Forum Replies Created
Wandered into Sexi's zoo the other day and once again found her sleeping on the job.October 18, 2013 at 12:20 pm in reply to: Forum Game: Say Something Romantic to the person above you. #101914
Like a flower fragrant, spring breeze, Miss Stone, your words pour from your fingers and touch the very heart of me everytime I read them. I consider myself a lucky man to have had the good fortune to read your words, your thoughts, your intimate desires. Friendships are made and lost by many here in the AChat world… I'm hoping our friendship lasts forever.
Zoerink… never apologize for the content of a post, especially to me… but I will apologize to you if my post seemed harsh. As Miss Brandy says, we're all entitled to our opinions. You did what was right for you. In my post, I did what was right for me. It doen't mean that either of us were right or that either of us were wrong, the important thing is that we were true to ourselves.
And, it wasn't so much of the content of your original post. You were alerting others, and that is to be commended… it was the piling on that was troubling to me. I have a tendency to step in to stop things like that, and I have gotten my ass kicked a few times for doing so.
Now come on, and let me buy you a beer at the bar…
Oh… Miss Brandy… remember to breathe in and breathe out. Would you like a paper bag to breathe into?… just so you don't hyperventilate.
I'm sorry to see the person is no longer on AChat…. I would have gifted her to find out how she did it.hmmm scream “FIX THE HAIRS” is easy , but if you could explain what you want be fixed in the hairs , maybe dev team will do
She did… reading the last post is easy… but if you go back to the beginning and read the first post in this topic… you know Rukya… the one you first commented on… it explains everything she wants.
If Moonie is anything… she is relentless. heheh
and old
What the hell is going on here? What is this… the Salem Witch Hunt? Has Roxy_At_Night or Rocio_Night pestered anyone… or gotten into anyone's account? I don't know if they're the same person or not… and I don't care. I can't see why everyone is so concerned about their ability to make their profile picture unique. We've asked for the same thing here in the Forum… the ability to make our profiles more distinctive. Who cares if they've figured out a way to do it…. I don't.
Call me stupid, but I don't get it why we have to be the guardians of AChat and self appointed ones, at that. Maybe the Moderaters do… I don't know what their agreement with AChat is, but for me, I'm not reportiing anyone. This is between AChat and the people involved, there's no reason to call them out in the forum. It makes me wonder who's next…
The Draws: Round 5Card #1:
68; 43Card #2:
33; 54; 63; 18Card #3:
8; 74Card #4:
46; 32; 47; 41Card #5:
3; 31; 70
Amy: 15Pafe… check this out. I managed to make the top portion look kinda fuzzy… and in Pink… as you asked. More like carpeting than fur… enlarged the bow… and stuck one on the back of each shoe… heheh
As long as I'm on the right track, I'll keep plugging along… only… I don't know what to do with them once they're finished. Does AChat contact me … or do I need to submit them somehow? I just dunno.
P.S. those are the smallest adult toes I've ever seen
Okay Pafe… I took a shot at the boudoir shoes. The shoe maps are limited,as they don't allow for adding height. So what that does is make fur look flat… these were supposed to look fuzzy. So what I did was quickly add a bow to some gold shoes. It needs more attention to the details, but let me know if this would be an acceptable Boudoir Shoe.
I know the colors should be better… this is just the first prototype… as long as it is acceptable to you.
What a time to be alive, eh?Besides the folks who show you that you mean zero to them by zooming into a room or friends who cancel being friends without explaination or even a by-your-leave, and of course, the lack of cheeseburgers, there are some technical annoyances.
To echo Susan, most revolve around the messaging. Now I know that chat tabs were attempted with dismal results, and these are min-or annoyances, but nevertheless… still annoyances. I would like a way to get back to the input box without having to use the mouse to get the cursor there. Most text applications will enable you to do just that with a key. Maybe use the tab key… enter key… or even the home key (I like pressing buttons). It's a small annoyance to be in the room, clicking on the actions, then when you want to input something in the chat, the mouse must be used.
I think what we're asking for here are some keyboard shortcuts. Maybe in version 1.20.HD.
Love your wit!Brilliant