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  • in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83285

      That guy is really foolish


      Achat interrupteur!

      He should have used his magical powers first.


      in reply to: Game: Bingo Sweep #89449
        Congratulations Jayc

        The Draws:  Round 11  FINAL

        Card #1:
        68; 43; 1; 22; 52; 59; 34    Total: 7

        Card #2:
        33; 54; 63; 18; 75; 9; 11; 45    Total: 8

        Card #3:
        8; 74; 15; 38; 26; 40; 57; 48    Total 8

        Card #4:
        46; 32; 47; 41; 22; 5; 52; 71; 50    Total 9

        Card #5:
        3; 31; 70; 55; 20; 42; 44; 16    Total 8

        Amy:  41
        Covems:  40

        Whistling and rocking on my feet

        in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83282

          lol Denise… he is easily distracted

          It's so true… I just spent the last 10 minutes watching Satoire's little dancer



          in reply to: Funny Finds #21432
            Found this…
            …thought of Kittenlepurr…


            in reply to: Confine kinky or vanilla topics – BDSM yes or no? #100359

              You four have taken this WAY off topic!  I would suggest to post your Gnome things somewhere else.  That way you won't confuse any new people, because the Gnomes have nothing to do with confining Kinky or Vanilla topics… while watching Pafe's painted ass does.

              in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67745

                Utilizing the secret passsage that runs behind the stage, our little band plus one enter the storage room where the stairway to the secluded room is.

                The ladies all return to their seats at the bar, along with Terri and Pookie.  They're sitting close to each other and sharing thoughts and tales of their exploits.

                Seeing the band taking a break, I make my way to the stage.  I tap the mic…

                “Is this thing on?”

                Here's a question for you all….

                “Why don't women have brains? 
                Because they don't have a penis to carry them in.”

                “Did you hear about the gay midget?
                He just came out of the cupboard.”

                A man and his two friends were talking at the AB&G.  His first friend said, “I think my wife is having sex with the electrician.  The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed.”
                His second friend said, “I think my wife is having sex with the plumber.  The other day I found a pipe wrench under the bed.”
                The man said, “That's nothing.  I think my wife is having sex with a horse.”
                Both his friends looked at him in disbelief.
                “I'm serious.  The other day I came home and found a jockey under the bed.”

                thank you… I'll be here all week….

                in reply to: Confine kinky or vanilla topics – BDSM yes or no? #100352
                  … and I'm right behind Pafe… with that painted ass.
                  …running interference…
                  Pafe… wait up!

                  in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83277

                    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67737

                      I'm in my secluded room above the bar, when Happy pops his head in.  He giggles a little at first, then says, “Ms. Pafe has asked for you.”

                      “Has Amy gotten here yet?” I ask in response.

                      Happy answers, “No sign of her yet.”

                      I leave my costume choices and go down to the bar with Happy.  The band is playing “Enter Sandman”, and my mind gets an image of a baseball player with the number 42 on his back jogging to the mound.

                      I try to talk to Pafe, but the music is loud… Metallica is meant to be played LOUD… so I motion for her to come into the storage room, so we might be able to hear each other without shouting.  She grabs Terri's elbow and pulls her along with us.  Satoire and Moonie are gazing into a crystal ball.  “Voodoo,” I think with a smirk.

                      Finally taking in Pafe's costume, I can feel my eyes bugging out of my head.  “Wowsers Pafe, you've outdone yourself with this one.”  I take in all of her form.

                      “Stop,” she says, “this is serious.  Pookie's been taken.”

                      “What do you mean… taken?”  I answer.

                      Terri goes on and explains to me what took place in the passage.  I question her about the door, making sure it was the first one that I had come to on my way here.  We agree that it is the same door.  “She knocked?” I asked.

                      “Yes, you know Pookie,” Terri says, “always the polite one.”

                      “Nothing wrong with being polite,” Pafe says.

                      We call Satoire and Moonie into the room with us, and we all agree that we should go investigate the door and find Pookie.  “Pafe,” I say go get the dwarfs and tell them we need Dopey.  Tell them we're going into the tunnels.  The rest of you, wait here.”

                      Pafe agrees and goes out to the bar and knocks on the panel to get the dwarfs' attention. I head up to the secluded room and get my revolver and holster, the lantern… fresh matches… and the rope.  Going back down, I hand the gun belt and pistol to Moonie.  The others look at me with an inquisitive expression.  “Moonie's a better shot,” I say.  Moonie hands the crystal ball to Satoire and straps on the six-shooter, then takes back the ball.

                      Pafe comes back in and has Grumpy in tow.  Grumpy tells us that Dopey will meet us in the Eva room, and he'll take us to the door.  Deciding that it would be best not to alert the bar, we make our way through the secret passageway behind the stage and emerge in the hallway of the Ice House.

                      “This place give me the creeps,” Satoire says to no one.  We go into the bathroom of the Eva room and sure enough, Dopey is waiting. 

                      “Grumpy,”  I say, “if we're not back in a couple of hours, rally the troops and come get us.  Oh, and if Amy should show, tell her I'll be right back.  This shouldn't take long.”

                      I look around at our small band.  Munchkins.  Pafe and Satoire in a couple of layers of paint… Moonie looking like a sorceress with a side arm… Terri dress as a Star Trek Officer and Dopey, who's going to be our light.  We open the panel in the bathroom and go in.

                      in reply to: Post a picture/image that might describe you somehow #102795


                        I'm a horse's ass.

                        in reply to: Obituary Thread. RIP. #102784

                          Lou Reed was bisexual and received electroconvulsive therapy as a teenager, which was intended to cure his bisexuality; he wrote about the experience in his 1974 song, “Kill Your Sons.”

                          In an interview, Reed said of the experience:

                              “They put the thing down your throat so you don't swallow your tongue, and they put electrodes on your head. That's what was recommended in Rockland County to discourage homosexual feelings. The effect is that you lose your memory and become a vegetable. You can't read a book because you get to page 17 and have to go right back to page one again.”

                              —Lou Reed quoted in Please Kill Me -1996

                          More influential than most folks realize, his music will be missed.

                          in reply to: WarWolf69. Hi #102769

                            Howdy Warwolf69…

                            You've discovered one of the best parts of AChat.  While the game itself is fun and unique, the Forum has it's own flavor and personality.  I hope you participate here and post your ideas with us and join in the fun.


                            in reply to: Cute GIFs (not 56K friendly) #102062

                              Nothing is cutier than a couple of kittens…



                              Except maybe a bunny eating a banana


                              in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69213

                                If you haven't already done so… I suggest you read this post first
                                before continuing readiing this post
                                it will make more sense

                                Wait!!  … I recognize the tune!! …. Heigh ho!!

                                The light turns the corner.  “Doc!”  I say loudly, “how did…”

                                AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”  Doc screams and takes off running the other way.

                                “Doc.  Wait.”  I yell after him, but he keeps running.  “Shit…” I murmer and start running after him.

                                I don't have my lantern lit, and can only see by the light of Doc's lantern as he's running away.  It's suprising how fast the little buggers can be when they want to.  I'm having trouble keeping up with Doc, let alone gain on him.  His light for me is getting dimmer and dimmer.  “Doc!!  Hold up, will you?”

                                He scampers around a corner and the passage goes dark.  “Dammit,” I mutter under my breath, while fumbling in my pockets for the matches.  Finding them, I open the little box and take one out.  It feels damp, in fact the entire box feels damp.  I try running the match along the striker on the side of the box… nothing.  I try another match… nothing.  “Aw crap,”  I say out loud, “they all feel wet.” 

                                I feel around my jeans pocket that I had the matches in.  It's wet, too.  Then I feel for the canteen and run my fingers along it.  “Idiot!” I scold myself, “the top's off the canteen.  No wonder my pocket is wet… along with the matches.”

                                Stretching my hand out at arms length, I feel for the wall.  Finding it, and using both hands on the wall, I feel my way through the passage, knowing there's a turn ahead.  Taking what seems like an eternity to reach the corner, I feel my way along and make the turn.

                                Using my right hand and feeling along the wall, suddenly it disappears… I manage to feel something like a doorway or an arch or something, but it goes nowhere.  I find myself without the means to navigate and it's so dark that I cannot see, once more I call out to Doc. 

                                Something drops on top of me and I can feel something underneath my feet.  IT'S MOVING!!  My feet come up off the floor as this thing wraps completely around me, snagging me and lifting me.  It suddenly stops rising and now I'm swinging from side to side in a somewhat circular pattern. 

                                Gaining hold of my senses again, I can feel that I'm in some sort of net.  Caught like a rabbit.  I try to get to my revolver, but being trussed up like this, it's difficult to reach it.  Then I hear voices… familiar voices… coming from behind me.  The passage slowly illuminates and I can see five short figures…

                                “What in tar-nation are youse guys doing?” I ask of all of them.

                                “Oh… aaAAACHOO!  It's only you,” Sneezy says.

                                “I thought you were a monster,” Doc pipes in quickly, “you frightened me.”

                                “Well, I'm not,” I say, “at least not yet.  But I will be if youse lads don't get me down from here.”

                                Grumpy slaps something on the wall and I fall to the floor in a heap with a thud.  The five dwarfs help untangle me from the net.  “Alright,” I say, “answers… I want them.  How long have youse guys known about this passage?”

                                “Ever since we worked on the Ice House,” Bashful says quickly.

                                “Do you know where all the passages lead to?” is the next question I ask, while rising to my feet.

                                “Not yet,” Grumpy says, “we haven't explored all of the tunnels.  But we will.  Hence the trap.”

                                “How the heck is this illuminated?” I ask, “And I agree with the trap.”  I brush myself off.

                                “Well,” Doc says, “we're not exactly sure.  But when Dopey moves his ears the light either brightens or dims.”

                                “Show him, Dopey.” Bashful says.

                                Dopey uses his hands and twists his fingers around his ears and the light goes dimmer until it's almost completely dark… then twisting his fingers the other way, the light grows brighter.  Dopey stops twisting his fingers and grins that grin that only Dopey can grin.

                                “We don't know how it works,” Grumpy says, “but if you're going to roam the tunnels without Dopey, you need a lantern.”

                                'Fascinating.” is all I can think to say about it.  “So where does this lead to?”

                                “To the Ice House,” Sneezy says, while stifling a sneeze.

                                “You've been in here before Covems,” Doc says, “only not this far.”

                                The dwarfs lead me through some twists and turns of the passages.  Up a flight of stairs… around a couple of corners… down a flight of stairs, until we are finally in a place that I recognize.

                                “That's the way to the Bat Cave,”  I say, while pointing down the corridor, before we make a turn.

                                “Yes it is,” Doc says, “and this is the way to that room you were in with Eva.”

                                Grumpy moves a switch on the wall and a panel swings open, allowing us access to the bathroom of the “Eva” room.  “Well done lads.”  I say once we enter the room.  Then we make our way out into the hallway of the Ice House and turn in the direction of the pool room of the AChat Bar & Grill.  Before reaching the not so secret “secret door”, Grumpy does a series of knocks on the wall.  A panel opens and we go into the passageway that runs along side the stage and dance floor.  We can hear the muffled sounds of the band playing… then rounding the corner we stop at the door to my hide-away room in the bar.

                                “Thanks lads,” I say to them, “and do me a favor… when Amy gets here, let me know… unless I'm down in the bar area already.”

                                “Yepperdoozies.”  Bashful says with a grin.

                                “Yepperdoozies?  Youse guys have been hanging around Pafe too much.”  I say, before opening the door and heading up to my room.

                                in reply to: Game: Bingo Sweep #89428

                                  I thought we were supposed to be putting our numbers up by editing them into our original post?  Oh well… when in Rome…

                                  The Draws:  Round 8

                                  Card #1:
                                  68; 43; 1; 22; 52; 59

                                  Card #2:
                                  33; 54; 63; 18; 75; 9

                                  Card #3:
                                  8; 74; 15; 38

                                  Card #4:
                                  46; 32; 47; 41; 22; 5; 52; 71

                                  Card #5:
                                  3; 31; 70; 55; 20

                                  Amy:  15

                                  Amy and I have a few side bets going…. we've wagered some Lap Dances against some Massages. 
                                  Wager #1:  The wager is that on Saturday, the 12th of October, I will have more numbers marked than she does… and right now I'm out in front with two (02) played.

                                  Wager #2:  Is a continuation of Wager #1.  At the end of each Saturday, which ever on of us has the most total numbers will be the winner of that week.

                                  Wager #3:  I bet that my Card #1 will have more numbers than Amy's Card #1.

                                  Final Wager:  Is who will have the most numbers at the end of the game.  Of course, I will.  This one is for much more than a Lap Dance/Massage.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1,126 through 1,140 (of 1,684 total)