a little bit off. stop by and say hi anytime

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19431

    @ Adera I'm still looking forward to our matching up time/availability-wise. Would love to room with you and show you how I think a woman should be treated. Actually, there are several just on my lists I am looking forward to with eager anticipation. SO many women, so little time. Who was it that said, “My candle burns from both ends… It will not last  the night, But ah! My foes, and Oh! My friends, It gives a lovely light!”

    in reply to: Happy Fathers Day 1 #61315

    I live with and take care of my parents. i thank them every day for all they have done for me…

    in reply to: Firestarter. Introductions I guess #61845

    *nudging Adera with my elbow, hands clasped behind my back and nodding at departing firestarter* “Strange lot, that! eh, wot?” *wanders of muttering to self and wondering where the english accent came from….*

    in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #60463

    HEED THE WARNINGS!!!!! SHE IS A STONE BITCH AND WILL CRUSH YOUR DREAMS!!!! just kidding. i think she's kind of sweet except when she starts getting mouthy. i always get “you little bitch” at least every third response. i always tell her “I am NOT LITTLE!”

    in reply to: MaxCraven. Saying So Long To AChat #62068

    heya max! sometimes it isn't what you say (hello), but HOW you say it! (helLOOO THERE! :)) J/K there are many nights i am on and just looking for a friendly ear to bend. if you send a msg like “Hello! I'm not trying to hit on you, just looking for someone to talk with”, you will get a friendly(er) response. it usually takes me 3 or 4 tries before i get a positvie response. i have even done putting my search req'ts to female/homo,though it may take a couple more tries. believe it or not, there are LOTS out there just like you. i have made a number of chat buddies like this.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19418

    oh, i almost forgot…

    @ Rukya several of my lesbian friends have this one mf pose just for this purpose… ;D

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19417

    @ AZRIELLE – i agree with firestarter. some things just deserve a good smack in the chops.

    my sweetie will ignore one or two cold invites, then decline one or two more immediately. if he keeps up after that, she accepts, punches up her favorite “meet and greet” pose, and begins to slap the crap out of him as she explains the etiquette of cold invites. sometimes the guy will still keep selecting other poses which she ignores and comtinues whack away. if he says why did you slap me or some such after a single slap, she explains and leaves. otherwise she will keep smacking until he either gets some sense or tries to kiss her in that pose. then she exits the room. mostly this works and is hilarious fun! i have been on the phone with her when it happens, and she gives me a blow-by-blow. i often leave the call with tears from laughter steaming down my face.  ;D

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51950

    to brandy and any others who don't know me (yet), please call me chas (pronounced chazz). the xxx is an affectation designed to make me appear sexy and mysterious. besides, chas was already taken. sorry… off topic! lol

    in reply to: MSN, photos hassle #49987

    MEA CULPA! when i started on here, i bought lots of pics, though i was never rude, nor “stalkish” about it. i probably spent 10,000-15,000 a's over a couple of months, til i realised how stupid i was being (Ithink that's one reason i'm listed high). most of the women i really liked sent em to me for free. i enjoy being able to visualise who i'm talking/playing with. it isn't necessary, but it's fun!  ;D i know one woman who told me when guys ask for a nude/sexy pic of her, she sends them a jpg screenshot of her avatar! lmfao!!! she has a special email for achat. she figures the avatar is who they are talking to, so that's what they want! lol. i have deleted all but a very few pics of close friends.

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