Forum Replies Created
Hi hi hi thank you Hentaï, but I was not complaining about who I am ,
I just give an advise to potentials artists ( or lurkers) who may be straight heterosexuals
that contacting me for Photographic seance is contacting a transgender.
( As my name in the Forum and in the DreamWorld are different, this may be not obvious to a one who didn't read
any of my post in the forum. )That's just it
My best Kisses Hentaï, warm hugs and humbles greetings!
Hi hi hi as for the movie project, I gladly offer my little help for any artist
But for sure … well I am transgender so … you must be advised.Hi hi hi this should be fun ( and well, it will feed some kind of my exhibitionism lust. )
Maybe even not need to script and planning but just two implicated partners.
The way is how to record the scenes ? I have no clues.His kisses, Ohhh my his hugs …
But he interrupt the moment to drive me on the main room. And I am like nailed by the spectacle !My ! they are 3 ! A tall manly muscular guy and two girls on stage … Lord ! I just realize that one is … just like me … a Transgender.
with her pale golden long hair tied on a long pigtail on her milky skin.
The girl is of burning red hair. Both are very young and smashingly beautiful .I am like hypnotized by the dance of lust they play!
I should had been lost in the spectacle they gave for Hentaï pull me on a dark side of the room.
My back hit gently the wall, making my breast bounces a bit. But he stop them with his body. He is on me.
And his lips touches mines, soon after, his tongue comes to my mouth like a snake I gladly welcome.Our lips and mouths stick I forgot the trio to focus on him.
He smell so sweet, mix of spices and sweat, his warmth burn me skin for desire.
My hands found his skin under his clothes and while he fondle me , I hug him, his back is hard and soft.
Our kiss stay long … so heavenly long ! My !I feel his chest against my bosom, each move he make wake my desire for him.
' My partner' he said. Yes! He his, I am his!
I dare hug him softly his lower belly .Welcome on the Dreamworld's Forum Hettie !!
I hope you will share fun with us and have a lot of fun yourself !!The silk of my shirt on my shoulder make me feel strange …
… my decision … my will … I am not used to have my will in such moments …
I know I had changed a lot from my previous past … I know I am not the same junk whore offered to all I was before.
But I am able to please anybody with what I want ?
And … after all … what do I want? That is not clear in my mind !I want to please him, I want to feel like the girl I feel I am !! And who will please me with this body of mine ? !
He will … the answer is obvious. But still it is hard to me to clearly understand it … even if I know it is.
My !
“…no Mistress, no slave…“
He smile at me
“ You are right, there is no need !… ”
I turn myself , letting the shirt falling down my shoulders.
” … there is my will! My decision!“
I lift my hairs to clear my bra's closes.
” May you be kind enough to unlock this bra ? After all I think it is too much.”
Turning my shoulders and face toward him I redeem his smile.
” It is a party, it is a room for lust and warm pleasure isn't it Hentai ? “
Always it will be some who will be masters and always will be some to be slaves , that's the way world goes.
Well I think the previous oufit is nicer than this one, but, as always, only a matter of personal taste
Hi hi hi sexy indeed
And I agree Dreamwolrd's cowgirls have more use of this that RL cowgirls
“Welcome back!” He say!
The one who drive me here … in fact the one who make me stay.
I feel strange, both ashamed for I lost myself in drunkenness, and really that is a shame !
and both confident for nothing bad had happened to me in my coma state.Fortunately he came back to me I was able to wash my mouth for this awful taste I once got.
And I enjoy that kiss, those hugs he give to me.
I open a bit the vest of my suit … well … I take it off, showing so the white shirt I got under.
Then I open the shirt on my bra. Black laces hide a bit the flesh of my breast… a bit, I know perfectly that's just a bit.” Thank you… I whisper in his hears before softly kiss his neck while i feel his hand on my cheek.
” … Thank you for having taking care of me … Yes let go back, at your side, at your knees !I slowly take off my shirt completely now, and start to undo the trouser .
” Enough of that boy's disguise! I want to feel girl !”
I am only dressed in underwear now. I know my panty hide few of the … penis of mine … the part of me I hate this much.
But he know who I am, and he accept it. I feel confident with him, and I don't care that much now to show me as I am.“ Is that nice Hentaï ? Or is it still to much dressed ?”
My !! It was like I switched off …And for now I have a very bad taste in my mouth … yerk !!!
I am lying into what it seem to be a restroom of some kind… ohhh Lord, I feel like I slept for weeks and my head turn a bit.
But it last quick and I feel now fully nice.What have I done ? I know too much how I can be in this state … when I drink a bit too much!
The drunkenness had surprised me ! I didn't noticed that I drunk that much to fall down … My !!!
… Well, that's how a party may be after all.I stand up now. And yes! I feel good.
Well I hope I didn't miss a lot for the party.
I rearrange myself, and … well … if the party is not over, I will undress a bit surely.My … I had an instant of doubt!
But he answer my kiss soon and I feel his hand running softly on my skin … giving me chilling desire of more.I hear the Glass falling on the floor, but I don't mind! Ohh Lord! his hugs comes lower …
And I feel both chilled and warm!
It is a long time since I dare having such … actions … acts … feelings …
And I feel excited … and I know and feel this disgusting way this part of me is when I am excited like this.
And I feel how he is himself.
I have to forget about how imperfect my body is. I have to … I want to enjoy it.With kinds of regrets my tongue first, then my lips separates from him.
I smile, and he smile.
And like two shy child looking in each other's heart for the first time we drown is our gazes.“Hummm is that your best” he said, but just the tone of his voice said me well that's a kinky joke.
“I know, I have to practice more!“
His joke make me suddenly more confident. He will not rejects me, now I am sure. Now I know I can put my desire into his hand and fear not to be betrayed.I have a clear idea of what will happen soon.
Nothing will be dirty, nothing will be hurtful… this will be only pleasure for I am with him, with his friends.
For I trust him, I am his.I sit along here close to him. Hugging softly different part of his beautiful body with my fingers.
Sometime I kiss him, on his neck, on his hand.
I don't want to be the first one. I want to flow with the river.
So I wait for what will happen here next, gently close to the one I trust.HentaiBoy drive me to another place hidden in the bar.
A man was singing, standing … so nicely, My the song tells about subs ! That remind who I was.As he end, all people claps and cheers him.
But HentaiBoy drive me to a small group who was chatting together. As their reaction I think they are closes friends.
And he introduce me … as a surprise. Pushing me behind him.Well, the feelings seem to be nice as they give me a warm welcome. I can't help smiling for been welcomed this way. But still I feel embarrassed as I feel so shy with peoples I don't know.
Glasses of champagnes are rise, and the wine flow into the empty flutes.A man of the party give me a champagne's cup and make a toast.
Well they seem to be really friendly and I feel a bit less disturbed.
I sit close to HentaiBoy.
Many though runs into my mind.
I am not dumb enough to not understand what this kind of party will be after all. And my! I am willing also.
That's just some of my past's memories comes back.“Yes I think this party to go will be unforgettable!” Well my turn. I get up and rise my glasse.
“To the friends, to the fun and to the Lovers!“
I drink a drop of the champagne's wine, and deviate the glass of HentaiBoy while he was drinking.
He was close to get his wine over, but I was sitting on his knees and grant him a kiss. A French one.I think he was a bit surprise at first. But his champagne's flavored tongue soon meet mine.
My !! Did I really said that ? Well yes …
I feel he firmly hold me tight. And .. ohh my I feel he have some desire … for I have some myself …
“Thanks for accepting my invite, Eve….all our friends are there, waiting the
main event but i'm sure the main event, now, is having you with us!”My ! Wiil I have to danse on a stage ? Will I have to expose myself to stranger's gaze on the best parts of myself … but also on the worst parts of myself.
I don't know, my feelings are fighting inside my mind. Is it a trap to make me been a slave another time? It is just fun ? I am a bit lost.
And Lord! I feel so bad in that Male's Suit … I dream about my real identity but …
Is that ok with him if I return to my real myself's dress … after all, he comes to me while I am dresses as man … It is fine for him to discover that I prefer to feel Woman? Will he reject me ? I … I don't know ? I feel both anguish and excitement.“My” … “Is it a problem if I change ? Sorry but I feel strange dresses like that. Forgive me, Please… but I would like to feel more comfortable. I … I have some of my clothes in my car. Would you mind if I go get them ?“
No he won't. Well maybe he should have follow me there … but I think that just the way he want to make me feel better in that strange surrending for me.
I took the bag where my clothes are in.
And I meet him again just in the front of the bar.
He drive me to a changing room. And let me alone to change myself.
Well alone is maybe not the word as two girls also changes themselves.
And Again I feel shy! getting nude here in front of them who are … my! so fully woman.
“Umh… Forgive me Misses … I know it is a girl's room … and well …. ohh Sorry … it!...”
“Hey! What the deal sweety ! It's obvious you're nor a pervert! Feel free! “
“Hi hi hi don't you noticed She might be a shemale? you stupid bitch !“
” HEY I'm not Bitch! I'm a free girl! you're the bitch !! comm'on shebaby take a seat and prepare yourself!“I shyly take a seat and take out the clothe from the bag.
My latex stroking, my panty … no … not my panty. My latex cup Bra
and a short skirt … I think this will match the night's topic after all.
“My fucking whore! look at the breast she got!“
I quickly put an hand on my breast
“uhhh … just take a look at her tiny dick!! That's sooooooo sweet!!“
Ohhhhh my I feel so much embarrassing!!!
I, as fast as possible, dress!
And put my disguise's suit in the bag.Then, dressed as the slut I am tonight, and like I feel comfortable to be in fact. I make up myself. Blush, Black Lipsstick, eyelids'farts.
I know he wait for me. And so I am in hurry.Ohhh… one! two … I take a deep breath!
And open the door.Well is is not flleing me shouting for monster !
And in fact he got a wink in the eyes!
He take my hand and drive me to a stairway. Strangely enough I think about a parody of Deep Purple some king of “Stairway to hell” a mixt between , Deep purple and AC/DC . That make me smile and I feel confident now!We cross on a room with a pool, and then to another door.
My! he put a mask on his face. And myself ? I have none …
“Are you Ready Evelyne?”
Then he shut open the door. Noises are surrounding us. And most … smell … smell of bodies, the smell of lust.
That's too late To hesitate.I give him my best smile! And make the first step in !
Time to time, peoples comes in and the bar started to be crowdy. I feel disturbed a little, too much strangers for me. And I have not the courage to make the first step. So I change my place for another stool on the Bar's edge, a little appart from all those peoples I don't know, but who feel familier here … and knowing each other pretty well.
That's kind my glasse will be my best friend tonight … well the though make me smile.
I saw that some peoples feel free to have sexual intercourses here … I don't want to stare at them … not that I feel ashamed or blamefull, neither it hurt my morale senses … My do only have a slight hint of morale myself.
My !! a one come close to me !! Instant !! I … I know him !! I think.
Kneeling in front of me, he take my hand. His touch is dry and warm.
“Sorry …. i had made a mistake asking you to join the Ice House party, but i'm sure everyone will be happy to see you”
“but if you don't want to go, i can understand!”I feel a bit disoriented in fact. Well … the “Ice House” party ???
He just comes up and his gaze cross mine and I dive deep into his eyes.Softly he push me to the dancefloor, and hold me tight of him. He smell flowers and spice.
And it is very sweet … It is like I feel suddenly warm.
I hold him back, and I feel his touch slip on my chest and my bottom's roots … While he hug me this way, I put my head on his shoulder.“Eve, no matter what your answer is, just remember one thing …. i'm always at your side, ready to support you, if you want it, of couse ….”
I don't really know about what he tell me about . I may be dumb, but I am not that stupid I don't understand that, in this kind of place … after all … the door on the back may lead to much … naked activities. This must be the “Ice House” he told me about … strange name … my memories about such places are more about fire, sweat and steam than ice.
I feel even more warm. What he ask me is … I can't help becoming shy suddenly … I can't speak.
Will I return to my olds habits of lust ? May I become the whore I was ? My !!! I feel disable.
Stupid of me !!! Having some fun is no drowning myself like I did! Things had changed, I had changed !I return to his neck, kissing him softly, the tip of my tongue lick his shoulder's skin.
“That a “yes” honey, let's make the hell an heaven.”I voted and I sign
And I am really glad that AChat's Gods are working on it.
My distant virtual kisses to them, and to Miss Rukya who initiate the mouvement