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  • in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56496

    Tracing IP can be done but dunno how if there is a real need in doing this from dev-team. plus, thinking about the internet provider, in italy all the users of one provider have the same IP, so this will mean blocked a big amount of aChat users. so, basically this is a no good option!

    in reply to: WIP SECTION #53113

    Dunno if was Susy who deleted the last tread of Rukya or not, but is there i wanna tell to susy and i think more users can agree whit me.

    Susy, the point isn't if dev-team are working or not on to more MF poses or if they are working on LGBT poses, but the point is why we can't have direct confrontantion whit them, so we can give our contribution to some better releases. try to be honest….some release are not so much good and need some rework on poses options and on some outfit too: there must be a reason if lot of peoples have some doubt on some poses option, so there must be a true behind what they ask.

    Be polemic (better talk about criticism) whit the developer of a game whitout going to further, can be a big chance to create something more better and who can attract more users. another point is how to make them become premium and i think we are trying to give you some idea, just take a look around in the various tread. Obvious, dev-team can be free to work on our suggestion or not, depend if they think our suggestion can be a good economic chance or not, but IMO if lot of users ask for them, the dev-team have to think on them seriously.

    in reply to: More poses for us She Males. #55354

    tom posts occasionally, I don't think he reads shit these days… and as far as I can tell susy is just here to moderate, she only shows her face in the forum when someone is freaking out or when business is threatened

    not sure about how often Tom or Suzy read forum (remember, Suzy is a moderator, so i presume she have to read here more then 1 time a day IMO), but really hope they gonna increase interaction whit us whit the new year, so we can help more to make aChat a better platform.

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56494

    mmm, this one is a little extreme solution, but i can understand the reason there are behind it. as i said before, i see cold invite by premium too, so be free or not isn't the reason they send them.

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56480

    Give newbye some assist musn't be an obligation, but something a prem users wanna do if it's in the mood to show them how thinks work in room. The real problem is this: most of the free users just don't care to chat (to many cold invite!) or add some personally touch on the poses desciving they feeling or adding some description, most just wan to fuck selecting poses.

    Personally, in this 3 month i had found some nice partner in free users too, so i can consider me lucky, but had found some Prem who really don't care about others peoples feeling.

    in reply to: How to place the Christmas Decorations. #56345

    Really!? i never notice it!

    i had take a look… i know why i had never seen it,….it look like all but not christmas outfit

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14720

    oh, so it cames out only an year later! eh he he!  :D

    anyway, like the idea of some christmas decoration, but i wanna ask this: is it so damn no economic to give us some free decoration valieble only for the christmas time or for other particular event like easter or San Valentino!? i don't think so…..

    in reply to: How to place the Christmas Decorations. #56342

    So no LGBT pose yet, but at least something that can be used by everyone..

    yes…..but i prefer to hav them at the same time of the condom or the dev-team can wait next thuesday, so we can have a regular pose update. mmmh, wonder if next thuesday they gonna release male Xmas outfit

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14715

    i agree, prias…….this is why i think the opportunity to personalize room can be a free option for premium member


    Nice to see you in forum, RicK!

    We are asking it for long time and we had propose several solution. One of this is to creat a gift shop and to stop using A$ for gift. Any suggestion are wellcome!

    in reply to: FAQ – the most common questions and answers #13193
    in reply to: WIP SECTION #53107

    Thinking at past suggestion, this come back on my mind:,1151.75.html
    so, i think to update it like this:

    1 – give to shemale some free starting poses, like for other gender, and add a robot shemale;

    2 – add an in game dressing room whit shop, to see preview;

    3 – give the opportunity to Premium users to try the poses for a limited time: maybe it will work if we can try them for the first seven days from premium activation;

    4 – work on some stuff (well, maybe it's better talk about a rework) who can push peoples to subscrive like premium: here, we can mention a common space (a park, a club, a beach…) or some other idea we had talk around the forum, like rooms personalization;

    5 – a totally rework on gift sistem: not A$ but shop stuff and give us the chance to gift lovers and spouses, even if they are male;

    6 – add more poses for minority group like MM, SS and more poses for 3some;

    7 – start to work on gangbang only when 3some have  a good amount of poses for everyone.

    looking at it after a month, i have to admit there be only few steps in this direction: adding the christamas decoration have open the way for personalization a little, but this is not enough. more work must be done if A-team don't wanna start to loose costumers. I know some of this request need some long work to be realized, so i don't espect to see them ready in two or three weeks, all i wan at the moment is to have some advice about what's going on on the dev-team head about this and if we have a little chance to see them one day. I don't think this request is so strange, so, please, susy, Tom tell us something!

    in reply to: How to place the Christmas Decorations. #56336

    Thanks for the explanation, Tom!

    Hope this release gonna open the way to more personalization for our roomas we have ask many times here on forum.

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14711

    dunno what to say……are the price a little expensive!?

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14709

    Talking about  a park……this can be a good point to start whit it, even whitout the hut!
    [img width=500][/img]

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