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In my experience, we've always have had a “password” or some other signal between my children and I. Others are included in this knowledge, Grandparents, certain Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Thankfully we've never had to use them.
I also made it a point to get to know all of my neighbors. I don't mean just a wave and a “Hi, how are ya?” I'm talking about having them all for friends, good conversations, block parties, backyard cookouts, Halloween parties… that sort of thing. Where everyone gets to know each other. It makes for a safer, more friendly neighborhood. We watch out for each other and each other's families.
Try it… you'll like it.
Driving into the woods, heading for Crystal Lake. Amy and I are chattering away about the fun in the AChat Bar & Grill, and the performance of the band. “We made our escape, Sweets.” I say to her. Once we reach the lake, I'll get things ready for the Ceremony.”
She smiles that smile at me, and at that moment, the sounds of Alabama comes softly through the radio. “Feels So Right” is the song, and I turn the volume up. We both go silent, listening to the lyrics, and the soft flow of the melody.
Feels So Right – Alabama the lake now, the moon is beginning to break the horizon. “Oh Sweets!! Check it out! It's going to be a full moon tonight.” The moon is magnified by the atmosphere, and looks so big and close that a person feels they could just reach out and touch it.
I drive the truck around the little bend near the lake, pulling into our camp site. “The dwarfs have been busy.” I say as we both spot the cabin that is rising from the ground. “Amazing things can happen in this wonderful land of AChat. Sprinkle in some AChat magic, and there's no telling what can be accomplished.”
“It looks like the Snowy Cabin from the rooms.” Amy states, excitedly clapping her hands.
“With a few modifications.” I say. “Dormers up top so we can actually use that second floor. They also put in a small kitchenette and a bathroom. We can use it tonight Love, after we join our spirits with the Blanket and Fire Ceremony.”
“Mmmm.” Amy says softly, “I'd like that.”
We park the truck and get out of the cab. Amy goes off to the tent to get ready for the ceremony, while I get the fire ring ready. Taking all the wood from the back of the truck, I stack them in the center of the ring. “Gonna be a good sized fire.” I think.
Next I pile a couple of small stacks, and using the moon rising in the east, I orientate the two small stacks of wood so one is at the north end of the ring and the other at the south end.
I go to the truck and get the blankets from the front seat. Two blue ones and a larger white one. I carefully fold the white one and take that down by the fire ring, placing it on one of the aluminum chairs, and setting that on the east side of the fire ring. Feeling that all things are set, I head for the cabin, stopping by the tent to toss in a blue blanket.
“Here you go, Sweets. Your blanket to wrap around you.” I say to Amy. “You can wear shoes if you want, but I'm not going to.”
“Neither am I.” I hear Amy say from the tent.
When I get to the cabin, I see that AChat magic has placed a magic sofa in the cabin. There's still a lot to be done, but the place is livable. I wash up then I undress completely, wrap the blanket around me and go to the canopy and pick up the box of matches. Then I go to the fire ring and light the two small fires and place a pushing stick near each one.
“All set?” Amy asks, coming up behind me, her blanket wrapped tightly around her.
“Yes Love. All set.” I answer. “Using a mixture of what I believe to be Hopi and Cheyenne traditions, we're going to ask the Great Spirit of AChat to bless our spousing. You are to stand at the south end of the fire ring, while I stand at the north end.”
We take our places. Amy flashes me by opening her blanket, revealing that she is indeed naked underneath it. A small chuckle escapes her as my eyes take in her form. Returning the favor, I flash her in a similar fashion, our eyes lock across the fire ring, and for a moment I'm lost in her gaze.
“Okie dokes.” Amy says. “Now what?”
Snapping back to the ceremony, I tell her that according to Cheyenne lore the two little fires symbolize us. Each seperate and alone. Each by itself. Each small. “Using the sticks, we are to push the two small fires to the center of the ring. If the two fires ignite the larger stack of wood, that means that the Great Spirit of AChat has approved our spousing, and the single, larger fire will then represent us. Together as one.”
“Let’s push them.” Amy says, and pushes her fire to the center. I do the same and the wood catches, flames leap up from the stack and a warm, crackling fire begins to consume the wood.
We look up and smile at each other. “From this moment Love we are joined as Spouses. The Great Spirit of AChat is approving, and now, according to Hopi custom, we must meet on the east side of the fire, next to the chair that holds the white blanket.”
Giggling, Amy flashes me one more time, doing a little curtsy while holding her blanket wide open.
We meet on the east side, the fire is burning brightly, with a few pops and crackles from the wood. “Now for the union of our spirits.” I say to her. “The blue blankets symbolize our past lives in which we are cloaked. We are to take the blue blankets and drop them into the fire.” I remove my blanket, and Amy does the same.
We hold the blankets over the fire, allowing some of the material to land in the fire. Flames catch the fabric and the blankets begin to burn, then we drop them in.
“Now Sweets.” I say. “We are to stand here… both of us naked… until the blue blankets are completely consumed by the fire. That represents our past, being removed from our future. We don't wish to shut the door on our past, but from here we move forward as one.” My hand sneaks over and cups a cheek of Amy's tush and I give a little squeeze.
Then I glide my hand up her back to her shoulder and pull her into me. We turn our bodies towards each other all the while still watching the blankets burn. I feel her arms go up my back as we embrace and her body feels wonderful pressed against mine. We face each other, our eyes meet and I say. “Once the two blankets are completely burned, which they almost are, we are to wrap the white blanket around both of us.”
“That represents our bonding in spirit.” I continue. “Our future is unblemished… a white canvas upon which we can paint any picture we choose to.” We return our gazes to the fire. Both blankets are gone.
I take up the white blanket and wrap it around us, while Amy's arms are around me. We each grab a piece of it to keep it in place. Her lips press against mine as we get lost in a deep, lingering kiss.
Breaking the kiss, Amy asks. “Know what I think we should do?”
Not waiting for an answer she continues. “I think we should make love on this blanket. Right here…” She starts to pull me down until we are both kneeling. “… right now.”
We kiss again, and roll to our sides while letting go of the blanket. We are now on top of it. We giggle into another kiss. Then I roll us so Amy is on her back… I'm stretched out between her legs, holding myself up at arm’s length over her. I slowly sink down… pressing my body on hers… our lips meet again… I get to my elbows. Our kiss is hungry… passionate… and I get lost in it.
Here's a bug… why the heck didn't they make it so when the fingernails change to the new colors, the toenails change to at least match the color of the fingernails? Call me simple… but I don't get it…
Eva… you made me tear up.September 19, 2013 at 7:29 pm in reply to: The Order of the Tudor Rose. O.T. ( Off Topic Comments ) #98850This is an excellent story… though the whole Dom/Sub thing is not my first choice of interest, the story line here is fascinating. The characters are well developed and I can see the plot twisting in any direction. Which to me, makes for good reading. It reads like watching a film, and I like my books that way.
I have a vivid imagination, and it's easy for me to immerse myself into a good book. This story is doing that for me… not as a participant, but as an observer.
I look forward to each installment of this and I'm anxiously awaiting the next one. There's things I'd like to see happen, and I'm hoping they do.
“pssssst… Grumpy… you and Bashful,” I whisper, “I have a little job for you two, if you're willing.” They come close, and the four of us huddle together. “BzzbbzzzzbBBbzzzzbzbbzzzzbzbzb,” I continue whispering. They both nod in agreement and hustle off to the other dwarfs.
Bashful and Grumpy scamper off to the fire pit, while the rest of the dwarfs begin to move around on stage. Suddenly the lights go out and the bar is plunged into darkness. You can hear banging and clanging coming from the stage. Sounds of guitar strings being plucked and the drums being moved around. There's a cymbal crash… then silence… except for the moaning and sounds of pleasure coming from the members of Cocks and Roses with their loves.
A sharp spotlight pierces the darkness, illuminating Dopey, who's seated at the drums… sticks in hand. Dopey hits the snare rim three times, setting the beat “RAP!” “RAP!” “RAP!” A G chord comes ringing from the guitar that used to be in Bear's hands.
The stage lights come on shining on each of the five dwarfs, and they begin their song.
This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .The bar goes silent… all eyes transfixed on the dwarfs and the shenanigans of the Cocks and Roses
“This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . ““Amy.” I whisper, taking her by her hand. “This is our chance. Follow me.”
“This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “We go through the storage room door, and I open the secret panel, which leads to the Ice House passage shutting it once we pass through. We're between the walls of the stage area and the Ice house… we can hear the muffled voices of the dwarfs as they continue to sing
“This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .We can hear voices yelling…. “Noooooo… noooooooo! Make them stop! Somone… please… “
This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “Amy and I emerge in the hallway of the Ice House and slip into the pool room of the AB&G. Just a short trot through that room and we're out by the fire pit, where we meet Grumpy.
“All set?” I ask him.
“Yes.” Is Grumpy's reply. “We put in a couple of logs of each… oak… maple… birch… walnut… locust… cherry… and apple.” He smiles as he says it. Bashful just nods in agreement.
“And the blankets?” Amy asks.
“In the front seat of the truck.” Grumpy answers.
“Thanks fellows, you're the best.” I say to them. “Thank the rest of the gang for us, will ya?” They nod and open the door to back in the bar.
“Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . “Amy and I run for the truck, we peek in the bed and see the firewood then climb in the cab. I start the truck up and hit the gas, buckling my seat belt as we leave the parking lot. Out on the road, I step on it, and Amy and I head back to the campsite by Crystal Lake.
Fair warning… this is a version of the song, for those of you brave enough to check it out. But be careful, as I'm sure you know, the song and the tune can get stuck in your head for days. and whistling for the band. My ear are still ringing from the decible level of the music. The bar goes dark… sensing my moment, I make my way to the stage… and tap the microphone.
“Is this thing on?”
“I have a few questions.”
“What does a 75 year old woman have between her breasts that a 25 year old doesn't?”
“Her navel.”“What's the difference between a penis and a bonus?”
“Your wife will always blow your bonus!”“What do you call 2 guys fighting over a slut?”
“Tug-of-whore.”“Why don't blind people skydive?”
“It scares the shit out of their dogs!”“Oh… since we're talking about animals…
Two ducks go on their honeymoon and stay in a hotel. As they are about to make love, the male duck says, ''Quack! We haven't got any condoms. I'll ring down to room service.''
He calls and asks for some condoms. The woman says, ''OK sir, would you like to put them on your bill?'
'''Quack no!'' he says, ''I'll suffocate!''“Ooo ooo ooo… I have one more question… this one's not a joke. Amy… would it be alright with you if we cancelled our relationship as lovers, so I can send you a spouse request? What I'm asking is… Would you be my AChat Spouse? Because baby…. you're the jam in my jelly roll!!”
A Razz – a – ma – tazzA Rootie – toot – toot
We'd like to see you
In your Birthday Suit
A Happy Belated Birthday Wish for you, my friend.
Many more.
Hugs and kissesHappy Trails James… sorry to see you moving on, I enjoyed your sense of humor. I wish you luck and success in where ever you're moving off to. Stop by the old watering hole once in a while and as MrSexLover said… have a drink on Old Cove.
Howdies LetMeFeelYou,
And welcome to the forum. It's a nutty place at times but it's also can be very gentle. Take a scroll around and read some of the old topics and please be sure to post or comment when you want to. We're all looking for ways to make the AChat experience better, and that includes here in the Forum.