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  • in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51947

    OK, here goes! I agree with everything that has been said here regarding this being a virtual/not real/fantasy site and not a dating site. When i joined achat, i wasn't really looking to meet anyone here. i had memberships on a number of adult dating sites (after being kicked off the traditional ones for being too open and honest), and came close to meeting people a few times, but it just didn't work out logistically. however, as jeanona31 says we should be open to what is presented to us, and not reject it out of hand simply because of its source. yes, take all the aforementioned precautions and any others you can think of, but i read somewhere that “life is what happens to us while we are busy making plans.” that's what happened to me.

    i have met a number of sweet, kind, and incredibly sexy, sensual, sexual women on here and had a lot of fun. i am old enough and smart enough to know that what happens on achat is not the real thing. that being said, i DID meet someone who was different. in addition to being all the aforementioned things, we just seemed to “click”. ultimately, we spent as much time chatting on here as playing, then played more conventional games in other places. we have spent hours and hours talking (and playing) on the phone. we have talked, cam to cam. in the 5 months we have known each other, we have spent more time talking, in depth, than i did in 25 yrs with my ex-wife (and WE talked a LOT). she knows more about me than all of my friends and family combined, probably DUE to where we met. i am totally, madly, deeply head-over-heels in love with her, and hope to be married by the end of this year (she has already said yes). Afterwards, we would like to do some kind of reception/celebration with all our friends here on achat.

    i guess what i'm saying is, you might not be looking for the real thing here, but it CAN find you if you are open to it. just take the same precautions we all SHOULD take (but often don't) in real life. my previously mentioned sister's internet marriage is 17 years long, now and counting, so THERE is the success story someone was looking for! ok, i'm getting off my soapbox now…  ;D

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19400

    ;D i don'y write them down. they just happen so often, they are seared permanently in my brain! lol i will help anyone who sincerely seems they need it. rudeness and dimbulbs get little from me. afriend told me on the phone a member asked if she would rock him to sleep. i told her to tell him “Sure! With real rocks!” Afraid i'm having a bad influence on her… lol Also, i TRY to be open to the possibility of ESL situations and respond accordingly. chances are their english is much better than my knowledge of THEIR native tongue.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19393

    come on: Wanna fuck? / Let's fuck! / Fuck me!

    my response: Sure! What's your address?

    Come on: Hi Daddy! / Grandpa! / etc. (because of my age I get this one a LOT!)

    my response: Your mother is a damned liar! We don't know WHO your daddy is!

    Come on: I have 4 pics for 500 a's

    my response: I charge 1000 a's for mine. Send me yours plus 500 a's and i will send you mine

    Come on: I will do anything for a gift!

    my response: If i give you 5 a's, will you go the 'f' away?

    Just a few of MY common ones…. I've actually come to look forward to them to hone my wit….  ::) ;D

    in reply to: The dream tits… #50500

    GEE!  no mighty hammer dropped and smashed the snide poster in their tracks!!!! i guess the whole kerfuffle was overreacted to….

    in reply to: The dream tits… #50473

    wow! maybe THAT'S why it's so long! lol! i'm sure the dev team has the info they need. this should probably be closed. we could open a dream tits discussion thread in the off topic section. if anything good comes up, the moderator could forward to appropriate parties… ;D

    in reply to: Forum Etiquette 101 #60678

    WOW!!!!! I have read through the initial post 7 times and have been TOTALLY unable to find all the things everyone seemed so upset about (unless they had incredibly guilty consciences) I am not a member of the council, but i salute you and your ideas! nowhere in the post did it say “you can't say something”! Anyone who doesn't agree wholeheartedly that this is EXACTLY WHAT THE FORUM NEEDS should go read the FAQ thread. there are some good things in there…. if you can find them or have an hour or two to read through blather. It was late coming, but i did apologise for my own ill-mannered public blast at a “council member” (sorry again, Lover) and i posted it OT in the thread i mouthed off in.  (off topic again) I see, looking up, I have spent 31 1/2 hours in the forum. that has been split around 10 or twelve topics because when i come back after 2 or three days, i have to read through 4 or 5 pages to see that NOTHING new/significant has ben added. I thought being adult was a requirement for membership…. just my 8 cents worth.


    Most excellent! i often wonder if anyone even looked at the rodeo pose before release. most of it is impossible even under weightless conditions. sorta like the legs through the couch/sofa/divan… anyway partner and i gave speed control four thumbs up! clit rubbing games is good example where high speed can be VERY effective if well coordinated (especially on phone! lol)

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite Clothing Idea – [CLOSED] #56873

    I posted this idea in another thread but maybe it belongs here. is it feasible to have a sliding color tab (like in some paint programs) in the store? I would go back for the same item over and over if i could slide the tab, click, and have the color i selected. Just slide the tab to color a swatch then do a “fill” click on the item(s). everyone could have their individual color coordinate street clothes and sex clothes…

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51058

    Yes! dress shirts with buttoned collars. maybe a line of colors with white collars? give us colors to match up with ladies outfits! i'm trying to match outfits with my lady and get into some horrendous conglomerations! Here's a thought for the programmers…. how hard would it be to have a sliding color bar in the clothing section. slide the bar until you get color you want, then click and it's set. i would buy ten of the same items if i could get colors i liked… just like real life? is that do-able? (sean connery in “entrapment”)

    in reply to: The dream tits… #50502

    @Lover Kepp your gruff growls re off-topic posting to yourself unless you are going to goback through this thread and growl at everyone. i could care less what YOU think

    Sorry to be off topic again, but i did it here, so it needs to be corrected here. @Lover, I completely and totally abjectly apologise for me prior outburst. i wasn't feeling well at the time, but that is no excuse for the rudeness i showed to you. I hope you will accept my humble public apology.

    Ok, no more off-topic for me (unless it's fun!  ::))… chas out!

    in reply to: Funny Finds #20506

    I like Dilbert… my favorite Dogbert quote:

    “I believe in karma! That means I can do bad things to people all day long and assume they must DESERVE it!”

    in reply to: Obituary Thread. RIP. #60815

    Yes, thank you for your heartfelt and eloquent thoughts. As has been said, i'm certain his smile is beaming down on you now!. i WAS going to say something about how the monkees weren't originally hired to sing, but it's not the right time. i loved YOUR words…

    in reply to: uhm, new forum-subsection moderator #59902

    Yes, congrats, Tight! Now if they would do the same for the FAQ subsection, that could be cleaned up as well! :)

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59630

    Thanks, Rukya! ;D
    That’s all i needed was a little explanation…

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59627

    I have read through this entire topic twice, and still have no idea what pose is being discussed. maybe i'm just thick-headed or missed it in the french translation, but what pose? and where is it mentioned since everyone else seems to know…  ???

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 115 total)