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  • in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 68. Double Doggy. #57295

    QUOTE: “Oh, how I wish I had this pose as well. 🙂
    I like the 3some idea you had about a double ended dildo pose like this Janine, the one where the third girl would hold the dildo for the others. She could also move the dildo for the others in some ways, spank them a little and maybe tease them some while she talks to them in a way they like. :P”

    adera, sweety, when i have a little of time, i’ll gonna post a pic of an old idea taken by a clip…..i’m sure you gonna like it! oh, and most of ours girls too… eh eh!


    crazy!? never said it….you do it by your own! iiih ih ih ih ih! you give it to me on a silver plate, NG!   ;D

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57351

    To hentaiboy: Hentai rocks! :D

    now and allways!  8)

    in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #18427

    I would definitely buy it, but don't tell NG because I still haven't forgiven her!

    ops! eh eh!  ;D

    in reply to: OLD NEWS OFF TOPIC. #53808

    you are right, Adera…..fisical punition must be the last option, not an usual way to teach them lesson. But sometimes it's needed

    Same here, the slap or the old school “but kick” is the last warning. I am not a fan of physical punishment (of course between 2 adults it is different  :P) but if a kid tell me “hoo fuck you old fart !” hummm probably my hand will have a bad “reflex”.

    well, most depends about the circumstances….but anyway, it's not good at last, but can happend

    in reply to: Happy New Year To ALL 1 #57459

    It's nice to know who your friends are!!!

                         This is a picture of a redhead being held down by a brunette and tattoed by a blonde! NG is blonde!!!!!

          Which of you bitches is the brunette???

    what!? here she say she is brunette….who are the liar!?

    Blue, i just try to imagine it…..i know you have red hair, but NG for me is a white paper…..btw, i'm glad you like!

    Hentai, thanks fro the pic, sorry it took so long to answer the post. I've been sick.  I am a lot like my avatar, brunette with glasses

    btw, the brunette and the red head are the same of the girls bride i post some days ago….

    blue, sorry if i hurt your feeiling….but what happend between you and NG, is really to similar to this one…i can't resist, i had to post it!  ::)

    in reply to: Happy New Year To ALL 1 #57456

    mmmmh, something like this….
    this pic is titled “i want it to say property of Allison”….eh eh eh! more the story between Blue and NG is going on, more i think it's similar to this one…..wonder which one is the next step!


    Now you mention it, yeah, i remember why….anyway, watch your back, cause she is upon you….be carefully! Sometimes she is scary!

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57344

    if you “hit” them whit the right word and feeling, you can have their attention……

    U're completly right hentaiboy and that's is a big if, I gues I'll have to improve my comunications skills :P

    P.S. Your nick is because u like hentais or because you are a hentai? :P

    well, in first it was cause i like hentai, specially tentacles action (i know i know…..). it's the usuall nick i us more in MMO and forum. On DA and HF  my nick is hentaiboy77…..i tell u all. mmmh, maybe now isn't the only one reason…..but for sure is the principal one! the eh eh!

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57341

    @Apollo: 1500 real dollar!? what have u buy whit them, the entire server!?  😮 😮

    sorry, i don't wan to be inopportune or teasing you……it's, well, incredible!

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57340

    well, sometimes you can have good hint reading carefully the profile……some particular comment girls add on it, can help you a lot to start a conversation. this is happend to me whit a girl long time ago. we had good time togheter many time, but recently i don't had meet her, just receiving some cute message for Christmas.
    if you “hit” them whit the right word and feeling, you can have their attention……too bad my shyness block me too much in real


    oh well, Adera…you had teased her a little here in this last days…..i'm not wonder if NG wanna meet you soon!  ;D

    in reply to: More Hairstyles. #57318

    well, you are right Rukya……..i have short hair, cause if i'm gonna leave them long, my head looks like a bush, my hair are a “bit” curly. well, less then when i was a child

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14734

    put a few freckles on her and it could be me!!!!
    'cept I bet her ass isn't as big as mine! :(

    Red ribbon for a redhead! Yes Please!

    gosh, blue……if it's true (hope so!) you are really, really pretty!

    in reply to: Body options – Tattoos & piercings for M, F & S #18424

    @Blue: it's something you had done to please her…….forced or not, that's the true! and i know what this mean, cause i try something i don't usually do for my wife, to pleased her

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