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I can see the image now, a TORNADO, the STORM's climax. Perfect.
Now, my heart is at peace once again and I am filled with calm and tranquility,
very much like your most recent photos. Hmm, who is following whom here. *giggles*
As always, thanks for sharing and letting me see my own “emotional” climax.…everyone follows in any way,anyone…
There is always CALM after a STORM, so comforting to know, and see.
Oh, btw, I was unable to view the image you had in your previous post.
I was disappointed, I am curious what you were trying to show me.
Thanks again for sharing, I enjoying dropping bye.…i changed it and hope you realize now…
hmmm, you must be reading my mind.
My feelings. my thoughts, so much conflict, like two opposing weather fronts on a collision course.The result …………. your photos, they do what words can not..
Awesome to read you again and your wish is heared…
[img width=700][/img]
Simply Beautiful
I am drawn to this path.
Compelled to follow.
Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy.Thx a lot, i am pleased….
[img width=700],life,path,road,atmosphericsunset,clouds-875dd2eddec189371f6e02b7c39a0bfc_h.jpg?ts=93246[/img]
… i got those pic as PM and wanna share it… a wonderful path in my eyes…
hmmmm, now these roads looking very exciting, stimulating, gets the adrenaline flowing.
Thanks again for posting, I enjoy dropping bye and looking at your photos, your expressions.…a pleasure when you can enjoy,i hope i can read more of your comments…
[img width=700][/img]