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  • in reply to: Sweetleah. New.. again.. from kentucky #89221

      Welcome Sweetleah…  I remember seeing your name on those times when I surfed the search.  Glad to see you taking part here in the Forum, too. 

      Welcome back.  ;D

      in reply to: OliU. Hello from Germany #89201

        Hello Oli

        Welcome to the Forum and welcome to AChat.  Enjoy yourself and remember that it's all supposed to be fun.  I too, hope you'll post here and share yourself with us.

        in reply to: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly) #85619
          Clear the table by knocking everything to the floor


          in reply to: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly) #85617
            Sometimes we don't make it out of the kitchen


            in reply to: New Game – Blind Date #84547

              Hehe Brandy, even if you die to see bean and me in room you would feel awful bad, knowing it just happened bc you bribed – and we all don't want you feel bad ::)

              Lover, I would pay real money… and a lot of it to see you and Mr. Bean going at it in an AChat room.  I would definitely have the Bandicam fired up for that one.

              Miss Brandy… I wouldn't feel bad at all…  I'm in on the bribe.
              in reply to: New Game – Blind Date #84544

                Now, I just need to sweet talk our Jayc   😮

                They almost CAN'T be paired up now… no one is questioning Jayc's integrity, but we all know the cry of FIXED!  will be heard throughout the village.

                Just sayin…

                in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83188
                  in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67427

                    Having finished my little fart song I leave the stage and head for the bar.  I can feel the big balls of my “big balled monkey suit” swinging side to side with each stride.  Satoire says something about hypnotising as I pass by their table, but I didn't catch it all.  I need a sarsparilla.

                    Miss Brandy rings the bell, and I think “Free Drinks!”  as it sounds, then she makes her announcement of the posting milestones.  I sidle up next to the sexy she-wolf and press my shoulder into her, causing her to lean to her right.  “Hi Joe.”  I say.  “Dig me out a cold bottle of sarsparilla, will ya?”  I push the she-wolf a little more, until she pushes back.  She turns to look at me and I look her in the eyes.

                    “Welcome to the AChat Bar & Grill.”  I say to her, our eyes locked together.  “I am glad you have made your way in.”

                    I take a step back to take in the whole picture.  “I must say, I expected a wild cat, but this get-up is a hot one… does…”

                    My question is interrupted by a loud bang from Pafe and Satoire's table.  Satoire stands and in a voice that can be heard over everything challenges Pafe to run the Fast Run naked, slapping down 50 dollar bills with each challenge.

                    I slide my hand in the pocket slit of the monkey suit, only to remember that I'm not wearing anything underneath it.  I have no pocket to get into.  “Joe, quick.”  I say  “Give me 100 bucks from the till, and put it on my tab.”

                    “Your tab is pretty high Cove.”  Joe says to me.

                    “What?  Huh?”  Is my reply.  “Never mind, just give me two 50's if you have them.”  Joe hands me the bills.

                    “Excuse me.”  I say to Amy.  “I'll be right back… don't move.”

                    I go over to the table where Satoire is still standing and toss the two 50's onto the little pile of bills.  “I'll get in on this… here's a hundred more Pafe.”

                    “I don't want this money.”  Pafe says.

                    “Then give it to that Super Storm Relief charity you're working for.”  I say.  “In fact Pafe… whatever gets raised here for you to run the Fast Run, I'll match it with my own donation.  Right now it's 250.  The choice is yours.”

                    The television screen blinks to life, and we all watch the antics and out takes of Jayc and Miss Stone attempting to make their promotional video for the Blind Date.  It's funny, and I remember doing the voice overs and breaking up while doing so.  There's something to be said for mayhem and chaos… especially when it's happening to other people.

                    With my cheeks hurting from laughing, I make my way back to the bar and again sidle up to the she-wolf.  Pressing my shoulder into her again, causing her to lean to her left this time.  “Hi… come here often?  Does…”

                    Again my question is interrupted by hoots and cheers and applause when Miss Stone and Jayc come back into the bar.

                    in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83184
                      And believe it or not… some days I don't feel so crazy
                      in reply to: Cross Eyed 3D #89134

                        That's great!!

                        Do it again  ;D

                        in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67410

                          Having donned my big balled monkey suit, I sneak my way through the passageway to the door that leads to the stage.  I open it and peek in.. “Good.”  I think… “there's no one there.”  Seeing my opportunity, I make my way to the microphone and tap it a couple of times.  “Is this thing on?”  I ask….

                          A man earned his living circumcising elephants.
                          He hated the work, but the tips were big.

                          What do you call an adolescent rabbit?
                          A pubic hare.

                          What do you call a heard of masturbating bulls?
                          Beef strokin' off

                          “Now… since this is a furry party… I would like to sing a little song I learned a long time ago.  It's called  “Monkey Farts.”

                          My Father came here from his home in Ireland.
                          He was quiet, but they said that he was wise.
                          He and mother did their best,
                          Gave us a home and all the rest.
                          But to talk to us he never had the time.

                          Sure he'd say pass the butter,
                          Or come here young man.
                          Or keep quiet or
                          “No you can't have a dime.”

                          Until the day that I was leaving,
                          When Dad finally found a reason,
                          To share with me his philosophy of life.

                          He said:
                          A monkey's fart should smell like a banana.
                          English farts should smell like cups of tea.
                          The fartin' of a fairy should be very light and airy,
                          And when a father farts I hope you'll think of me.

                          An Irish fart should always lilt with laughter,
                          It should melt your heart and melt your shorts as well
                          A lion's fart should roar with power,
                          Cukoos should fart every hour.
                          A Nun's fart should have meaning but no smell.

                          A strong man's fart should sound out like a trumpet.
                          A pretty girl's should barely even squeek.
                          But the person you can trust,
                          Is the one who'd rather bust,
                          Then ever let one rip right on the street.

                          Now from my old man this really was an earful.
                          I tried to understand just what he meant.
                          His words were primitive but strong,
                          So I wouldn't get them wrong,
                          He was saying to be careful as I went.

                          He was saying to be as happy as I could be.
                          He was saying to watch myself and those I pass.
                          Beware who I looked up to,
                          Or whatever else I might do,
                          And know that most of what your get from folks is just escaping gas.

                          in reply to: Covems in GaGaland #83181
                            in reply to: Having a Dom #89112

                              From a woman's point of view – Dump his ass and tell him him to use Robot Girl.

                              Please leave Robot Girl out of this… why should she be subjected to this type of behavior?

                              I offer this line in it's place:

                              Dump his ass and tell him him to use Robot Girl Robot Boy.

                              Miss Brandy is correct… there are a lot more males than females, and I'm sure you would make some guy's year.  I would offer my services, but I am not into that style of play… I enjoy equal standings with a good romp.  ;D  Although there was a time that involved a pretty girl, and a lasso that is quite memorable.

                              in reply to: ItsAmy123. Hello from Canada :-* #89021

                                A big warm hug and a howdy!

                                Welcome to the forum Amy.  I'm glad that you've decided to join this “other” part of AChat.  It's a great place to share ideas and to have fun with the posts.

                                I know you'll fit in just fine.

                                in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69175

                                  Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh”  is the sound that the dwarfs make as they fall through the trap door.  “we will get our rev…” are the last thing we hear from the small voices as the door snaps shut.

                                  “Good thinking.”  I say.  “Sometimes the lads get rambunctious, but they never mean any harm.”

                                  “Now……. where were we?”  Jayc says.

                                  We reposition ourselves and once again I am fully aroused.  I easily slide into Miss Stone's hot, wet pussy, and in one thrust I am buried inside her.  I pause for a moment and twitch my cock against her cervix.

                                  Miss Stone repositions herself to get more comfortable.  Grabbing hold of her thigh, once again I push deep inside her and twitch again as I pause.  “Don't cum too soon…” is the thought that goes through my mind.

                                  I begin to move my hips, in a short, slow motion.  Sliding back and forth in small strokes, all the while making my cock twitch.

                                  I look at the two of them, Miss Stone working Jayc's cock over with her mouth and hands.  “Oh my God.”  I think.  “I'm really doing it.  I'm fucking Miss Stone.”  The thought almost makes me climax and I have to stop for a moment to let the sensations subside.

                                  “Not yet.”  I think.  Looking down I see my cock moving in and out of her.  Then I reach in and place my thumb against Miss Stone's clit and begin a slow circular rubbing motion.  Her clit is hard and slick with her wetness.  I press a little hard and she lets out a moan around Jayc's cock.  I press again… another moan…. pressing harder now as I rub it.  Jayc's working over Miss Stones tits and nipples.

                                  We can both sense she's getting closer.  I want her to cum.  I want her to cum for us… because of us.  I think about Miss Stone's strip tease, then lying back in the chair.  Her naked form covered with whipped cream, strawberries and icing. 

                                  My thrusts increase in speed and power.  Deeper now… harder.  I think about how I felt licking the icing off… how her body felt against my mouth.  How she tasted when I reached her sex.  How much I wanted to take her right there in the chair… coated with fruit and icing.

                                  My thumb is moving faster.. pressing harder… matching the speed of my thrusts… in and out… in and out.  Miss Stone's body begins to tighten… I can feel her leg stiffen.  “Oh my God…”  I think.. “she's going to cum.”

                                  “Do it, Miss Stone.”  I say out loud.  “Cum for us.  Explode.  Do it.  I'm going to cum, too… cum with me.”

                                  Miss Stone's body begins to convulse.  Her climax building… then release as she succumbs to the pleasure.  My own climax is right there with hers.  I can feel it rushing up from my toes… my pulse pounding in my ears.

                                  I pull out, taking my cock in my hand and in two strokes, a long stream of cum shoots out, landing on Miss Stone's tummy… another long spurt that lands on her… another and another.  My eyes are shut tight… my body stiffens and spasms with each spurt.  The excitement of the day.. the strawberries.. the icing… the whipped cream is all released in one sensational orgasm.

                                  I move to lay down before I fall over.  My body feels as if it's made from rubber… I feel boneless and lay back… my cock is still hard and still twitching… as I open my eyes…

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