Forum Replies Created
you acting like a ******
I am asking this romantic location to one year and not ever give us this possibility.
you begging and QQ for max. half year stella ….
this new series is another joke
well your post is a joke
you don't understand that we women are more important that them?
i think your are more important then anyone else …
i just have one question …. what about the shemales that played as female before with premium …. i mean … they just bought positions for xxxx A$
das ist ….. krass ….
hier gibt es leider viele idioten sandra … es tut mir leid das dir so übel mitgespielt wurde
ich merk mir den nameni agree you 100%
i hate this crap
i hate these A$-whores
i hate these “only prem user” idiotsbut i think there is no way to stop that as long as there is a gift option
the only thing you can do is -> dont do it yourself … just do it your way / better
i play with online friends and i ignore these people wich we are talking about … i think thats the best way
best regards himmi
i dont make a difference between premium and free member and i hate people that write “only premium” in there profile ….
im in achat for nearly 1 year now and when i started there were just 5 poses and it worked too
anyway the key element in achat is writing and imagination … i still had fun in achat even without entering a room!i also think some premium members think they are special because they are premium (no you are not) and i ignore them too if they cold invite
and there is no point in ignoring free members only because they are not premiumtotally correct lover …
anyone as he wish (any has other definition of fun)… if you dont like use ignoreHm, Florent sorry,
but where the hell is the hat?
heyho ppl
lover gave me a german “beta” version of the guide … it was correct so far and i simply added #7 (thought it was good hehe)
so now we just need nr. 7 in good english hehe->
#7. Use the search-funktion. If you only wanna find people from your home country (because your english or whatever is bad) click on “Partner Search” and fill your home country in the “Country” field. Achat will filter the members and will show you the members who have the searched country in there profileregards himmi
April 26, 2010 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Has anyone visited the main page recently? Updated Graphics. #16535Hi!
i downloaded it, installed it and copyed all files in my achat folder …. he updated 45 to the new again but i dont think it worked
it even dosnt look like the screenshots on the mainpage … could someone upload a screenshot of a wokring version?hi
great work … i could translate this into german if you release a final version of this guide
regards himmi
April 7, 2010 at 7:05 pm in reply to: What happens ? Beach has disappeared and Avatar just moves arms! #15412same problem here
picture missing toowell
the dev team worked hard and done a great job in the past
there are about 5-10 new ideas per week and only 1 update per week
just give them time …its hard to make every member happy with 1 update per week so
an idea:
the dev team maybe could create a poll in this forum like ->
“what update you want next?”
1) xxxx
2) xxxx
3) xxxxso we could vote what we would enjoy
greetings himmi
I completly agree with Brandy. The list is great and a good tool. And its ok that anyone can see who my friends are, but please not my lovers!
A girl should be able to have secrets (and guys too). So please do the lover and spouse list in private. The other option would be to ignore the lover and spouse option totally and ad all to your friends list. But this wouldnt have been the intention of tom and rab….
(second girl, following bobblers request)*sign this 100%*
and because of the public view for this list -> i only add people to “friends” to keep it a bit more privateDecember 15, 2009 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Game Idea. Charge A$ to change name or gender to keep to a manageable level. #12669Hi!
sorry but – i dont like your idea …
To pick some examples, and I am not saying that these are the correct costs, but suppose the game assigned a cost of A$100 to a gender change, and A$50 to a name change. So a person could do these actions if they really wanted to and they had the money in their account. But obviously no one would be able to shift genders 10x per night every night, because they would run out of money very fast.
its easy to create a new account
Another issue is that many people especially women dislike “cold invites” and use various means to discourage this behavior. And I sympathize with their feelings.
there is a very usefull ignore button in the game
Certainly there are problems with this whole scheme. The main one being free members start with A$0 in their accounts. Well, they would have to make some friends to invite them, or friends who would gift them A$
A$ for closing friendship or a gift from friends ….. you will have MANY MANY more gender changer in the game
or else even free members could get a small monthly “allowance” of A$25 or whatever
good idea! i like it – but 25$ per moth for premium too then
anyway … the basic point of achat is to have fun – think about