Forum Replies Created
May 11, 2017 at 11:00 am in reply to: Voting for a seperate Room for long term Premiums ( no freebies Prem ) #161356
It's a start I guess … the idea is to make it appealing and a pleasant environment as much as possible for players to continue supporting the game … which honestly is failing BIG time lately in my opinion due to many factors, one might be considered what this poll is set for!. someone commented here “It won't solve EVERY problem and some paying members can be as bad as the free ones” I totally agree.
My vote goes to Yes … with all respect of course to all “Free” users who's intent is far from insulting others!!!, with that said if the game continues to force us to deal with issues we didn't pay to have to deal with unfortunately I think it's obvious what the end result will be!
for me pelasure and pain form something complete together.
TightFit74 I love the way you described the subject I totally agree with your thoughts … the connection between those two feelings are not separate for the same object even though we can see only one at a time …
Thank you for sharing your thoughts TightFit74 … and glad that the forum gurus are here too
CheersDear HB … Fannini’s story can be a good example considering that the one she loved was the source of her delight and when he left her turned the source of her sadness … I was really touched reading her apologies messages and if it was to me I would vote to forgive her…
Anyway (sigh)…. back to our subject… in my opinion both feelings does not appear together at the same time on the same subject instead it(the subject) holds the potential of the opposite feeling to appear. at least this is what i think.
I Appreciate you passing by HB
Fannini hope you read this … I'm really sorry how things developed … tried to explain it to you but sadly you didn't believe … I appreciate that you realized your mistake and all whats left for me to say is to wish you the best luck in your life and try to forget this bad experience … take care
Fanini hit me too in my Forum messages lol
“Fucking GUY, btw, did you say 4 people on this forum that U are just an oldy dinky man with a lot of other avatars? Hmmm???
Hero, Darling. Fuzck U.Good Luck.”
LOL … Thanks Jeanona for posting this thread .. Im sure we'll hear a lot about Fannini … so it's 4 Brandybee and counting…
Dear Bear the exact same thing happened to me in game and lost a bunch of friends on my list … but that's ok i guess lol .. but the messages were in the forumuhhmmmmm….dunno why, but i start to think SHE is the fake girl here! or maybe she have some deep mental problem…..sad sad sad!
She was causing problems to me for a month … tried to reason with her but no use … she sent messages to my friend list telling that I’m hers and I’m 60 years old and she met me in Paris … I don’t know how she built that story I even never went private with her … anyway didn’t want to report her perhaps she will come to sense!
lol another cookie monster
lol … yeap
jeanona31 Don’t pay attention I don’t know who she is and why she is doing this but she is obsessed with my account too find below a couple I received last week … the funny thing is that she thinks I'm French … I never been in France … LOL … so cheer up your not alone jeonona31
user name : Fannini
(No subject)
« Sent to: hothiro on: September 27, 2012, 11:46:59 AM »Fucking french man, so U didnt delete your account?
You had one chance and you LOST.
Good luck!!
user name : Fannini
Subject: Fuck your mother's ass
« Sent to: hothiro on: September 27, 2012, 03:55:30 PM »Fucking oldy dinky Jean-Louis. You have one day to delete your fucking avatar.
If you dont, I shall have a real surprise.
Better if you dont play with me.Mother's ass fucker.
Thinking back on some of the friends I have made on here and other games. I would have to say that since this is where I have made the closest of friends and allowed them deeper into my heart, there are a couple of things that kind of go along with this thought. One of the first thoughts I think about is how if none of these closest friends who bring out the most delight in me are around or on I can sink into such a sad depression because my heart longs to have them around and be with me. On the other hand, when opening my heart up that much those who bring me the greatest delight can also bring the most saddest times because what we do together deeply impacts me and my feelings. At least that is my thoughts when it says to focus deep in your heart. Going deep inside where those special relationship lie, can and will bring the greatest delight in a persons life and also sorrow where it could even get close to breaking a friendship and sometimes it does.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sexilicious
I know what you mean … and I think that experiencing these kinds of emotions and feelings filters-up your surrounding in a way that makes your delight more fulfilling and more lastingSweet of you to stop-by Sexilicious
Thanks Hothiro for sharing your thoughts. It's more philosophical but I like it and it's another progress for this forum.
For me it means joy and sorrow are two sides of one medail. Sorrow and joy only exist, because there is both.
In compare with rain and sun… you also can enjoy the sun when you know the rain and vice versa. No one can be happy if every day is a happy day – we ease to a situation and habit kills joy. Of course we don't wanna feel bad, don't wanna be sad. But only if we know there is sadness, there is sorrow, we really are able to enjoy joy and happiness.I also see another meaning in these words. Sometimes we believe something that is happening is the worst that might happen… but in these moments we develop, we activate our power and strength, we learn – and make progress in our life. We get stronger. Sorrow is the first step to joy if you understand in this way.
We usually also learn from the mistakes we make, not from the success we have. Success involves the risk to get lazy, to have deadlock. Which is the first step to failure. Joy is the first step to sorrow in this way.People wanna avoid pain and look for fun – this is the way our brain is working. Most of us try more to avoid pain then to search for fun (even if its hard to believe for some). So even in our brain sorrow and joy belong together. The biggest motivation we have is if we combine both.
Lover thanks for thinking it with me and I agree with everything you said 100% …
Of course the subject does not apply on temporary pleasures as Bear described but on what I think permanent or higher state of emotion … perhaps Spinoza describes it better “By sensual pleasure the mind is thrilled to the extent of quiescence, as if the supreme good were actually attained, so that it is quite incapable of thinking of any other object; when such pleasure has been gratified it is followed by extreme melancholy, whereby the mind, though not enthralled, is disturbed and dulled” …Between us my friend when it comes to love I don’t think it’s possible to learn from previous mistakes since it happens involuntarily
but to say the truth even in a bad love experience we find tragedy that somehow feeds our soul
Thanks again Lover glad you stopped by …
Hiya Hothiro, welcome to Forum . Enjoy your time here and come have some fun in this mad village.
I think its more simple than that …. I think to know and experience great joy, you have to know and experience great sorrow… and vice versa..
A little bit like ” It's better to have loved and lost , than never to have loved at all” ie Dont be an empty shell, for you will forget how to live to the full.
You have to experience both for your emotions to recognise what you are feeling… and it doesn't necessarily have to be the same subject that causes the depth of your delight or the depth of your sorrow. Its about recognising what you feel because of the other.
ok, I need a drink after that lol
Bradybee thank you for your sweet stop-by and your warm welcome …
I’m glad that you are trying to make it simpler but not simple … having emotions and thoughts with the ability to express them is what makes us humans … if I understood you correctly you are saying that in order to recognize joy one should recognize sorrow … well yes I think that is true … further more I think that in order to appreciate joy one must learn sorrow..Cheers
I think it off… anything of value… a thing, person, idea will be seen with either end of the emotion. His comments imply there is potential for both… yet I am at odds with this.
Case in point… the birth of my chidren… there never ever has been sorrow in that I have felt only joy… I cannot see sorrow there in their arrival. Sorrow is a possibility but for a different reason… their loss… never for the fact of their birth, in that the concept is not related. Their existence is exclusive of sorrow. Had they not been born… well I cannot see sorrow… they would have been unrealized only.
Joy is the fulfillment of an aspiration… sorrow a loss,… denial of fulfillment. We may feel sorrow permentently because of it's capacity of lack of fulfillment (as in death) as in permenet joy (as in birth) , each concept is exclusive of the other. but in some matters sorrow can turn to joy as our desires are met. We find sorrow in lonilness..unrealized love… satisfied by temporary gain… lost again… do we sorrow over unrealized love? no we sorrow over the that which gave us pleasure now gone….
What brings us sorrow may be overwelmed when we focus on something other. I may lose a child… but my joy is that I had them.
When I focus on that… the fact of experiencing someone in our life… their loss is not lessened… only redirected.
His comments to me… poetic… but seriously off base.
Dear Bear thank you for thinking it with me …
I agree with most of your thoughts but in my opinion I don’t think it’s “Seriously off base” since at the end it’s in the answer to the question “would I feel really sorrow for anything I don’t love?!…”Frankly your comment made me think a little deeper and I ended up with the thought that both feelings (Joy and sorrow) do not cancel each other “in fact I agree more with Lover that they are both sides of a medal”!
Your case in point I totally agree … in the birth of your children sorrow cannot be seen and GOD forbid their loss will never take away the joy of their birth but again “would you feel sorrow for someone you don’t love?”
Hi everyone …. Sorry for the late reply I was out all day yesterday … Fridays are my getaway days
I see some deep replies … so guess I'll think it off in my shower todayHi Hothiro!
Welcome to the Forum, hope there's plenty here to keep your enthusiasm on the boil!
Hi Bluedenim Frankly I found the crowed here much nicer and friendlier … finally makes some sense … thanks for your welcome
welcome to the forum hothiro
Thanks Rukya You're so sweet *friendly smiles