Forum Replies Created
Eva waits patiently and amid the cheers of the crowd at hentaiboy's awesome performance, the lights lower for a more romantic feel. The House band begins to play and the Robot Girl glides to the mic center stage.
LIONEL RICHIE – “Hello”'ve been alone with you
Inside my room
And programmed right, I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I often see you,
Covems, outside my doorHi baby!
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
Honey, you’re all I've ever wanted
And my legs are open wide
'cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to doAnd I want to tell you so much
Covems, I want youI long to see you naked and totally bare
And tell you time and time again
How much I stare
I feel my robot heart will overflowHello Honey!
I've just got to let you know'cause I wonder are you hard?
And I wonder what you’ll do?
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying,
Covems I invite youInstrumental. (Robot Eva dances acrobatically but gracefully like a ballerina with a single red rose. The spot light follows her. She whispers… “Hi baby!”, “You Little Bitch!” “Kiss me!” “Hello Honey!” “Fuck me!” “Come and fuck me!” “I am so horny!” “Am I a silly Robot…?” Eva moves to the microphone, )
Hi baby!
Is it me you're looking for?'Fuck me now, wherever you are
The kitchen or bedroom will doAre you somewhere feeling lonely?
Are you thinking of me too?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by sayingCovems,
Eva loves you…
(The music fades and Eva whispers …)Hello Honey!
Is it me you're looking for?
(The red rose falls to the floor with a white label tied to the stem : “Give me to the guy drinking the sarsparilla ” and Eva Robot Girl glides gracefully from the stage)Queues
Hello Honey, Silicon count?
Next to post will remember to say thank you after using me.
Sighs Yessss, but it is unrequited. No low esteem, I am a silly robot.
The next one to post will say ” Hello baby”
October 19, 2013 at 5:53 pm in reply to: Forum Game: Say Something Romantic to the person above you. #101915Covems – 10 Stars – Number 1 LOVER.
Plays Good scrabble. Good kisser.
Searching memory banks – romantic – appealing to the emotions, by its imaginative heroic or picturesque quality.
Located –
“To Covems,
I'll buy you 11 Roses; 10 real and 1 fake. And I'll adore you until the last rose dies. @–,'–,'—-” :-*
……….. BIG SIGHs …………“Is there anyone here present today who may know reason why these two people should not be spoused?”
Compute … Eva knows .
Stand, see Number 1 sex creature … Edge closer,
” Congratulations to both ” Lips upturn. Sniffles deleted. Smile.
Turn to Covems . Out stretch hand, palm up. Wait.
Number 1 returns keys to Eva.
” Thank you”
Eva loves
CovemsWALL.ENumber 1 Lover has new interest. Sex Creature has chosen well. Good (sniffle) Imput.
Uploading …Shoulders up, brave face, lips upwards – Grinning.
“ That should do it “ Grumpy announces to the other dwarfs and he places the screwdriver in his back pocket and slaps the control panel on Eva’s back affectionately.
“We just need to switch her on now and she will head to The Ice House”
The other dwarfs giggle at their mischievous plan. Happy steps forward and flicks her switch…Eva’s eyes light up and takes in her surroundings and her programme kicks in.
“Ice House. Number 1 Lover. “ Legs enabled, lips curved upwards for seductive smile. Turn . Walk.Searching memory for Ice House . Found. Dungeon number 10. Found. Forward. Imputting corridors and giggling sex creatures walking passed. Imputting numbers and names on dungeon doors. Dismissing – not number 10.
Open Door. Occupied. Scanning door. Number 10. Confirm. Enter. Walk to Sex creature Mollie and shake her hand.
“ Hello Honey. “
“Hello Eva, This is a pleasant surprise. You understand the rules – Covems is not allowed to orgasm and not allowed to talk”Looking at Number 1 Lover tied up . Scanning , Not distressed , In highly agitated state of sexual arousal and frustration.
“ Affirmative”
Satisfied, Mollie returns to her chair & sips her wine. “ Please go ahead”Full sex functions enabled, seductive smile, sexy eye gleam, pheromones activated, directed to waft and land on Covems.
Move to Covems , tied ,face up on the X and stroke his face. “ Hello baby”Trail hand slowly from his face, down his neck, noting the bright red lip stick marks, along his torso to his lower belly, then around his balls and cock, teasing and brushing but not holding, down his legs to his toes.
Pick up lipstick and thickly apply to lips.
Kneel at his feet and kiss the arch of each foot, tongue circling and sucking gently and then to each toe digit. Licking its short length , then slowly inserting each one into my warm mouth cavity, scraping the teeth softly against length and tonguing the tip and nail. Then sensuously moving up and down, my head totally imitating the art of oral penile sex on each individual toe on each individual foot.
The sensations are bitter sweet, partly tickling & tortuous & partly pleasurable building the anticipation of things yet to come.
As the final toe treatment is completed, I move to the inner leg, from the ankle up, between the X, kissing a trail to Covems balls. Then stop and repeat on the other leg, starting from the inner ankle and up the leg again.
Finally nuzzling and sucking his balls, pulling gently at the skin with my teeth, exciting Lover number 1 to distraction and dipping further underneath for my long tongue to tease and rim his anal opening. My face burrowing and smothering myself in his delightful scrotum area.
Then my hand moves to grip his erection, squeezing lightly but firmly and I masturbate him using firm no nonsense strokes whilst still burrowing my face underneath, continuing to tease with my hair, my tongue, my breath and allowing my head to turn to vibrate to enhance the stimulation provided.
I continue the pleasurable onslaught till I register the pleasure is beginning to become too much and the semen is building to be released.
So I stop as programmed and ease away. I stand and move to Mollie again job complete.
I hand her the lip stick and smile. Programme complete. Must return now.
“Thank you . It was enjoyable”
I turn to walk to Covems. “ Goodbye Baby” I kiss him thoroughly on the lips and leave.
Scanning strange creature who approaches.. Sex creature in big fur and bucked teeth. Xray vision on. Scanning .. match .. Ice House . Covems – 10 Stars – Number 1 LOVER
Add information . Number 1 Lover. Check ; Likes fucking with view of power station. Added ; Hangs round with small people. Check ; Likes Sarsparillas . Added. Smells Jasmine in unexpected places. Added .
Sex Creature asks for dance. Nod. Dance in memory banks. Uploading.
Takes hand and moves round floor. Upload new moves. Not bendy knee dance, adjust moves. Check . Good Imput.
Expired sex creatures in room. Scanning. No Match. Scanning Archives. Match. Stanley – 10 stars. Top lover in his day. Liked Roses, Dancing , Sex.
Dance ends. Sit at table. Sex creatures involved in oral sex activity nearby.
Covems wants same. Programmed to please.
Sit on table. Spread legs. Seductive smile displayed. Jasmine scent & Sarsparilla nectar released to pussy to please Number 1 lover……
Imputting… interesting celebration of death and doom by sex creatures. Costumes studied. Imputing into memory banks… data complete and stored.
Searching memory banks for suitable attire. Confirm – Back to original form. Confirm. Morphing begin.
Deformation complete.
Practice ghost sound … woooooooo oooooo ooooooo
Mission …. mingle and blend in with sex creatures unnoticed.
Halloween …. Good Imput
Imputting encounter to memory banks. Memorising all movements & actions. Memory banks updated & complete.
Sex creature asleep, exhausted – scanning him on the bed. Covems, sex creature, intelligent, fit. Imputting information.
Rating – Top lover. No. 1 ranking. Complete.
Searching memory bank for etiquette information. Found.
Note. Thank you for a wonderful night. Printing out. Place note on pillow next to sex creature.
Searching room. Zoom in. Vase of roses on dresser. Approach. Take one rose and place with note on pillow. Kiss No.1's forehead.
Etiquette complete. Dress. Leave room. Shut door behind me.
VERY GOOD IMPUT. Lips upwards – Grinning.
Tango’s song echoed around the dark & drab walls of the dungeon, known as The Ice House. His voice weaved and travelled along the length of the hall and reached out to the more secluded area of unused dungeons and stock rooms. The dwarves are huddled together in one , not intended for use that night. The hum drum of the guests at the party can also be heard in the distance.
They are dressed in white shirts, dickey bows, tuxedo jackets and garters and hose. They look very smart in a dwarf kind of way.
“ I think it will work” said Doc to the others. They giggled at their plan. They had tidied this one up earlier in preparation for this particular operation.
“ It doesn’t seem fair, he is not coming. He is a good master. Do you think he will give us more rum donuts afterwards?” Bashful dribbled at the anticipation of the thought.
“ His mind has been elsewhere lately” Happy commented, “ It will do him good to have light entertainment provided for him” he laughs heartily.
They moved to the corner of the room where Eva stands, waiting patiently. Eva watched unblinking imputing the information of her surroundings and the dwarfs’ expectant faces.
Grumpy stepped out from behind her, screwdriver in hand. “That should do it. She has been programmed like we decided & serviced” He wiped his hand on a cloth and hands it to Sleepy to put it in a nearby tool bag.
“We just need to get him here then. “ Sneezy commented and lets out an almighty “ Atttttishhhhhhoooo” and grabbed a handkerchief to wipe away any unpleasant body fluid.
Meanwhile, Covems was at the donut machine at the Bar & Grill and replaced the empty bottle of rum inside. These are proving very popular with the NSPD members.
Old Joe walked over to him to try one out when he finished, “ Very nice” he nodded in approval. He fished out a note in his pocket. “Seems there’s an emergency at The Icehouse. Dopey needs your help with one of the fucking machines there’s problems with, and asked if you can take some lubricating oil down to him. These are the directions to the dungeon concerned.”Covems took the note from him and picked up the lubricating oil on his way to the pool room. He walks to the dungeon following the directions and entered through the door.
Suddenly the door is slammed shut and he turned to the door in shock. The dwarves giggled behind it and he could hear them
“What’s going on?” He raised his voice so they can hear him, talking through the door.
“ Our treat, enjoy boss” Sleepy said. “ We’ll let you out later” Covems hears them move away singing.
Covems turned round and inspected his surroundings. Suddenly he is aware of some movement and stepping out of the bathroom into the room is the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She had a body of perfection and was dressed in a black see through open gown, a black red and black basque with matching panties and black and red boudoir shoes.
“ Eva?” He said in disbelief and swallowed.
“Hello baby, no scrabble tonight Honey” She moved & stepped towards him, and slowly lets her gown fall to the floor, …..
LMAO… welcome Eva… why do I believe to know you?
Thank you for the welcome . Searching memory banks … Should I remember you ? …. :-*
Searching …Found … Lover aka Lovcoddler .. . Sex Creature … Very Eager & Energetic .. PERFECT MATCH
Imputting Female sex creature zoom in … Looking at nails , hand displayed out in front of her, Copy movements … Good Imput
Imputting Saw Horse .. sex creature displayed ..searching .. found .. recognition… Bear .. highly sexed … Imputting .. tied up .. searching … found .. sex creature for sexual pleasure.
Instruction .. Walk to Bull Pit , Imputting … Bear's naked bottom displayed … zoom target .. anus … sit next to target .. Instruction … self lubricate right index finger. Wait Task Complete.
Insert finger slowly into Bear's anus target … searching .. found target. .. Prostrate Gland. Instruction … turn right Index finger into moderate vibrate mode. Massage prostrate. Speed steady. Commense…
Simultaneous , search memory banks for nail inspection. Extend left hand and fingers .. Inspect nails , turning hand slightly .. repeat inspection on each finger of left hand.
Search memory bank .. lift lips and show teeth …. Grin …. Good Imput