Forum Replies Created
Hehe… So much fun!!
I'm in… should I buy my boxes of chocolates now?
Whoa…. snopp, snopp, snopp… what a fun word! I like the way it like “pops” from the lips… snopp. Much like the way the word smock does… smock, snopp, smock, snopp, schnapps, smock, snopp.
I love words… please give us more Swedish lessons! And for the rest of the non-native english speakers…. come on… don't hog all your words. Share some of yours with us, too… oh… and expressions, too…
I'm asking everyone to please translate this for me… it may help me “break the ice”.
“Oh sweet, thing… I'm going to slide my trouser trout between your lovely fun bags before I ravage your cave of wonders and spill my spooge.”
Isn't it romantic?
Back on topic:
I understand Dustin's question… It's not a matter of labeling… it's a matter of syntax… Eventually, if things go well, we're going to become intimate here… and… the wrong word at the wrong time can spoil things (trust me, I know), and… with some of the people I've met, you only get ONE chance.
Say the wrong thing and you get zapped into the Ignore Bin, with no chance to apologize or explain your meaning. He he… I'm in a few of those…
Wow… weeeeeee….
Small World is my favorite Disney World ride!! I don't know what it is about it, but I just love it!!
Come on… sing along… you all know the tune.It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hopes, its a world of fear
Theres so much that we share
That its time we're aware
It's a small world after allIt's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small worldThere is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small small worldIt's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world.I never thought about “hiding the salami” while on the ride, but it is an interesting idea. JemStar… you're a vixen!
You forgot all the fun ones… you know… for those times when you're just fooling around and having some laughs
Headlights, Knockers, Boobs, Melons, Boobies, Fun bags, Lemons, Humps, Hooters, Speed bumps, Bust, Juggs, Bazongas, Mosquito bites, Bazookas, Ta tas, Puppies, Twins, The Girls, Knobs, Globes, Milk wagons, Coconuts, Teats, Titties, Rack, Chesticles, Breasticles, Party pillows, Squachies.Vagina:
Bearded Clam, Beaver, Box, Cave of Wonders, Wizard's Sleeve, Beef Curtains, Ham Wallet, Box of Assorted Creams,Pubic Hair:
Bear Trapper's Hat, Minge, Brillo Pad, Landing Strip, Rusty Brillo Pad (Redhead), Baby BearClitoris:
The Magic Button, Little Man in The Boat, The Sugared Almond (my favorite), the Remote Control, Pearltongue, Flick Switch,Labia (visible through clothing):
Beetle's Bonnet, Camel Toe, Monkey's Chin, Shark's Fin (Swimsuit), MumblersCan't forget the guys here
Beef bayonet, Blue-veined piccolo, Bologna pony, Choad (As long as it is thick.), One-eyed monster, German helmet, Mr. Happy (my favorite), Grower (One that expands greatly when hard. Opposite of Show-er.), Heat seeking moisture missile, Kickstand, Little _____ (insert your name here), Locker room terror (very large when soft), Jack in the Box (uncircumcised), Weenie, Meat and two veggies, Mutton dagger, Purple-headed womb broom, Show-er (Large when flaccid. Opposite of Grower.), Trouser snake, Trouser trout, Third leg, Widow-consoler, Willy, WeaselIntercourse:
Bang the screen door, Doing the nasty, Don Mr. Happy's business suit (put on a condom), Driving the beef bus to tuna town., Give the monkey a banana, Hump like a Schnauzer, How's your father, Hide the salami, Horizontal refreshments, Hop into the horse's collar, Inoculation against virginity, Dr. Covems Meat Injection (good for cold, moles, and what ails ya), Knockin' those boots, Lay some pipe, Park the pink bus in the fur garage, Ride the baloney pony, Run the meat, Sausage and donut situation, Slip'er the crip'ler (debilitatingly vigorous sex and/or penis size), Vaginal bungee jumping, Vatican Roulette (form of monthly gambling that leads to large families)I may as well keep going….
Address the court, Blow the horn, Gobble gobble, Give a hummer, Kissin Mr. Happy, Speak into the mike, Polish the knob, Meeting with Mr. One-Eye, Play the pink oboe, Yaffle the yogurt cannon (voracious technique)Cunnilingus:
Airing the orchid, Carpet munching, Gamahuche, Growl at the badger (to make noise while performing), Impersonate Stalin, Muff diving, Yodel in the canyon (to make noise while performing), Lickity splitAnd for Semen:
Baby gravy, Cupid's toothpaste, Gentleman's relish, Human bonding fluid, Man chowder, Population paste, Jizz, Glazing, Spooge, That tasty non-dairy treatUse these the next time you are in the “Throes of Passion” with someone… it's almost guaranteed you get a reaction.
Changing subject: I save my complete avatar body in achat, but everytime i come to game,i only see my shoes ?!?
1 – Why is that happening ?? :'( I already uninstal game ,and re-install. Situation remains the same!!
Patricia… I don't understand… are you saying that you're only seeing the avatar's feet? Or do you mean all the clothes are gone except for the shoes?
3 – How do i buy subscription? Cause there are many types to do that ! THANK YOU .
You do that from the AChat shop page. There is a link to the shop at the top of this page. When you get to the shop, log in and at the top of the page is a link reading: Show Profile. It's in really small lettering. Click on that then there's a box on the right side reading “Upgrade” click on that and follow the instructions.
Congratulations on your decision to buy a subscription.I resolve to go on a date… a real date.
… and see what happens from there.It seems like it's been forever…
Having already removed my beautiful new sweater, trousers, socks and shoes, I climb into the pit. Dressed in my Christmas boxers, shirt and tie, I wade through the pudding to the center of the pit.
Sneezy rings the bell quickly 5 times… DING, DING, DING, DING, DING!!
I shout above the din of the crowd…..
“LADIES AND PERVERTS…. wait… no… that’s not right…”
“LUSTIES AND GENTLE…. wait… that's not it either.”
The bell rings quickly… DING, DING, DING! “ACHOOOO!”
“IN THIS CORNER” (I point to my left)…
“AT 5 FOOT NOTHING TALL, that's 152 cm for all you metric types.”
“AND WEIGHING IN AT 115 POUNDS, that's 52 kg.”
Pafe clasps her hands together over her head, shaking them and a great cheer goes up from the crowd accompanied by wolf whistles… The bell rings quickly again… DING, DING, DING, DING!
“AND IN THIS CORNER” (I point to my right)…
“WEIGHING IN AT 118 POUNDS. That's 53 kg.”
Satoire hands go high up over her head as she spins in place and another great cheer and more whistling comes from the crowd… The bell rings again 3 times… DING, DING, DING!
**************************Motioning for them to come to the center of the pit… “Now ladies,” I say, “let’s go over the rules. We're going to have 3 timed rounds of 3 minutes each, with a 1 minute pause between rounds. At the end of each round you will both return to your respective corners. Your seconds may attend to you there.”
“Each takedown gets scored as do all escapes. A count of 3 seconds while your shoulders are held against the floor of the pit will be considered a “pin” and will end the match. Scoring will be by rounds and scored by the Judges.” I point to Sleepy and Bashful. “Tightfit will be the Final Judge to break any ties. Are there any questions? No? Good.”
I continue. “There will be no eye gouging, fingernail scratching or excessive hair pulling. Biting is okay as long as you don’t draw blood, but licking is preferred. There’s no choke holds, no locking your hands or feet together and no tying your opponent with what little clothing you have. Okay ladies, I want a good, clean, gooey match.”
“Now, shake hands and at the sound of the bell, come out wrestling.”
They bow to the Judges and Tightfit, then turn to each other and shake hands while growling. Satoire and Pafe then return to their respective corners and take off their robes.
“ACHOOO!” The bell sounds… “DING!”
CongratulationsTo all the contest winners. Brandybee Sparkler Mollie
And congratulations to all the authors. Every story got at least one vote… that's great.
Also, thanks to all who took the time to read the stories and vote. THANK YOU
I go to the mechanical room with the dwarves to get the pudding mixture ready, while Satoire and Pafe head off to the dressing rooms.
After about 20 minutes, Bashful comes trotting in and goes up on the stage and faces the audience. He takes his hat off and adverts his eyes… his face goes red… “Awwwww… gee.” He says. “I’m supposed to say… “
“I’m supposed to tell you… ah… gee… awww…”, finally Bashful just blurts it out. “THE PIT IS READY!” He puts his hat back on and runs off to the pit area.
OOT: We miss you too Sexilicious, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas filled with the love of family and friends.
“You each should have seconds.” I say to them. “Someone to assist you between rounds of the match. I suggest you each choose a dwarf.”
“Dopey.” Pafe says quickly.
“Aw, Dopey’s busy being an elf.” I say to her, looking over at Dopey. He nods his head up and down quickly, his hat falling into his eyes. “Happy is an elf for the night, too. But the others are all free.”
Pafe chooses Grumpy and Satoire chooses Doc. “There’s a dressing room off of the Wrestling Pit area. You two can strip… er… get changed there.” I say. “It will take about 15 minutes to get the pit ready. Sneezy, Bashful… I’ll need your help.”
I grab Pafe around the waist. “Somebody grab Satoire.” I say. Lover grabs Satoire around her waist and holds her there. She struggles to get free and almost succeeds, so Lover pulls her up slightly so her feet come off the floor and Satoire stops wriggling.
“Ladies… This is supposed to be a time of celebration and a tribute to our dear friend Tightfit.” I say. “There’s no need to fight over which one of you goes first.”
“You’re right.” Pafe says. “Then I’ll go first.” She tries to free herself from my hold, but does not succeed.
Satoire struggles again in Lover’s hold, also trying to get free, but also failing to do so. She loses a shoe in the process.
“Pafe. Satoire.” I say. “If you really want to decide which one of you should go first, I suggest you earn it.
“How do we do that?” Pafe asks calming down, she eases her struggling and I relax my grip on her. Satoire is also calming down a bit.
“By making use of the Pudding Pit.” I answer. A murmur of approval goes up from the crowd, and I can see faces breaking into smiles…
I finish cleaning up and head back to the table for some more sarsaparilla. “What’s this?” I ask no one, as I pick up a wrapped package. There’s a tag with my name on it… “Thank you, Stone. Although I feel I’ve already gotten a wonderful present already. Just being included in everything that is going on here is a gift in itself.”
I tear open the wrapping paper with the eagerness of a small child. I open the box and pull out a sweater. “It’s beautiful!” I exclaim, holding it up. It has wonderful Christmas colors with Santa and his sleigh, complete with elves and reindeer inside a wreath on it. I check the tag… it’s going to fit!
I pull off my tux jacket and slip the sweater on. “Thank you so much Stone!” I say, holding the bottom of the sweater out proudly. “I love these, and I love this one!”
Satoire and Pafe are starting to get loud in front of the Guest of Honor. “Catfight!”
I say out loud as I spot the commotion then I go up to them.
“Ladies…” I say, stepping closer to Pafe and Satoire.
Well… can't say that would get me in the mood for some intimacy… laugh maybe but not sex. :
Yay!! You get me!!
It's supposed to be fun…
and sometimes funny. -