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  • in reply to: A Mystery… #61233

    Is that day an eclipse ?

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #62998

    Make up
    For make up, I see 3 red colour, 4  brown colors, 1 violet and 1 black
    Some other colour may be fun of course … Green, orange, deep pink … ( the colour pattern of Window Paint may be a good guide hi hi hi ) 
    But some pattern should be also real nice ( for me ) if developped :

    – Natural / No Make up: Comme on!!! do you always make-up ?
    – White lipstick and pale eyeliners  For peoples who like to look angelic  ::)
    – Starred or stripped lipstick My beautician ( yes … I do go to beautician … )  assk me if I wanted it one of this
    the last time I went, mainly it is like a soft sticker placed after the colour, and before the finish.
    – Glossy Lipstick I feel our lips are a little shining, but more effect must be perfectly sexy ! hi hi hi

    Nails Polish

    – French manucure pink from the root to the flesh edge, and white after the edge. A classic !
    – Stripped / starred / flaged nail …l All kind of design may be done on nails , stars, even the flag of your country ( for those who are soccer fan :) )
    – Dissociated Nail Why all nails have to be same sheme or color ???? add some fun and become rainbow !! hi hi hi
    – Toenails polish Not only our finger nails may be polished ! Your partnet invite you at theater ( before the room  ;D ) and your shoes are open toes … Will be a great luxury  :P

    Maybe this post have to be closed as the new ” IDEAS” topic have the same fonctions and they are more sharable as not restricted to what I think .
    I will so use the new topics for sharing the few ideas I have about the DreamWorld improvement.

    Please accept my best humbly regard.

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite MF Pose #64451

    Hello all kind people of the Forum .

    I may Agree a lot that's the proposition of Azrielle is very nice!!! :P and very kinky!!!!
    I rate it *****
    It is, in my mind an mid way pose ( between social-teasing and harder poses ) that may, as, I agree Brandybee,
    fuel a lot role-play possibilities … fuel so that a snatch may ignite us hi hi hi  ;D

    I don't know how you have such pleasant imagination and skills for findings all those wonderful
    propositions about poses … I tryed to … but I have not that shill of yours.

    Please accept my best humbly regards

    in reply to: Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex #15259

    Hello all kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum

    As I consider myself a Role-Player ( maybe after reading me you will tell me I am not after all.) I read this topic.

    First of all I want to put my greetings to Kaileen for the work did.
    Second I may say that I don't practice “Descriptive Role-Play”  :-
    I mean, I use some parts of what could be called “Descriptive Role Play”
    So may I give my point of view about what Role-Play is for me ?
    I must said too that I am not a Role-Playing Gamer , so what I put in the word “Role-Play” may be not the same
    that a one who is more accustomed with the concept.

    The Role
    “I am who I am, my garments don't make me who I am not!”
    I Feel not that our Avatar are just Barbie© Dolls to play with, trying all poses one by one .
    When I create my first Avatar ( I got two ) I create a personallity very close to what I actually was ( and, but less often )
    My Avatar is not Me, but She represent an idealized me.
    So the connection between this Avatar of mine and my real self is very close, intimate and strong.
    When I create my second Avatar, I put more distance from what I am, I created her with What I wished to be
    not just “physically” Displayed ( Girl, blue hair … for aspect I chooe Hatsune Miku as model for I really like this character )
    but also I project a way of acting, and “thinking” that is different for what I am.

    So I may call my second Avatar a “Role”

    Of course I may endorse some fantasies ( being the Daddy's little girl, the maid ( And I got the clothes for this hi hi hi :P ) , a nurse … )
    But, for me, this is just a matter of chatting, because once in room, the possibilities are fixed by the DreamWorld.

    So even “Role-Playing” ( For exemple) a Maid, finaly the display is the same ( a Blow job for exemple ) than if Role-playing no role at all.
    In spite of chatting “Ohhhh I have to clean those mark here” before performing the action.

    So for me the “Role” is really related to the Avatar's Creation.
    I was a slave, and I now want to feel again some of the thrillings, so my “Role” is a Slave with my first personality's Avatar
    I want to express my little girl side , so my “Role” is an young, blue haired sassy girl with my second personality's Avatar

    How we appear is what our partner may cling to feed his desires

    For me it is kind of fixed, but that is my way because I put much of myself in my Avatars.
    I may think that for people who please changing Roles ( that I may understand very well ) the changes must be displayed
    changing of clothes, even changing of the Avatars caracteristics …

    The Actions
    “Don't talk bro! Act!!”

    For me, the actions that are just … possibles, are the one allowed by the poses and the actions of the DreamWorld.
    describing other actions in the chat don't warm my pleasure
    *I knock on the door* mean nothing for me ( sorry ) for before rooming, it is really nat adequate, and in room … well it is too late.
    So our possibilities of actions are restricted, that is true
    But also the restriction is also what could fuel our imagination.
    *put two finger into your little pink hole, and shake them into your inner warmth* May not be very fun for me if not displayed in the “Erotic spanking” poses , BUT, I may imagine those details if freally warmed and lustfull from my partner.

    For me, the really good way to act in the Dreamworld is the concatenation of poses and actions.
    And also something very important for me is the respect for the reality ( not fully of course ). Something very extravagant for me are
    for exemple men who cum gallons of sperm!
    In reality it is very hard for me to … cum … even twice a row without rest, for sure I do more  ::) into the DreamWorld, but asking me
    to cumming always and every ten second kill the magic.
    Same for pain … my ! I had been a real slut during a perio of my life, but been … fucked as hell during hours lead to pain.
    Some pain are sexy of course, but not all …

    The Talks
    “Don't speak your mouth's full!!”

    For sure, for me dialogues and chats are very important, it is the point that complementary to the actions fuel all my desires and lust, and give me the pleasures and enjoyement.

    Very like in real life, asking for changes of poses ( “May I take care of you darling” –> Pampered Pose ) may be very pleasant ( for me )
    The match with situation could also be nice, I may not “speaking” if performing a Blow job, If I want to, It is mostly possible to change action for
    freeing the mouth. Or wait for changes.
    Whispers and growls can be displayed in thoses positions I guess … I do …
    And it is a good feedback for your partner.

    “Speaking” is, I agree a lot the main fonction of the room's chatbox, so I also agree that words may be directly writen in the chatbox.

    I myself write noises I may “make” between “**” … *slurp* is a classic  :P

    The Feelings
    “You Dream or what?”

    Feelings are very intimate things, for me it have not to be displayed. Some ” physical Manifestation” may occur sometime
    I put them also between “**” ( *blushing* ) but I agree that's the same sign I use for noises too
    In fact I use ** for everything that is not taling, some other peoples may use other signs, but I feel those manifestation of feelings may
    be clearly shown to difference them from talking.

    The Exitment Bar
    “Ohhhh you turn red!”

    Well … we got the option, and the bar lead premium users to climax.
    I use the exitation bar  a lot. I feel it is a very nice feed back for my partner, and I please my partner use it too.
    Even free user may use the Bar!! even that they can't climax … it is still a very nice display of how please we are.

    Well for all those who had the courage of read me

    I may conclude that My Role Play is not “Descriptive” but more a way to act respectfully with what I put of myself into my Avatars.

    I think there is no Guide to have a great enjoyement in the DreamWorld, it is a matter of the moment's magic.
    Good Will, attentions, cares, will improve I think our experience…

    My intention was just to explain how I see the way of acting.
    It was NOT to said it is the “Good way to act” at all; I hope you find some hints and ideas as I got some from Kaileen's post
    ( who I thanks a lot for her concern upon the DreamWorld and all of the wonderfull idea she have )
    It is just how I fell … sorry if I bother you.

    Please accept my best humbly regards, and thanks for reading me.

    in reply to: HB Arts Lair – CLOSED! #63623

    Wow … very mice drawings … How I wish I could draw with such talent …
    Greetings to you Hentaï !!!!!!

    in reply to: Blue Stars include Premium and Free Users. #61515

    few days ago a girl or shemale (don't remember!) ask me about the star and she say she don't have subscrive  a premium account and don't have A$…, i tell her it was probably a bug, but not sure. noticed something similar!?

    Yes I had this too , she was a girl and we had some kind of … quiproquo … about her situation.
    So I think it is a bug.

    Hi hi hi Hentaï … yes ….  ;D


    Hello Dears Peoples of the DreamWorld's forum…

    May I said that I think ( and this only my opinion … ) that the problem might not be “Free User” or “Premium User”
    Some Free users are very kind, inventives, and sharefull and they do their best for improving the experience.

    The Problem is that some users use the DreamWorld as an hunting ground with rudes and harsh methods ( Cold Invite, Flooding … You all know very much what I mean I think ) 

    This is very related to another topic

    Where some of us speak about , I may short it by ” Free Users are peoples too”

    So maybe the change proposed by Zinah was better in a way :

    • Ignore everyone, very useful (as many have already indicated), when changing clothes.
    • Accept messages from Friends/lovers/Spouse only.   Useful for when you don't want to deal with a bunch of strangers.
    • [/list]

    Because when we are really busy : ” Ignore all ” will be a nice choice ( for having time to pee for exemple )
    But when we want to talk without interruption, it is mainly with Friend, lover or Spouse .
    Else of course will be ” Open to all”

    So insteed of segregation between “Free” and “Premium” users, May I propose My point of View :

    – Busy for all ok you know
    – Busy for all except Friends + Lovers + Spouse For Staying “Tribal”  :P
    – Busy for all except Lovers + Spouse For staying with intimates
    – Busy for all except the One Actually talking With : Choose a one, and it will be the only one you may speak with, so we may have nice chatting without any interruption.

    I don't talk about an “Spouse Only” Because If they are Spouse, you may go room with :) But I may understand that some may have many spouses too so maybe this possibility may be good too ..

    Please accept my bests humbly Regards


    Yes hi hi hi we all must stay barbie & ken's Dolls …

    ” Ohhh com'on I seen a barbie with a penis!!!!”
    ” Artist licence Bro… Artist License !”

    Of course It would be a great inprovement to have choice of our body type.
    But … wow … I Can't even imagine the Work to do if each pose is coded …
    Knowing that, I greatly warm Dev Team for having so much options about our avatars.

    Please accepts my best humbly regards

    in reply to: Blue Stars include Premium and Free Users. #61511

    Hello Misters and all peoples of the forum.

    How that impacts the ignore free user option I am not aware.

    I may answer that all that goes with “Free User” will go to : Busyness for exemple.
    I was, a time ago tryed to talk to my Mistress who had just lost her Premium status ( not for me  ;D, for the DreamWorld ), not aware of this ( she still have the blue star ) and willing to have time speaking with her, I setted ” Busy for Free Users” and was, so unable to talk with her unless set to ” not busy” at all.

    Please accept my best Humbly Regards.

    in reply to: Female Imposters #42743

    Dee, Im completely agree with you, free users are people to and have to be respected. I tried to say that behind a female free user saying “hi, I'm horny, i want sex with you” there is a guy often.

    Hello Susana4love and all kinds peoples

    I agree for sure that “free users” are people too, But i may also think that is two categories of “free users”
    Those who for any reason can't or don't want to pay for the DreamWorld's full potential, but still are honest … those one I respect a lot, And show no differences between them and “Premium Users”.

    And Those who only create free accounts for beeing rude and harsh, knowing they just have to create another for start again their rude way.
    I may feel thats “predator” who try too fool peoples are from this category.

    Well, usually they are not very smart with the way they act. I talk for exemple about today's one I met. In five minutes he created six differents account not stopping flooding me with such ” Hey I luv you”,”hun be friend” … at second time I may reconise his … style and then I Blacklist him, and he create another …
    So only talking could make the difference.

    But some are smaters, and they, at first are gentles and kind, just to become the worst monsters when they think you are engaged and have feelings for them, even using those feelings to disturbing you ( and me for instance )

    I may say too that some “Premium users” act this way also … matter of money after all … a monster with money may create “premium accoount” for his hunting.

    But globaly “Premium Users” are willing to put … some life, something of themself, and keep their Avatar, so they involves ( I think ) more into an honest relationship.

    My short experience show me that they are mainly men under women or shemen identity.
    For so …. I really agree you It could be very disturbing for those who seek True relationship ( I mean those relationship that may comes from the DreamWorld to the RealWorld ) And I understand too that it may kill the pleasure , as any betrayal does.

    I am keeping too my point of view about them.
    I think if they act like that, like predator who hunt a pray I may be … well that is because they have a problem of some.
    But I hope ( I am an optimistic person ) that they could change after all .

    Reading me I think I am a bit off topic because of your feelings about those peoples who betray your trust.
    Sorry If I am side of what you feel.

    Anyway I wish you to find people who worst your trust.

    Please accept my best humbly regards

    And … May I said that I find your english far better than mine ….

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite MF Pose #64445

    Well, hello all Peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum

    I found that pose Idea wonderfull. I wish too it could be adapted for Shemale .
    But If I may give my opinion, I rate it : *****

    Great idea! Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Female Imposters #42741

    My! My! My !!!! Mister SquirrelDee, I am terribly sorry for I mistook your gender! Please accept my apologies !!!
    Ohh Lord I feel ashamed I must have think a bit about your

    I also think that your comment “I think that even “Real Men” may also have a girly side” is absolutely true.
    I also have one.. would be horrible if i had not.

    Sorry Sorry Sorry !!!!

    in reply to: Female Imposters #42738

    Well , may I said that I think we are all, women, men and transgenders, far more complex than just an “hole to been fucked” or “cock to cum over you”.

    I may also had … stranges experiences … for the short time I am here. And I may understand very well your feelings after harsh experiences Miss SquirrelDee.
    Even so, and this is only refering to me,because I have no ideas of how harsh you were confronted with. So please consider not my tellings as a judgement of any sort. It is just the way I try to be myself, and we all have differents wishes, desires, and reasons to enjoy our Dreamworld.

    May I say so that I tend to try, after a disturbing experience, another one.
    For exemple, I am contacted very often by “Female” avatars who only concerns is to fuck me harder as they can.
    I am maybe wrong, for I am not such clever to analyse such harsh behaviours. But I really think those Persons were Men under females covers.

    After those … sceances … I sometime feel like … dirty and almost raped ( I don't like using this word because of the dramatical reality Rapes are , and I think using this word is puting less power for a terrible crime, but still … It is a bit like I felt sometime.)
    And I so even try to get another experiences, for … kind of cleaning myself.

    I am also well aware that, by absolutly stay into DreamWorld , I protect myself from feelings I may put into a relationship.
    So I am less, maybe, sensible to betrayal for it is hard to betray feelings I don't put in other hands.
    I feel it was necessary for me to act this way, and that's the way, also, I enjoy the DreamWorld : completly segregated from RealWold.

    So Miss SquirrelDee, I deeply respect your feelings, only regreting they were  bad for you; and I may add that I fully understand that betrayal is really painfull . As I said sometime ” Love hurts ” but for sure it is the treason of love ( and more globally: feelings like respect, or trust ) that hurts.

    I really, so , wish you to have glad and happy experiences.

    in reply to: Female Imposters #42735

    Well, hello all kind peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum.

    I have two avatars myself. One who represent me. She is “Shemale” as I am Transgender, and throught this Avatar of me I feel about experiences and feelings I used to had into my RealWorld experiences I have no more.

    But I have another Avatar ( called “Slavedmind” so if you interact with her, be aware .) And she represent what I may describe as my … ” Girls side”
    I choose SlaveMind young , even maybe underage for that's how I mostly regret not to be.

    So … I am a fraud when using this Avatar. I know … sorry…

    I may said that I explain, both on profile and during chats ( that's usually the first thing I talk about in chatting ) that this is not a … ” Real woman” behind the screen.
    Even if explaination of what the situation really is, lead often with being left alone  :P

    Still, my purpose by using the Slavedmind's Avatar was not to fraud anyone, Trust me I really explain what it is really is …
    At first, I was just trying thoses poses I don't have with my Shemale personality.
    It was like a test and a way to get a little more excitement and different lusts.

    But soon , I felt that “performing” a girl identity, with a really different way of interracting ( because I force myself to role-play with a new way also. I try to feel the teenage of Slavemind, that is very different for the way I interacte with my Main personality ( very close to what I was ) ) was very enjoyable for me .
    I mean I really enjoy my “main” personality, for she fill me with pleasure.And Interacting with her is a very intimate and greatfull experience for me.
    But Slavedmind avatar is also very enjoyable too.

    So please forgive me if someone who hade interaction with Slavemind was fooled and thought that she was a … “real women” behind … Sorry , really. That was not my intention at all .

    Also … well … in my life ( I mean, my RealWorld Life ) I feel woman. So I don't know… but I may agree it might be disapointable for some people to discover that Behind of Slavedmind is not fully a Girl but a transgender …

    I also , as Misters and Misses SquirrelDee, Hentaïboy69, Susanna4love and I think, many others that chatting ” seriously” ( another way than ” hey hun , I wan FUCK u!” ) will very quickly show who is really behind the screen.
    ( and believe me in french, as words changes if they are Feminine or Masculine, it is even quickier )

    Well … My now express what I feel about peoples who are not the same gender as displayed by their Avatar .

    I don't mind.

    Really … I mean. I am not involved into the DreamWorld for getting relationship into Realworld . I far prefer stay into DreamWorld.
    And as the people really involve into her/his “role” … well the gender she or he really is have no importance for me .

    That is maybe due to my own personality that is part woman, but also part boyish for I was educated as a boy, And for some aspect… I still think like a boy, even if I feel I am a Girl . ( Just a look at a mirror is enough to remind me I am not … fully a woman … , and everytime, dressing, sport … I face that I am not a girl, but something between the two genders )

    I think that even “Real Men” may also have a girly side ( and that some Women have a Boy side too ) . If they please to express that other side of them. Even if gramatical mistake lead me to know that they are not “real woman” or not ” real shemale” … I don't mind, I stay the way if they were. For I think this is their pleasure to “play” another gender, and I please giving pleasure to those I interacte with. As I please they give me some too .

    This is also just my point of view. I think not this is the ” right way” or something like that.
    I understand very well that may be for people very sad to discover such ” imposture” and that may kill their pleasure .
    ( In fact, for me, talking about the “real” gender we are, is the fact that killes my pleasure to be here . But only for me.)

    So please don't be upsetted by what I explain about me.

    May you accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Trekmanalpha aka Jensen. Hi all #63369

    Hello sir Trekmanalpha

    I may understand your sadness for having a friend vanished.

    But I am sure thats thye gardian angels of the Dreamworld had, if they did, a really good Reason for suppressing Miss Shannon.

    I may add that I had no recent contact, but I had memories of a “Shannon” ( maybe another one ) and it was, yes about two or three weeks ago.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

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