Forum Replies Created
February 9, 2013 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Free User Missing Poses for Shemales & Robot Shemale. #81078
Yes, we transgenders should have free poses as well. The poses might be different though, because there's no 'shemale on top' pose for m-s at all (do not remember about f-s, because i do not play that). So, basically, we should have two free sexual poses just as 'usual' men and women have
Right now the lack of free poses make us look abnormal (like we probably are, but than, to say that is not very polite)
I'm having little trouble choosing a face. its very hard to know what will fit my style any opinions on witch one looked the best.?
I understand that it's difficult to find a good face. We need normal faces for men, because available ones are… well, they tend to vary between 'mildly retarded' and 'just plain ugly'
No offence, actually, but a decent male face here in Achat is a rare find
Ah, the 'eastern europe'! I live in Russia, and my credit card isn't good for payment as well (actually, it is not even a credit card, it's just a card). I tell you what, I never pay with card in the net. There're many other variants, like 'visa virtual' or national e-money services. I do not believe these countries do not have such things if they have the net. When I used to buy my subscription, I used LiqPay for that, and it did the trick just fine. So, I do not believe these boys, it seems to me that they just do not want to pay. Here in Russia it's usual trend among mmo-games auditory. Not that they don't have money, usually they do have. They can tell you how they got drunk and so on… they just do not want to pay for their own enjoyment, so I see they get what they deserve to
And they always can make a female avatar and play as such, if they think it's easier
But you are right, there're some exceptions. I know one such exception, and even used my female alternative avatar to play with him, because he really could not afford the subscription and my own one had expired (Achat team, hear us please, give us transgenders two free poses as well!)
Upd. There's an example of classic ignorant behavior:
I have the line 'I'm a lady, not a babe, so learn to behave' written right over my portrait in my ingame profile, it's hard not to notice it but…
[a male player] – u come baby?
[me] – can you read?
[he] – yes or no?
[me] – welcome to my blacklist, learn to read next timeSo, does he think that if he bought the subscription, I would be happy to go with him?
As far as I can tell, being free male user is bad, but not the worst. Being a free shemale is worser, because shemales do not have any free poses while men (and women) have two
When I talk to free males, I always suggest them to buy a subscription, because the game is made that way. I explain them that most women with blue star are not premium themselves, and that's why they want premium partners. But let's face the truth – it's a free-to-play videogame, so if one do not want to pay, he/she should be happy with what he/she has. Speaking of money, 10 usd per month is not much, and it won't kill anyone who can download the game client. At least, one can buy 1-month subscription and see if he/she would like the full game or not.
As I've told already, I do not judge people by their subscription status, but that's me. Most of women do, and I won't blame them for doing so. In everyday life there're more women than men, in Achat it's just the opposite. So if a woman do not respond, maybe it's a sign that a man should rethink his way of approach?
If we are online, that does not matter we will go to room with anyone who wrote 'hi babe'
As for me 'babe' is an insult, so someone who call me that way may be happy if he'll get 'welcome to my blacklist' as reply
I can only repeat, you buy the subscription, not other people. It's a product you buy, not other people!
See it like a club. You pay to be allowed to enter it, but inside it's up to you and your communication skills
As for achat money, when someone is buying a subscription for a month or more, achat money is given. I say that if it's all about the money, than one can always find willing partners for some achats. Players list is always full of 'men only for gift' and 'I'll be yours for a gift'
Sometimes I receive coldinvitation from premium users. Or rude invitations. Or just plain stupid ones. So what? He bought the subscription, but he didn't buy me! I do not feel guilty when I do not respond or even blacklist stupid or rude subscribers
Is it really a problem for a subscriber to find a partner? Hm, well. It might be. I'm not sure about that. I know this is common problem for free users, because almost no one wants to talk to them. But than, in Achat men population is much bigger than women one. So, a man should probably be more inventive in his ways. A woman here has the luxury to chose from number of men, so it's up to them to make themselves desireble for her.
It's not about the money. You spend it to buy a subscription, not to buy women
On the other hand, there're many women who promice to fulfill every wish for a gift. Maybe they are the solution?
No, absolutely not
I just use to fend off the agression with counteragression
Although, I won't say that for all women. I'm not actually 'a woman', I'm transgender, so I can tell only for myself
Speaking of common courtesy… I guess most people does not have an idea of what it is. Otherwise they won't call unknown person 'baby'. I've mentioned that somewhere above, and I say it again. I'm not a baby(babe, bb and anything else) to anyone, and that word is insulting.
That's usual gender stereotypes. I can tell you, most people cannot think freely, they only have stereotypes. And if you do not think or behave stereotypically, you will have problems with those who do.
As for me, i prefer to think independantly. I do not think that 'a man' should be agressive. If someone approaches me with dominant behavior, i warn him first, that he's one step from my blacklist. For most 'real men' that's enough to fall back and leave me in peace. And well, if someone do not understand, i blacklist them.
Yes, I'm picky and prefer quality over quantity. And I know what I want. It's my body and soul, and nobody else have the right to decide for me what and how to do something
I'm neither a prey to hunt for, nor a trophy to win. I'm a human and a person just like any other
How could they do it in chat?
Depends on the personality of the women
In most cases, you could be too young , they might not have liked your nickname, or you were too polite, it turned the sexual tension off.
Well, that's close to the truth. At least, sometimes names are just stupid or insulting. As for age, i'm careful when i see '18' in age field, it makes me think that player could be actually younger (And most of them probably really are younger, guessing by the way they behave). But I do not understand how anyone could be too polite. I've never seen that. Many are too rude, that's true. Sometimes they are even such rude, that I won't answer them anything but 'welcome to my blacklist'. Too polite? Never seen that
I do not remember was it already discussed or not, but for me one of the turnoffs is when a man goes into measurements of his… piece of equipment
First, size does not matter to me. Uhm… almost does not matter. As a shemale, i prefer smaller sizes. But the most funny thing here is:Achat is a videogame, and all men have one size here. I see nothing to brag about
As for me, i do not judge people by their subscription status. I can chat and play with free users, if they are nice, and i have both free and premium users in my blacklist (although free ones greatly outnumber the subscribers in there).
But as a shemale i cannot play with free users when my subscription is expired. Shemales do not have even two free poses! So, most of time the only thing i can give to a free user is chat
Hm, I can understand that. I was wondering why women keep asking me for sex with them, and asked some of them. One explained it like she sees me, a shemale, as a softer version of male, as someone with [a male bodypart she wants] but with more woman-like personality. I guess, it could be common image of a shemale to women (to those of them who are willing to tolerate trangender persons)
As for men view on me, i was told about two images. One is a woman with [something], and that's how i see myself. And another is a man with breasts. That's might be the answer about their reasons…
Speaking of 'how are you'… I had written in my info 'I'm fine, thank you' as an answer, and i can tell, almost all (not only men) who tried to contact me didn't read that. And when they ask me how am i, i answer 'just as i wrote in my info!'.
But the winners are still those who start from 'wanna suck my [industrial-grade tool]' or 'I'm so horny, let's go to the room!' I'm glad they are so excited about themselves, but what should that matter to me?