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  • in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51133

    Cmon yall!  Help us get some better poses for the LGBT folks!  Now get them pants off and show us your buns!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68938

    I stood before the great table imagining blue and Janine coming to a glorious orgasm when from behind me I heard footsteps.  I turned and Janine was standing behind me.  Her hair still damp from bathing, and completely naked.  As she approached, her eyes met with mine, but not in a way that demanded the usual level of control.  She was looking on me with softness and romantic passion.  She placed her hands on my hips and brought her lips up to mine.  I felt her kiss as first a brushing motion against my lips and then pressing in just enough to make my pulse quicken.  She then pulled away from me and glided toward her dungeon, which I could see through the door was now fully furnished.  I watched as she made her way to a four post bed pulling back the covers, leaving room for me, and inviting me to join her if I wished. 

    I looked over to make sure tango was keeping busy, and noticed that he was headed to the back door with a tool box.  Paying him no more mind, I walked into Janine’s dungeon and closed the door behind me.  The once cold drab office she now occupied, had been transformed into warm surroundings that seemed to hold you gently the moment you walked in.  Elegant and inviting, the mood was all at once made just a bit raw by the few sinister items Janine had chosen to leave in plain sight.  To the untrained eye, it was a very elegant bedroom like any other.

    I locked my gaze on Janine now.  Slowly I walked to the bed, my heart was about to jump out of my chest, my desire tempting me at every turn.  But this moment could not be rushed.  It had to be taken in slowly and enjoyed until every last exquisite drop of passion had been extracted from it.  The bed was covered in soft linen and Janine had now sunk into its warm embrace.  I looked in her eyes and saw the desire there.  Her breasts now raising and lowering in deep breaths of arousal. 

    I stood at the edge of the bed, closest to the side she had left open for me.  I didn’t say a word.  No matter what was said, words would have tarnished the moment.  I looked longingly in her eyes and began to undress before her.  Taking off my top slowly, folding it neatly and placing it on the bed.  My bra came next, my breasts exposed to the air, I felt goose flesh for a moment and my nipples became hard.  Folding my bra in half, I placed it on the bed next to my top.  Up on one foot then the other, I slid off my sandals and pushed them just under the bed with my feet.  Next, I slid off my jeans unbuttoning them, taking down the zipper and sliding them over my butt.  I slid one leg out gently, then the other.  Again, taking time to fold them and place them neatly next to my top.  Finally I slid my panties down over my butt and took my legs out of them in the same motion as my jeans.  Naked now before my would be lover, I folded my panties and gathered the rest of my clothes.  I placed them all neatly on the bench at the foot of her bed.

    The entire time I was undressing, I watched Janine devour me with her eyes.  I walked back over to my side of the bed and slid in next to her, enveloped by the same soft linen that held Janine.  I moved in close and placed my hand on her shoulder as I felt her leg drape over mine.  We lay there face to face, but bare before each other.  The thick makeup and dark mascara of our alter egos scrubbed away leaving only two lovers deep in each other’s embrace. 

    My eyes still locked with hers we lay there for a while.  My fingers slowly moving over her arm and her leg gently brushing mine as we got to know the touch of each other’s skin.  All the while we gazed into each other, sharing the air between us in deeper and deeper breaths, before finally as if sharing the same thought we both moved closer and our lips met in as gentle a way as we were being held by the soft bed. 

    Both of us reached down and took hold of one edge of the covers, pulling them over our entwined bodies.  Looking into each other’s eyes once more, before our lips met again, and our hands began to explore.   

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68933

    The next day I came down to The Ice House early.  Our founders now in place, it was time to have a party.  A chance for us to show off a bit, but also to recruit some new members.  Surely there would be a few kinky people that would join us in our new home.  We had plenty of room to spare that was for sure.  As I made my way into the great hall I found tango, in his yellow shirt and bow tie.  Tidying up a few things and getting some of the loose wrappings from mine, Bear’s, and Janine’s dungeon’s thrown away. 

    “tango come!”  I called.

    Tango dropped what he was doing and came over quickly to me.  “Yes Ma’am?”  He replied.

    “tango, I we are going to have a party.  We will be inviting people from the AB&G to a kind of open house.  I want everything here to be top notch the day of the party.  We are going to have a few fun items as well.  I have  a construction crew coming to install a proper glory hole that everyone can enjoy and that people can occupy without anyone knowing who was on the other side.  You will make sure that they keep everything neat and tidy, while they work.  Understand?”  I instructed.

    “Yes Ma’am”  he replied

    “I am also having some invitation items delivered.  You will assemble them as soon as they are here.  I also want you to make sure that the large doors on the side of The Ice House are working.  We will not be using the tunnel for this party.  Understand?”

    “Yes Ma’am”

    “Good boy, you can go back to what you were doing until the deliveries start to arrive.”  I said.

    “Yes Ma’am.”  He replied hesitantly.  “Miss Christy, I think there is something you need to see.”

    “Oh?”  I inquired.  “Show me.”

    tango and I walked over to the great table.  “Miss Christy, if you will just stand back a bit, look at the table and tilt your head slightly….”  He began.

    “tango, what is this?”  I demanded, becoming irritated.  Then I saw it.  “tango, go back to your work.”

    “Miss Christy?”  He replied.

    “Now tango.”  I instructed.

    “Yes Ma’am”  tango replied, and he went back to stacking the trash by the back door.

    What was in front of me was a barely visible smear on the great table.  It could only be seen if the light hit it just right.  A sweaty outline of two bodies.  One, the dulcet shape of a woman, with her back on the table, its feet and palms flat.  “blue”  I thought to myself.  The other, with the small hand prints of a woman, appeared to have been working up and down the length of the others body.  “Janine”  I concluded.

    As I tilted my head more, I could see out of the corner of my eye that tango was watching me while he worked.  I let him eye me as I continued my forensic reconstruction of the sexual encounter that was now before me.  I felt my face begin to flush as I noticed the tiny pricks in the surface of the great table.  Outlines that suggested hands and fingers…..vampire gloves.  The hair on the back of my neck began to rise and I began to feel very warm.  I watched the ghostly images on my table make love in front of me.   blue’s ass appeared to be writhing on the table.  Janine must have been tormenting her for what seemed like ages before she allowed her to orgasm.

    As I continued in my voyeuristic examination, I could see Janine’s elbows working down the sides of blue.  Her breasts and knees making marks between blue’s feet.  Then the imprint of her chin right where blue’s moist pussy would have been waiting eagerly for her talented tongue.  My own nipples had hardened now and I was beginning to feel the moisture becoming apparent between my own legs.  I watched as my blue, was slowly brought to the edge of ecstasy.  Tormented with her own desire.  My God, it must have been wonderful for her.

    in reply to: Pleasure Island #47888

    One Year Later…

    I stepped out of the bar into the bright sunshine of Port Royal, Jamaica.  Another bar and still no work for an out of work first mate.  Especially a woman, that is unless I wanted to spend the entire voyage on my back.  No thank you.  As I walked along toward the docks, I imagined myself as just another resident of this God forsaken place.  Doomed to live out the rest of my days here and never return to the sea.  As I sank further into the idea, I was suddenly awe struck.  The ship.  My ship, The Pleasure, was tied up at the dock.  And flying a French flag.  “Bloody frogs, didn’t even change her name.”  I thought to myself.

    My thoughts returned to the day I was sent into the damnation of the life I now lived.  Captain Adera, myself, and one of our prisoners…..Bear or something, I think was his name.  The three of us releasing the tension that only months at sea can bring.  I felt my insides begin to tingle at the thought, but the feeling only lasted a moment when the memory of the attack came.  The crew had been so busy listening at the captain’s key hole and peering through the window on the aft deck, that no one bothered to see the two French warships coming along side.  Before anyone knew what had happened, we had all been taken prisoner and our ship taken a prize.  I and most of the crew were taken aboard one of the ships bound for Jamaica to be hanged as pirates.  My captain and a few others, including our sexual prisoner were left behind. 

    I had been the prisoner of one Captain Leclerc.  Henri Leclerc to be exact.  He ran a very tight ship but he was still a man like any other.  I bargained for the release of myself and my crew with the only thing I had left to offer.  It’s not too much to say that I didn’t enjoy myself  during parts of our voyage.  Henri did everything he could to try and make me feel like more of a lover than a whore.  But all things being equal, I had sold my body in return for our lives.  It was a price well paid.

    I almost began to cry at the thought of my beautiful captain swinging from one of the yard arms of the ship I was now walking towards, or worse if they had discovered her secret.  I choked back the tears but continued on.  Such a beautiful ship.  Too beautiful to be under such an ugly flag.  The Jolly Roger was the only flag meant for her in my book.  More and more memories flooded in, of treasure and hardship, and of my captain.  How I wished I had known her better before…… “BASTARD!”  I heard myself yell out in front of a few stunned onlookers. 

    Quickly I hid my face, but not before verifying what I had seen.  That prisoner….Bear, was standing on deck.  Ordering the crew about.  I heard one of them refer to him by rank.  “So, first mate is it?”  I thought to myself.  He had probably been sent to spy on us from the beginning.  And now here he was, at my post, and my Captain dead, or even worse at the hands of whoever was now in control of The Pleasure.  I stood fuming.  I would have my revenge.

    I waited until nightfall, if he was first mate, he would have first turn at the watch so he could get to his sack early.  I knew that routine well enough.  I waited until I saw him back on deck.  And then snuck out from behind the barrels and crates I was hiding behind on the dock.  Placing a blade in my teeth I slung under one of the lines holding the ship fast to the dock.  Climbing up I found myself on the aft deck.  Just a few yards forward was my target.  Slowly I got closer and just as he was about to stand up, I put my blade between his ribs, took his pistol and tucked it in my sash, and whispered in his ear.  “On your feet mate.  We’re going to see the captain.”

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68927

    When I returned to The Ice House.  Walking through the tunnel from the AB&G I pushed open the book case and stepped into the entry room.  Now that the dungeon had been cleaned I would have some time to setup for my first scene with blue.  Sitting outside my dungeon was a large box.  My special shipment had arrived.  I was afraid it would have taken longer.  After all this was custom made equipment. 

    There was no immediate sign of Janine and blue, but ther was evidence all around that they were still around, and I could hear movement coming from somewhere within The Ice House.  More than that, I saw that Janine had already begun to have things delivered.  If the things I had seen in Bear’s dungeon made me curious, Janine’s were down right mysterious.  Four large steamer trunks which looked like they were a hundred years old, lined up outside her dungeon.  Along with several smaller crates that looked like they had been dug up out of the ground only a few hours before.  And a crate that was marked “Live Animal”.  It was as tall as I was and just as long.  Several one inch holes were drilled around the top of the crate.  I couldn’t help myself.  I had to peek. 

    Stepping over to the crate I tried to peek inside.  All I could see was that there was something moving in there.  It seemed to dodge the light that streamed in from the holes, and I could hear muffled breathing coming from inside.  When I tapped lightly on the side it jerked so hard that the whole crate moved about a foot across the floor.  Then whatever was in there gave off a sickening screech.  I backed away as the thing inside calmed down and became still again.  Probably best to leave that one alone.

    Passing by Bear’s dungeon, I could see that some of the grime had been cleaned off of the window, but office style mini-blinds had been installed in the window so you couldn’t see in.  I was still very curious about that large box with the oriental writing on it.  Bear always seemed to be able to get the most interesting toys.  I would have to ask him for his source.

    Stepping over to my own dungeon brought my package into my own dungeon and shut the door behind me.  Opening it I peered inside and smiled.   Three custom made floggers wrapped in newspaper were on top.  I removed each one and let it fly through the air to see how it handled.  They were very nice indeed, and I hung them on the wall next to my St. Andrew’s cross.  Digging further into the box I found the main part of my order.  It was beautiful!  I couldn’t wait for blue to see it. 

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66360

    I arrived back at the bar and the place was jumping.  Literally.  In fact, Just as I was exiting the pool room a body flew off the bull and landed a few feet away from me.  I continued on and saw tango back at the bar with Jane who seemed unaware of what he had been doing only a few minutes earlier.  That, or she just didn’t care.

    I continued on to the bar and reached behind getting my special bottle, a clean glass, and poured myself a drink.  Placing the bottle back behind the bar, I sipped my whisky and stepped around spotting Bear back by the bull.  I would have to try and find him when he was a little less occupied.  He looked like he was really tied up with the controls just now.  I was still concerned about this jail.  But more than that, I just wanted to share a drink with my friend. 

    As I continued to stroll around the bar I made sure to give Brandy a nod and stopped by to give her a hug.  Taking a seat near the bull I set my drink on the table, leaned back in my chair, watched the flying bodies, and just relaxed.  My dream of a multi-use dungeon was now complete, and I was as content as I had been in a long time.

    in reply to: Secretary outfits: nice job BUT… #69387

    I for one, like it. It’s too sexy for a real office, but this is great for play. The right glasses and this outfit can turn you into a sexually harassing boss. Demanding to see her new employee and have him/her show what they can do. mmmm mmmm. ;D

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51127

    Welcome to the forum Horatio!  We're glad to have your support!  ;D

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68924

    Briefly, I leaned against the door, and allowed myself to savor my moment with Janine.  I so wanted the moment to have lasted longer.  But it would have been inappropriate infront of our servants.  I would have to make some time for myself and Janine when we could be alone.  Just the thought of her touch made me weak for a moment.  But I brought my attention back to reality and straightened up.

    Then turned my attention to tango.  Stepping into the center of the dungeon, I stalked around tango.  I kept the lights dim.  I had a sound system installed in the dungeon and it could be activated with a remote that I kept with me for activating other devices within the dungeon and the great hall.  Those I would reveal to everyone later, for now, I switched on the music.  A small thump and a hum filled the air as the system clicked on then, Beethoven 9th Symphony, 2nd Movement.

    I took my glare away from my trainee for a moment.  Gliding to the wall and selecting a long handled whip with a short fall, essentially a small buggy whip,  and returned to tango.  “Leash tango.”  I said and he produced his leash.  “You did very well tonight, and as a reward I will give you some initial training.”  I saw his eyes light up at this and he began to look around the room at all the terrible equipment I had, his eyes locking on my spanking bench with a shudder.  I bend down next to him for a moment.  “Unh, unh.  No, no, you’re not ready for that.  Besides, my dungeon hasn’t been christened yet.  You can think of this like a soft opening.  I have already promised blu that she will be the first to use the equipment you see here.  Maybe someday you can aspire to be as good a sub as she.  But for now, we will just put you through your paces.  Up tango!”  I called out as I rose, stepping behind him, still holding his leash and gave the whip a crack behind him.

    tango sprang to his feet and kept his gaze on the floor.  “Now then,  training to sub is like learning to walk.  Only in this case you must first learn to walk before you can crawl.”  I said as I ran the whip up his leg.  When it found the crack between his buttocks I saw him briefly come up on his toes.  I continued up his back and ran the tip between his shoulder blades. Before taking it away.  “Now walk.”  I said, giving him a stinging strike on his buttocks.

    tango leaped forward and walked fast, me holding his leash causing him to circle around me.  I put the lengthy handle of the whip in front of him to slow him down a bit, which he did.  “That’s it keep a nice steady gate.  Your Master or Mistress shouldn’t have to try to keep up with you, and you should be able to follow behind without them having to tug at your leash.”  I let him circle me a few more times occasionally prodding him faster or slower with the whip, then I saw it again. “STOP!”  I commanded.

    “Let’s take care of this right now.”  I said stepping in front of him looking down to see that he was becoming hard again.  I took his penis in my left hand and began to gently stroke it.  “You are getting excited from your training then?”  I asked.

    I saw his eyes begin to roll as he struggled to reply, “Yes Miss Christy.” 

    Then his eyes that were rolling up from pleasure turned to a wince as I grabbed his dick tight with my fist and yanked hard, pulling him toward me.  My nails, digging into the soft flesh that covered his hard shaft.  “You are going to learn to control this.  Understand?”

    “Yes Miss Christy.”  He pushed out between his clenched teeth.

    “If you can’t keep this little man under control, I will have to put him in a little cage.”  I said pointing my whip to the wall with the other hand, where I had an assortment of brass cock cages hanging on small pegs.

    I saw his eyes widen as he scanned the wall of chastity devices available to me.  “Yes Miss Christy.”  He replied, and as he closed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts.  I could feel him begin to soften in my tightening grip, and I let him go.

    “Good boy,” I said. “now let’s continue.” I gave him another sting on his flank and he was walking again.  “Try not to bounce.”  I instructed.  Watching tango respond, I could tell that he was going to make a fine house sub.  One that any Master or Mistress would be proud to call their own someday.  We continued training until I could see that he was beginning to tire. 

    I instructed tango to kneel before me and I removed his collar and leash.  “tango, you have done well this evening.  I am proud of you.”  I said as I made my way to my ornate chair on the other side of the room and sat down crossing my legs.  “You may dress yourself and return to the bar if you wish, or you may stay here.  If you wish to stay here though, you must either remain naked, or you must go home and put on a pair of slacks, a button down shirt, and a some dress shoes.  You are not permitted to wear casual attire while serving in The Ice House.”  I looked on him while he considered it and my thoughts returned to Janine.  By now I was sure she was busy making plans for her own dungeon, which was guaranteed to be spectacular and mysterious, as was the lady herself.

    I myself rose and headed to my partition and changed back into my outfit I was wearing earlier.  When I finished and came out from behind the partition, tango and his clothes were gone.  Not sure of where he was off to, I exited my dungeon.  Janine and blu were nowhere to be seen but her dungeon door was closed and the light inside was visible under the door.  So, locking my dungeon door, I headed back up to the bar to settle down a bit and to try and find Bear so I could get to the bottom of this jail business.  I would be back in the morning to see how blu had done in Janine’s service.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68921

    As my mentor approached from her inspection I felt her eyes lock with mine.  She had such a moving stare and could make one feel at ease, or terrified with just a look.  This time her look was full passion and yet she made me feel totally calm inside.  I felt complete again.  Watching her run her fingers through blu’s hair I could see that she was happy to help me by serving Janine. 

    Janine looked around the great hall once more, then locked eyes on me once again and began to move closer.  I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest and I felt my lips and cheeks go hot as the blood flushed my face.  As her soft hand came up and found my cheek, I was overcome with emotion and almost cried.  But before I even had to choke back a tear, she leaned in and I felt her lips on mine.  Gently and soft, only briefly catching a passionate tongue brushing my lower lip.  A rush of tingling heat between my thighs and then she pulled away, just as gently as she had kissed me, and she told me she would be very happy here.

    I had my answer, and you could have knocked me over with a feather.  I looked down for a moment and realized that in my moment of passion I had dropped tango’s leash.  “tango, leash.”  I said, and he instinctively picked it up and handed it to me.  “Up tango.”  I ordered and he rose to his feet.  “Let’s retire and let Miss Janine have the place to herself for a bit.  Besides, I have a reward for you.”  I said to tango and began to make my way to my dungeon.  “And for you as well blu when Miss Janine is finished with you.  I am very proud of you dear.”  I said, turning to look over my shoulder to blu, who to her credit, didn’t raise her head.  Her eyes stayed on the floor and she accepted Janine running her fingers through her hair with ease. 

    As I walked across the hall I saw a dim light behind the door of Bear’s dungeon and I thought that I could see some motion behind the filthy glass of the old office within.  Was Bear in there?  Had he been watching the whole time?  Sneaky one, that Bear.  I reminded myself that I still needed to ask him about this jail the NSPD planned to build upstairs.  Were they trying to make me the matron of their little prison?  These cells better be sound proof.  The last thing I needed was a bunch of drunken sex crazed idiots screaming and hollering for their lawyers while I’m trying to have a good time.

    As I got to my dungeon and pushed the door open, I instructed tango “Go inside and kneel in the middle of the floor.”  As he went in, I turned and looked to Janine once again.  She was now down at the end of the great hall considering my St. Andrew’s cross.  Coming up with a few delightfully wicked ideas I was sure I would get to witness sometime in the not too distant future.  When she turned our eyes locked once more, and again I felt the heat in my face as I bowed my head one last time in recognition.  I disappeared into my dungeon and shut the door behind me.  I was home.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68918

    At the end of our tour we stopped at the private dungeon on the far left of the hall.  The one I had imagined for her.  I stopped blu and ordered her to kneel at my side again.  “I hope you will join us here in The Ice House.  I have set aside this dungeon for you to occupy as your own, but you may have any of them you choose of course.” 

    “Come blu.”  She said towing an obedient blu behind her.  She looked inside the dungeon I had pointed out to her and began to walk down the hall inspecting the rest of them.   I was briefly disappointed in myself for not just asking her to select the dungeon of her choice.   But the one I had pointed out for her was the largest of all of them.  But if she chose another, I was sure, she had her reasons.  I could only hope that she would choose to occupy one of them at all. 

    I stood still, tango still kneeling at my side eyes down.  I patted his head to let him know I was proud of him for being attentive to her place tonight.  I would have a special play time for him later as a reward for such good behavior.  I continued to watch Janine make herisay down the hall inspecting each dungeon for herself. 

    I continued to watch my mentor noting the way she walked and her form.  Towing mu blu behind her.  She was so beautiful.  I began to imagine her and myself taking to one of the rooms, leaving our pets behind and closing the door behind us.  Her turning to me and kissing me.  I started to become warm inside and I felt myself going flush.  “No, not now.”  I thought.  How would it look to your mentor if you couldn't control your own deisres.  There would be plenty of time for that later.  What would be her decision?  Only time would tell now, and I would soon know the answer.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68917

    I stood silent as my mentor approached, taking in the sight of the raw Ice House.  As she approached I was very relieved to see her smiling.  I hoped that she could see the potential in this palace that I did.  She took her time, and walked slowly, taking it all in.  I didn’t interrupt and I kept tango and blu’s leashes short and tight to let them know I did not want them to move.  I could still feel a slight trembling from each of them being transmitted through the leashes.

    Once she had made her way to me and greeted me I responded, “Welcome Janine, we are so happy to have you.  I believe you know blu here on my left.”  I said and gave the leash a slight tug lifting her head a bit.

    Janine leaned down and lifted blu’s chin and examined her, noting her collar and the name upon it.  “Yes I remember blu quite well.  You have made her yours then?”  she asked before straightening.

    “Yes, I have.”  I responded proudly.  “She is very obedient and serves me well.  On my right here is tango.  He’s recently begun to embrace his submissive side and is still in training.  He has no Master at this time, and thus is our house sub.”

    Janine again leaned forward and lifted the chin of tango and inspected him.  “Yes, he’s very…..raw isn’t he?  But all subs are when the begin their training.”

    I nodded in agreement, “Would you care for a tour of The Ice House?”  I asked of her.

    She nodded and said, “Yes very much, it is a vast space.”

    “I see your attendants are not with you at this time, would you like to have blu here accompany you today?  She will attend to your every need.”  I offered and held out her leash.

    “Yes very much.”  She responded, taking her leash, and looked down upon blu.  “Up blu.”  She said. And blu got to hier feet, her eyes still on the floor.  “After you Christy.”

    I smiled and looked down upon tango “Up tango.”  I ordered and he got to his feet, his hands at his side and his eyes on the floor.  “Come tango.”  I said as I began to walk side by side with my mentor.  Our servents towed close behind.  Taking my time enjoying every moment and pointing out every facet of the grand space we now occupied.  It was as though the whole Ice House had been blessed and was complete.  I was ecstatic. 

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68913

    I jog quickly to my private Dungeon, tango in tow, and texting blu on my way, telling her to come down to The Ice House quickly and to be dressed appropriately.  I was so excited that Janine seemed to have gotten my message and was here now.  But I had to calm myself.  The last time we had seen each other I was still unsure of who I was.  I had to be able to show her that I was now in control of myself and that I was capable of wielding power on my own.

    Entering my Dungeon I see that blu has already been here cleaning.  I had required that she come and clean the room floor to ceiling and make sure it was ready when we have our first scene.  A quick glance noted that she had done a good job indeed.  But I would have to make a more thorough inspection later with her here to sweat over it.  I reached in my large trunk and produced the outfit I had worn in the bar the other night when dishing out my vengeance upon tango.   I went behind my folding partition and I got dressed as quickly as I could, darkening my eyes with liner and mascara as I went.  Then I reached in and pulled a long dark red cloak out and put it on.  I looked in the mirror and checked to make sure I was ready.  It’s not often someone of this stature comes to your Dungeon. 

    I came out from behind the partition and then turned my attention to tango, standing in the middle of the floor.  “Jesus”  I thought.  He looks like he’s been at a bar all day.  But his eyes were struck with a look that made me feel that he was looking to me for guidance.  I hadn’t been shopping for the house sub yet.  I didn’t have an outfit for him.  Oh well, too bad for tango.  “Get your clothes off.”  I ordered.  He stood stunned for a moment.  “NOW!”  I repeated.  In a flash his eyes dropped and his clothes came off in a few motions.  I reached into the trunk again and produced a posture collar and a leash.  “Kneel.”  I ordered and he dropped to his knees.  “This is temporary understand?  I will have a collar made for you to wear around the great hall later.  I haven’t had time to train you properly, but for now just do exactly as you are told and you will do fine.”

    “I understand Miss Christy, may I ask who that was in the Bar?”  tango inquired.

    “No, just know this.  If you embarrass me in front of her, I’ll skin you alive and feed what’s left to my dog.  Got it?”

    His head dropped as he spoke, “Yes Miss Christy”

    Before turning off the ringer on my phone I texted Bear and let him know Janine was here.  I hadn’t been in the bar long and wasn’t sure if he was there or not, and I was sure that he would be very interested in her arrival.  I only hoped he and blu could make it here in time.  I attached the leash to tango’s collar and led him into the great hall, then I heard it.  **boom Boom BOOM**

    I made my way out and into the cavernous space.  Again **BOOM BOOM BOOM** louder this time as I stepped into the center of the great hall and stood ready to meet The High Priestess.   Looking down at tango, I saw that his cock was hard as a rock.  **ugh** “We're going to have to work on your self control.  For now just kneel next to me on the floor, don’t move, don’t raise your head, and don't speak unless told to do so.”  I told him. 

    “Yes Miss Christy”  He spoke and dropped to his knees.

    Just then blu appeared from the other side of the hall.  “I'm here Miss Chisty.”  She said, out of breath.  She had been there the whole time and had gotten my text.  She was naked as the day she was born, holding the collar I had made for her, and her leash.  I was so proud of her.  She knelt at my feet, seeming to not even take notice of tango, and I quickly put her collar and leash on her.  She then took her place on the other side of me.  I would have to remember to reward her for this with a good flogging later.

    Suddenly I could see at the end of the hall that a blue light had filled the entrance room.  Then the door, on its own it seemed, flew open and a grey fog began to fill the space before me.  I could sense my subs trembling at my feet and I patted their heads to calm them.  Without even seeing her yet, we knew.  Janine had arrived.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66342

    Holy Crap!  She’s headed for the pool room.  Quickly I grabbed tango by the arm, jerking him away from his conversation midsentence, and we ducked in ahead of her and made our way along the tunnel as fast as we could.  My nose is greeted by the musty smell of The Ice House as air rushes into the tunnel from pushing the book case open fast.  We would have to make this quick.  I should have made myself ready for this when I made the call dang it.

    **Continued in The Ice House Thread**

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66339

    Standing at the back of the bar I was just about to head to The Ice House for my rendezvouz with blu, when I everything went silent.  At first I was tempted to head for the pool room, and disappear through the secret door, thinking it was another bust.  But looking toward the door I could see what had brought things to such a screeching halt.  Robed figures carrying something into the bar.  I couldn’t see what it was but by the thud it made when it was set on the ground it sounded heavy.  I had just started to make my way closer when I was stopped in my tracks by the lid on the thing being thrown up against the ceiling. 

    Suddenly as if from nowhere, a figure was standing in the now visible stone box.  Feminine in form and menacing in appearance.  This lady who ever she is, knows how to make an entrance.  The dust and smoke had begun to settle and the image before us became more and more clear as I inched closer to have a better look.  More detail now, leather and lace fitting close to her form long blond hair draped her still smoke shrouded face.  But as I neared the edge of the crowd, a wicked grin appeared on my face as I saw who it was.  Janine was back. 

    Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that several of the submissives I knew of had dropped to their knees.  She slowly scanned the room as she announced her entrance.  Her eyes locking on everyone who dared to draw sight with her.  When her eyes met mine, I bowed my head before returning to her gaze.  Acknowledging her overwhelming authority.  My thoughts turned to The Ice House.  Had the High Priestess of BDSM come to inspect our new dungeon?  Had she gotten my message? 

    I dismissed these thoughts as premature.  Right now I was just happy to see her here.  This place was about to get a lot more interesting.

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