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  • in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49397

    I'll wanna really thanks Adera for reading my work and waste her limited time for it! Thank you so much, dear friend!

    But there is someone else i had to thanks….my dear Marla, for helping me to fix some part whit some good hint!

    Now, all i have to do, is to work and end second part…..hope i can do it soon!

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57416

    It can be in RL……if i don't mind, several years ago, here in Italy a in a judgment, a simple “friendly” spank on the hip of a girl was compared to sexual harassment!  😮

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 69. Lets talk. (On Sofa) #59597

    Seems like you was really in exstacy, blue…..

    in reply to: Editing cloth textures #16069

    Keiki, more i look at your work, more i'm impressed!

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #49023

    I can smell the gunpowder all around me and I’m sure it’s coming from the rifles of the hunters, which are all aiming at me waiting for my next move and even if I can’t see them, I know they are coming closer.  It took several days of chasing to them to be able to push me through a gorge at the foot of the mountain where I usually live and where I can stay away from the humans or any other race of the Continent of Drakoonia. Despite the considerable power that comes from the demon blood running through my veins, I couldn’t climb a wall so steep, especially considering the fact that I have several wounds caused by the weapons and the traps of the hunters, probably the most prepared group of them I ever have meet. The only chance to break free is a frontal attack with great risk to fall under the fire of the their rifles and more I look around me, more I realize how much they were able to put me with my back against this gorge. And I’m quite sure they are almost ready for the final rush of this long hunt.
    But I don’t want to give up……I don’t want to end my life in some cage like a beast! Because this is what normal people see in me, in my body trapped between the one of a pretty young girl and the one of a demon! Probably, if the problem was just the horns over my head, I could try to hide them with a hood or an ornament, making them appear to be part of it, but the real problem has always been my legs, two powerful legs with sharp claws instead of feet, which could pierce the body of an adamantine bear in a moment, if only I want it! And I can’t really hide them so easily! Or, anyway, not in a no suspicious way!
    At last, I’m almost ready to attack, even if I know the risks, when a noise caught my attention upward. When taking a look over me, I can see that hunters have caused an avalanche which is going to crash right on my head! Thanks to my body and strength, dodge the first isolated boulders was not so difficult, even if I’m starting to move with increasing difficulty, but I can’t say the same for the others which follows after that first wave: there were too many of them and at last, for one I dodge, two hit me causing me more wounds and pain, till I’m totally overwhelmed by them. And, little by little, I’m getting trapped on the bottom of the gorge, with more boulders still falling over me. The noise they made is deafening, probably too much even for me, and I’m losing the count of how many of them are hitting me till, at last, all around me become black and I lost conscious.

    When I get conscious again, my head is so confused…. Where am I?! What happened?! Appealing to my strength, I’ll try to get up, but something is restraining my body: am I still trapped under the avalanche!? No, it cannot be…. I can clearly see the sunlight shining, even if my vision is still blurred and I’m sure it's not a crack between the rocks…. it’s something different, maybe…. yes, now I can see things more clear…. the ones I see are…. bars!? What happened while I was unconscious!? I try to get up yet, but nothing to do…. then, I try to look around, moving my arms….. these are also blocked, but from what?! Appealing to my little strength, I try to lift my right arm…. a clatter of metal makes me finally understand what it is: chains! That's right…. at the end, the hunters were able to capture me, and they wrapped my body with strong chains, restraining me and imprisoned me in a wagon with which they are transporting me somewhere!
    Suddenly, an unmistakable smell of salty air hit my nose. I have no doubt, we are heading towards the Berin Sea, where probably my new destiny is waiting me: to be exposed in a cage for the rest of my life! I can’t allow it…. no, this is not the life I want, I don’t want to live like a caged animal…. there is a lot I want to experience and, most important, I would like to find someone who will support me in good time but more, when things looks bad and the presence of someone who can cuddle you is more needed. But I know this will remain just a dream, no one could love a half-demon and more if he found out my secret…. no, that would remain forever a beautiful, sweet dream. What expects me now is just harsh reality….

    When we finally reach the harbor, someone open the cage’s door. Strong hands grab tight my legs and drag me out, causing a huge metal uproar: for a moment, I think this is my only chance to escape from there and I try to wriggle with all my strength, but the grip of those hands is surprisingly strong, almost comparable to mine. I look up to this mysterious entity that posses this incredible strength and what I see leave me stunned: a 6,6 feet and more tall figure, self-confident despite he’s facing a being that many others wouldn’t have hesitated to call “monster”! Watching carefully, I am impressed to discover it’s a human! How is it possible he can have so much power!? I never met one like him! His body is massive and the muscles of his arms are perfectly sculpted, maybe even too much, a clear sign of the long and hard workouts that has sujected his body. A body I can’t stop to look at, as if it has hypnotized me with his strength.

    Then, the voice of a man distracts my attention from that incredible figure.

    “Horgus, take that creature in the hut reserved for the gladiators and take care of her wounds! Those idiot hunters…. they will never learn how to capture their prey uninjured!”

    “As you wish, Lord Barton!” the figure thundered, whit steady and strong voice.

    Saying this, he carry me on his mighty shoulders, without any apparent fatigue, as if he is transporting a small bag of floor or something similar, and not another person like me, almost 7 feet tall! Everything seems so incredible, I always thought humans were small, weak, coward, but not him, he looks different from all the other humans I ever met! Horgus…. at least, I know his name now, a name that suit perfectly to a man of such strength and vigor and who is able to make my heart bump faster and wild: is it possible that this man has impressed me so much!? And why I’m starting to feel attracted by him and his mighty appearance!? I’m so lost in my thoughts that I hardly notice that we have reached a hut and he laid me on a straw bed, just before to begins removing the chains that imprison me.

    “I suggest you to don’t try to escape…. you are too weak and it will be easy for me to catch you again. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of your wounds, and soon you will also serve Lord Barton! “

    “Yeah, sure ….” are the only words I can say at this moment. I can’t believe I’m acting like a little human girl who fell in love for the first time, not after I survive after facing many dangers and wild animals …. Horgus might have abducted my heart so much and so quickly!? A sudden shudder pervades my body …. it takes me awhile to finally realize that the hands of Horgus are caressing my body, cleaning it up from the mud and the blood gushed from my wounds.

    “Take off your clothes…. they must be washed and I can’t take care of your wounds properly with them on!”

    Those words, even if they don’t have second thoughts, make my face flush and I can feel chills running on my spine. I turn away to don’t face him but most, cause I don’t want he see my blushed cheeks, I don’t want he can understand the strange, but wonderful, effect he is having on me. Then, I try to find an excuse to don’t undress right in front of him.

    “But …. but I really don’t …. “my face looked ready to explode, now I can feel it burning ” …. I don’t know if I can do it …. “

    “You'll soon get used to it, because from today we will share this place because I’ll going to take care of you and I’ll teach you everything you need to know to be a fighter”. Hearing those words, my heart leaped again…. sharing the same place!? With him? It seemed like a dream! “Now hurry up or did you want to be punished by Lord Barton!?”

    “Y-yes ……” hesitant and confused, I begin to remove the belt first, then my vest. I let it slide down my upper body, slowly, but when it reaches my belly, agitation takes control of me again. I’m getting so nervous and embarrassed by this situation….. it’s not something I’m used to do!

    “Please, don’t look! It’s …. it's too embarrassing! I can’t!” I suddenly yell, trying to catch the vest before it falls on the floor to cover my belly.

    My heart begin to bump like crazy, I can feel his eyes pointed on me while I try to hide my secret: no matter how much I can resemble a human girl, I’m definitely not! Horns and legs are not the only unnatural parts of my body: under my frayed and dirty vest, my shaft has started to react to Horgus gentle touch and to my feelings, growing and getting hard as I never felt it before! I don’t have enough courage to look at his face …. how could I!? Maybe he’s my first love, but he could be attracted, or even feel interested, by a freak like me!? I can’t get this thought out of my head, pounding incessantly to the point I didn’t notice how close Horgus is to my face.

    “Are you fine!? You act strange and your face is all red …. maybe your wounds get infected or it’s fever….”

    Saying this, he put his forehead on mine. His face is now so close to mine, I just need to move for few inches to being able to kiss him, but I’m petrified…. any muscles of my body is blocked, even my lips! And I’m sure he notices it, someway.

    “No, I don’t think is fever….” he says, moving a step forward “but I’m sure something is not good….”

    I would like to scream to him what I feel but I can’t. Not a single word is coming out of my mouth, maybe even my breath can’t find its natural way. All I can do now, is staring at him: he is not a so attractive man but in his sculpted and toned body, there is something wild that caught my attention, something I can see more clearly in his black and deep eyes. Now I’m sure of it, that man have a sort of animal presence (instinct, maybe!?) who makes my demon’s blood boil and I can’t control it!

    Insecure on what to do, I let the vest fall on the floor and reveal my shaft to him for the first time. I’ll try to cover it with my hands, but agitation and nervousness has take control of me, letting me fall on my back and exposing my full naked body to him: if I was able to hold the shame till that moment, my face was now burning as it never has done before and I can’t hold his eyes who are now exploring any inch of myself. I was sure he will leave the hut disappointed by this ugly view, but something unexpected, suddenly happen.

    “You are a wonderful creature….”

    Few words…. probably he told them to many girls but this is the first time someone told them to me! I look at him suspiciously, without worrying to cover my body: my mind is sure they are just a lie but when I look deep into his eyes, I can see the truth of them, I can see the surprise but also a strange light, similar to admiration or it looks like that to me.
    He gently helps me to stand and sit on the bed, and for all the time I can sense his eyes glued on me. Even if his words and act had helped me to relax a little, I’m still confused and agitated: that situation, embarrassing at the begin, is now turned into something different. Or maybe it was for me…. the attraction I felt for that man till the first time I saw him has grown and it’s more than instinct for me now, it’s love! Maybe Horgus can appear like a rude and strong man (and he probably is!) but he’s showing me a sensible side of him, something he probably hide and he is revealing it to me now, a half-demon, a creature usually hunted by the humans.

    “That’s why you were so nervous!?” he asks me, breaking the silence between us.

    “Yes …. I’m a half-demon and not only that …. half man and half woman …. it’s my curse….” I reply, looking down.

    “Maybe…. or maybe not! This can make you a special creature!” he says, taking a sponge and starting to clean my body “Look  atme, for example. I’m a human, but most think I’m weird…. I’m tallest then everyone else and have a massive body…. someone think I’m a mixed race and avoid me….”

    Silence fills the place, again. We stare at each other, both surprised to see how our lives where similar and how destiny, sometimes, can be cruel but, at last, somtimes it gives a small sparkle of hope. After that confession, we didn’t say a word. Just when he finishes the treatment of my wounds, he spoke to me again.

    “I have business to do, but I’ll come back later with new clothes…. now, try to rest!”

    Then, he vanishes outside the hut, just to come back when it was already dark with some food. This was the first of many sleepless nights spent admiring at my Horgus, so kind and sweet while he takes care of my wounds, but resolute when he is in the arena behind Lord Barton’s Estate training the gladiators at Lord Barton’s service.

    I must say it, every time I look at Horgus during the trainee’s sessions in the arena, I’m surprised by his strength. Of course, he is not at my same level but for being a common human, he is really powerful and his techniques are more than excellent, plus no one of the other gladiators are closed to be compared to him! Probably, even my fighting techniques are not effective as his ones, especially considering the fact I never had someone who taught me how to fight. And this aspect of Horgus is fascinating me too, making me impatient to step down in the arena to face him and finally be able to evaluate his real strength.
    But at the same time, another feeling is growing inside me. Every time Horgus touch my body to take care of my wounds, strong shivers run thorough my body and they make my blood burn so intensely that it become very difficult to resist to the temptation to reveal to him my true feelings. Feelings that he returns with joy, as I’m about to discover….and maybe, Horgus’s feelings are even deeper and stronger than mine! And even if I’m able to take care of me by myself, I take advantage of the situation to have some intimate time with him, something I have the impression Horgus is appreciating too.

    Then, during one of those sleepless nights, something happened….something which is going to change many things in my life.

    That night, naked in my straw bed, sleep was very difficult. Few steps far from me, Horgus lies just wearing his leather pants: covered by a thin sheet from toes to head, I stare at him and  at his incredible and mighty body. I wonder if he notices to have my attention…. carefully, I continue to look at him, just to turn on the other side when he, sometimes, look in my direction. Even if I can’t see him, I can sense his eyes pointed on me, trying to catch any movement I made.
    Suddenly, shivers run over me body, surprising me: a gentle hand caress my back, slowly, giving me some strong and intense emotions. I turn back to see who is touching me but before I can see something, strong lips are against mine, leaving me breathless for a moment: they felt warm and firm in that long kiss and when they finally are away from mine, I can clearly recognize Horgus. Without saying a word, his lips kiss my neck, moving down to my chin, then to my tits, till they reach my nipples at last: this is a totally new sensation for me, something  thought I’d never felt…. his lips huddle around my nipples, his tongue gently caressing them…. it’s a sensation so intense that I can’t hold a moan of pleasure. Horgus immediately noticed it, I can feel it in his hands who are touching me, exploring every inch of my body, eager, as he doesn’t has touch a woman’s body for so long.

    I can’t control these new sensations he is giving to me and he know it! I’m overwhelmed by them, to the point I’m losing myself and I didn’t realize immediately to have his hard and mighty rod pressed on my belly, barely touching mine in an intense and intimacy ceremony. My face flushed, again, when he spread my legs with a fast but firm movement of his pelvis and his rod reach my entrance, pressing over it. I can’t believe to what is going to happen and on how badly he want me! This make me happy but at the same time, fear start to run in my body.

    “I-i don’t ….” I try to babble.

    “Don’t say anything …. I understand it from how your body reacts, from your breath and your eyes …. I can read clearly the desire but also the fear …. this is your first time, isn’t it!? “

    I nod at him, with my eyes closed. I’m too embarrassed to look at him and he probably notices it, because he starts to kiss my belly gently and slowly moving down till he reaches my entrance. His tongue lingers for a while around my entrance, greedy, but at the same time temptress, waiting for my reaction…. or rather, a reaction of my body. And he doesn’t have to wait for it so long: my body squirms at his gentle but firm touch, reacts with increasing force, the feeling becomes more intense, overwhelming! Is that what you feel when someone caresses your body, when he want you!? It's a unique and inebriant sensation!
    But Horgus leave me no time to get lost in these thoughts. While I think I’ve reached the climax, his tongue slip into my hole, slowly at first, then more and more strongly, so much so that I can’t hold a moan, then another…. and again! More I try to resist, more the excitement rise in my body, making my blood burn of intense and unexpected lust …. lust that increase suddenly when Horgus 's fingers open their way inside, exploring my body like no one had ever done before! They move inside me trying to open a way to dig deeper and deeper: at first, the pain arrived, but pleasure take its place, becoming more intense as I get used to them and at all the new sensation they are giving me. And that pleasant torture continues for several time, till they begin to move out slowly, finally leaving me the chance to breath, to calm the beat of my heart.
    But Horgus don’t want give me time to rest: he grab my waist and pull myself close to him and rubbing his shaft against my barely open entrance. I close my eyes and nervously swallow, thinking to be ready for it, but I’m probably wrong!

    “No, please …. I …. I’m not ready for this! ” I yell trying to push him away.

    But I know I keep lying to myself …. perhaps I’m not mentally ready, but my body is! My breath becomes more heavy and even if I don’t want to admit it, I want it as much, or maybe more, then Horgus want it too. But he surprises me again.

    “If you really think you are not ready, I can wait …. I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want ….” as he said this, his hands loosen their grip on me, and moving on my side.

    “Forgive me …. I would, but I’m afraid …. afraid of all this unknown sensations!”

    Without realizing it, tears flow from my eyes and fall slowly down my cheeks. I’m acting like a little girl who looks out at the world for the first time: a world she never had seen before and she find scary, even if she want to explore it. Looking at my tears, Horgus move closed to me, gently dries my tears and hug me, giving me another beautiful moment of great happiness and I can finally feel safe in a world who always has try to refuse my existence.

    “I’ll teach you everything you need to know, not only on fighting …. I like you, I want you …. but I don’t want to see you suffer! We have plenty of time so we take one step at a time till you are ready to do it.”

    ” Horgus …. ” is all I’m able to say before he gives me another passiante kiss.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49396

    mmmh, let me think…..

    1 – the tavern can be placed wherever you want, but we can presum there is no only one (even near the harbor), so there are no problem for me.
    2 – we can imagine the Prefect house on the street segment after the turn of the road from the harbor to the main square, in front of the market area. Werehouse are all around the harbor and a brothels can be placed in the area of the bath.
    3 – the second barracks near the gate can be good, but i think it more like a small one. the main barracks is the one near the harbor.
    4 – About the harbor, tight look at wall near the see and the pic i had post before: imagin Libibdinis all surrounded by high shores and the harbor is on a depressed area.

    about the passage for the wall, it's ok….the catacomb can be placed only around and under the two hills.

    p.s.  before i'll do any modify on the map, i'll wait for other suggestion.

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Crawl with leash #59822

    Well, I'd be willing to give it a whirl, but I'd have to ask NG if she'd like to walk me round on all fours  ;)

    i think she will be really happy if you ask it, blue!  ;)

    and a big wellcome for sissybecca!

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59618

    And don't forget SS……  :P

    in reply to: Pose Idea. A pregnant woman pose #59830

    aaaahhh…..*shaking my head nervously*

    Lover, you had forget something…..Andrea, yours idea was suggested before. look here:,911.0.html,1392.0.html

    in reply to: Rukya. My Topic. More infos needed for Rukya. #59616

    Tight, i can see why you like it…….but honestly, there is something wrong whit the releas:i don't see why the dev-team had allways give us a “partial” upgrade. honestly, i prefer wait a little more, but have the pose for all the gender combinations. slow upgrade time, but more appreciated!

    in reply to: Speed Controller – Speed Me Up, Slow Me Down or Stop Me !! #16796

    Sorry to say you have to wait a lot of time, Jeanona…….but we are all whit you! never forget it!  ;)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49394

    mmmhh…catacomb and underworld…..the nobles' residence and the monastery are on the top of two hill, an obvious and strategic position, aaaand, there can be a secret passage to link them! when the city had grown, this passage grown whit it, to link strategical point.

    at the end, the bath can be an old safety exit form the old city……

    my opinion, like allways

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57403

    It will be amazing to look at her face when you say this!

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49392

    The church can be a part og the monastery (maybe). about a sacrificial shrine, dunno……but if you need it in your story, we can settle it!

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 69. Lets talk. (On Sofa) #59584

    so, no one had post the option…..oh well!

    @Lover: congratulation for hitting 2000 post! i think you are the third!

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