Forum Replies Created
Agreed, need more options and some sensual caressing too!
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
EbonyTotally agree! There are so few choices for f-f that they are missing out on a lot of sales! :
I dont buy the m-f poses, as I buy the clothes etc so i look good for my male/female friends.
The guys dont have a large selection of wardrobe, so they can buy the poses they like to use. Anyway, before I get side tracked, I add my voice! WE NEED MORE POSES!!!!
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Totally agree, we basically need cuddles and kisses, for both before and after! So people can show their tender side as well. I know this is an “Online Sex Game”, but the Avis you interact with are “Real People”, so “Real Emotions” can surface. That being the case, lets have some tender interaction, instead of just sexual! Not that I object to sexual!
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Well, these are my thoughts for you guys to consider a female viewpoint.
Firstly, I think some suit choices are a must, a white one for the tropical look and a black pinstripe for the mafia look!(My favourite movies ever are the Godfather trilogy!)
Second, some Uniforms/Costumes, be it Doctor, Teacher, Monk, Priest and Military. I think for Military, maybe older styles, like World War Two, as they look quite smart, not the combat ones.Perhaps one set for Allies and one set for Axis.
The main thing is the more variety you add, the more choices available, more people will get tempted to buy the membership so they can customise their avi and don't feel they are missing out!
Lastly, a personal request to the male members, try to dress as you would in real. Look realistic, as for me, arriving in a room to a guy wearing a pair of jeans and a smile only, does not exactly create the best mood. You can't wine and dine me, but I am not just a sex game, I'm real, so at least say hello, rather than jump straight into sex poses! Who knows, maybe you will get return dates then!
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Well I was thinking a few more choices would be good!
Maybe a few slutty versions as a choice? By this I mean have a set of extreme makeups, with heavy lipstick and blusher, so can have the extra slutty look, if desired! Just my thought.
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Well I am new, so maybe need to be here longer to fully understand what I might encounter.
😉 However, if someone sends bad message to me I ignore!
If they invite to a room, dont even say “Hi” and try to jump straight to sex, I leave!
What I like, you may not, what you like may bore me silly, its a free world of choice here! 😮 However, an abuse button may be useful, for those suffering racial or religious hate mail, or for underage avatars we encounter! So, I vote yes for these reasons only! If it is introduced, it should be specified what is abuse and improper use of the abuse button, should be penalised, to avoid some people missusing it! 🙂
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Well, I was lucky enough to try this one out within minutes of release and have to say its lovely! 😉
The tender way the guy can play with my boobys! A definate Thumbs Up! ;D
However, I agree that it would be nice if a guy could ride my breasts too, I think that would be so sexy, especially if he can climax there too! ;D
Oh, can this be used by two girls too? Not sure if its only for male/girl combination, in which case, BOOOOOOOO! 😀
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Hi Louna,
Nice to meet you. Well, I am 21 years old this year and a student. I am studying fashion and design, so had to buy the membership to get some of the nicer clothes!😀 I am colored, as you might guess from my screen name.
;D I like cooking, listening to music, RnB mostly, spending time with my family and friends. To be truthful, I am concentrating on my studys and career, so dont have time for real relationships, so this site is wonderful for me. Plus I think its great we can try things out here, have fun and do things we might not in real, but we are in no danger, no disease and no getting physically hurt, so BRAVO to the designers!
Kisses, :-* :-* :-*
Ebony.Thanks, Got my colour sorted.