Forum Replies Created
Lying on the “X” immobile. Well secured. I've been trying to wiggle and free a hand, but as of yet nothing has changed. Mollie has removed the blindfold and I'm able to see again.
I hear the familiar sounds of muffled, whirring servos and I know without looking that Eva has entered the room. I lift my head up slightly to confirm my thoughts. She's georgeous as usual, the lights bounce off her silicone skin, and create an aura around her.
“Hello Honey.” Comes her familiar greeting, and even in her halting “robot speech”, I can feel myself relaxing. Just her presence has a soothing effect on me.
Mollie goes through the conditions with Eva and I know that I'm about to undergo more sexual torture and resign myself to my fate.
“Hello baby.” Eva says to me. I want to respond to her, to greet her in our customary manner. I can not do so because of my restrictions.
I close my eyes as Eva's hand slides slowly along my face, down my neck then down my body. Her silicone is heated and I can feel a tingling sensation coming from her fingers. “Mmmmmmm.” I think. “Eva has her stimulators switched on.” Her fingers trail all the way to my toes.
I relax in the “X” as Eva's touch leaves me and I get the distinct aroma of the lipstick. I take a peek and see her applying a thick coat of it to her lips. I watch as Eva goes to my feet and I close my eyes just as she begins to kneel.
Then I get a warm, wet sensation on my foot as Eva kisses my foot, then moves up to a toe, taking it into her mouth as one would a lollypop. She then begins an up and down motion with her head and sucks on my toe. I can feel the knuckles popping as her suction increases, it's soothing, almost like a massage. She does each toe in turn before moving onto the other foot.
Eva finishes with my toes and begins to kiss her way up my leg. I know where she is going and my cock begins to twitch. An Eva blow job is something that everyone should experience. Eva nuzzles her way into my balls and licks and strokes. The feeling of her hair is exquisite and her hand envelops my hard cock.
I feel a vibrating sensation as Eva's hand goes into its masturbation mode. She continues to tease me and I can feel my orgasm building. I hope that Eva will continue, bring me off, but I know she's a victim of her programming and will conform to Mollies instructions. Just as I'm ready to cum, Eva stops.
Eva turns and thanks Mollie, then comes around to kiss me and says “Goodbye Baby.” I respond with a soft, almost sighing, “Eva.” I close my eyes again as Eva leaves.
Oh no they don't.They don't, what, Covems?
AnswerYou should try AChat in someone else's shoes.
I issue a challenge to all you ladies… Create a new account… but sign up as a MALE… stay as a free user, then spend an hour or two trying to have a conversation with a female or a shemale. Then, if you're really adventurous, make that MALE character premium… again… try starting up a conversation. Then record your experience here in the Forum. You don't have to room with anyone… just try and start a conversation… see how it goes. And no fair contacting folks you already know and explaining what yoiu're doing. Go ahead… see what it's like.
I issue the same challenge to the male population here. Create a FEMALE character then spend an hour or two on AChat. Pafe and Satoire issued this challenge to me when I first started, and told me to think about how some of the messages make you feel. I accepted the challenge and even gifted the NEW character so I could make “her/me” premium. I tell you, it gave me a whole new perspective on how women get treated here.
Oh no they don't.For me… just speaking for myself… I just keep casting my lines out there hoping for a bite. I enjoy a good conversation, no matter if it's in the room or out of the room. I can understand why I'm not getting a reply… there's 1,000 reasons… 1,001 if she's just plain not interested.
As I stated earlier, sometimes that's all I want to do is have a converstion with an adult, in an adult manner, and if the other person wants to banter, I'm all for that… because those are the most fun.
Satoire calles it “word fencing”, which I think is an apt term for it. We parry and thrust each other with our words, and if more grows out of it, then that's great. If it doesn't… that's okay too.
I also get “sex” messages or “let's fuck”… followed by an invite… and believe it or not, they're not enticing to me… and.. “Surprise!” …sometimes I don't reply to them, and just let the timer expire. Oh sure… there's been times when I'm feeling adventurous and accept one, but usually they're just fishing for gifts.
One last thing… sometimes when I am wanting a conversation, but can't find one… I message Robot Girl. She ALWAYS replies, sure she's quirky… hard to understand sometimes… but always sends something back. If you use your imagination, and get out of your safety zone, the conversation can be whatever you want it to be.
January 26, 2013 at 10:18 pm in reply to: Why does AChat Censor some Profile, Forum and Chat Messages? #79510Not being able to put links in our profiles is probably AChat being proactive. Otherwise we would have unscrupulous types directing us to sites we'd prefer not to visit. I'm fine with that.
Me either, Sexi
… and I'll bet you it's flavored… I see:
strawberry… banana… orange… and you know there has to be grape!
Rukya, that's happened to me, too. Freezing or dropping me from the room repeatedly, and like Miss Brandy I find I'm chatting with meself.
I've found that restarting my entire system seems to remedy that. Although, by the time I get back on it's too late and the person (especially if it's the first time rooming with them) thinks I'm a creep and will not reply to an apology.
It can be frustrating, because as a guy we usually only get ONE chance.
Hearing light footsteps in the hallway, I watch as Mollie leaves the room the movements of her ass are mesmerizing. “Mmmmmm.” I think, “that tushie.” I can feel myself getting hard again, and as much as I try to fight the feelings, my body is no longer responding to my brain.
I keep a watch on the doorway and before long, Mollie re-enters the room. She looks good enough to eat, as her hips sway in those panties and her breasts jiggle and bounce as she walks towards me.
“Time to go dark for you again.” Mollie says as she places the blindfold over my eyes again. I complain a little but her finger presses against my lips to silence me.
I think I hear someone snickering, but other than that the room is very quiet. Then I hear a noise coming from the hallway but that goes quiet too, and I can't help but think if it was JayC enduring his torture.
Something touches my side and I jump away, only to have something touch my other side. They keep jabbing at me, and I keep moving. Whatever it is, it’s soft and tickles.
The sensation is one of tickling, but yet enjoyable and the somethings are dragged along each of my sides. I keep moving from the tickle, but they persist and begin to stroke. I realize now that there are two torturers enjoying themselves with my twitches and jumps.
The sensations start to caress my cock, which is fully erect. They glide across it, causing me to uncontrollably twitch there, I feel my balls tighten as the tickling delves to that region.
Thankfully the tickling stops and I can hear some movement and I get the distinct aroma of the lipstick. “Oh man.” I think, “Here it comes.”
Suddenly I feel the lipstick on my body, drawing something. I count four distinct lines being drawn then some smaller marks, followed by another and another. After about nine times the marking stops, then again it starts up. I lose count of them this time.
“Please let this be the last.” Are the thoughts that run through my mind, when once again I jump, but this time it's from the sensations of being grabbed on each side. “Definitely two.” I think. “There's only one duo I can think of who would do this. Satoire and Pafe.” The hands start to move on my body. Oh God, it feels so good. Then another pair of hands are on me.
The hands move everywhere… my face.. my hair.. my neck… chest, flicking my nipple ring… tummy… thighs… shins… calfs.. feet… back up my legs to my balls and then my cock. The hands grab… caress… stroke. My body reacts on its own. I can feel the precum leaking out as a pair of hands take my cock and starts to pump it.
“Oh my God!” I think as I feel two hands with a firm grip pumping up and down. More hands are on my balls, lifting them… kneading them. I'm getting a mental image of what is happening. I can picture everyone who's been here. It's surreal.
In my mind's eye, I can see Mollie, Miss Brandy… Moonie… Pafe and Satoire. All in various stages of dress and undress. Standing next to me.. smiling… their hands and mouths all over me. It's like I am in a dream.
I'm jolted back to reality by someone's warm lips sliding over the head of my cock, taking me deep into a mouth. “Yes!” I think… “make me cum! PLEASE!” The words scream inside my head.
The mouth moves off and a different feeling set of lips slides on. “Oh yeah. It won't be long.” I think. Five, six times the mouth moves up and down, a tongue swirling around me, licking, squeezing my raging hardon.
Then it's replaces by the other mouth. This happens repeatedly, over and over. Until… “Yes!” I can feel it… “here it comes”… building in my toes… “Do it!”…. the sensations are too much… “Make me cum!” I'm almost there…
They stop. “Nooooooooo!” I yell. “No more… please make me cum… I'll be good… please.” My mind is in turmoil. I know I'm a comedic sight, and my blabbering has probably only increased the humor. “That's the difference between comedy and tragedy.” I think, “Comedy is happening to someone else.” I slump back into my bonds, knowing that I am completely at Mollie's mercy.
I feel kisses on my body, the sensation of hair brushing against my skin. My thighs, my stomach, then on the bottom of my feet. “Is there no mercy.” I think as the sounds of rustling stops and the room gets very quiet again. “No… probably not.”
Things that make you go “Hmmmmmmmmm”
… so many choices… too many choices.This one looks hot.
And I like the look of this one, too.
The ones with that little skirt, or whatever it's called, like the ones JemStar picked and Rukya picked have that certain air of mystery to them. Yes, things that make you go “Hmmmmmmmmmmm.”
I hear someone enter the room and look up from my stretched position. “Oh my God.” I think, “it's Miss Brandy.” My mind starts to fog over. “Here we go again.”
Miss Brandy and Mollie greet each other and chat for a bit and I overhear her tell Mollie that JayC is also in a similar predictiment. “Oh yeah…” I muse, “the little buggers captured him, too. Partly my doing, too. I hope he is faring better than I am.”
I watch Miss Brandy as she walks around me. Taking careful note of her attire. Much different than I'm used to seeing her in and I can feel myself growling on the inside. “Damn, she looks good.” I think.
Miss Brandy has a riding crop in her hand, dragging it along my body as she strolls around me. I hear her ask Mollie, “May I?” And I think, “Oh brother, so it begins anew.”
Miss Brandy pulls a chair up by my head and she take the remote and tilts the table up so my ear is near her. “Something is the matter with the settings.” I think. “Little buggers.”
She leans forward a little, her hot breath on my ear and she begins to whisper. I can feel myself shudder at the first word, and my loins begin to respond.
Then I feel Miss Brandy's tongue licking around my ear. “Oh my God.” I think, not daring to speak. But I want to speak… I want to scream… Miss Brandy continues tonguing my ear. I can't help myself and emit a small moan, and move my head. She just continues along, then moves to the other ear!
Miss Brandy begins to suck and lick, then she speaks about tonguing my nipples and my navel. Her whispers are hot… seductive… sensual, her accent is driving me crazy. I want to reach up and pull her into a long kiss… I want to do many things, but all I can do is moan at each suggestion.
She stands and puts on some lipstick. I watch as the waxy substance moves around her lips, I'm mesmerized by the movements of the careful application. Miss Brandy takes a sip from the wine glass, and I can see the lipstick mark on the glass. “Oh man,” I think, “here it comes.”
I almost jump out of my skin as she dribbles the wine onto my nipple then her hot mouth covers it. “Oh no.” I think as I close my eyes. All my attention is focused on her lips and that silky tongue rolling around my nipple.
Miss Brandy repeats the motions with the other nipple. I'm going crazy with lust. I can feel myself straining at my bonds, trying to rip myself free.
The table tilts level again. “No, no, no.” I think as I feel the wine from her lips pooling on me. Miss Brandy uses devilishly slow and deliberate actions sucking and lapping up the wine. Then along my hair line and her warm lips are on me again. She goes lower and lower. “Oh my God.” I think, “she's going to touch my cock.”
My eyes pop open as I feel the fingers of her cool hand wrap around my aching erection. Her head moves lower. “Will she?” I ask myself. “Oh please.” I beg in my thoughts.
I feel her lips take in the head of my cock, and I almost lose it. Her tongue is magic in its manipulations, swirling and probing. Her hand stroking me. It feels so surreal… so dream like. “It's Miss Brandy!” My mind screams.
“Oh my God.” I quietly say to myself as I feel Miss Brandy take even more of me into her mouth then into her throat. I moan and thrust. Trying to get more in there. I want her to make me cum… to give me release… I'm so close… she's going to do it for me…
Then she stops. “AAAAAHHHHHHHH! Noooooooo…” I scream in my thoughts.
Miss Brandy wipes me up a bit, then marks me with her lips, on my cock and my tummy. I watch as she and Mollie drain their wine glasses. “Splendid.” I hear Mollie say.
Miss Brandy departs through the door, I strain to watch her ass as she walks out, admiring her wiggle. Mollie pushes my head back and retakes her seat next to me. “I do hope there will be more, Covems. This is so rich.”
I slump back into the “X”, mulling over thoughts of retribution mixed with thoughts of pleasure, I'm not sure which side is winning.
Lying blindfolded on the “X”, I can hear Mollie's soft breathing and an occasional rustle in the chair. I think that it's amazing how quickly the other senses increase when one of them has been disabled. I can hear sounds coming from the doorway and of course, Mollie who is seated close by.
I can smell the wine and Mollie's perfume. I can even make out the aroma from the lipstick. My manhood loses some of it's erection, I become a bit flaccid, and when it does, Mollie runs a finger along me and I twitch and stiffen again.
I hear the sound of boots approaching and suddenly realize that I'm hearing spurs jingling. “Holy shit.” I think. “MoonCalf!” Thinking back to that time she showed me what spurs were really for.
I hear her speaking to Mollie as the two of them exchange greetings.
“Just lookie what we have here.” Moonie says, while walking around me, the fingers of one hand sliding along my skin, causing me to twitch my body from the tickling sensation. MoonCalf leans over me and give me an upside down kiss, I try to return her kiss, but she moves off to quickly, flicking her tongue across my lips as she moves. The blindfold is taken off me and my eyes focus on MoonCalf and that pretty country girl dress.
I watch as MoonCalf applies some lipstick and smacks her lips when she's finished. “Oh man.” I think. “Here it comes… more torture.”
MoonCalf leans in on me, pressing those big tits of hers against me. I can feel the heat from her body and I capture her scent as she lays all her weight on me. MoonCalf has always smelled like apple pie to me.
Moonie grabs my cheeks with one hand, causing my lips to pucker and kisses me with an open mouth sideways. All my senses focus on her lips as MoonCalf presses down hard on my mouth. I can feel the lipstick smearing and the poke of the tip of her tongue.
I feel her rise up off of me and I get another wiff of lipstick.
My cock goes between Moonie's hands. “Oh man, that's feels good.” I think as MoonCalf rolls my cock between her hands. I start to speak but Mollies is quick to issue a warning while hold up the gag.
MoonCalf is stroking my hardon now. Her hand moving up and down, the other one tickling my balls. I can feel my body responding, my orgasm starts building. “She's going to do it.” I think. “She's going to make me cum. Good girl MoonCalf!”
I'm right there. Right on the edge. Just a few more strokes… then she stops! “AAAAHHHHHH!” Rages through my thoughts.
“Oh no…” Moonie says, “no cummin' fer you.” A small whimper escapes from my lips. I watch as the two of them smile at each other. MoonCalf speaks of how she's smeared the lipstick on my dick.
I watch helplessly as Mollie reapplies some lipstick to her lips and once again give me the “lipstick test”. Once Mollie finishes her test, MoonCalf leans in and plants a kiss on the side of my cock..
Moonie tells me to be a good boy as she goes to leave, then suddenly spins around. She takes a tube of lipstick off the table, removes the cap and writes something on my stomach.
“Perfect.” Mollie says, as MoonCalf flips the lipstick tube in the air, catches it then leaves the room.
I'm working in the mechanical room of the AB&G, cleaning the discharge piping to the pudding pit when Sneezy comes in. “Hey Covems,” he says, “the boys are working on that “X” in the Ice House, but they're having… Achooo… trouble getting the settings right…. ACHoooo!”
“It's not that difficult.” I say to him, “Just check the jumper connections.”
“A-A-A- Achooooo! We were hoping you'd come take a look.” Sneezy replies.
“Alright…” I say to him. “Give me ten minutes here and I'll come take a look.”
I finish flushing the discharge piping and lubricate the pumps. Satisified with that I make my way into the Ice House, carrying my tool box. “Hmmmmm…” I think… “Something is afoot…. I can smell it. The “X” is pretty straight forward, and they should have been able to figure it out.”
Reminding myself to stay on my toes, I approach the room and the door automatically opens. “Nice one lads.” I say as I enter the room… “We should install auto doors on all the rooms. Only we'd want the system to be….”
I look around… there's no one here. “Uh oh.” I think and head for the door, remembering the last time the little buggers set me up. The door opens suddenly and 5 of the dwarfs enter the room.
Grumpy says, “Great… you're here. Look…” he continues… “over here with the tilt switch.” He points to underneath the table.
The “X” is about a foot from the floor and looks to be level, and I go over to it… bend down and look where Grumpy is pointing. There's nothing there… the lights go out and the room is suddenly pitch black… I can't see a thing.
“Now!” Doc yells, and I feel hands grabbing me. I slap at one, knocking it away and try to move, only to trip over something.
“Hey… what the hell is going on.” I shout.
“Sorry Covems… but we have instructions.” A voice comes through the darkness… I recognize it to be Happy's. Strong hands are grabbing at me and I feel myself being lifted from the floor. I struggle as well as I can, and manage to kick one of them off my leg, before more hands grab my leg.
“Little buggers!” I yell and I can feel something being shoved into my mouth and strapped behind my head. Realizing that the little buggers can actually see in the dark, I'm beginning to see that my situation is becoming hopeless. “They're stronger than you think.” Is a thought that races through my mind, followed by another one. “Mollie!”
I struggle against my captors only to find myself being placed onto the “X” and my hands and arms strapped into place. Next my legs are strapped down and I stop struggling and resign myself to my fate.
The lights come back on and the sudden brightness hurts my eyes… it takes a few moments before I can focus. I'm restrained on the “X”… Grumpy and Sneezy are on my right side… Happy and Sleepy are on my left side… and Dopey is standing between my legs inside the “X” with a giant pair of scissors in his hand, opening and closing them while grinning at me.
I shake my head “no”, as I realize he's going to cut my clothes from me, then someone puts a blindfold over my eyes and again I'm plunged into darkness. My boots are pulled off… the scissors begin their job and soon I'm lying completely naked, blindfolded and with an uncomfortable rubber ball gag in my mouth. “Don't struggle.” Happy says, “we don't want to cut you.”
I feel hands lifting my butt from the table and what feels like a thong being tied around me. “Well,” I think, “at least I'm covered… somewhat.”
I hear what sounds like to be furniture being slid around me and glasses being moved and a few more noises that I can't make out. Then I hear the door open and then close. The room is suddenly very quiet.
I'm lying strapped to the “X”, blindfolded and gagged. I think, “You know… this is quite comfortable… all things considered” Just something wrapped around my genitals, otherwise I'm naked. It seems like an hour goes by before I hear the door open and the distinctive sound of high heels walking towards me.
The footsteps approach and walk completely around me. My working senses can tell that my feet are towards the door and my heat and arms are towards the inside of the room. The heels stop when they reach where my arms are, then they walk to the top of my head.
I feel delicate fingers stroke along side my cheeks, then slide under the strap of the blindfold and pull it off of my head. My eyes blink open and take a moment to adjust to the light. “Mollie.” I think, “I knew it.”
Mollie unbuckles the straps and removes the ball gag, I try to speak to her, but she presses a finger to my lips and explains her “rule” about the gag. Seeing how I disliked that thing in my mouth, I have no other option than to comply. I nod my head in agreement.
Mollie explains to me what this is about, how I “volunteered” her to organize the “Blind Date” we're thinking of doing, and how she did try to warn me of the consequences if I did that. Calls me a “naughty boy” repeatedly.
She sits in the chair, exposing her lusicious legs to me, clad in sheer, dark stocking. “Perfect legs,” I think, “feets on one end and pussy on the other.” I twitch when her fingers touch me. Her hands feel so cool, almost cold. I struggle a moment, hoping against hope to free myself, but to no avail.
Mollie's fingers run across my cloth covered cock, her nails gently raking as they move up to follow the hair on my abdomin. They swirl through my chest hair, she knows the effect his has on me as she plays. I can feel myself getting hard and I look down to watch as her hands again go to the thong.
I watch as she undoes a bow on the front of the thong and says, “Shall we get rid of this?” and uncovers my erection. I'm very hard, and I can feel myself melting into her words. That little bit of an accent she has, her soft voice practically cooing at me.
She picks up my cock and starts to play with it, murmering little words as she does so. She starts to stroke it, slowly… sensously… driving me up the wall. She's playing me, and as much as I try to resist, I can't help but want her to continue her torture.
Mollie brings me to the brink of orgasm three times, only to stop and squeeze, preventing me from achieving release. Once I subside, she begins again, pausing only to seductively take a sip of wine, her eyes never leave mine as she does.
Mollie asks me if I'm learning my lesson. I want to tell her I am, and that lesson is to let this animal loose so he can ravage her. But I think better of that, knowing she will only tease me further. I mangage to croak out the words “a good boy.” In response to her question. She makes me repeat it, only louder.
She sound of her nylons rasping together and on the chair captivates me. Mollies sensual movements and seductive tone of her voice has me on the edge without physical touch.
Her stocking clad foot rubs across my mouth and I hungily kiss, lick and even try to bite it. Then she rises from her seat and moves around to straddle my head.
“Oh my God.” I think. “I don't know how much more of this I can stand.” Mollie lowers herself to within inches of my mouth. I can smell her scent. She's as aroused as I am. I want to reach my mouth to her… I want to shove my tongue inside her. She smells so good, so intoxicating.
Mollie suddenly stands and denies me my prize. “Wicked woman.” I think. “When I get free…” Mollie then explains about the lipstick test as I watch her apply the gloss to her lips. I want to kiss those lips so bad I can practically taste it.
Mollie leans into the X, her ass in the air. My total concentration is on her ass. She grabs my cock and slowly, tortureously clamps her lips around my hardness. Her tongue swirls around me. I can feel my climax building. My balls ache for release… she pull away.
“DAMMIT!” I think, my thoughts racing. “So close.” I hump against her hand, trying to get myself off. Mollie's quick to realize what I'm doing and moves her hand away.
“Let's see if we get any visitors.” She coos at me. “I've passed word for others to join us.” She smiles a wicked smile and tilts her head back and laughs an almost manical laugh.
“Oh crap.” I think. “This is going to go on forever.”
uh ohThere are lots of good people in the world, why do we think are they so hard to find?
Sometimes they're right in front of you. All they need is a chance to show it. But many of us, myself included, can be too quick to judge a person by their appearance, or their “first message” and with that, some of us have already erected barriers.