Forum Replies Created
My … I don't think about what make me off …
It is different , for my mood , for my previous experiences and feelings …
A Thing that really turn me OFF is asking requests about … Realworld Stuff ( Pics , Cams , Mails … )
They kills my fun a lot , but still, for some who are imaginative and fun … it is not a reason to “IGNORE” them .Else .. well I don't have rules : a word, maybe a comma may change the magic to a duty …
I can't express what is the red line between fun and duty .
I can't express what is the red line between fully enjoyment and borness …That's the magic of life !
June 13, 2012 at 7:40 pm in reply to: Game Idea. Please let shemales buy pubic hair to wear too. #65587Ohh My !!! Do you ??? …
Well having the option doesn’t mean I’ll use it
🙂 And I think if many please … why not 😛
Anyway, welcome on the DreamWorld’s Forum Zarzazaran !!
hehe i like the idea of a 3some slow dance if someone have some ideas for the moves
. it will be the only 3some where i accept men lol
Well , maybe better than 2 who dances, and one who look
( as it is in many 3some poses )
I think about a close round dance, arms on the shoulder of each side partner.
Close enough to be able to kiss, to fondle both of partners.I think that best group poses are those where the 3 are involved, not those where only two please and the other wait to switch .
Well That's just what I think.
I don't have a clue about the work it might be to develop that kind of pose without improper interraction between the avatars .Please accept my best humbly regards.
Yes Miss Adera ( I hope you don't mind I call you Miss. )
Even I slightly have a different opinion about what I feel when people just want my … manhood. ( Woman or Man either )
As a slave, my primary please is to serve and make them happy, even if that mean they want me to be active, or, as you said stimulated …
But my feelings is very disturbing when this happen, I both please to fullfill their wish and desire, and both hate the role they want me to have.I really think that many peoples ( fortunatly not all ! ) think I please having this part of me stimulated. Well … that's not true …
And I really fully enjoy when I can forget that unsightly part of me. ( And that's also why I created my second Avatar ) .I don't know why they still want to act differently ( not all, people that understand us are many in spite not the majority )
with us than with woman ?
Is that because our manhood part is so obvious in poses ? So they can't think we are girls …
Is that because they just see in us a pair of nipple to knead and a dick to suck ?
Are we for some Woman an half step between lesbian and hetero ? ( and for some Men an half step to Gay self-acceptance )I really don't know and I thinks reasons to them to act like this are many.
But I agree with you Miss Adera. Some peoples just want to listen or understand that having care about our penis is not a great way to make us horny.
I had decide to post this for peoples who like being with us ( Transgenders ) and who feel a lust for us .
So if they read me, maybe will they pay a little more attention to what we feel.My intention was really not to hurt anybody, but yes I am asking myself lot of questions about what people think I may please, and what
make they want to have intercourses with me .
If I hurt anybody, Please trust me It was not my intention to upset, insult, hurt anyvbody !
I am just talking about my experiences in the Dreamworld. And , another time, some peoples ARE kinds, understanding and loving.Please Miss Adera, consider I have a deep respect for you, your posts and opinions. If I bother you, or misunderstood what you was saying, tell me please.
I know we are very different, for our opinions, our past surely are not the same, so we may have different point of view and opinions.Having different opinions, and sometime clash about some topics don't mean I don't respect yours.
Well … may I think that variety make the peoples more interesting ?Accept my apologies if I bother you, or if I had unclear writing.
Please accept my best humbly regards.Wow !!! Hypnotising !!!!
A very fine find Hentai !!!Please be very welcome needu2nite.
Rukya, that is perfectly right :
There is SF (where the woman receive) but there is rarely the other side , the FS (ex : the last poose or the rub from behind) .
And you are right that Woman are mostly passives with Sheman's Poses and actions. I don't know why.
Of course some poses where shemen are passives ( or be the Receiver ) I think it was just a choice of priority for developping Poses .
And with time, new poses where Shemen will be the reveiver will be release.In fact I think that, not for all poses, but generaly there is an order for gender to be giver to receiver :
Man -> Sheman -> Woman I don't know if anybody have the same feeling ?Hello kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's forum.
Well I have question about a place for personal Ads.
Is it for ads about our real life ( Meetings / trip warning / Sell my dildos collections …) ?
Is it for Dreamworld's Avatars's Ads ( AFK for long time , Personal profile … ) ?
Is it for all Dream or real , and a place for any annoucement ?Thank you for lighting my darkness Please.
Well having the possibility that the woman may penetrate me may thrill me more !!! ;D
And I agree you Adera , Like the other post … I think I follow your steps.Yes I agree … and may I add than some of us consider that the … manhood … part of them is not thrilling themselves at all . . . I hope some are, really, but not all .
Anyway, all the other actions are very nice and enjoyable ( for me ) .
Hello all kind peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum
Music also take a huge place in my life, At work, driving, resting … usually I often listen Music.But also I listen Metal and Hardcore style of music . And Longs “Metalica”like ballads are not what I please the most .
So I had seek for track that match more what could be a “Love song” for what I listen.At first I thought about Marilyn Manson 's Valentine's Day, but the second part may be very … strange for a love song
And then my Winamp Playlist switch for this one, so I share it with you :DISTURBED
My MistressI stand on the brink of your mind
Living inside a nightmare from which
I just cannot awaken
Stand on the edge of your life
Just give me another moment
From which I will never awakenStand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me inMy Mistress
To stand on the edge of the knife
Cutting through the nightmare from which
I just cannot awaken
Stand on the edge of the night
Living inside a moment
From which I will never awakenStand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me inLook at what you've done to me
You've become my enemy
Poisoning the world for me
Take away my everything
Weakened as I amNever awaken
Stand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me inMy Mistress
Decide to let me inHello All kind peoples of the DreamWorld’s Forum
Well I really understand that you wanted to share and post in a blog Mister Marklong.
And I respect the way you choose to express what you feel and think about AChat.
( And that’s a good training for maintaining a blog:P.) Also you did well, your blog is really nicely done.
Now I will not do one myself for I feel the forum to be enough.
So, well done Mister Marklong!
Hello Needu2nite, and welcome both on the Dreamworld, and in the Forum .
Poses with same partner's Gender are all “switchable” I think, Man with man, Woman wt woman and Sheman wt sheman.
It is possible because both of our Avatar's mainframe are the same and so they can be changed in a action without code change.With different gender it can't be so easy because interactions are different and so each action have to be recode and added as and separate action.
For exemple the “Pampered” action is available with SM active / FM passive ( pampered woman ) or FM active / SM passive ( pampered shemale ) but they are TWO differents poses ( and some actions are of course differents … obviously ) ( and so the switch is not througt an ” Action Change ” button.
So I think the answerd of your question is : For it is a huge work to make a new pose, the development Team ( Who did a great work ) may not yet develped the reverse pose for each possibility . I am sure that a day it will come ( like for the “Pampered” one )
Anyway You may understand I know nothing, I was just guessing about your question, my answer is just my thinking, feed with previous topics on the forum about similar topics.
Hello all kind peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum.
Well … some good men exists … really ???
I think, of course !!! In fact my experience here in the Dreamworld ( that is not so long I may agree ) is not about the gender that make or not
a kind person.
Some men are nice ( or not ) , some women are rudes ( or not ) , and Shemen can be both …
It is related to the gender ? or it is related to the cultural education, the reason why they are here, the relations they expected ..?I feel that we are all very differents, more maybe than the usual panel of differences we may have during our life, because users here comes from all around the world, sometime hide their true self, or express bondless their lusts and frustration.
As many user here I mainly speack about respect for the living people that is behind the Avatar.
It is an hard task to meet for we have sometime such huge different cultures ans wishes. And sometime it lead to rudeness.
For me it is not also related for what we seek in the Dreamworld, some may look for gentle virtual sex, some for hard and regardless fuck, some want pictures or contacts on Skype … MSN … Some want to find a mate for real live …
Would I Enjoy be treated like a Queen Mister Trekmanalpha : No, for that is very not what I need and seek for coming here.
Some peoples may insult me, calling me “Creature” for I am Transgender : Yes it did happen. Is it rudeness … for sure it's a pity… but it is also the price, I think for having such differents peoples in the same world.Also, we, peoples of the forum, are, I think, more involved into the Dreamworld's life and improving. So I think it is much more a part of our life than the Standard Free User that make no difference between a person and Robot Girl ( or Robot Boy I am not sexist
) who just enter the Dreamworld for the “game fun” and don't even think some real other persons ( with feelings, pains and scars ) are interracting.
So for us ( peoples of the forum ) the ourselves we put into the Dreamworld may be very different, very intimate, and … very painfull when treated without regards and with rudeness.
So how we feel may be different from those who makes feel it.I have sadly no solution.
But gladly the Dreamworld have two options the Realworld may never have : “The Ignore” button of the Chat and the “Exit Room” button of the Room.
After all this offer us the possibility to stop the rudeness quickly.
I know than when hurt is done , it is too late. But also I agree Miss kittenlepurr that Friends may easely cure our sadness about been treated rudely.Anyway, sadly enough I think also that the majority of peoples may be or become rude. And that is the minority who are kinds.
For example, I think it is hard for free users or new comers to make nice contacts and that been rejected oftenly, they may feel angry and leaded to become rude because of this.As Miss kittenlepurr I try not to judge anyone before, no matter the gender, no matter the Free or Premium. But I may say also that sometime it is hard. ( and so, when I feel I may no more, I usually switch to my second personality's Avatar to clean my mind about those pains ) .
Sorry if I bored you
Please accept my best humbly regardsHello kind peoples of the DreamWorld's forum
I must admit that this pose is not my favorite one in matter of … mouthjob
I prefer the “Blowjob” pose ( On my knees, my partner standing up if you see )
After comes the “Mouth Fuck” pose & “under the cock”But that is only matter of feeling
Hello kinds peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum.
Wanting to live no more, Seeing no hope, no more interest or view on future? feeling that our life is helpless and meaningless is an awful feeling that may lead to tragedy. Ans facts are , as Mr Bear said, that they actually do.
I had, as many peoples: close friends who chose to end there live. And It IS a tragedy.
A feeling of failure to those who survives. Failure to help that may be avoided.
Death of a close person is always a tragedy, by suicide bring this deep regret …Here French organisations to help those who feel depressed and think there is no more colors in their life:
Voici quelques contacts en France pour aider ceux qui connaissent des gens en danger :SOS Amitié : ( phone call to have advise, and warnings about yourself or relations )
Pour des conseils et une écoute vous concernant ou des proches )
01 42 96 26 26Le Refuge : ( Emergency help and advise )
Aide d'urgence
06 31 59 69 50Suicide Ecoute : ( if you feel a close relation feel depressed )
Pour des conseils de fond et pour eviter un drame
01 45 39 40 00If you acted, please! there is hope! It's not too late :
Si vous êtes passé à l'acte , il n'est jamais trop tard : le 15, dites ” Je viens de me suicider” et donnez votre adresse.SAMU : 15
Pompiers : 18Please accept my best humbly regards.