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  • in reply to: Game Idea. Suggestion: sort the poses by categories #52816

    I like the idea of sorting poses, maybe even put them in different tabs so there are fewer pose icons per tab.

    right on, suecb! or have a group of tabs you could label for different scenarios. oops! off in dreamland, again…zzzzzzzzzzzzz


    @ Sunny  PHEW!!!!  You even nail it in your replies!!!!!  Ok, enough oldies. I need to do something fresh for here…


    In his smithy toils he,
    Worker of words,
    Forming tender links
    To make a fabric of love,
    Which, when worn,
    Stirs passions in the mind
    And soul, until
    The tickling flames
    Enfold the body
    In a torrential updraft of ecstasy!


    I Love You

    Hello there…
    You seem a nice enough person.
    I have enjoyed the laughs with you.
    These brief times have been good,
    But I have been involved in relationships
    With people who weren't there
    To the extent that
    I seem to disappear, myself.
    I'd look in the mirror in the morning,
    And wonder who I am.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm no good for you…

    But, I love you…

    So many feelings…
    I thought I had them all filed neatly away.
    Ok, not so neatly,
    But out of sight,
    Out of mind.
    The organized chaos of my mind, my life
    Built up to hide the bare spots
    On the walls of my soul Where pictures of love had hung,
    Or were meant to.
    I am too complicated.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm not good for you…

    But, I LOVE you…

    I am empty.
    I function,
    But there are so many parts of me missing.
    For years, I poured my love and my feelings
    Into an empty and bottomless hole,
    Awaiting its filling,
    So that, one day, I might drink back from it…
    I am empty
    With no love to give.
    I am empty.
    Don't fall in love with me,
    I'm no good for you.

    But I love YOU!

    Well, I am empty and battered,
    A dried weed blowing on the vagaries of life's wind.
    If you can survive on husks,
    For awhile,
    Then new love may take root
    And bloom once again.
    I still think I'm no good for you,
    But then,
    That's your decision, isn't it?
    Maybe it's good for ME!

    I love you

    I know

    Years ago, I read a poem and loved it. I have no idea what I read it in, but I wanted it framed to give someone. I could never find it, so I wrote this. It contains the seed and the concept of the original, but that's all as far I as I remember. If it strikes a chord with you as something you've read, please let me know. I'd love the original.

    by Chasxxx, 1998

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51922

    So I guess chances of just being disappointed are enormous ;-)
    Are virtual and real compatible ?  Well, it would be nice to have one witness of a success….

    Well, back in the olden days of bulletin boards, we used to have parties, where many got together with their on-line friends, and i've heard of web-sites doing this, so they can be compatible for groups, anyway. Plus, i have met several women irl from websites and only had one negative experience. (i got cute and her dog bit me! lmfao!!!!!)[/color]pt]

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50862

    “Well I thought being naked was the ultimate in leisure suits, and  I have found a comfort too in just hanging out  as is.” quote from Bear

    Aaaaah! gotcha, Bear.  Ok, i thought you meant “Leisure Suit Larry” suits. lolol! Anyway, have joined Sunny's tuesday protest as well and passing it on to those i meet.


    Super, Sunny and all! nice to find this place. Here is an oldie. I'll bet Sunny's been here…

    Black Sands

    Hair splayed softly against her pillow,
    She sleeps.
    A smile plays at her sweet lips,
    Passion in her heart,
    Resting peacefully,
    She sleeps.

    Her essence Rises from the slumbering body,
    Mounts her mighty steed, Eros,
    And thunders away into the black night sky,
    Glittering with stars of diamond
    And draped with silver lace of cloud and moonbeeam.
    Eros leads the way, red eyes seeking. The sinewy flexion of the massive muscles between her thighs
    Sends passion flashing in her eyes
    Which search the dream-filled blue-black skies
    For the one she seeks,
    Her dream lover…

    In another state, another town, he sleeps,
    Gently, restlessly, he sleeps,
    Murmering to his pillow, he sleeps,
    Hoping in his dreams, once more
    To find her, who in dreams of yore, Came to him upon the shore,
    By the sea…
    Upon the Black Sands, by the sea,
    In the moonlight, by the sea…

    His dream essence mounts his charger,
    Rampant steed growing larger.
    Reins in hand, he bolts away,
    Coursing through the black night sky,
    Glittering with stars of diamond
    And draped with silver lace of cloud and moonbeam.

    Remembrance flowed into her mind
    Of the wondrous place she'd left behind, When last she woke…
    Black Sands, waves lapping, moonlight streaming…
    Black Sands, tendrils of the bonfire's smoke…
    Black Sands, by the sea.
    I'm coming love. Please wait for me…

    At last alighting on the shore,
    Singing Eros meets her brother-twin. The nuzzle cheek to flank, and more,
    Delighted as they merge to one, again,
    And bound off into the night sky,
    Leaving lovers within sight.

    He sees her, raises his hand,
    Waving, calling, running to her.
    She stands, eyes downcast shyly,
    Toe tracing circles in the sand,
    And then decides;
    She, too, is running,
    Racing swiftly 'cross the sand.

    Sand-warmed air caresses naked bodies.
    Racing swiftly 'cross the sand, they meet,
    And taking outstretched hands,
    Clasped together, bodies meet.
    The heady fragrance of her hair
    Sends waves of pleasure coursing through him.
    The tangy scent of him is sweet,
    The scent of musk and sweat co-mingled,
    Twining through her body 'til
    Her every nerve end tingled.

    Sweet kisses banking fires of passion,
    Throes of ecstasy consume,
    In writhing, frenzied fashion,
    Lust spent, now love can bloom
    Between the stranger-lovers, never met,
    Alone at home, in seperate beds,
    Seperate cities, states, and yet
    Together in their sleep we find them,
    Where in their dreams, wise Eros binds them

    On the shore, by the sea,
    Upon the Black Sands by the sea,
    In the moonlight, by the sea,
    Magic land of dreams and love,
    Black Sands by the sea.

    Eros returns them oft at night
    Their passion's thirst to slake,
    And to each of them, their fondest dream
    Would be someday to wake

    Upon the shore, by the sea…
    Upon the Black Sands, by the sea…
    In the magic land of love, on
    Black Sands by the sea…

    by Chasxxx, 1992

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50855

    I'm in. didn't realize it was still going. You've been wearing leisure suits for 8 weeks, Bear? They just came out on my game about 2 wks ago. Anyway, I'll join, but have to take “rubbing crotch” off my poses on friday. it's creepy the way your fingers go right through it! lol


    @ Tight, yes for sure as for colors. even a white would be good. as for the other, I wondered about that, but the shirts magically tuck and the ties tighten upon wearing! lol!


    right on about the watches, tightfit, and more shirts. i think there's only 3 or 4 collared shirts. and how about hats! fedoras, cowboy, homburgs, berets….

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51917

    the virile twenty-something man you've been getting it off with is actually a sad 50+ bloke who can't get it up without the aid of pills!

    I'm certain some stereotypes pop out here, but we REALLY SHOULD think twice before making generalities. As a non-pill-popping 60+ bloke, i must remind you, “Sex after 50 is surprising only to those UNDER fifty.”  I don't really take offense here because I see the context, but iI often get in trouble for trying to talk with my foot in my mouth.


    roflmao at unhealer! good one arduer !!!! ;D


    Slips on the sunglasses…this just begs MIB action time…

    This brings a question to mind. In the clothing section for male character, they show a pair of aviator style sunglasses with buy written on it, but in the store it isn't available under glasses. do you have to buy the cop suit to get em?

    in reply to: The dream tits… #50352

    Islandsun, yours sound like my ideal! I'll vote for them! lol have always had a bit of a nibble, er nipple fetish, bigger the better up to around an inch (long). I wanna put my eye out!.

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 61. Love Carrier: #54010

    Maybe this isn't the place for this, but all poses have one major hitch that I thoroughly disagree with. Don't stop one action, unless it CONFLICTS with the previous one. If I'm eating pussy, I don't stop to caress or fondle a breast, for example. Each action should continue until stopped or conflicted. As for this pose, I didn't buy it because it didn't look that great on its own. Is there a way to see actions included with a pose before purchase?

    in reply to: How do I find someone to talk to? #17177

    Thanx, Adera… Anyway, I got several responses, just msgs telling me how to get the hat off, without paying. It was my sending thanks to the helpers which got the real response. No recompense was requested, though i DID show my appreciation. I am impulsive. I bought premium membership, then found out i couldn't make the game work. It isn't 'user friendly' to a non-gamer. I uninstalled it 4 times before deciding, to hell with it, I'm getting my money's worth out of it, lol. anyway, off topic, i guess. Bear's idea is good, too! Be creative.

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