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  • in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68911

    Arriving back at the AB&G, my appearance was far removed from the way I had left a few hours earlier.  When I had left I must have looked like I felt.  Like a used dish rag.  Now, cleaned up, made up, wearing my favorite jeans, and a sleeveless top, I made my way into the bar.  I had still felt a bit unsure of how to handle the blu/Bear situation.  I had run into blu on the way out of The Ice House and spoken to her for a minute.  She had expressed a desire to take Bear’s revenge in my stead, probably for her own selfish purpose.  subs can be so selfish sometimes **sigh** “Pick your battles.”  I thought to myself.

    Anyway, I had given her a very stern look and told her to mind how she talks as any plans I may or may not have had with Bear were none of her business.  And that spying on her Mistress was unacceptable and she should remember her place.  After a good scolding on this subject, I asked if she still desired to be with Bear since it appeared he was looking to take revenge on all of us.  And that what she just saw would be a good example of how he might handle her.  At this suggestion I saw my sub light up and almost dance before answering me with a yes.  I told her I would have to think on it and had her exit ahead of me so I would know that Bear wouldn’t find her before I had a chance to talk with him.

    It was now night time, the AB&G was really coming to life again.  I decided to take a stroll through The Ice House, just to enjoy the sight of my hard work.  As I exited the tunnel into the dirty entrance room, the music from the bar faded out of hearing as I pushed the book case closed.  I switched on the lights and walked down the great hall.  Walking down the hall I stopped by the third Dungeon, Bear’s Dungeon, and peaked inside the cracked door.  He had been busy.  Boxes of every size were stacked against the walls.  Some large some small.  And a large crate in the center of the room with some kind of East Asian markings on it.  I pulled my head back from the door, “Can’t wait for a tour.”  I thought to myself. 

    The place really was coming together.  All we need now is more people.  I pulled out my cell and began to flip through my contacts again.  Then I came upon a name that made me pause.  Janine Dee.  Would she?  The last time we had spoken it seemed that she was getting ready to move away.  I looked down the great hall to the last Dungeon on the right and imagined Janine strolling out with one of her pets on a leash crawling dutifully behind her to join the rest of us as we watched someone’s scene.  Before I knew what I was doing I pressed the call button on my phone and heard it ringing.  Crap, voicemail.  But I left a message anyway.  I explained briefly about the new Dungeon and invited her to come and see for herself.  I provided directions through the back of the AB&G and into the tunnel.  And ended the call.

    As I made my way back to the bar, I shoved my phone back into my purse, and turned my thoughts back to blu.  How would we make this work?  Then just as I came to the entrance to the bar, a wonderfully devilish thought came to mind.  We’d need more people, but God what a scene it would make.  I tucked the thought away as I re-entered the pool room and headed to the bar.  What I needed now was some time to relax.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66328

    As I neared the end of the tunnel back to the bar from The Ice House, my pace quickened a little and I tightened my thighs a bit as I felt the remnants of Bear’s revenge trying to ooze out of me, threatening to give me a wet spot on my butt.  I made my way through the secret door, out of the pool room, and made a quick right turn into the ladies room to freshen up and to get a pad out of the machine to soak up the rest. 

    Exiting the bathroom, I spied Brandy at the bar and stopped to have a quick drink with her.  We spoke for a few minutes about plans for The Ice House and my plans to move the entrance.  There were a few options on the table, but nothing written in stone yet.  I knew Bear would be coming up soon and I didn’t want to be here when he found Brandy.  I didn’t say a word about Bear’s plans to take revenge on us all.  My thoughts ran to blu and how I would handle that.  She is, after all, my sub and I need to speak with her about this.  I’ll not let my sub be tormented by another Dom, regardless of what he thinks he’s entitled to.  If she desires it, I’ll find a way to put the two of them together though. 

    Just as I was getting off the stool with the intent of leaving I spotted Tango entering.  I walked up to him and said, “I got your note.”

    His head dropped and his eyes fell to the floor, “Yes Miss Christy” 

    “Are you sure you want to be a sub within The Ice House?” I asked.

    “Yes Miss Christy” He quickly replied.

    I motioned to the pool room and said, “Come with me” He followed me into the pool room and I shut the door behind us. “On your knees Tango”

    “Yes Miss Christy”  again was the reply as he dropped to the floor before me.

    “Tango I accept you as a sub within The Ice House.  But you must understand that at this time, you have no master of your own so you will not be required to obey any commands.  Only those you choose to.  For now I will instruct you, but I do not take you as my slave.  Do you understand?”

    “Yes Miss Christy”

    I lifted his chin so he could see my eyes.  “I am thankful for your desire to serve The Ice House.  I’m sure it will not take long for you to find a play partner.  And when you feel like it you may play with whom ever will do so.  You may go to The Ice House and take a look around if you like.  Dungeon one and three are off limits.  They belong to me and Bear.  You will be punished if you enter any dungeon that is owned by a Dom without permission.  And I promise you, it will be something you will not enjoy.  Do you understand?”

    “Yes Miss Christy”

    “The entrance is behind that que rack in the corner.”  I said as I pointed to the secret door.  “I’ll be back to the bar in a few hours.  When you see Az, please let her know I would like to speak to her.”

    “Yes Miss Christy”  he replied as I left the pool room and closed the door behind me.

    As I headed to the door I gave Brandy a quick hug and thanked her for all she had done then I walked outside to the sight of the sun, red, and setting on the horizon.  I would be back in a few hours to have a few drinks.  Till then, I desperately needed a hot bath.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68908

    I sat on the floor enjoying my fantasy.  I drifted now to imagining Bear the night before.  What could have been, Bear released and taking me in a lustful rage.  My fingers worked faster now bringing me to the brink, suddenly I was taken again and I heard a small whimper escape my lips as my legs closed around my hand. 

    After allowing myself to be lost in the moment, I slowly opened my eyes and standing before me was the very image that had been in my mind.  For a brief moment I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming.  But came to realize that he was real and had been standing there the whole time.  Watching me.  He must have come straight from his meeting, his long black robes hid most of his form but I could see from his face that he had enjoyed watching me.  I looked up to meet his eyes, “I was just thinking of you.”  I said between the heaving breaths of post orgasmic bliss. 

    He didn’t say anything.  Then I looked down and saw that he was holding packing straps and rope.  I looked back up and understood right away.  My fantasy was about to become reality.  I looked in his eyes again and saw that Bear was not before me, a recently caged animal was now standing over me and was looking on me as a starving predator looks on its prey.  I was about to be consumed in a sexual feast.  Before I could even consider the possibilities he had me by the arm and was dragging me out of my private dungeon and into the great hall. 

    With a single motion it seemed, I was brought from the floor to being pressed face first into the table.  I could feel his desire in his motions.  I knew he would have me.  And I wanted to give myself to the animal now in control.  I pushed up on my toes and raised my rump into the air, offering myself to him willingly.  But instead I was surprised by a sudden length of rope being cinched around my elbow and then being attached to my other elbow behind my back,  my shoulders thrust behind me and my back arched in uncontrolled response.  I felt my wrists being tied together as well and then being bound to my torso.  He was now my captor as well as my enraged lover.

    Suddenly I was flipped over onto my butt, and brought to the edge of the table.  His hand grasping at the neckline of my blouse and shredding it down to my belly.  The bindings caused my breasts to be thrust forward from behind the curtains of my torn clothes like overly eager actresses making their premier debut.  This kind of forceful, animalistic, raw sex was what I had desired all along.  I spread my knees apart as he advanced between them .  His robe now open he had unzipped his pants and released pulsing cock, which he was now stroking with his muscular hands. 

    All at once, he was on me, biting, grabbing, pulling my hair, and crushing my breasts under his hands.  I was ready for him before he had taken me off the floor, but now I was soaking.  Aching inside, the desire to have him in me was overwhelming as I tried to push my hips forward onto him.  As he bit down onto my ear I leaned over and breathed into his ear, “I want you, take me Bear.” 

    But as he raised up I saw that he wasn’t listening.  He was lost in sexual desire.  The animal within had taken over.  Not that it mattered.  Just as I was about to repeat myself louder, I felt his hand go behind me, grab a clump of my sweaty matted strawberry hair, and pull my head back.  Then I felt him.  Pressing into me.  I rolled my hips as best I could to admit him as deep as I could in this position and let out a moan as my aching was replaced by the pain of being entered after wanting.  Then the pleasing fullness and gliding motions as he began to thrust into me with more and more force. 

    He only lasted a moment.  His excitement bringing him to orgasm after only a handful of thrusts.  I felt him explode within me like a dam bursting as he slumped forward over me.  Pushing me back on my bindings and causing the ropes to begin to cut into me.  But I didn’t care.  I was lost in watching Bear get his release.  His cock pounding inside me as he spilled his seed.  As he withdrew he gave me a sullen look that said every bit, of “You asked for it, now you got it.”  And I did.  Oh God I did.  And it was dripping down my leg as my vagina pulsed from the beating it had been given by my enraged lover.  I felt his hand between my legs scooping up some of our juices and bringing them to my mouth.  His seed and my lubrication, salty and musky as he kissed me and spread them in my mouth with his tongue.

    He said something I didn’t hear, then he put his softening penis back in his pants and zipped up.  I lost sight of him for a moment and heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around the dungeon.  Then I felt his hand on my waist grasping at the rope that bound my arms to my body.  And with a single pull of the line, I felt all the bindings go slack.  And I was free.  I felt like a used dish rag.  And I loved it.  I leaned onto him for a moment as the blood ran back into my hands, tingling as it went.  Then slid off the table pushing our mess off onto the floor.  My blouse torn I went into my dungeon and opened my large wooden chest and pulled out one of my older corsets and had Bear help me fasten it up the back.  Then after wiping off the excess with my panties tossed them into a pile of trash and slid on my jeans.  I would need to get to a bathroom soon or I’d be wearing wet jeans. 

    I could see that my Bear had returned.  He told me that he really saw the potential in the place.  And that he would need some space for some kind of jail.  I let that one sink in and began thinking of all that space upstairs, as I strolled away from him toward the entrance room.  Before I disappeared behind the dirty glass wall and through the false bookcase, I turned, looked over my shoulder, and said with a contented smile, “Glad you like the place.  The third dungeon on the left is yours.”

    As I walked down the long tunnel I suddenly realized what he had said just before touring the dungeon.  “One down,… four to go…” I smiled at the thought of what my sisters in crime had coming.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68905

    What a day it had been.  blu and Brandy had been such a great help.  I had sent blu home to get cleaned up and Brandy was back at the bar.  The Ice House was all mine for the moment.  My furniture had arrived earlier and I it was all now set up in my private dungeon.  Spanking bench, queening chair, stockade, and all the suspension attachments were installed in the celling.  The only piece of furniture I didn’t have installed in my dungeon was my St. Andrews cross.  I had that placed at the far end of the great hall, as I now called the cavernous space running down the center of The Ice House.  The cross and the great hall would be for use in a public setting.  I had also taken a short break and gone to the remaindered furniture store outside of town and picked out two large tables.  One was a long ornate banquet table and chair set with seating for 16.   The other was just a large decorative table that we would use as an alter for whatever public ceremonies the Doms chose to have.  These would be delivered in a few days.  Along with two large 8 foot chandeliers that would be installed in a week or so. 

    I had placed an order with a friend who made fetish furniture to make me a new St. Andrews cross to replace the one in the great hall.  This one would be a little more fancy, with more binding points, and instead of bare wood, would be covered in padded leather.  It would also be built in such a way that it could be detached from the wall and become a free standing table.  I had also ordered a punishment chair and some attachments for my existing spanking bench.  I was now standing in a large storage area upstairs that I wasn’t sure what to do with yet, but was sure that I could find a good use for it.

    Brandy had also taken a break while I went furniture shopping to go to her meeting.  She informed me that Az had smugly offered to give me a list of all the tunnels leading into The Ice House.  I was really going to have to deal with this cop at some point.  Maybe a $1000 gift card at Krispy Kreme?  I shook my head, it wouldn’t matter much longer anyway.  We had found the other entrances and I had already convinced myself that what we need is a new one so I had a crew building it already.  It would take about a month to finish, but when it was done, if the local constabulary decided to visit via one of the existing tunnels, they would be met with a very stubborn brick wall at the other end.  Then I thought again, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.  Maybe Az was just wanting to join the fun?  I would have to find a way to speak with her alone about this.  Even if she was now saying that her cops were not interested in my place, they would be once word got out.  Better to deal with this now, rather than later. 

    I went back downstairs and walked the great hall once more before stepping back into my own dungeon.  Looking at the dirty floor I could already imagine blu, hog tied and gagged upon the floor.  I smiled and let my mind wander in to exotic bliss.  After a few minutes of this I found myself sitting and propped up against the wall.  My legs spread and my fingers dancing over my vagina, bringing me to a sublime orgasm as I played out the scenario in my mind.  And as the waves of pleasure rolled over my body one at a time I smiled at the thought of what would come.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68903

    Clearly I would be needing help.  But first we need the appropriate furnishings for a dungeon.  So I pulled out my cell and sent a text to blu.  “Go to my house and get my lock box.  Bring it to the warehouse behind the AB&G entrance is in the pool room.  Just pull open the cue rack, I've left it unlocked.”

    Next I started flipping through my contacts.  I got to Bear…..pausing for a moment, I wasn’t sure he would want to be involved after last night, but I figured I would try any way.  Besides, this place would need his creativity.  A text wouldn’t do it, so I called.  “Blast!  No answer.”  I thought.  So I left a message.  “Hey sweety, I know last night didn’t go down that well, but I may have a way to make it up to you.  Come to the warehouse behind the bar. The entrance is in the pool room inside the bar.  Just pull open the cue rack.  I left it unlocked.  Please give me chance to make it up to you.”  I blew a kiss into the phone and hung up.

    The last time I moved I had to find some movers that were……sensitive about my lifestyle.  Let’s face it.  If the average person came to my home and saw my back room, they might faint.  And getting someone to move your queening bench can be a little awkward.  But I did still have the number of a moving company that was helpful and discrete.  I made the call and told them that the spare key was under the mat by the back door.  I’d agree to pay extra if they could get it done today.  Everything in the back room and don’t forget the large wooden trunk. 

    I walked down the middle of the warehouse and felt that the space called for a long table.  Perfect for a large meal all the Doms and Dommes sitting around it.  Perhaps one of our subs trussed up as a table ornament in the center.  Large candles burning as the other subs served us.  The excitement of having this space was overwhelming.  I could only hope that there would be enough of us.  There were enough storage rooms off to the side of the main walkway that I was sure there would be one for every Dom and Domme that would like to join us.  Each was about 20×20.  “A private dungeon within a dungeon” I thought.  I caught myself giggling for a moment before going back to the contacts in my phone.   I found myself thinking of Bear.  He for sure would know who might be interested in some fun with us.  Then I wondered how often he checks his messages.

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 74. Sitting Doggy: #69304

    Like this one.  Very sexy.  Can't wait to use it  ;D

    Female Options

    Massage Breast
    Rub Clit
    Hip Circle
    Hand Job
    Legs on Shoulder
    Bend Forward
    Slap Ass
    Rub Pussy
    Finger Asshole
    Fondle Leg
    Lick Feet
    Pleasure Face x2

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66305

    The next day…..
    I got the call from Brandy the next morning.  I didn’t ask about what happened after I left.  But I let her know that my brand of kink just seems to be too much for that venue.  I know who I am and I know that my tastes run to a level of taboo that just aren’t accepted in most of society.  We talked about it for a while.  She liked that I had brought a new element to the bar but asked that I tone it down a bit, and I explained that I am who I am.  I would just have to look for another place. 

    Just then Brandy got excited and began rambling about a warehouse.  The bar had apparently been there since before prohibition.  Behind it was the old ice house.  They no longer kept ice in there but it was now just a warehouse where they stored all the old stuff from the bar.  Most interesting of all was the secret door in the back of the pool room that led to a tunnel connecting the two buildings that they used to operate the speakeasy during prohibition.  So I could keep my level of kink, and the bar would still be the place to be.  The more kinky fun would just be in the back…..members only.

    Intrigued I asked, “What’s the catch?  How much is this going to cost me in rent?”

    “Nothing.”  She replied quickly.

    “Bullshit,  nothing is free.”  I said

    “It’s not free,”  Brandy replied “you will be bringing business through my bar.  If they buy a drink along the way or if they are just seen and talked about, it will help my business.  Simple.”

    I thought about this for a moment and was struck by what a shrewd deal this was for her.  “What about all the stuff in the warehouse?”  I asked.

    “I’ll have it out of there this afternoon.  I’ll leave the key behind the bar.”  She said.  “Just one thing though.” 

    “I knew it, here comes the catch.”  I thought.

    “Just make sure you stop by the bar once in a while.  I heard you like good whisky, and I happen to have a case of Lagavulin 21 in the back.  There will be a bottle with your name on it behind the bar.  We still want you there Christy.”

    “It will be my pleasure Brandy.”  I replied, already starting to dream about what I would do with the space.

    “What do you think you’ll name the dungeon?  Just curious.”  Brandy Asked.

    “I think I’ll call it…..The Ice House.”

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66303

    Standing there, strap in hand, I tell my dearest blue to let Tango go.  As she unties him, I make a quick sprint to the bathroom to get my bag.  On my way back I see Tango pulling up his pants with Az standing over him.  Pregnant and about to pop, she still looks like she means business, so I’m keeping my distance.  Quickly I get a flash of Tango’s bare ass before he pulls his pants all the way up.  The strap marks deep red and turning more purple by the second.  He’ll have a hard time sitting down tomorrow.  But seeing the way Az is glaring at him I don’t think that the worst punishment will have come from me.  But I got my revenge in any case. 

    This was fun tonight, but it really is the wrong venue for my brand of kink.  I may be back, but just for a drink.  I’ve heard mumblings about another place that would be more suitable.  Something about an abandoned dungeon?  I’ll have to do some more looking into this.  Maybe I can bring it back to life.  If not, I’ll start my own.  There’s enough kink in this town to make it worthwhile for sure.

    Looking around for my dearest blue, I can’t find her.  Though I never instructed her to wait after she untied Tango, she must have gotten out while the getting was good.  I’ll have to talk with her later about what went on here tonight.  As I approach the door, I can see the room darken behind me out of the corner of my eye, as I walk to the door.  The urge to take one last look is overwhelming but instead I push the door open and disappear into the night.  My last thought as I start my car, “Hope I don’t get pulled over tonight in this outfit.”

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66292

    Sitting in my chair, still naked, legs crossed and tapping my crop against my calf I am starting to tire of the spectacle that is unfolding before me.  What was supposed to be a nice kinky contest, has turned into a drunken monkey circus.  Worst of all, I can see that the ringleader has involved my dearest submissive, blue.  She looks to me, embarrassed for her part, but though I won’t say it directly to her, I know who is to blame.  Tangoracer.  I had been finding little notes everywhere I went that evening.  All of them taunting me, and all of them ending the same way.  “I can take as good as I give.”  Now looking on Tango, I knew who they were from.  My eyes narrowed on him.  Tunnel vision.

    Standing up from my chair, I walk past the group before me and over to my friend who looks to be glad that it’s over.  Whispering in his ear, “You win Bear.  I’m yours to do with as you wish.”  I can tell from his expression that he is exhausted beyond the point of being able to collect on our bet, so I tell him “No worries dear, when you’re ready, just tell me.  I’ll be at your command.  Right now, I have an interloper to deal with.”  He nods in response, flashes me a quick smile, and disappears into the bathroom.

    Turning my attention now to Tango, I can see him walking toward the bar with his pack of hooligans.  Walking over still naked, I can feel the eyes of every one I pass on me.  Placing my hand on Tango’s shoulder “Not so fast buster!”  Just as he begins to whirl around, I begin to wonder if the whole time he was playing his games with blue, he was trying to get at me.  This made me even more determined to teach him a lesson in manners.  As he spun around I saw his other hand following close behind trying to grab my arm.  Quickly I reached for it and got his thumb and index finger before he could touch me.  Looking in his eyes now I could see that he knew he was caught.  My most wicked smile crept across my face as I turned his hand over, spinning him back the way he came and face down onto the nearest table.  His arm now twisted behind him in a delightful wrist lock.  I leaned over him and whispered into his ear as he grunted from the pain in his arm, “So little man, you think you can just walk into my scene and take over?”  Just as his mouth starts to move I give his thumb a little tug and press his face into the table so that the vague threat he tries to speak isn’t understandable. 

    Raising my head I yell to everyone now watching, “Since the main event was so rudely interrupted, who would like to see Tango here get a lesson in manners?”  To the sound of clapping, whistles, and one loud “Off with his head!” coming from behind the men’s room door.  I lean down once more.  “Looks like it’s your unlucky day.”  I whisper into his ear before raising back up and locking my eyes on my dearest blue.  “Get me some rope blue.”  I say with a smile. 

    Gladly she dashes over to the bull and snatches some of the decorative rope off the wall beside it and brings it back to me.  “Your  rope Miss Christy.”  She says dutifully.  Taking it from her I say, “Thank you blue, now help me get this little man ready to be punished.”  blue takes one end of the rope I give to her and ties it securely around the wrist I now have in my control I then step around the table taking the arm at the end of my rope with me.  “Give me your other arm dear.”  I breathe at Tango.  Without thinking about it, I see his other arm come out from under his body and over the end of the table where I secure it to the wrist already in my possession.  Then securing the rope to the underside of the table.

    “blue?” I say to my pet. 

    “Yes Ma’am.”  She replies

    “Get this little man’s butt out in the open for me.  While I go change into something more appropriate.” 

    “Yes Ma’am.”  She says, as I grab a table cloth off of an un used table and fasten it around my upper body and walk to the door.  “The bag in my car.”  I think to myself.  Out in the parking lot I reach into the back seat of my little Honda and remove a large bag, lock the door again, and walk back inside to see that my giggling sub has gotten her struggling prey’s pants down to his ankles, his boots already sitting on the floor behind her as I walk past and into the ladies room. 

    Like some kind of kinky superhero, I pull off my table cloth and reach into my bag, removing my leather top and mini skirt, I slide them on.  Then reaching back again I pull out my thigh highs.  Sliding my feet into them, I zip up the sides and find my feet on the wobbly 8 inch heels.   After steading myself I look in the mirror.  After adjusting myself so I don’t look lopsided, I reach in the magic bag one last time.  “Mascara” I think to myself, “Lots of it.”

    After putting on my eyes and touching up the rest of my makeup, I look at the queen bitch staring back in the mirror.  I practice my scowl in the mirror for a few seconds more while I give my hair a quick tease, then turn to the door.  Standing there for a moment, I take a deep breath.  “This is harder than going out naked.”  I think to myself and laugh a little before screwing the scowl back on my face and thrusting the door open. 

    “blue!”  I yell across the bar to my sub, who is bent over the now, half naked Tango, teasing him.  She stands up quickly and acknowledges me.  “Yes Ma’am!”  She replies.

    Strutting over in their direction I can see a few jaws hanging open at what I am wearing.   Naked they can deal with, strip teases they can deal with, but leather, lace, and blacked out eyes brings a special kind of stare.  Still walking I can see Tango turning his head as far around as he could to get a glimpse of what everyone else around him was now muttering about.  “Give me his belt!”  I say to my sub.  Just as I approach them, she hands me the heavy strap attached to the even heavier buckle.

    Leaning over him again, my strawberry hair draped over both our heads I whisper to him once more.  “I got your notes.”  I see a smile across his face.  “Is this what you have been asking for?”  I say as I hold up the belt, clearly intending to give him the whipping of his life.

    In as submissive a tone as I had not thought possible from this man I heard him reply softly, “Yes Ma’am.”

    Taken aback for the briefest moment I ask of my impromptu sub, “Are you ready for your punishment then?”

    “Yes Ma’am.”

    “We’ll see!”  I reply as I stand and walk around the table and stand behind him.  “Spread your legs!”  I order.  And I see his legs part.  Looking briefly under the table I see his balls drop, but no cock.  Looking a little lower I can see it’s as stiff as the table he’s tied to.  “Well, well, well!  We’ve got a pain slut here!”  I yell.  “Well, then, you can just count the strikes for me.  Don’t miscount, or I’ll have to start over.  Understand?”

    A quick nod is my only reply this time.  So I slap his bare ass with my palm and watch it jump “What was that?  I couldn’t hear you!”

    “YES MA’AM”  He replies quickly.

    I tell blue to make sure he doesn’t lose count as she kneels at my feet.  Over to my left I can see Bear, clothed and cleaned up, leaning against the wall with a drink in his hand.  He gives me a nod and flashes a smile my way before I turn back to tango.  “Ready then?”  As I wrap the strap around my hand and raise it to my shoulder. 

    A brief moment of hesitation, then softly, “Yes Ma’am.”

    The strap flies through the air and smacks against the soft flesh of his buttocks.  And I can see his ass jump as a delightful pink outline of flesh began to raise up, where the burning sting of the belt left its mark.  I listen for the count but I cannot hear my new sub over everyone else in the bar who now yell in unison “ONE!”  I wasn’t aware that so many had become fixated on watching this interloper get his due.

    Again letting the strap fly.  “TWO!” yells the crowd.  As another pink outline of flesh raised itself like a proud hill of burning skin. 

    This wasn’t what I had in mind when I started, but I had to admit.  I was enjoying this. 


    in reply to: Jeanona’s Fashion Styles #25389

    dang!  Well ok, the first 6 would be the ones I'd pick if I couldn't have them all.

    in reply to: Jeanona’s Fashion Styles #25385

    Love love love them all!!

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66266

    **Ok now that its setup, the game rules.  Anyone who wants a turn can have one.  But you need to leave it so that Bear gets a chance to write his reaction to your attempt to make him cum.  If he cums, he loses.  If not, we continue.  After a few have had their turn, I'll start a clock.  Once we have had about 2 or 3 days of inactivity on this story arc, I'll assume that everyone has had thier chance that wants to.  If Bear has made it, then I'll write in the scene where I untie him and then I'll turn it over to Bear.  If he ejaculates, then he belongs to whoever made him cum.  Eveyone who wishes to join, have fun!** ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24277

    Sitting on my sofa re-reading “The Loving Dominant”  I am suddenly interrupted by blue.  She looks so flustered, and eager to tell me something.  So I continue reading for a moment and finish the page I am on.  Finally I look up and see that blue has gotten on her knees and is in her request position.

    “Miss Christy,” she begins, “There is something I must show you.”

    “Really?  What could that be?”  I respond.

    “It will be easier if I show you.”  She replies.  “But it is something you must see.”

    A little annoyed I join my pet and begin to walk to the door with her.  Now what in the world does she have to show me, I wonder.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66265

    After taking a brief break from my main focus of the evening, I came back to find Bear exactly as I had left him.  But with my little blue making back door deals.  “Hmmm, not what I expected.” I say to blue with a disappointed stare.  “blue, you go out to the bar and wait.  You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”  Turning my attention to Bear as blue slinks out the door, I can see he is a bit frustrated and clearly needing some relief but none the less intact.  I look at his eyes and just as I see his mouth about to utter some boring sexual threat I give him a quick swat on his thigh with my riding crop to shut him up.  “Now Bear,” I began as I placed my crop against his inner thigh and began to run it slowly up toward his balls “don’t talk, just nod or shake your head for yes or no.  It’s time for you to give everyone here a nice show.  We’ve each had a moment to tease you into a frenzy, so would you like to give those swollen balls some relief?”  I ask as I reach his sack and begin to nudge it with the business end of my crop.   I watch as his head nods back and forth violently.

    I disappear for a moment and come back sitting standing on a sawhorse with a motorized base that is rolling across the floor.  A small saddle is sitting below the sawhorse.  I can see in Bear’s eyes that he is deciding whether or not it may have been better to have remained tied up for the rest of the night.  Running the sawhorse in front of my prize I lower him onto it.  As he settles neatly into place I take the lose rope ends and fasten my little pony to the rig.  Standing back for a moment I take a look at my new mount.  Such a lovely prize he is.  And what wonderful hindquarters he has, very firm indeed.  I give him another quick swat on his rump with my crop and I see him jump slightly but he is unable to move.  A good test of his bindings.  He won’t go anywhere. 

    Picking up my custom saddle I place it over my mount and fasten it under his belly.  Noticing while I am under him that he is starting to get excited, I take his firm penis in my hand and stroke it gently for a moment and kiss him gently on the cheek.  As I feel him begin to twitch in my hand I let go and whisper in his hear, “No, not yet.  We’re going to have a little fun with you Bear.  There are a few of us here who have had the pleasure of watching you cum, but I really want to share your powerful orgasm with everyone.”  I can see from his expression that he is getting close to being sexually frustrated beyond the point of being able to orgasm. “Oh, not to worry, we are going to get you off in time dear.”  And I give him another kiss on the cheek.

    Walking in front of Bear I slide off my shoes and begin to un button my jeans.  “You didn’t think I would make you go out there naked all alone did you?”  His eyes now fixed on me, I know that if I were to let him loose now, it would be like being attacked by a starving animal that had been let out of its cage. He was looking on my like a lion watches its prey before attacking.  Slipping out of my jeans I unbutton my top and let it drop to the floor while I reach behind me and release my breasts from my bra.  Now naked I walk around the side of my horse and sit upon the saddle.  Side saddle of course, and I cross my legs as I reach down and pick up the controls for the motorized base.  “Ready dear?” 

    A quick nod from Bear and I nudge the controls forward and we pass through, headed toward the center of the bar.  “ATTENTION EVERYONE!”  I yell wrapping my crop against the side of the sawhorse to get everyone’s attention.  As the music stops and everyone starts to look I yell as we roll into the center of the room next to the mechanical bull, “THIS LITTLE HORSE I’M RIDING IS NAMED BEAR! HE’S A GOOD HORSE, BUT AS YOU CAN SEE FROM UNDER HIS HINDQUARTERS, HE COULD USE SOME RELIEF!”  Noticing that everyone was now looking and remarking on the size and girth of my stallion’s penis I said, “Several of us have had the chance to torment this poor pony for some time.  So let’s be fair and have them come forward. “  As I watched my sister’s in crime approach, I continued, “Now I am going to give this little pony a chance at revenge.  Each of these ladies will take a turn at trying to extract an ejaculation from him.  If he can hold out through all of them, and anyone else who would like to join us, I will personally untie him and let him have his way with me right here over this bull!”  Leaning over my prize I whisper in his ear, “Think you’re up to it?”   After a quick thought, I get my nod.  “Ok!  We have a game!  Now let’s get this horse ready to stud!”

    in reply to: Voyeur Rooms #68564

    This is, without a doubt, the best idea I've heard yet.  It would really solve alot of the issues I and others have brough up and I think would be the best addition yet, if the development team could make it happen.

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