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  • in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83259

      in reply to: Street Names for the good city of Nymphomaina #98276

        I seem to recall a post that Satoire did last year where her and Pafe went on patrol with the NSPD.  She named quite a few streets.

        Here's the post for your perusal … quite funny… with street names.


        A day in the Nymphomania Sex Police Department Traffic Division

        6:30 AM:  I meet my partner, Sgt. Pafe at division headquarters in an old quonset hut located at the far corner of the NSPD yard.  She looks tired from doing the laundry.  We hang the wash on the line and check our orders for the day.  They are the same as every other day. “Watch for Speeders, take reports.”

        7:00 AM:  We wheel our cars out from the back shed and perform the routine vehicle inspection.  All four wheel spin.  Check.  Steering mechanism in working order.  Check.  Pedal mechanism in working order.  Check.  Vehicle #2 still needs the linkage tightened up.  We have had our request into the motor pool for weeks.  This means we will have to share Vehicle #1 again.  Back into the shed goes #2.  Siren inspection.  Check.  That is still broken also.

        7:15 AM:  We get into the Vehicle #1, I drive.  There is only one seat, so she sits on my lap and we begin our patrol.

        7:30 AM:  Car #1 finally clears the NSPD lot and we are among the community traffic on Fellatio St.  It is difficult to see around the Sergeant's big boobs, and her elbow is in my neck, but I pedal on until we get to the hill.  We get out of the car and push it up the hill.  Numerous cars pass by us with only the occasional honk or shout.

        7:48 AM:  At the top of the hill we get back in the car.  Again, with me pedaling and Sgt. Pafe on my lap.  She's in a different position now, and her right boob is in my face, so I press on it to get it out of the way causing the sergeant to say, “ooooooo”.  I wish she was louder so I could use her for a siren.  Going down hill is an adventure, as the road is full of pot holes and pedal cars have no suspension.  The constant bumping and bouncing causes Sgt. Pafe's boobs to come out of her top, and when she scrambles to get them back in, it's all elbows and arms in my way.

        8:02 AM:  Responded to a report of a vehicle stopping at mail boxes along Fellatio St.  It was the mailman.

        8: 32 AM:  Responded to a call from a woman on 400 block of Main St.  She found her grandson and his girlfriend lying on top of each other, unconscious and naked.  It turns out they had used what they though was lubricant from her well stocked medicine cabinet.  It was not lubricant, but nitroglycerin paste, a heart drug that can cause a potentially fatal drop in blood pressure.  They eventually came to after we gave them oxygen and fluids.

        9:22 AM:  A 21 year-old man reported a battery on Blue Ball St.  An unknown suspect threw a used condom at the victim, hitting him in the face.

        10:01 AM:  A vehicle passes us at high speed on Main St.  Our siren does not work, so we yell, “HEY YOU!!  STOP THAT CAR!!”  The vehicle does not stop, and it went by too fast to record the number.

        10:15 AM:  A vehicle passes us at high speed on Main St.  We yell, and again the vehicle does not stop.

        10:35 AM:  A citizen reports that he has seen a suspcioius person with several pairs of panties in his hand going across Cabin Ave.  Sgt. Pafe informs the citizen that we are in Traffic Division, and he should take his information to a detective.

        10:47 AM:  Responded to a report that someone was on a porch yelling “help” from a residence on Submit St.  It was just a person calling a cat that is named. “Help”.

        11:00 AM:  A citizen turns himself in for speeding.  We inform him that our orders are to “watch” for speeders, NOT apprehend speeders.  He offers to pay his penalty so we take payment on the side of the road.

        11:20 AM:  Lower Duck Pond. Responded to a report of two dogs running loose and attacking ducks.  We cited a resident for the loose dogs.  Penalty paid on the spot.  The duck refused medical treatment and left the area.

        12:00 Noon:  Lunch.  We have Chinese.  Sgt. Pafe orders from column B “Someyoungchick” and I have “Cumdumdumcum” from column C.  My fortune cookie reads:  “Help.  I am a prisoner in a fortune cookie bakery.”

        1:00 PM:  A woman in the 1900 block of Northeast St. reported that someone must have stolen her messages, because she did not receive offers of sex from her friends.

        1:15 PM:  A woman in the 100 block of Group Ave., reported that she received a St. Patrick's Day card warning her to “keep her legs closed”. 

        1:31 PM:  A woman reported that someone entered her home between 6 P.M. Mar. 18 and 2 P.M. Mar. 19 and replaced the carpet.

        2:00 PM:  Quickie-Mart.  Received a report of a newborn infant found in a trash can.  Upon investigation, we discovered that it was only a burrito.

        2:15 PM:  We respond to a distressed pussy call and perform emergency CPR (Cunnilingus, Probe, Repeat) until the patient responded.  We were thanked for our quick response and expert treatment.

        3:00 PM:  The AChat Sex Learning Center on Handjob Street reported a man across the way standing at his window for hours watching the center, making patrons nervous.  We ID'd the subject as a cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

        3:19 PM:  A 38 year old Hummer Ave. man reported that his home was invaded on Mar. 19.  The man said that he was sitting home alone masturbating and watching a pornographic movie when a man came down into the basement, holding a gun, and started to videotape him.  The man said that before he left, the intruder fed his dog some mushrooms and the dog went on a psychedelic trip and has not been seen since.

        3:45 PM:  A woman along the 11500 block of Eastern St. reported a dispute with her neighbor/boyfriend who is refusing to bring her casserole.

        4:00 PM:  On Fellatio St. Near Headquarters.  A woman reported that on Mar. 18 a personal battery-operated device was stolen from her residence.  Some duplicate checks and a lubricant were also stolen.

        4:30 PM:  Back at the Traffic Division Headquarters to make out our reports and do some more laundry.

        5:00 PM:  Off Duty.  Shift ends.  Going for donuts.

        Respectfully submitted this day, Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2012

        Cpl. Satoire, out.

        in reply to: Just sexy photos #90870

          What caught your attention first? lol! :)

          To be completely honest… the first thing I noticed was that bottle of Jameson on the shelf…


          in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83257


              A Woman's Poem:

              Before I lay me down to sleep,
              I pray for a man who's not a creep,
              Once who's handsome, smart and strong.
              One who loves to listen long,
              One who thinks before he speaks,
              One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
              I pray he's rich and self-employed,
              And when I spend, won't be annoyed.
              Pull out my chair and hold my hand,
              Massage my feet and help me stand.
              Oh send a king to make me queen.
              A man who love to cook and clean.
              I pray this man will love no other,
              And relish visits with my mother.

              A Man's Poem:

              I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with
              big tits who owns a bar on a golf course,
              and love to send me fishing and drinking.  This
              doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.

              in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83256

                They're taking me away from my home again…
                …see ya in a few days.

                Here's your chance to rearrange the Forum while I'm gone.

                in reply to: Secret Summer #97962

                  @ cove

                  My Master is here I must go. …  and the door was slammed in my face.

                  Now you know, why Brandy, bear and myself have broken boxer noses…

                  So That's why your noses look like that.  The moral of the story is:

                  Never go with owned people… they're possessed!
                  pun intended

                  in reply to: Just sexy photos #90819

                    LOL Covems is it your cat  ::)

                    No Miss Sexilicious, although Refugee was interested in photography, she has since changed her artwork into a digital medium.


                    in reply to: TightFit74. My muses, my wall. #100405
                      Everybody… on the count of three




                      THANK YOU TIGHTFIT

                      in reply to: Secret Summer #97960

                        LOL   Cove won two mods ??

                        I have yet to corner him too   ;D 

                        I prefer to think of it as Two Mods won me.

                        There's still a good solid 6 weeks of summer… pleanty of time yet.  And HB… the last time we chatted, we were discussing the date when I got this: My Master is here I must go. …  and the door was slammed in my face.

                        in reply to: Just sexy photos #90806

                          in reply to: Confine kinky or vanilla topics – BDSM yes or no? #100340

                            I've avoided posting in this discussion, perferring to soak in everyone's view points on the matter.

                            Everyone makes a solid point.  But I have to agree with Pafe ( heheh… they are old ladies  ;D  )… the Forum has worked just fine the way it is… it's not broken… so let's not try and fix it… and  Miss Sexilicious is correct… I always ignore signs and just charge ahead…

                            We all have our own definition of “Extreme”… just as we all have our own definition of “Vanilla”…  my encounters with Eva for instance… some may consider a romp with Robot Girl to be “Extreme”… I however consider a romp with her to be very “vanilla”.

                            My devil's advocate question is:  “Will there be labels or warnings in the Erotic Story Contest?” 
                            Second part to the question:  “Who will be the one to determine what warning goes on which story?”

                            I would like to say one thing on my little soap box… I would like to congratulate the Moderators for the great job they've been doing.  They saw something that concerned them, and instead of a knee jerk reaction, they brought it up for a discussion, and are now allowing us, the members of the Forum, to decide.  Thank you.

                            in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67627

                              We come flying up the road in the truck… going so fast, I missed the parking lot.  I slam on the breaks and come to a screeching halt.  I back the truck up and into the parking lot… still in reverse, I find a spot next to Moonie's jeep and back into it.

                              “Come on, Sweets,”  I say to Amy, 'lets go listen to the band.”  I open my door and hold my hand in for Amy to take… she slides across the seat and hops out.

                              We open to the door to the AChat Bar and Grill, and are immediately hit with the sound of the band.  “THEY'RE REALLY LOUD.”  I shout to Amy.  “AND REALLY GOOD.”

                              We go in and head straight to the bar.  “JOE', I shout, “A ROOT BEER AND WHAT EVER AMY WANTS.”

                              We wave and nod to all those around the bar, wearing their Cocks and Roses memorabilia.  Amy picks out a T-Shirt.  “I WANT TO PUT THIS ON…”  she shouts to me, 'BUT IT WILL BE TOO HOT WEARING TWO SHIRTS.”

                              “TAKE THE OTHER ONE OFF FIRST.”  I shout to her… she gives me that “are you crazy look”.

                              I have a seat at one of the tables.  “HERE, AMY… SIT IN MY LAP.”  Amy comes over and sits in my lap… I turn her so her back is towards me.  I slide my hands up underneath her shirt and cup a hand around each breast.  “GO AHEAD AND TAKE THAT ONE OFF.”  I shout.

                              Amy's hesitant at first, but then gets what I'm doing.  She goes ahead and pull the shirt over her head.  I'm looking around the room and spot the 4 munchkins all together.  Pafe catches my eye and waves to us.  I wave back… exposing one of Amy's breasts, before realizing what I'm doing.

                              “Whack” is the sound made as Amy slaps my arm.  “PAY ATTENTION.”  She shouts.

                              “Heheh”.. all I can do is chuckle.  Amy slips the new Cocks and Roses shirt on.

                              “YOU CAN REMOVE YOUR HANDS NOW.”  She shouts to me.

                              “I DON'T WANNA.”  I say, “I'M KINDA LIKIN' THIS.”

                              The band finishes up with their song, and Amy lets out a holler for them as I whistle as loudly as I can.  The room goes dark.


                              “Pssssst… Amy… quick… kiss me.”

                              in reply to: The AChat Tattler #6558

                                The NEW AChat Tattler




                                in reply to: Game ideas. Sound Effects & Music for the Rooms #24552

                                  Moved the suggestion for the rooms from the suggestions for the rooms to here:  Sounds for the rooms.

                                  I know Ms. Pafe has suggested this somewhere in the distant past, but Amy and I were discussing it.  We would like to see sounds made available for the purchased rooms.  They would come as an option that you could buy like with the room decorations.  Only have them specific for each room.

                                  For example:
                                  Gentle surf and maybe some seagulls for the Beach scene.

                                  Gentle waves hitting the side of the Terrace Room, and include some chirping birds

                                  The sounds of typewriters and telephones ringing for the Interrogation Room.

                                  A crackling fire for the Cabin… maybe some distant wolf howls.

                                  The sounds of traffic for the City Apartment room.

                                  There should be an option to turn the sounds off, just like with the music.  I could just turn off my computer speakers, but I usually listen to music while on AChat, so a mute button in the room would be a better option for me.

                                  Addendum:  Sometimes… Amy and I will have our date out by the lake… we'll take the pickup out and use the bed of the truck…  what I do is go to YouTube… there are all kinds of sounds available there… there's one that has the sounds of a forest at night… lots of sounds from the forest at night… crickets… june bugs… et al.    And… it's 8 hours long… so there's no looping.  I can play that one at a low volume… then restart ANOTHER browser… and play one of my YouTube playlists for music.

                                  It works… but it would be so much nicer to have the sounds available in the rooms.

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