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  • in reply to: Latex Gloves bad display #68614

    Please report this bug to the support team. You will find the link at the top of this ppage, in between the link for the forum and the shop.

    Not always the forum is read by the emmbers of the AChat team

    I'll do report , but before I ask for feedback to other members here to see if the problem is about my computer or is about the DreamWorld.
    But if the bug is on the Dreamworld, be sure i'll report with the support contact button :) Anyway, thank you for the advice .

    Please accept my best regards

    in reply to: Latex Gloves bad display #68611

    Thank you for the feedback , I will check my computer ( again ) and will post if any changes for some other who will have the same problem may solve it too .

    in reply to: Who, when not the gay … GLORY HOLE REQUEST #68578

    Arghhhhh yes !!! Knowing me … I will be a victim like in Urotsukidojii … My !! My !!  ;D

    in reply to: Who, when not the gay … GLORY HOLE REQUEST #68576

    Hi hi hi  Rukya, if they do that, the DreamWorld will become more alien :) Time to show up our Trekkies's outfits !!!
    ( And I want green antennas and tentacles too )

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 73. Glory Hole #68365

    Hello all kind peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum

    Well, I agree Miss Christinak, the “Glory Hole” all  interest is to take care of completely unknown peoples.
    With the invitation acceptance for entering room … it is strange, even if accepting everybody for Glory Hole.

    I also think, but that is only my point of view, that “Glory Hole” is mostly a gay ( men ) activity. And then it had been developed for F/M ???

    Is that “Glory Hole”'s pose have been asked previously or discussed ? I was not able to see topics about it before it was released…

    Well, in spite the development Team have made a great job technically ( I think ), the whole pose seem to have no place ( for me , only my point of view ) to be outside an “Open user” system ( a system where peoples may just “join” ).
    And my !!! There are so many poses to adapt and develop for other relations than F/M … I don't understand this release.

    I had tried it, and, yes the display is nice, and the choice of actions are kind of fun. But it didn't grant me the pleasure and enjoyment some other poses may give to me.

    I Rate it : ***

    Please accept my best humbly regards

    in reply to: MF Pose Review. 40. Foreplay. (Lying on bed.) #43090

    My I don't have try it yet , but I will ask all my friends :)

    in reply to: Obituary Thread. RIP. #68592

    Rest in Peace Mister Lord, and bring good music to heaven !! At least that time you walk the stairway, walk it peacefuly Mister Lord, for what you've done of your life, your memories and legacy are immortals.

    in reply to: Who, when not the gay … GLORY HOLE REQUEST #68573

    i think they will do it too , the only orientation who dont need it is us FF  ;D

    Hi hi hi that is very true except for those girls who said they got a nine inches tongues  ;D


    May I agree and add my many thank's to you, for your work and yes, creativity.

    So Thank you a lot for this, always a nice moment of reading, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
    Andso Thank you also Miss Pafe  :P

    in reply to: More Hairstyles. #68378

    Long hairs, I guess get the problem of the dynamic display when lying down.

    The long horse tail that already exist have this kind of … ” strange display” so I think long hairs will be even worst.
    So I think the Achat's God may have a really hard work on them .
    But I trust them, so I am optimistic :)

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas. Stockings and Pantyhose #68372

    Hi Miss ” Slut ” ( I agree it’s a bit weird

    😛 but as long as you please it ;D ) and all the other kings peoples of the DreamWorld’s Forum.

    I agree that a collection of pink stockings will be a nice add.

    Plain, laces, and even pink latex ( to fit the pink bordered latex dress ) should be a nice feature.

    So I vote your idea, Miss Slut : *****

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Romance #65787

    Love … love is a bird, free to fly with or against the wind.
    It land on our hearts, and sing a benignant melody,
    so nice that we, mostly, just cant stop listening.

    For it we changes ourselves, and we can give many
    We may offer our soul on a plate of silver

    But as a bird, love soon fly again.
    Then we shall suffer.
    Then we shall feel pain.

    Catch the bird to close him deeply
    in the vault of you heart keep it closely
    to feel the love for as long as your life.
    as your loved one so become your wife.

    But a bird is only living freely.
    and enclosure, for him is deadly.

    Listen the song of the love.
    try to tame  him not to move.
    may the branch of your life's tree
    become his home, so he can stay free.

    And singing the love's melody
    As long as your life may be.

    Please accept my best Humbly regards.

    in reply to: Additions to status groups #65971

    Hello kind peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum

    Using the DreamWorld and becoming a bit more familiar with it.
    I agree Brandybee when he think that having more nuances in relation will complicated and start endless chat about the relation.

    What I may humbly think is to keep the 3 categories of relation, but to change the definition.
    May I purpose :
    – Friend
    – Special ( insteed of Lover )
    – Unique ( Insteed of Spouse )

    I said my idea only to put my point of view, I think we all have a way to use the relation categories differently.
    for exemple  mine is :
    . Friend is for people I want to keep contact with, whatever why I want it. I have friends for making love with who I feel comfortable and pleased, I got Chat Friends, I got Role-play contacts, and even some people whose primary contact was nice but with no time to development.
    . Lover is a special category for people I follow often, for people I can wait to log.
    . Spouse is only for my other Avatar ( kind of family ) and for my Mistress.
    But that is only the way I do, really not to become a rule …

    Sorry if I bore you, please accept my best humbly regards

    in reply to: Change in relationship building #65870

    Eve, the only reason to “downgrade” (wow, this word sounds horrible!) is cause you are breaking a relationship……and i think there is no reason to move from lover to friends or, more worst!, from spose to lover! it will mean the magic is ended and, honestly, i prefer a complete break!

    Well I didn't “downgrade” anybody by myself ( just mentioning the possibility to do ), but I was, once from Lover to Friend, with an explanation of why. And it was fine by me.
    I mean, we sometime make mistakes ( in fact I do ) about relationship, or the feeling a relationship may be. So with explanations to the person, it is quite easier with the new system than previously, to update a relationship without cutting all the link.
    So, even I too dislike the word “downgrade” ( But I was not able to find a better one ), I maybe , a day, use this possibility, not without chat and explanations of course, just because sometime a once Lover reveal only to be a Friend.

    I also agree you, than in case of rupture, I prefer a complete break … But I don't agree you : there is many reason to update relations…

    Please accept my best humbly regards

    in reply to: Promoting the Forum #58098

    Hi hi hi so it may work !!! gladly I didn't did it in vain :)

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