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Nice to meet you Dion or Dyonisos
And it is alway a gladly pleasure to see nex peoples join us on the Dreamworld's Forum !! So WELCOME!!!
HEY!!!I resent that comment!! I keep this place sparkling and so clean you can eat your honey off the floor! Or anywhere else you want. Except the bull is makeing a rumbling noise… I gotta fix that.
Don't be upset Mister Covems, my comment was not about what I actually saw in the bar, it is a comment about what I though it was, my pre made idea of it. And also, I may add that my comment was not about hygienic purpose, but more about a possibility to be cought in the toilet while changing myself.
The only comment concerning the cleaning was :
The desk is dirty … what did I expect ?!? … but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer … yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses …
But that quote went from :
I just can't believe it . This handsome lover is fucking me wild on his desk …
Sorry if I upseted you
*******************************” first drink is on the house.. And you have to have a turn on the bull … It's great fun.. JD here will vouch for it … Hehe…..”
I take a look on the mechanic bull … part of the image I have of this bar when I did come in . A Mechanic Bull !.! I just saw one before … on a movie …
I appreciate the glass of water, but … the Jack or not … I feel more and more uncomfortable on the stool … Fortunatly, the place is not crowdy … and I think no one see me wriggle … my! I really have to change myself …
Time was still clear and a bit hot on this near end of summer.
Since my return from my vacation, I returned to my working routine. I have lots of projects, my new warehouse is almost finished, and I have to organize the change of place of all my actual stock … and I start, as my customers also returns from holidays to have commands for the Autumn and Winter season.
Murphy's law say that those commands have to be of the stock that just change to my my place…Also my travel to Asia to organize … and that was just what I done today … and it is always an hell to explain that Yes … legaly my gender is Male …
That is why I am dressed like I am : in a Hugo Boss's suit, my breast compressed in bandages with no make up at all … I feel clumsy and awkward in those flat shoes … and my feets hurt.
Well, my new passport is on his way, and I deserve a fresh drink.
Sometime life is fine, for I just pass in front of the entrance of a bar … “Bar&Grill” it said … to me it like a roady's bar … And I have … strages memories about a particuler roady's Bar … But well nevermind ! Past is past, and sweaty as I am, this is like heaven !!!
I park my Smart.
A Girl leave just when I enter … My this bar is a … “cliché” !!! and I just get a look behind me to be sure that a cowboy is not parking his horse, or that an horde or hell's Angels is not on her way to here … well at least I think they got Beer.
I put my bottom on a stool near the desk. Just another customer is around, seem to look strangely on a backdoor.
The desk is dirty … what did I expect ?!? … but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer … yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses …
A tall muscular man arrive from the backyard, a lumberjack's shirt open on his large pectoral ! He stance at me … for sure … I may be not the usual customer … I can't no more pass as a man … since my surgery … and in spite of my … disguise for administration I feel like a girl transvestite in Boy … well that's exactly what I am … and his gaze … I feel tiny even more.
” What you want to drink?”
… ” Erhhh It is Possible to have a Diet Coke Please ?“
My … what did I said ?? He look at me like I am Alien just coming from Roswell !
“No diet ! We got Coke!”
” Ohhh .. well something sugar free ?”
He smile. Then get a glass and … a bottle of Jack Daniel's !! And pour the glass !!! AT HALF!!! and put it in front of me.
“That's sugar free sweety!”
His smile opens wild.
“Thank … Thank you Sir … “
“Yu'r Welcome Sweety! “
My … I just can't drink that all … first I have to drive to back home … and this much will make me drunk … that will be about four years I stopped to drink that much … four years … May .. time's running so fast …
” 5 A$ Sweety! newcomer's offer!”
Well I might look stupid with my Lollipop wallet …And my just presence get over me the look of the other man. I pay, and now start to feel a bit uncomfortable.
Strangely, the Jack's have fine taste, but I feel not the rudeness of the 40° of alcohol … Alcoholic a day, alcoholic everyday … and I was alcoholic … and not only …four years ago.
The Jack's ran into my throat without I think about it … In fact I was lost in my past memories and found myself with an empty glasse …“It is possible to have a glasse of water Please?”
Too late now to take my car again … still I have time, but … I take my cell phone …
The bartender serve me a great glass of clear water. I gladly welcome the moisture that form on it … Lord … That's what I deserve !
” I am not Here, if you want to may leave a message, I'll try to call you later … or not ! Bye!!”“ Sis, that's me ! I will be late, don't worry, Take the salad on the fridge or order sushies ! Kiss and be quiet! “
Well that's unexpected, but I think I will get a free evening outside … Lord !!… I remember that I am dressed like a punk !!! hi hi hi
But I have my … normal dress in the rear of my Smart … and no place to change … I surely not visit the toilets of this place ! !August 29, 2012 at 4:00 pm in reply to: More Body figures to make achat more interesting and versatile #69451Well where I was was very private, with a enclosed terrace on the roof where nobody from the beach may see me naked … and also I was quite fed up to look like the color of an aspirin's pill, so well I did
… and get sunburst first week … in spite gallons of sun protecting cream I paint myself with …
but this summer was very sunny My !!August 29, 2012 at 3:34 pm in reply to: More Body figures to make achat more interesting and versatile #69448I'm a very pale complexion, but when I came back from vacation, I darkened my tone a couple of degrees and I swear I had tan lines!
I too am almost white as milk complexion , and too I tan a lot, to a brown honey color … That I know will vanishe soon … And … ohhh my !!! I don't have any tan lines !!!! :
I agree Both Lover and HentaiBoy Miss Rukya
I read lots of others … orientation … topics with interest, because it help me to know better peoples who are here, because I feel interested also into the Dreamworld's Forum's life.But I hardly put a comment on Topics who are specifics to other orientations. I am not competent in it.
My even on my side's topics I usually put dumbs posts … that would be worst on subjects I don't know about.Anyway, I understand you Miss Rukya, posting alone or without feedback is really unfair; for, of course the heart of posting is to share ideas and feelings … sharing something hardly be done alone
Also another subject : about your “campaign” for developping other than M/F poses.
I really understand you, that is really frustrating for who I may call ” Minority” ( think the S/S/S Group Poses are only 6)
But I don't share your anger against the AChat's Gods . I still hope that they think about us ( I mean all kind of orientation minorities )
The economic contingencies of running such a site surely put the M/F Pose development on the top of the list, but still we sometime have some releases ( even the last one for us was a bit disappointing ) .Well, if the AChat's Gods answers you ( that I cross my finger for it will happen ) that will be because of you
Please accept my best humbly regards.
My !!! do really people put dildos for fun on presence of child !?!
Look at the glaze of the little one !!!! I found it disturbing !!! :-XMaybe may we call this pose more “Spicy” than “BDSM” I agree
Both because you are right Rukya and that some actions are … normally reserved to the Dominant.
And because it is soft ( what in fact I enjoy in my actual mood , even I can’t use the pose )Maybe later some additional actions will be release to get more … hard stuff on the pose.
What I think also is , having the submissive attached, it is quite strange when changing pose to get unattached … so maybe an another “on the cross” Pose with more BDSM related ? … ( I admit gladly this Pose transition is already on with the handcuffed Pose ) .
Please accept my best humbly regards.
Well that is a very nice position.
Both because it a a position who really fuel my BDSM Lust, and because it is not so hard but mainly a gentle pose for nice actions, even chained and helpless as the Girl may be.
So for that, I really thank the Achat's Gods.Unfortunatly I am not a a … Female ( the Dreamworld's Avatar's Gender ) so I may not be able to enjoy this pose.
And as I am not aroused by SM stances with my girlie avatar, I will seldom be able to practice it.
I really hope so that this pose will be adapted for us ( … shemales ) and for Men too, so everybody may enjoy that promise to be a very nice release.Please accept my best humbly regards.
I Join my voice to welcome you in the Dreamworld's forum Marilyn, and as far as I saw, you did already put nice ontribution to the possible future outfits ( and I may said I love cup bra ) .
Welcome so !!!
Well I think the Achat's Bar & Grill will become a world of his own
hmmm a room like this will cost minimum 2000 A$
…hhhmmm will I buy it for this cost ??? …. maybe yes, even I am familiar now with my ” interrogation room”
Welcome in the DreamWorld's Forum Rose ( what a lovely name
) I hope you will find enough topics that feed your writing wants so you may share with us. And that is well what's the Forum is good about
So enjoy Rose.
As far as i know its not possible anymore… i have a different name but it was more a problem with my registration… if i remember right i had not to be prem when i subscribed for forum… but i already have been and its more then 2.5 years ago
Well Remember Lover, I too have a different Forum's name than my 2 Avatars. And it was kind of 4 month ago.
But I was premium too with Chien_lubrick when logged in, and before changing account.Concerto :
As far as … we ( Transgenders ) are peoples, and like all peoples we are ( Transgender ) all differents even if we share the same fate.
For exemple I Have a Knowledge who don't mind if called “He” ( not a Friend , She is too strong Minded for me and I feel like a butterfly against a flame ) and even see that like a Joke.
I told also about one other I know ( A deep friend that time ) who bear her “third gender” as a banner and is really militant about he recognition of our Gender as a separate one ( Both for “Girl” Transgendersl , and for Boy “Trapped” in a girl's Body )Well, this seems to have generated a good discussion.
Hi hi hi Yes you did !!
Yes HentaiBoy69
and I warm you a lot for respecting this part of my personality :-*
I was putting my 2 avatars as an exemple for the way some peoples may assume a different sexual identity … but in spite I can talk about my 2 avatars freely for they are mine … It is true this is also a wrong exemple …
Well, I think the DreamWorld ( AChat's client software ) may, or may not be related to the real World
after all, we are all differents and we put … differents things of ourselves in the DreamWorld.
Those things are related about what we want and need from the DreamWorld. And I think that
this may be, of course, also very different people to people.Firstly, to most of my rl tg friends, “shemale” is a derogatory term and we despise it. I tolerate it in-game purely because it is a fantasy world.
I agree with you Concerto, and the word “Shemale” is not, for me very nice, I prefer “Transgender”, but that is only the way I feel, and I think it is related to the fact I am French where the word “Shemale” have no equivalent ( Mainly French use the short term “Trans” as short cut of “Transexuel / Transgenre ). So that's maybe why I don't appreciate “Shemale” so much.
I know few Transgender friends who are not French, but the few I know are fines with “Shemale” and some even bear it like a banner.
( So I think we don't have the same friends)
For me, the Dreamworld have nothing of a MMORPG. I can understand it could be for some, but that is not my point of view.
For what I expect from the Dreamworld is not just fun and leisure killing as I may look for in an MMORPG ( but I agree I am not an so much involved in MMO … My !! I just never play to WoW … )
I also understand well that for some, the Dreamworld is just another “Second World”, that is just not my point of view.You said Concerto, that many people have a false sexual identity, well, that's an know fact.
And I don't mind myself.
As HentaiBoy69 said those peoples have their reason to do it.
( I have a second sexual identity myself, a Girl, when I need to feel even more girly than I may feel with my main avatar )
As … well as many reason as many peoples …
Some are just looking for fantasy, some have more deep will and lust about other genders …
As long in fact as the feelings seem to be true about the choosen gender … Well I see no problem at all, But another time, this is only my point of view, and I understand also people who are disturbed by 'Fake'.And.. you don’t like to be called “he”? Fair enough but I grew up being called “he” and I have no problem with it and neither do a lot of my rl tg friends.
Then Yes Concerto, I was also called “He” ( “Boy” … ) during my childhood, and that's surely one of the fact that make me disturbed when called this way now.
Understand me well, I don't cry each time a people call me “he”, but that surely not a good way to engage a chat with mejust that.
It is just a little inconvenience, as I experienced far worst during my life.
But the question is “he” or “she”, well, for me it is “She” Please.I will not call you “Bitch” Concerto … you have your point of view and experiences as much as other peoples, as much as me, and I think all our points of view are respectable.
Chatting about the differences we see and feel about some topics is just the wealth of the Dreamworld's Forum.
And, as I may seem to have replying to you Concerto ( for I quote you ), don't think I see your point of view unvaluable, that is exactly the reverse, I prise it, not only yours in fact.
Different points of view are what make a chat interresting after all.Sorry if I explain badly about my feelings.
Sorry if I bother or bore you.
This is only my feelings, and not a general statement for we are, after all, all differents.
Please accept my best humbly regards. -