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  • in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49267

    Well, Janine, really thank you. but before to jump in, i wanna try something my self for the first time and have your impression. then, when the background of this tale is clear to me, i can try to jump in!

    well, for the moment, i'll make you know how the title i'll gonna use: ” A sisters' tale”!  eh eh eh!  ::)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49264

    @Hentai Have you read the Dragonlance chronicles? It started as a D&D campaign. So all those characters were shaped by the individuals playing them. Here it's quite similar, but rather then needing a DM we just respect each others boundries and hash things out here in the OOC thread before bringing them in story.

    my bad, no. i know D&D only by name, never read something about it.

    i don't had read the story you wrote at the moment, but (damn all you!  ;D) this make me wanna try something my self. so i start work on it tonight and hope to end the first part soon. i'll make you know how it goes!

    in reply to: MS. Pose Review Request. 122. Anal Doggy. #57980

    nice work on a good pose…..the only option i don't like so much is the Fondle Chest for man

    in reply to: Editing cloth textures #15872

    i like thew cyber trousers!

    and i can see the usual proble: overwriting the transparent zone on the shirt! mmmmm, medjai whic programm are u using to edit the textures!?


    well, Mark, this are business! constantly confront whit other similar product.

    the message Rukya was talking was going a little further then simple confrontation (i had to admit it), those message was deleted.

    in reply to: AChat with enhanced graphics #55210

    Actually, I mean the little while that goes from gray blocks to red as the program loads, and part of that would be the coding since it's basically setting itself up on your side. I always figured connections are more about once you are sending and receiving.

    Still, that's why I used “felt” because it was just a matter of how I perceived it.

    sorry if i don't answer you soon, but yes, you was right. at the begin, client load more faster…..maybe cause most of the update was in the new client itself

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 62. At the wall #54338

    kitten, i can understand nude, but topless……at this time, it's strange to don't see girls in topless around! oh well…..every country have it's rules!

    Like i said hentai its and American rule in Australia it doesn't apply you can go topless. I think its a silly rule personally … but you know what happens “when in rome do as the romans do” at least the benefit is if I ever go to italy I can go topless ;).

    oh, be sure you end up to be surrounded by a vast amount of eyes…… bad i don't like so much sea but prefer mountain!  :-

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49258

    mmmmmhh……i give a quick look here and there on this long tread. creating an entire city (and a country around it) whit a background to make your character move on it isn't so much easy, specially when a story is gonne be write by several peoples. so, i'll gonna read the entire tread carefully and then your, mmmh, 10 hands story cause you have make me really curious.

    i'm a big fun of fantasy and sci-fy in general, plus i like work on modell kit (bad point i have soooo much wip suspended!) and when i work on something of my project, i allways try to image a world when my characters can move and have theyr own story. in the past years i had made several sketch of some chars: some of them was inspired by manga i read, others just come up like a sparkle in the dark. mmmmmmm, all this make me wanna try to do something more……….let's see, let's see!

    oh….i forget: the best thing i like of this tale is cause it's write from different peoples, so anyone of you make move this world and your own character  step by step. the hard point is how to coordinate your idea, so this tread is essential to creat a good path to follow and avoid the risk of overlapping events or places, which is quite easy if more then one people is writing the story.

    i hope i can give you soon my impression on your work, my friends!

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite Clothing Idea – [CLOSED] #56765

    gneeeeeeee! don't bet on it! :P

    btw, i think it's time for a riepilogue of all the suggestion or maybe we are going to loose it a bit.

    in reply to: Editing cloth textures #15870

    NG, i think you are using paint or similar……..yuo allways have problem whit transparency!

    ps: the second one is coming from a splatter movie!?

    a piece i made using my gift project for Christmas

    i had forget to edit the pic, so here u see it mirrored….sorry!  :P

    from what i see, loading normal and diffuse texture on the same model, you can obtain a sort of two layer effect, whit one semi transparent.

    in reply to: Sweat, cum & spit #57905

    mmmmh, for what i see, adera is right Rukya. wonder why you don't have the same impression!

    in reply to: Promoting the Forum #58004

    the only problem is the space to add it……..the profile is to short, so or u add a description ior the link

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 62. At the wall #54335

    i guess so!

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 62. At the wall #54333

    kitten, i can understand nude, but topless……at this time, it's strange to don't see girls in topless around! oh well…..every country have it's rules!

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favorite Clothing Idea – [CLOSED] #56763

    You had find out a new side of you……..not necessary a bad parts, depend how you live it. and looking at your post, i think you really enjoy it, little blue!

    on my side, well, here i had found someone i really care too…..but i'm not telling you more!  :P

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