Forum Replies Created
can't look away… someone… please help me… I… can't… click… the button…
“Yeah JD… you've fff… bucked her hat off. Fff… buck her harder… knock those boobs out of that bra.”
JD increases speed and fff… bucking motion of the bull. First one… then the other come popping out.
“Keep going… hang in there Pookie! Don't let him fff… buck you off.”
Almost done here.
My apologies for ruining the serious discussions with my silly questions.I will take them down.
“Yeah Pookie,” I say, as a little more of her breasts are exposed. “I bet you don't see those feet when you're standing…”
“Yer doin' it JD.” I say as Pookie slips ever so nipply from her top. “Increase fff… bucking speed.”
“Pookie. I've seen girls back home ridin' the bull.” I say to her, “and I've seen ladies brought almost to orgasm while one one.”
“Fff… buck her harder JD. Yer doin' it… yer doin' it.”
“Now lets fff… buck her hat off.”
Can I get a Yeeee Ha!Oh Miss Stone… that is just plain evil. Heheh… but that is the difference between comedy and tradgedy. Comedy it's happening to someone else.
Leaning back into JD… “Lets pick up the pace of the fff… bucking. Fff… buck her just a little faster… fff… buck her just a little harder.”
JD increases the speed just a notch or two. “Don't worry about the time. Remember… it's not always about us… sometimes it's better to give a good fff… bucking than to be too worried about ourselves.”
Looking up and watching Pookie on the bull… one can't help but be drawn to those big boobs of hers. “I wonder how long it's been since she's been able to see her feet.” I muse.
“Fff… buck her a little harder JD.”
I saw this in a bar during my visit home to Montana. I thought it would be appropriate here in the AChat Bar & Grill.
I did tell you that I would ride the bull, didn't I? I'm leery… I know you… you have something planned. But, a deal's a deal… so here goes nothing and I climb up on the bull.
“Ok. I'm ready Mr. Covems… please… buck me! And buck me like you mean it.”
“Me? Something planned? Pookie… I'm surprised at that accusation… it's just a bull ride. You told me you've been on them before.” I say to Pookie. “Now, you just get comfy up there and I'll be right here next to JD, so I can watch him buck you.”
I sit next to JD as he starts up the bull.
I lean in and say to him. “I know you want to fff… buck her. You want to fff… buck those big tits right out of that top. But fff… buck her slow at first. That's how she likes to start fff… bucking. Nice and slow.”
@ Covems:
Hey… what the… can't I leave you people alone for a few days?!?! Everytime I go away and come back the Forum is changed. Last time we went to Disneyworld and I come back and the whole forum was rearranged.What did you say, when will be your next trip?
Next trip is the first week in April… so that gives you only 6 weeks to plan the next surprise.
Just as soon as I get used to the other “new” organization of the forum it gets changed again. I do like it though.
I'm all for improvements, and the revamping of the Forum is an improvement. The only thing that I would have done differently would be to put the “Discussions about AChat” category at the top of the forum home page, right under the “Announcements” category. That way one of the first subjects on the board would be “Share your creative idea”. That might keep all the suggestions and ideas from finding their way into other topics.
I go to the mic… tap it… “Is this thing on?”
“In honor of our new “room” at the beach… I thought some ocean jokes would be in order. (Things are getting serious in here)…
“How do you circumcise a whale? Use Four skin divers”
“The ideal man is like a beluga whale. He has a four-foot tongue and can breathe out of a hole in the top of his head.”
“What's white and four feet long? Moby's dick.”
Pookie… don't leave… you promised to ride the bull.
I'll leave all you couples with this thought… something my Mama always says…
“The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.”
Hey… what the… can't I leave you people alone for a few days?!?! Everytime I go away and come back the Forum is changed. Last time we went to Disneyworld and I come back and the whole forum was rearranged.This time I go home to Montana for a week, even posted from there, then I come back to Jersey… log on… and BAM! the Forum is changed again! What the…
Back on topic: If you shop around and check with different real estate agents, sometimes they'll find you a bargain. I got my private beach for half off… of course… just like the Mediterranean Terrace it came with a slight difference than the regular AChat offering.
It's located near a chemical plant, but they assured me that all the sirens are for drills, not actual emergencies. Once you get used to the smell, you hardly notice that it's there.
Another slight drawback is I only got the beach. The cabanas off to the right are rented out and occasionally there will be other couples there. I must admit though, that's it's not all bad… sometimes I get a show.
However… being able to watch the sunrise while on the beach is worth putting up with all the other things.
Mai tai's anyone?Found my new favorite clock.
What time is it for where you are?Miss Cazzy…
There is an Erotic Story Contest. Look on the first page, in the Category “Events”. There are topics dealing with the present contest, which is “EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4 (First Time). That one has all the particulars for the theme of the story
Also take a look at: EROTIC STORIES CONTEST 4 THE RULES… there are prizes awarded to the top three vote getters, and there is also a stipend you receive just for entering.
Although you're entering will greatly diminish my chances, I encourage you to do so.
Just for grins, you might also take a look at “Time Travels” EROTIC STORIES CONTEST 3. There you'll find the stories from the last contest. All of them are very good, with the exception of mine.
Anyway… I really liked the two you've submitted here and hope you enter the contest.
Is it bigger than a breadbox?
many of the “older” (older pmsl) residents have too.
NO, NO, NO… *throwing up hands* DUSTIN… Stay away from the ones with PMS for at least a week.