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Excellent work Concerto. I will definitely have them all once they're available. I'd be proud to wear them.
I like Lover's idea with the zodiac signs, too. It would be that little bit of personalization to put on one's profile.
Thank you.
I can certainly understand why it’s so bland. The trial ones are all rather bland, my guess is they don’t want to give away too much for free. Utilizing other positions in place of the missinary one works, and Robot Girl really likes using legs up.
I’m kind of hoping they come out witha Missionary 2, completely reworked. That would enable them to keep the trial one for the demos.
Almost forgot my manners!! Welcome to the Forum Adrena1
The song is winding down, and I can't but help wondering if we're going to sing “Kumbaya” next. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of giggling… and looking towards the wrestling area, I can see the dwarfs have huddled up. Then they go marching by and into the bar.
We all pose for some photos and everyone looks as a rumbling sound is coming from the bar and getting louder. Soon we see the great “Santa Chair” rolling around the corner being pushed by 5 of the dwarfs. Doc and Sneezy are in front of the chair guiding it into place before the camera.
They motion for “Santa” to sit in his chair and Bear does, with everyone gathered around him. A photo is taken. Everyone is smiling and happy, even though our hearts are a little heavier with the departure of our friend Tightfit. Everyone greets Clair and welcomes her into the crazy goings on in the AChat Bar & Grill.
I spot Grumpy and Dopey chatting with Miss Stone, nodding their heads. “Okay.” Grumpy says. “Miss Stone would like a picture of her and Jayc in the chair. Happy and Dopey, you two stand in the front since you have your elf suits on. The rest of you dwarfs gather around the chair.
Jayc sits in the chair and Miss Stone sit on his lap. The dwarfs all pose and the picture is taken.
“Now!” Grumpy yells. Stone jumps off of Jayc's lap and the dwarfs pounce, in once quick, well coordinated move Happy and Dopey each secure one of Jayc's legs to each front leg of the chair with a strap that was hidden behind the leg. Doc secures Jayc's left arm to the arm of the chair, utilizing another hidden strap. Sneezy straps down Jayc's other arm to the chair. Grumpy and Sleepy wrap the torso strap around Jayc's body, effectively immobilizing him into the chair.
Stone laughs a sort of manicial laugh while Jayc starts to utter words of protest. Dopey jumps up and stands on Jayc's lap and takes Jayc's face in his hands, plants a big, cartoon kiss on his lips. “Smmmack!” I wince at the kiss. Next Dopey stuffs a piece of cloth into Jayc's mouth and Grumpy slides a sack over his head.
The dwarfs gather around the chair and unlock the wheels. “We're ready to take him to your place in the Ice House, Miss Stone.” Doc says as they start to move the chair.
“Take him away.” Stone says with a wave of her hand.
I’m standing next to Pafe and she turns and says to me, “What do you think she's going to do to him?” As the chair and it's prisoner goes rolling by.
“From the looks of it Pafe,” I answer. “Anything she wants to.”
The dwarfs and the chair go around the corner into the pool room and through the secret door… a song starts up.
“Heigh ho, heigh ho… it's to the dungeon we go… We'll take him there and strip him bare, heigh ho, heigh ho…”
Maybe I should have put my suggestion here.
I want to be able to control the robots. I would like the ability to dress them the way I like, change their body appearance and even access their actions during poses. Make the robot more interactive with me. I would be willing to PAY to do so.
Thanks for the pic, Pafe.Slowly… deliberately… I begin to sweep up from another bawdy night in the AChat Bar & Grill.How about this?
Hold the Secret Valentine event in the same manner as Secret Santa… date it for two months after Valentine's Day… sometime in April hold a Blind Date as suggested by Mollie's idea… and… SURPRISE! … lol… Mollie can run it.
Now Mollie, before you get out your whipping stick… know this… there is sort of an unwritten rule here in the Village. (Actually it's more of a guideline than a rule) The one who suggests an idea… or starts a topic, owns it… which is why Miss Brandy “owns” the AChat Bar & Grill.
Know this too Mollie. I'll help you with it (I'm sure others would be willing to assist you, too). So… after the Secret Valentines are announced, YOU can start a topic/thread for a Blind Date, using the suggestion YOU made to keep everything secret until after the lap dance/foot massage.
Another suggestion… Please give me a “Stop Loading Page” button… or the ability to stop the load by some other means… a “hot key” or something.
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but there are times when my system “hangs up”. In other words, the page I'm on in the searches does not load completely. Someone's little picture doesn't load up and the program is frozen. Just the “loading icon” is active. I can't go forward or backwards, my only option is to logout. Sometimes this also happens while the relationship status is loading. Frustrating.
If I could stop the page from loading completely, I would be able to move past the lag.
Man… with that tune running in the sounds of the room… little dolls twirling and bouncing before us…. my imagination is running amuck! I can picture it. The soft movement of the little boat. Would need safety rails though… so one doesn't roll off.
Vixen JemStar… definitely a vixen.
I had a suggestion for the robots… but I guess no one took it seriously. (I was serious)
It is here as follows:
For those types, like myself, who do not have the gift of gab or the ability to woo members of the opposite sex into the intimate pleasures we all seek on AChat, I offer the following:
I greatly desire to be able to mold Robot Girl to my liking, not that she looks bad now. But I would like to be able to change her hair color and probably the style. Maybe try out all the colors and styles available. And dress her in all the latest AChat fashions, especially the new things that have come out.
Here's how it could work:
In the shop, there would be an option to buy a character editor for Robot Girl and Robot Boy, for $659 AChat dollars each. Then I could buy whatever outfit or body option I want, regardless of sex. I would only be able to wear the ones for my specific gender (in this case, male). The non-gender clothing and options (in this case, female) would be stored in a seperate menu available to me. Or there could be a seperate category in the shop for the robot apparel and body options. I would happily spend the AChat money to do this.Then once my Robot Girl and I have entered my room there would be an option… lets say a pull down menu or button that would give me access to Robot Girl's character editor. Then I would be able to dress her in the styles I like and change her appearance, give her more jewelery, etc. I would also like to be able to access “her” actions for that more intimate experience.
I would then be able to go from this:
Nice, but a bit bland.
To this:
You look wonderful tonight.
Then if I could give her more personality, Pafe's Boudoir Shoes
and the ability to play scrabble better, I would have a date every night!
Ummmm…. Because I want some pussy? You never know what you can get unless you ask for it.
Sometimes just the slightest change in pronunciation of a word can open up a world you didn't know existed. I had a very memorial time when I used the words chi-chi in Mexico.
Ya can remove the Santa Suit… not needed until next Christmas.
Cool…. thanks for the words… Or should I say:
“Merci des nouveaux mots.”
“Danke fur die neuen worter.”So the next time I'm touring Europe and we're at that little cafe in Paris… if I order “Est-ce que je peux svp avoir un minou?” will I get a giggle or a slap?
I really like Muschi. I like the way it plays on the lips and tongue… hey… double entendre.
It will never be the same, ordering coffee in a Starbuck's again.My Secret Santa Named Mollie
We had made arrangements to meet at Mollie's apartment. I had a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne in my hand when I rang the door bell.
Mollie buzzed me in and I was instantly transported into her room. It's a marvelous thing, this AChat transporter. Mollie and I have known each other for a while now, so we are familiar with each other.
The music was playing, and the room had the aroma of Chanel No. 5. A delightful and delicate perfume. Mollie suggested that we dance for a few minutes to get each other in the mood for the lap dance. She said she had a few move that I might not be aware of.
We danced for a while… she felt so warm in my arms, so fluid in her movements. Then she leaned in slightly and then she kissed me. A soft, lingering kiss while we moved to the music.
Mollie decided to start her lap dance and I took my place on her sofa and watched with eagerness as she began to move to the music.
Mollie moved and swayed to the music, the sexual tension began to build in the room. She continued to tease and tantalize and I stared, probably drooling… I can't remember what I was doing. All I know I was mesmerized. She shook her breasticles.
The sexual tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. I made a comment about how good her lips had felt. She climbed on me so I could feel them again.
She backed off of me… leaving me wanting more. More of her lips… more of her warmth… Then she moved in and kissed me for real.
Mollie said there was another move to make… she said it's a natural flow from the lap dance. She pushed the button on the magic sofa and it turned into the bed. We knelt together and moved Mollie's lap dance to a different level. I nibbled her neck.
She kissed me again.
I noticed on the bed there were restraints. I mentioned them and Mollie said to use them… so I did.
We spent a few hours perfecting new dances for us both. “The Bed Springs Rhumba”, “The Ride the Wild Willie Waltz”, and “The Mattress Mambo”.
Thank you Mollie for a most enjoyable Secret Santa Gift.
Ummm… kitty ears with a kitty tail….
Could I get Tiger Ears? Or Tom Cat ears… (they always have a little knick out of them)… Then I can sit on the fence too, and yowl for my pussy.
Oh… and make up… we're gonna need a cat nose and whiskers to complete the look.