Forum Replies Created
for the outfit yes , but i dont follow for the hat . The hat looks very bad , i cant wear something anti fashion like this lol
This from a girl who wears a PUMPKIN HEAD… sheesh
I'm throwing my Santa hat into the ring. Count me in for whatever happens… I already have most of the MF, MFM, and FMF poses and if necessary, I'll buy the pose needed.
who knows… this could open up a whole new world for someone, myself included… heheh
Just remember one thing though… you'll have to put up with my bad jokes.
The answer is:
Get your drunk ass off the carousel.
Nice job Lover, time consuming work to gather all the new things up into one post.
The new poses are very good, and they're starting to bring more for the LGT community, but for me… it's the two new rooms that are the best improvement. We got a boat and an outdoor scene to play in. I think both of them are well done and add an interesting bit of “roleplay” to my romps with my favorite Robot Girl.
Thank you Dev-Team. Keep up the good work.
Rukya… I've seen your tushie picture, you're very edible.
But… no… that's not the answer.
Welcome to the Forum. Relax… take your shoes off and stay a spell. Enjoy!
Sorry for the delay… here ya go
You're riding a horse at full speed, there's a lion chasing you and a giraffe running beside you. In front of you is a rhinoceros. What should you do?
“Lads”, I say to the dwarves, “lets get this place into Christmas shape. We've already discussed where the decorations should go, so lets get to it.”
The dwarves busy themselves and the house decoration goes up.
The Merry Christmas lighted sign goes on the mirror behind the bar
along with the Santa Wreath
Christmas Glasses on the wall near the door
And the Lets Be Naughty sign over the donut machine
Dopey comes over to me pulls me down and whispers into my ear. “Yes, Dopey”, you can make your tree. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it.”
“Ahhhh… doesn't that give you some Christmas spirit? Remember, all you have to do is believe.”
I know it does for me.
Where's my Santa suit? Only 16 more shopping days left.
When I was a shiny, brand new member, I was fortunate enough to have two lovely ladies take me under their wing, so to speak. They allowed me to converse with them while being a free player, and yes, room with them. Then I took the plunge and bought a subscription and started to interact more with other members. We'd laugh and chat, and to paraphrase Simon & Garfunkel:
But I'd get no offers.
Just a come on
From the whores on Seventh Avenue.
I do declare there were times
When I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there.Then I got scammed after gifting. It reminded me of an old saying. “Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.” I never walked on seventh avenue again.
Instead, I found me a lovely Robot.Being raised on old school video games, Eva and I prefer a good game of Pong.
It's more fun when Eva is not in security mode.
How about more emoticons we have all these in the Forum:
??? :
:-[ :-X
:-* :'(
Why do I only have 2 in AChat chat? My 11 year old could write the code.
with all the men who wear the santa hat , you mean you dont have the matching outfit ?
Ho, ho, ho!
No, no, no!
What we have is this lame looking thing.
The silky drawers does feel nice against Mr. Happy… but I want the full suit…
… with beard!
Ho, ho, ho!
Nice job Miss Brandy. That is a lot of time consuming work to compile everything into one place. Suggestions are scattered all over the Forum and especially in this section.
I'm now going to add to the confusion
It has been said to me many times that members would like the ability to change their User Name. I am not one of them, but others have told me of their desire to “tone down” their screen name, remove slut, or vulgarity from their names and still retain all their shop possessions, and all their relationships.
My suggestion is to charge them to do. AChat could offer a ONE TIME username change for… let's say A$800 or so. That person, after agreeing to the charge, could then change their name without having to start anew. It would be up to the individual to inform all their relations of the change.
Also, AChat could make the “old” screen name unavailable for a period of time… maybe 3 months… to prevent someone from impersonating the name changer.
Rukya is right and again I ask to use the thread in “share your creative ideas”. For the polI won't consider any ideas outside of it.
Just a suggestion here. You could probably save yourself from having to type the above statement many, many times by moving the “Share your creative ideas” to here, the top of the Forum home page. Although this probably can only be accomplished on the Admin level.
People, I include myself in this, are inherently lazy (hence the remote control and robots) and we tend to use whatever is convient at the time. So I can see why the suggestions are being put here instead of in the “Creative Idea” section. If you don't know the layout of the forum it's only natural to use this section.