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  • in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66203

    As I approach the bar I’m met by a familiar face.  “Two shots of whatever whisky the lady would like.  Make sure it’s top shelf.”  Came the familiar voice of Bear.  I flash him a quick smile from the corner of my mouth and I catch his eye running between mine and my chest. 
    Placing my new riding crop on the bar, “Glenfiddich neat.”,  I say turning back to the bartender, who gives an approving nod and produces two glasses from behind the bar and with the other hand begins to pour a drink for me and my sudden bar mate.

    Making a little small talk with Bear I am struck by how handsome he is.  When his eyes meet mine I can see short sparks of the dim bar light in them.  Looking over his muscular broad shoulders I can see what looks like a mechanical bull.  “Is that what I think it is?”  I say pointing past him.
    Turning around and looking at what had gotten my attention, he returns his gaze to me and nods with an affirming “Mmmhmmm”. 
    I’d have to remember that.  I’d never been on a mechanical bull, but it looked like fun.  Turning my attention to the stage I see another friendly face.  Brandy gave me a quick knowing smile and a wink while glancing over at Bear.  I knew what she meant.  We had made plans about this but had not acted on them because we were waiting on the right moment.  But now seemed the perfect time.  I returned the wink and found the ladies room with my eyes to signal that we would meet there to start our adventure. 

    Returning my attention back to Bear I continue to make small talk before asking, is there a juke box here?  He reached down the bar and pushed a clipboard in front of me.  “Requests” was written on the header of the page.  Lots of good songs, the ones already played had been crossed out.  But there were still enough ahead of me that I would have time to meet with Brandy and get our plans finalized before the real fun would begin.  I had been watching Bear’s eyes to see if he was aware of our subtle communication but saw nothing.  If he was aware, he wasn’t showing it.  Not that it mattered anyway.  He’d find out soon enough. 

    Now back to that list, something appropriate to what we had in mind and that Brandy and I would both recognize.  My writing hand swirling above the paper as I thought and finally, as I began to make a devious smile, I wrote on the paper:

    I hate myself for loving you  –Joan Jett and the Blackhearts

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51097

    Ok I'm in.   😮

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24270

    That’s actually a very good question.  In my case, when I first sought out a Dominant, I was under the impression that I was naturally submissive.  I joined a local BDSM club and found a wonderful Domme who agreed to Dominate me.  She and another Dom in our club that was occasionally in our scenes together noticed right off that there might be some problems with me being her submissive.  I did everything I could to change my behavior to please her.  She did decide to collar me, but one day when I brought my collar box to her and knelt at her feet, she didn’t open it.  Instead she said “time out” and asked that we go to her kitchen table to talk. 

    We talked for a long time about what I had gotten from serving her, and whether or not my needs were really being fulfilled.  She is very good at getting people to tell her things they might not want to talk about.  I told her that I still felt like I needed something else.  I wanted to be more in control of the situation.  She gave me back my collar box and asked if I had some time on an upcoming evening.  I told her I did.  And she told me she wanted me to try switching roles, just to see if I liked it.  That the other Dom I mentioned before, and another sub from our club (whom I also knew) were going to play at her house on an upcoming evening and she had been asked to join and that other Dominants would be joining.  This kind of scenario is played out a lot in our club.  It usually involves the sub being put on display, show how well they can follow commands, possibly be tormented to some degree, and/or humiliated before a group of other Dominants and their subs.  It’s a chance for the Dominant to show off how well they have trained their sub.  And for the subs watching, to have something to aspire to.

    I joined them and was amazed.  I had been to this kind of scene before as a sub, but to be part of it as a Dominant, even though I only sat in attendance made me really feel like I had really found what I wanted to be.  All because my Domme was attentive enough to see that I wasn’t happy.  She has been my mentor ever since.  She has given me guidance and helped me pick the best reading material on the subject.  But I am still a switch because I still like being a sub from time to time.  I still have the collar my Domme helped me pick out.  And we still play together.  Being a switch above all else, at least in my opinion, gives me a unique perspective over those who have never been in a submissive role.

    This kind of mentoring is not unique among those in BDSM clubs.  Where you see the difference is when you find people whose view of BDSM has been shaped by pornography and the media, and they don’t really know what it is to be a Dominant.  They don’t understand that the two parties are equals and that the power exchange is a consensual agreement between them.  That the sub, not the Dominant, is responsible for deciding where the limits of play are.  And there are no exceptions to these limits.  Period.  Stop still means STOP.  Even if a “safe word” is used in its place.

    I was lucky that I decided to be part of a group rather than happening upon a misinformed Dominant who may have hurt me, not just physically, but mentally as well. 

    in reply to: Achat POSES #68387

    I don't doubt there is a good deal of expense that goes into development here.  All I'm asking for now is a little fairness.  The MF poses have all they need at this point for everyone to have a good time with hetrosexual sex.  The two main addtions lately are the Swing and The Glory Hole.  Neither one of these is necessary relative to the need for improved and added posses for those interested in LGBT.  When I see things like the two last additions, any excitement about them is quickly over run by a feeling of being left out when I want to play with other women. 

    It's just not fair.  :(

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 73. Glory Hole #68364

    Well like I said, it's a matter of perspective.  If you know who you are going into the room with, then the whole point is lost.  The 3some might work.  I like Bear's idea of folding it into some kind of role play but I'll have to reserve any further judegment until I've had a chance to try it under those circumstances.

    in reply to: Jeanona’s Fashion Styles #25348

    Jeanona the Lingerie is so pretty!  And I would love for my avi to wear her hair up like that.  :D

    in reply to: Tight’s Fits #64844

    Tight, you're my hero!

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 73. Glory Hole #68356

    Very limited….not woth the effort in a virtual environment IMO.

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 73. Glory Hole #68353



    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66186

    Walking up to the heavily carved wooden door, I can hear the sounds of the patrons enjoying themselves inside.  Having heard about the place already I knew that a good time could be had here.  The question on my mind was, who would I meet?  Would it be someone new?  Or an old face from the past?  In any case I was now just wanting to get inside and see for myself what all the fuss was about.

    Just as I grabbed the large wooden handle I noticed a carving on the door that was intended to blend in with the others and not be noticeable unless you looked right at it.  It was a man and a woman having sex standing up.  Her long hair appeared to be draped over both of the lovers and her legs were wrapped around his muscular frame.  The carving was so well done that one could almost detect his thrusting into her.  Realizing that I was looking at this carving for far too long, a smile crept across my face.  I hadn’t even opened the door and I could tell this was my kind of place.

    I pulled the door open and stepped inside to see the darkened, but crowded room chattering away.  I stood there for a moment as my eyes adjusted, and a few heads turned my way.  I let them work over me in my tight blue jeans, but I was sure my push up bra, and not me, was the star of this show.  Thinking I could see a few familiar shapes among the bodies before me I began to glide over to the bar scanning the room as I went.  Now let’s just hope a girl can get a decent whisky here…

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 73. Glory Hole #68351

    I think the development really missed the point with this one.  The whole reason to have a glory hole in the first place is that you don't know who is on the other side of it.  On the service side, all you are presented with is a penis with no face to put it together with.  Doing it here has already made that one essential element invalid.  I really wish they would pay some more attention to the 3some poses, rather than coming up with this kind of pose.    :-

    in reply to: New avatar customization #53679

    I would be happy if the feet could be removed from the avitars on all the women.  So that feet appropriate to the shoes being worn or not worn would look like they should.  I would really love for my avi to have some sandals. **hint hint hint**

    in reply to: Good guys groups… #65210

    Hi Trek,
    First I want to tell you that it is very sweet of you to want to behave in this way.  A lot of men could stand to learn a few things from others that feel the way you do.  Abuse of women is a planet wide problem, it’s not just isolated to one culture or sexual orientation.  But I want you to know that “rough sex” or the kind of BDSM I engage in is NOT abuse.  In no way have I or any of my partners, Dom or sub, ever been in a situation where we would have been physically or mentally harmed by the sexual activity we engage in.  I and my partners go to great lengths to make sure that our play is consensual and that there are enough safeguards in place so that no one ever gets hurt.

    Now that being said, I also want you to know that I enjoy being romanced too, and held, and kissed gently, and made love to with respect, just like any other woman.  And sometimes that’s all I want.  But even most of the women who only want to be treated in this fashion will tell you, that there are times when they want to be thrown to the bed by their sex crazed lover.  They want to be bent over and fucked in a moment of passion, and to have their hair pulled.  It is very hard to explain why this desire appeals to a lot of women, but for me at least, it makes me feel how much my man really wants me.  It makes me feel desired in a way that sweet things whispered in my ear, won’t accomplish.

    I think you’ll find that even your “Queen” sometimes desires to be your “Whore” from time to time.  Even if she doesn’t come right out and say it. 

    Just a little food for thought from one of your target audience.


    in reply to: MFF Pose Idea – Doggy 69 #66136

    This would be a great addition Az! The MFF poses are really lacking alot of interaction. I’d also like to see some more realistic FF interaction in the kneeling/blowjob pose for MFF. At best all I can do with the other girl in the group is to give her a rather brutal breast exam. :


    in reply to: International Kiss Day – 6 JULY #24314

    Kisses everyone!!

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