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  • in reply to: Francaise – French #13540

    Je me permet de copier un petit guide ( en francais ) originellement posté ici :,364.msg3128.html#msg3128 ( par Tom )
    Car il me semble trés utile pour des utilisateurs débutants qui se poseraient des questions sur les us et coutumes du Monde des Reves ( le jeu )

    #1 « Select to Chat » est la seule interaction souhaitable sans avoir l’accord préalable de l’autre Personne ne s’offusquera d’être salué par un « bonjour », alors qu’il n’y a rien de plus énervant que de se voir invité sans préavis et sans avoir donné son accord. Ainsi, il convient de n’inviter quelqu’un qu’après lui avoir demandé et obtenu sa permission. Dans le cas contraire, cela n’est rien d’autre qu’une « invitation à blanc » qui est perçue comme étant VRAIMENT irrévérencieux. Dans le meilleur des cas vous serez ignoré, mais souvent vous serez black-listé.

    #2 Remplir son profile et lire celui des autres est toujours profitable Des hétéros perdent leur temps à essayer d’entrer en contact avec des homos. Bien souvent, quelques secondes passées à lire le profile de l’autre auraient permis d’éviter cela.
    De plus, les profiles permettent de se faire une idée sur ce que l’on peut espérer de l’autre et ce qu’il attend. Cela permet bien souvent d’éviter de l’énervement et de la mise en black-liste.

    #3 Personne ne doit rien à personne
    On ne peut pas obliger qui que ce soit à s’isoler dans une chambre (en dehors des deux automates) ou à répondre aux messages. L’agressivité ne sert à rien si la personne ne répond pas, bien au contraire.

    #4 La barrière de la langue ne doit jamais être négligée Que vous parliez l’anglais de façon naturelle (ou non) ne veut pas dire que l’autre le fasse aussi (ou non). L’anglais ne doit donc pas être imposé. C’est aux deux protagonistes de trouver un terrain d’entente.

    #5 Ne pas répondre ne veut pas forcément dire que l’autre ne veut pas répondre Parfois, l’autre personne n’est pas disponible pour une discussion, que ce soit parce qu’elle s’est absentée de son ordinateur ou qu’elle est déjà occupée. Se montrer trop insistant risquerait d’encourager l’autre personne à vous ajouter à sa black-list ou à vous ignorer complètement. En cas de non-réponse, il vaut mieux attendre un peu et laisser le temps de répondre à l’autre, cela augmentera les chances d’obtenir une réponse agréable au final. Et surtout, il faut éviter de commencer beaucoup de discussions en même temps car il serait peut-être difficile de gérer ces discussions si tout le monde répond.

    #6 L’autre est un autre soi-même
    Il est important de se comporter avec l’autre comme on aimerait que l’autre se comporte avec soi. En effet, le plus court chemin vers le bonheur est d’être soi-même.

    #7 Bien chercher
    Si vous ne cherchez que des personnes d'un pays donné, il convient d'utiliser le champ “country” du formulaire de recherche de partenaire. Les personnes qui ont renseigné leur pays de façon ad-hoc seront alors listées.

    in reply to: Teen loves #61988

    Ohhh my! My fault and my mistake. ???

    I did not read fully the Term of use. ( In fact I did, but didn't remember them fully when creating my second personality's Avatar  :'( )

    And yes, with My Girl's side's Avatar, I usually tell, during the Role-Play I may had, I am 16 yo.
    Really not to promote any kind of underage pornography. ( which is a crime, an offence and morally unnacceptable even for the few morale I may have … )
    Not even for arrousing peoples who may have an age-play fantasy or Lolita-complex ( as japanese peoples call it ).

    16 is for me a special age: It was the age before I lost myself into all the stuff I may now have stopped ( or try to ).
    It was an age ( even I still had my sexual identity ambiguity ) when I accepted myself, my differences, more.
    It was, for me like an golden age, before clouds of violence and rain of deception darks my light and fall on me.

    That was why I created this Avatar for my second personality, as she is whom I dream to be. So I feeled like she start her “Dreamed-Life” at the golden age of mine.

    Anyway, I did announce that in … Reality I am not, of course 16 yo ( but 23 ) and even not a Girl ( but Transgender), but I may be more aware that many peoples don't read the announcement on profile.
    Anyway I do take the responsibility of what I done.
    I will so no more talk about my … underage with this Avatar ( even in Role-play, for it was just in Role-Play )

    I think I'll still … feel … that my Girly side is younger than I am actually ( and freed also for many aspect of a real life may be  :P )

    Reading this topic and thinking about what was my attitude, I feel irresponsible, and maybe had promoted a crime that I really don't want to promote. I had acted childishly. So I get the blame on myself.

    I don't ask for any people to forgive me. For I think I never fooled or cheated anybody about Her and the phantasm she is for me.
    As I always advise that is was just Role-Play and warn about the difference between the Avatar and me.
    But, in spite of thinking I had hurt no one, I may bear, as anybody, my responsibility about this aspect.

    That was the intent of my post
    Sorry if I bother or bore you.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Is AChat unstable since the last update? #59555

    Well Texan Sir , for me It was always the same. Online/Busy/Offline status only actualize when manually asked for another request.
    ( or changing page for a search )

    I always have that manual update for status . I was not aware that other peoples had an automaticaly update.

    Please accept my humbly regards.
    ( Else, if your see a “Slaved”  Shegirl online, munualy or automaticaly, she may be happy to make you visiting the interrogation room, even is a bit more ligtned with flowers on the floor and a box of chocolate next to a teddy bear  ;D )

    in reply to: Problem! Achat payment declined by CCBill or banks #13471

    Ohhh Hentai don't worry , I just hope that he may solve his problem.

    I remove my italian translation ( from Google  ;D ) because of course your will be better hi hi hi.

    I wish you to have great fun You, your friends, and all kinds peoples of the DreamWorld.

    in reply to: Problem! Achat payment declined by CCBill or banks #13470

    Well Sir Jacopop
    Maybe by contacting you bank advisor and telling him that this buy is allowed, you may have your transaction validated and that will solve the problem.
    I hope for you that it will work.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Choosing a Partner Preferences #15319

    Hello Mister “six rounds colt” Taztexan  :P

    May I say that I do few search with preferences. If I do a search, I only choose a gender ( if I please a special gender at the time I do the search, but usually I search with no preferences )
    And I look on display pictures on icons for a display I please ( in this way, I don't care if the displayed picture is an AChat's shoot, or a downloaded picture ) Then I read the annoucement : favorites , age, orientation and character type.
    The personal message is very important to me.

    Personally, I change not my preferences and announcement, except sometime if I want to let an offline message to my friends, lovers or Spouse.
    I never change outfits on my main Avatar, for it is my … Role and it is fixed ( I is related to my past life, and my past is kind of fixed )
    I few change my second personality's outfits, because I please a lot those I wear, and didn't find others that I please better. But if  I'll find some, I will change ( I did bought hearted stroking for instance, and wearing them )

    I have no occasion to change such as your “Bare Ass Friday”.

    I do not change my stance neither. Same as all for me, once I find one that I please and that match well my Avatar's spirit, I stay on it.

    Please accept my humbly regards.

    in reply to: Problem! Achat payment declined by CCBill or banks #13468

    Hello Kinds peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum

    I have no problem about CCBill payment ( my last contribution was last week )
    I can't pay twice a day ( as I wanted when create my second account ) but that is security politic of my bank.
    Anyway, my banker called me for verify thoses bills was allowed, but as I said “yes” their is no problem for me.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Translations for AChat #44063

    Hello TightFit74

    Is that mean if I change the language of the text.txt file, that will translate the Client?

    Please accept my best regards.

    in reply to: Translations for AChat #44061


    Bien sur, avec plaisir, si je peux aider , c'est sans probleme.


    in reply to: Translations for AChat #44058

    Hello Kind peoples of the DreamWorld's forum.

    … I may be volontary too.

    I am french speaking ( native ) but I am not very skilled in english. But I may review translation.
    I am some kind often here, and I may help if you want.

    Please accept my best regards .

    in reply to: inproved user interface #64701

    Hello all kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's forum.

    . General chat chan : I don't know Some times ago I used general chanels , and mainly those general chatroom are just full of trolls and flooders. Without any permanent moderator who get the hammer … I feel it will be messy.
    Anyway, as you said Miss Keiko: “Bring it back” I may guess that there was previously a general chat chan.

    Why was it deleted ? And how did it work ?

    Anyway, all others ideas are very nices and will surely lead for a better communication and Role-Play.

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Keiko’s Fashion Kloset #64643

    hi hi hi Let's make a fashion week  :P

    in reply to: Keiko’s Fashion Kloset #64641

    dress's contest!? Evelyne, are you talking about the suggestion we (hurry, pals!) are posting in the topic started by Keiko!?

    Sorry to say but you had mistunderstood it…'s not a contest where users can win a price, but it's something to find out what we like more and like to see in the Dreamworld. all of us a winner in them!

    Ohhh sorry That's me who misunderstood … sorry … I meant not that were such a winner and loosers … Sorry … I am confused, I delete my mistake …

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite Outfits #64343

    Hello all kinds Peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum.

    I really like the Neko Mini's outfit ! Thank you very much for the idea Hentaï !! As always : Great !!!

    Anyway the tail may be strange with some poses ( if intimate clothes ) But as dancing with such nices outfits may be a very wonderfull experience !

    Please accept my best humbly regards.

    in reply to: Voyeur Rooms #64627

    Hi hi hi, yes … dirty me

    🙂 and I surely don’t want to show with such dirties strigs !!! ;D

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