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  • in reply to: Unexplained friend / lover cancels and ignores #61864

    For Evelyn: though it may seem difficult to have an influence on the forum's general thoughts, every opinion is respected. As Lover and HB explained, it doesn't matter whether youare new or a long-time member, if you have a thought or idea about the game, share..

    Hello Sir TightFit64

    I really understand well that having an influence over forum's thoughts or habits of forum's peoples may be a desesperate task… hopefully I may say Sir. Because I think that the differents ways of thinking of many different peoples just … make the richness of the community !
    With all paying the same points of wiew, or going into any leader's way to think … It will become soon boring … and funless …

    I may say too, that having different points of wiew may not lead to unrespect of the other's thinkings … but That's only My point of view too and I may even respect people that don't need to show respects of others … I know .. I may be a little stupid … but Still that's the way I am.

    I May say generaly that by expressing my view on differents topics , I have no … not even the idea … of influencing anyone .
    I just express my opinion, and that opinion only refer to me . I feel really not clever enough to think that my thinking or opinion is better thaan other one's.
    I also think that our opinions upon differents subjects was done upon our education, experiences, talkings … well … life.
    I feel so impossible to juge anyone's opinion.

    Well Sir and Misters . I also account and please the fact that you pay no care about my ( or other ) newbyness on the forum .
    I really thank you, and think that this is a great way, and a reflect of your proper cleverness .
    But Still, I found myself … newby … that meen for me that I just arrive, and don't know much about the DreamWorld and communauty.
    That way I feel under, Ifor knowledge and skills, the peoples that runs the forum since long … I mean You.

    Please accept my apologies if you feel unconfortable with this.

    I may said too that the respect I may show for relation cancellation is not the only one I may show.
    I think it is the same respect that I try to show when refusing “going in room” for some reasons , or even decline frienship of unknow peoples.

    The only thing that may not make me talk some explanation are “cold”things ( cold invite, cold friendship demand … )

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Pose Idea, FF. GENTLE MASSAGE. #62854

    Ohhhh yes !! Massages Massages !! Massages !!!
    I want to relax, I want to relax my partners of all genders !!!
    Yes yes yes!!! before intercourses, after intercourses!! Massages for all !!

    Oups Sorry, I may have overreact a bit ….
    I leave ….

    in reply to: Funny Finds #20540

    Ohhhh …Miss Pafe …

    It can't be … I was thinking about Miss Ryuka's And Miss Newgurl's remarks was more like friendly jokes about some habits we may have while posting …
    I may myself too attract such posts because of my … stupids habits … but well, it is the way world, even Dreamworld goes.

    I was really enjoying reading you Miss Pafe. Really, as I previously said in remark to your open letter, I found in you ( Even if we don't know each other, and even if ours lifes are completly differents ) a twin mind in the way that we enjoy both the Dreamworld, and the Forum … ( actualy as you were enjoying the forum . )

    I, so, am a bit sad to see you clear you posts … because they interested me a lot. Even if, clearly I don't share your shoes fascination  ;D

    I so hope you will review your feelings, I think you were upseted … anyway, and what you may choose, I will respect your feelings and decition, but let me keep the hope I may read you again.

    Sadly, but Full of hope
    I may please you to accept my best humbly regards and respect .

    in reply to: WARNING! Fake website tries to deceive AChat users. #42613


    Thank you for taking care and warn us about those traps .
    As I may be an easy pray, I greatly value the attention you pay for keeping us away of such frauds .

    Anyway, this one wad abvious, I think some may not be .

    Anyway, thank you very much.

    Please accept my best humbly regards and all my considération for your works.

    in reply to: Hey! Its my cock so let me control it, ok?!!! #58835

    Hello all kind peoples

    I may humbly agree , I mean … it is a pity for some positions ( pole dance is … I also agree ) to been fully … erected …
    The Excitation bar may come into a blue zone to show lack of exitation , I may agree that it may have an impact into the display.

    I humbly think that a way to show rise of excitation will greatly incrise the pleasure of the Dreamworld experience.

    My best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Unexplained friend / lover cancels and ignores #61861

    … Hello …

    Well … I may be very happy if any of my idea will improve the Forum and the Dreamworld.
    I will may discuss about my ideas this way.

    To be back in the topic, I humbly agree that deleting relationship may be done with some concerns for the other one.
    I mean, even if for any reason I decide to delete a relationship , I may do it with explainations .

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Unexplained friend / lover cancels and ignores #61858

    With great respect I offer the word you may be looking for as “betrayal” as a substitute for “treason”.

    Ooooh My !!! I am so stupid !!! … sorry, that is exactly the word I seeked for … “Betrayal” … Thank you very much Sir !!!

    Mister Hentaïboy 69, In fact I meant by “I am not, actually old user enough to have “too many friends” to handle with …” only that I had actually accepted very few peoples as Friends … So I will not manage to delete relation for overbooked adress book … sorry I made you misunderstood my words …
    I think with time to go I will accept more and more friends, so one day … maybe it will happen to me to have to … clean … my adress book.

    I understood very well that you pay no importance for how long we are here … But still Mister … I can't consider myself equal to those you are really deeply involved into the forum's life, as I am a newby, as I think my opinion is … welcomed yes … but not as important as yours or other's people's voice. I know you don't agree that … But still … Sorry.

    I really hope that some of my ideas will feed the forum so it may grow.
    But mostly I hope we may, all together, fuel each others our ideas, and discussions for the better benefits of our favorite Dreamworld… For so … And even my brick on the wall is tiny, I may enjoy participate this forum a lot.

    I thank you having reading me .
    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Unexplained friend / lover cancels and ignores #61855

    Hello dear peoples.

    I may humbly see just two reasons for canceling a friendship myself.

    First is to erase a mistake, I experiment “Cold”friendship, and … maybe because I act too quick or too stupid …
      I may and accept instead of decline the “cold” request. So I may delete this … false … relation.

    Second may be to flee a relation that became different than the relation that, at fist, initiate the friendship relation.
      I guess … well … after warm, tender and interesting contacts some just transform into Predators with harsh … rude habbits.
      This make me unconfortable not because of the rudes way, but because it is an … I don't know the word, like “treason”, but less dramatical … Sorry.
      of the link we hade made.

    Anyway … “Friendship” relation type is not,for me,  like true “friendship”. It is just a way to stay in touch easely with peoples whith whom I experiment a nice shared moment.So, maybe, later, may I delete relations with peoples I, didn't met or exchange talkings with for long…
    But I am not, actually old user enough to have “too many friends” to handle with …

    Anyway, Is cancelling one, I may tell him or her, why did I.
    Because it is also an another opportunity to re invent the friendship link, that may be harder this time…

    This is only my point of view …

    I Thank those who hade read me.
    My best humbly Regards

    in reply to: An open letter to AChat. #59296

    Hello to all kind peoples.

    Hello specially to you Miss Pafe. Even more because I feel kind of same as you.
    Ours lifes are differents, and for differents reasons … we share the same pleasure to be here, and enjoying our Dreamworld expérience.

    So May I wish you many wonderful pleasures, many enlightments of your very kind and gentlle spirits … To be brief Miss, I wish you all the goods things of the both Worlds.

    Best Humbly Regards
    I am so glad not feeling alone no more.

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51961

    The sad things, for me, is reading about your approch to here and real life…….i feel so sorry hearing that,

    Hello Mister HentaiBoy69

    Please don't be sorry about me … Please. I now feel really happy with my life. Even before I join this wonderfull Dreamworld's communauty!
    I must admit … that now I am like a bit hooked by the Dreamworld … I may agree … But It is just a complementary fun ( and what fun it is for me ) to my present life.

    I know I might seem strange sometime. Even my Friends are sometime unconfortables with my habits of apologise a lot, always asking for permission … I know … but still, this is the way I found that work the best with me for having social relations. Even during commercial meetings I used to be like that … sometime it make those meetings a little weird and fun … But I think it is a good thing, and most of time, I got what I wanted , so I don't bother …

    Anyway … that time, I am really off Topic.

    I Leave … Bests Humbliess Regards.

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51959

    So, is it OK for you, if your partner suggests you a meeting in a real-life — say, over a cup of tea in a cafe? Would you consider such a proposal seriously, or would it make you irritated as an outing attempt, and possibly make you to add that person to your ignore list?

    Hello to all kind peoples who are here.

    Well, I may share my feeling, even if I feel it is a bit … off topic … Please accept my apologies if what I feel bother or bored you .

    What I feel during my experience of Achat's Dreamworld ( as I call it myself, better than “game' ) is a way to evade my IRL life.
    I must said that I am … sadly … a kind of broken person (spiritly ) , so my relations within the real life are very limited to my closes friend.
    I know this is stupid … because I will, this way, never makes new friend … but … still … it protect me also a lot from agressions and rejection …

    So I find here, a way to fill my mind and to please like a second way to live. It is really unperfect I agree, but even the confort and security this Dreamworld grant me feel me nice and happy.

    I am very not into IRL meetings, even around a cup of tea. My pleasure is to role-play, even if the way I role-play is very close to what my life was
    ( for exemple, I was a slave. But I am no more now ( except occasionaly with intimates peoples, but no more permanently like I was). And this Dreamworld grant me the opportunities of feeling those shame and excitations I experimented during my past experiences .)

    Peoples proposing me IRL things ( meetings, SM sceances, or pictures of myself … ) are not irritating me , they don't see my announcment, but I feel no anger or irritation of any sort. I feel … well … sorry …

    I will surely not add them to my “ignore list” also for just asking.

    This Dreamworld lightes very ofen the canddle of my lust and horniness Myself… so I am tempted too to croos the styx between the Dreamworld and the Real World. … But I know very much also that the real world is not as kind as the dreamed one.

    What may lead to my “ignore list” is harrassement of people who ask me for IRL things continualy, and don't respect or understand that I don't want , and continue there own way for having IRL things even If I explain then I am not interested.

    I know that this topic is for sharing nices experiences of IRL meetings and to please that share.
    But I had to explain my point of view also . I hope I didn't bother you by doing it.
    If So … please may you accept my apologies. And may you be aware that some peoples may have others views.

    I Thank you those you read me.
    Please accept my best humblies regards.



    That’s not fun !!! every strip-poker sessions … players always want I start naked ….


    Oh!!! … ok I leave….

    in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #18437

    P.S.  hope you don't mind if i call you Evelyne….i see it under your avatar pic here on the forum!

    Ho My !! I am some kind of blushing … Well You are very welcome to call me Evelyne Mister because it is in fact the name I use dayly ( even if not my legal name … but it is another story …) And I really enjoy beeing called by my name , far better than by my account log in that was a terrible mistake I made ( another, another story ).

    I really enjoy some of my ideas pleases peoples, and for sure yes… I will wait for those new with …  … ouff ….

    Best Humbly Regards To all who had  read me.

    in reply to: Bunny Costume For the Easter Season #61691

    Hi hi hi Yes!!! I guess it will be fun to see bunnies everywhere!!!!

    in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #18433

    Hello …
    May I propose some ideas … I was thinking about :

    Piercing : Nipple ring / rod ( Women / Shemale … maybe Men too ) as everybody … I have, and for nipples suck and nipple pinch actions . I Humbly think that it will be more … fun …

    Cockring : ( Men / Shemale ) : I know that many of my Gay Friends love to wear it a lot. Made of rubber or of steel ( I use steel ones )
    It will change no sceans / action, and should explain how we may get bones for almost hours … hi hi hi

    Thinking of Tatoo … I regret that there is so few choice between tatoos… I mean … I have tatoos ( some say … too much ) but I didn't tatoo my avatar because, and it is only my point of view, not a general judgement , for me Tatoos are Intimate and unique pieces of art that change our skin .

    I may think that Support and developping team may create tatoo masterpieces ( a complete arm, complete back …. or even complete scheme ) and sale them, but in a really limited serie ( I had though of 1% of total persons, so sometime with number of player rise, some masterpieces will be available another time . ).

    Thank you very much for your reading.
    Please forgive me if my ideas was already posted ( as I think they are ) , I had not yet read all posts …
    Best humbly regards

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 221 total)