Forum Replies Created
They say don't kiss and tell
But after several drinks and a little lust, we borrowed our friend's car while she was inside at a party and drove somewhere private.
What is the weirdest fetish someone else has asked you to try with them, or that you've asked them to try?
I love this idea, and then I hate it.
Firstly, I hate it because some people are mute enough as it is in the room. “Mmmm…ooooh…yesss…fucckkkk” seems to be the extent of many people’s vocabulary, so this may only serve to feed that bad habbit.
However, if used properly, it can increase the tempo and make things easier. Maybe 5 boxes for common actions your partner has, such as
“Kiss me”
“Eat my pussy/Lick my ass”
“Slap my ass”
“Slow down.”And then a few more boxes for customized phrases. Personally, I find myself pre-typing something to say before I climax, then just hitting enter. While that works, it would still be nice to have it pretyped.
So my point is, use it, but not too much 🙂
What a broad guess. Alas, tis only I.
Next will be Adam Sandler?!?
…Or Hukk… bleh.
This has been something I've seen all over the forums. You'd think it'd be easy, seeing as if you don't wear any pants (Woooo :o) for street clothing, you're flaccid. So the layout is there. We can only hope, right?
We must be the only ones up
Next is MrSexLover again
Football (US) or Futbol (soccer)?
Stealing Hukk's gif thunder
Happy Birthday HB! I got you an hour with Robert Downey Jr, Don't tell Tango!It's just me ;(
Next is mrsexlover
Umm…What did I walk into?
Next person will explain what's going on to me
Thanks you two
I prefer skippy Andrea
It cant come soon enough
Next one got stuck in traffic/at home by a snowstorm this morning.
Next up is Hukk again
Beatles…after what the Stones said about the Boston bombings…to hell with them.
Bros or hoes? X3
Well you're half right
Next is the incredible hukk X3
Yeah, well, Ily, unfortunately it's an Achat term. I try to educate as many people as to my condition but it is a long slog
Keep at it girl
mhmm, I don't blame them 100% because porn (and AChat) is what it says…that's the next thing we need to rant about changing >