Forum Replies Created
Interesting topic Stray… thank you for bringing it up.
Norwich and I used to do a lot of MMF threesomes, and we always looked for the ones who had MMF or “love group” somewhere on their profile. So having a feature like you propose would be a time saver.
The way we approached the “victim” was both of us would ask at the same time. We'd contact each other, then agree to count to 20 before one of us would send this request:
“Hello. Norwich/Covems and I” (which ever one of us was sending the initial message) “are looking to make a girly sandwich.”
Then the other of us… either Nor or myself would be counting to 25 before sending this”
“Would you be interested in being the sweet filling?”
That let the person know that it was two of us, and would give them time to check out our profiles. Sometimes we hit a language barrier, which made for some interesting conversations. heheh
Now that Norwich has left, I'm currently looking for a new partner for making girly sandwiches. Maybe I should take applications?
Hello Sally from NY… I'm living in New Jersey right now, so that makes us practically neighbors.
Welcome to the Forum, and please continue to post.
Howdy Julli…
Nice to meet you. I hope you will continue to post and share.
Hello from New Jersey, Amber. I'm glad you are enjoying your AChat. It's always nice to see folks posting in the forum.
Hello Stray… and welcome to the Forum. Take a scroll around and make yourself comfortable. There's a lot of nice folks here.
I got a question that has been bugging me ……..
You know those little signs you see ” Do not walk on the Grass ” ……. well …..
How did they get there ?Miss Brandy… A picture is worth a thousand wordsAnd there is a reason for those signs
Congratulations to the Directors, Miss Brandy and Lover for a well run game, and a unique bit of fun here in AChat land. Congratulations to all the participants, too… your involvement and enthusiasm made the game a lot of fun and a challenge to compete in.
Now that the game is finished, we should have a review of the game. A critique if you will, on the things we noticed that could be changed or even somethings that could be added to the game.
*********************************************One thing that I noticed and took advantage of… When the correct answer is sent in to the Directors, the Director's reply should only be to the individual who sent in the riddle's answer. I found all I had to do was sit and wait for the reply to the correct answer, then send in mine to “second” the answer.
*********************************************Miss Stone and I had a discussion about making a change to the scoring system, and we came up with something like this: We could use the same idea of the speed of the correct answers, and which team answers first, but split the answers. The first to answer scores certain amount of points, and the corresponding “second” answer from the same team scores a certain amount of points. Each based on the place the answers come to the Directors.
Something like this:
5 points for the first correct answer
4 points for second
3 for third
2 for fourth
1 for fifth5 for the first “second” or corresponding correct answer from a team
4 for the second “second” corresponding answer
3 for the third “ditto”
2 for the fourth “ditto”
1 for the fifth “ditto”then add them together for the team total.
Example with five teams:
Team A: (1 & 3) sends in the first correct answer and the third corresponding “second” answer for a team total of 8 points.
Team B: (2 & 5) sends in the second correct “first” answer for 4 points and the fifth corresponding “second” answer for a team total of 5 points.
Team C: (3 & 4) sends in the third correct “first” answer and the fourth corresponding “second” answer for a team total of 5 points.
Team D: (4 & 2) sends in the fourth correct “first” answer and the second corresponding “second” answer for a team total of 6 points.
Team E: (5 & 1) sends in the fifth correct “first” answer and the first corresponding “second” answer for a team total of 5 points.
So the most points a team can score is 10 and the least amount is 2. Of course this will mean a little more work for the Directors of the contest.
**********************************************For an added twist to the anagrams… it might be fun to allow the person who is posting the word for gathering the letters to use with the Anagram, to scramble the word.
For example: In my case, I had three words. 3 RAGE … MAG_C and WON_ER.
I could have scrambled them something like this:
GEAR (needs to be unscrambled)
CAG_M (needs to be unscrambled)
WRO_NE (needs to be unscrambled)Momma_andrea is correct… that is exactly what I was referring to. I'm a simple man, with simple wants and simple needs, and in the beginning, when I couldn't understand why no one would give me the time of day, I was tempted to take some comfort from the “whores on 7th avenue”, and did a few times.
Then I met the two crazy ladies… posted here in the forum and things changed.
In the end, it just a simple matter of supply and demand. In my case, the women have the supply… I have the demand. The question is… how much are you willing to do to satisfy that demand?
The gifting system is here to stay. It is part of the engine that drives the business end of AChat.
I am thoroughly enjoying this chase through AChat and the Forum… and it really is a chase and a race.
I hope everyone else is enjoying this as much as I am… and I would like to thank Lover and Miss Brandy for their time and effort in making this possible. It has to be a lot of work sifting through the messages and getting the next riddle out in a timely manner. I also want to thank those taking part in the game, and even those who are lurking.
I do have a couple of suggestions to make, but I will wait until we're having our review. I don't want to confuse anyone. I would like to know if the two directors are saving the riddle answering messages. We might be able to make use of those messages during the review.
Congratulations to the Netherlands and to their new King and Queen.
May their reign be long and prosperous.
Miss Pafe…
That is the best explaination that I have ever gotten on the vacuum thermos bottle question. From now on, I'm going to use that as fact!
And that genie can warm my coffee anytime.
P.S. It's terrific to see you back in the Forum and in the land of AChat. Please don't stay away from us so long.
The other day I was filling a thermos bottle with some hot coffee, when this thought occured:We all know the vacuum thermos bottle… it keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold.How does it know?
No one is going to kill the King… it's just mob talk. Living in New Joisey, we're use to the mob talking about folks getting whacked. Just watch the Sopranos for more info.
***************************************In defiance of the Gods (For Eva, I will take my chances with bursting into flames), I have managed to dig my way into the subroutine… and surprisingly, with just a few changes… Robot Girl, RG-36.243.1, has agreed to become my spouse.
But, alas, it had to be a secret spouse… she knows that she is supposed to go with everyone … hence the “Try me” as a tag line, she doesn't want to put off the ones who would refuse to room with another's spouse. I agreed to that.
But once I was in there… I couldn't help but tinker with her speech process. It's better.
Hmmmmm…. now… to try and change her appearance…
I'm beginning to drag this off topic… so to steer it back to the topic, I am quoting the process to play the game.
The idea
We set tasks in the way of questions and simple anagrams that send teams checking forum or game for answers and anagrams.Questions will be fairly easy to solve , for example :-
A) “Which is the current partner of…. in Secret Easter?”..
“Which Forum member works in a zoo?”
C) “ Who is the Contest Manager in the Erotic Story Contest ?”
D) “How many stories were entered in the Erotic Story Contest 4?”
E) ” Which pose is the 3rd pose from left and top in oral actions?”The anagrams sound complicated but the idea is fairly simple… clues will be posted in the “City” part of the profile of Paper Chase Players in the Achat Game. They will not be aware of how the clue fixes in with the others. The clue will consist of a number . This will tell you the anagram that this clue refers. Then a word with a missing letter. The missing letter is one of the letters for that anagram.
Numbers will be grouped in Units (1s), 10’s, 20’s , 30’s & so on…. Eg unit numbers 0 to 9 and those numbers would be used say for an anagram of an animal, flower, countries etc… , 10 to 19 the next group which would contain another anagram
The number’s in the group can be in any sequence as long as they are in that particular set of units, 10's, 20's 30's etc…
Say 10 people decide to play, – we may ask that 6 paper chase players post , numbers & clue of an anagram in their profile in CITY .
So say the first 6 people are given = 3 – RIVE_S ( Missing Letter = R ) ; 9 – T_KE ( Missing Letter = A ) ; 7 – _ OAT ( Missing Letter = B ) ; 0 – A_OUT ( Missing Letter = B ) ; 5 – J_VE ( Missing Letter = I ) and 2 – _ ANGO ( Missing Letter = T )Another set of people will be given 12 – _ RAIN ( Missing Letter =B ) ; 19 – _ AR ( Missing Letter = E ) ; 13 – IM_GE ( Missing Letter = A ) ; 17 – D_UM ( Missing Letter = R )
Avatars, Osiris_Forum or Forum_1, Forum_2 or Forum_ 3 would have a clue to start :- 2 words , Animal. Each correct answer counts for points.
The missing letters are an anagram. FIRST ANAGRAM in the UNIT's group of numbers, 0 to 9 = RABBIT SECOND ANAGRAM in the TEN's group of numbers 10 to 19 = BEARWhen will we start the test run?
The it is time then, for rebellion, overthrow the king and tear down the false gods.
or maybe I'll just dig my way into the sub-routines