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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Independent Study #100263
    Janine Dee

    “That's unexpected.” Was what first came through my mind. There wasn't much more then that, but a stray thought wondering WHY there wasn't much more then that. Maybe it was the state I was in, maybe it was the fact we were now fully “partners in crime” in this endeavor, or maybe just because while I had come to terms with the fact I didn't have any desire for cock I didn't have any antagonism towards it, and as long as we were each able to enjoy ourselves I then why would it bother me?

    So once that initial shock passed my smile grew and my hands kept with those quick, steady motions.

    Where I had simply started smiling I found myself cracking a grin. Yes I might be totally accepting of my playmate having a cock I enjoyed one distinct advantage by not having one, multiple orgasms.

    I wouldn't say I ever NEEDED more then one, but it was a potential I never wasted, and as my hands kept moving faster and faster, and my breath started to hitch, and my back arched as my hips rocked into my hands I knew I would be taking advantage again today.

    Meeting Miss Adera's eyes my grin grew, and her expression seemed to indicate her realization why.

    The first two fingers on my right were a well lubricated piston as they slid in an out of my pink folds while my first three of my left kept a hard, fast circle on my clit.

    I wanted to keep my eyes locked with my instructors, but my head feel back and my eyes closed as stars exploded behind them as I created, and broke, and came.

    My body shook helplessly in what it told me was the most intense climax I've had so far, and I wanted to scream my release, but I realized that would probably be going a bit TOO far so I chocked it down to a silent scream as my body shook and bucked in the fury of my release until I was left loose, limp and boneless in my chair.

    At least until I smiled at Miss Adera, licked my fingers clean, and started to work on another orgasm.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49444
    Janine Dee

    I know I have no plans to continue it, so I wouldn't feel any objection.

    in reply to: Independent Study #100261
    Janine Dee

    I have to clear my throat before I'm able to speak. “I-I think so, but it usually isn't just one doing it in front of another.”

    I manage to pull away from my pussy long enough to take off my blouse like Miss Adera, and then I take it a step further and take off my bra. The feeling of the cool, but warming air on my now bare breasts, and the knowledge that it's here in the library arousing me to the point it's making stars dance in my vision.

    Knowing I was well past the point of caring about anything other then the sensations running through my body I threw out the last bit of caution, stood up, and bent over, deliberately facing Miss Adera as I did so, and removed my panties and skirt.

    Realizing I was just in shoes and socks as I sat back down didn't even count as naughty thrill. It was unnamed, but undeniable as I sat down and spread my legs.

    I could see I shocked Miss Adera earlier, but I could also see she was turned on as well, and as my left hand returned to tug at now bared nipples and my right slid my fingers back in dripping pussy I met her eyes again.

    I spoke, but I muffled a groan that mixed in with the words. “We're pretty mcuh past the point of propriety Ma'am. YOu can do it too… if you want. I… at this point I need to.”

    At which point my motions became even more intense. Where I had been lightly tugging my nipples I was now pinching and pulling, not quite enough to cause pain, but coming closer then I ever had when playing with myself before.

    And my pussy… dripping was also not quite enough to describe what was happening. I was so wet I could feel a small pool of my arousal collecting in my palm where it sort of cupped my pussy as the first two fingers penetrated while my thumb rubbed my increasingly aching clit.

    It was all increasing, the sensations, and my body's responses. My chest heaved, and my skin was so hot, I could feel enough sweat had formed between my breasts to cause a trickle to run between them and down my belly.

    I looked down to watch it do so, and then back up to meet Miss Adera's eyes, and I felt a change, something special, something warm. Yes there had been(and was still) a naughty thrill to the where this was happening, but I felt a bond, a tie to my willing, but maybe originally unwitting playmate.

    I wasn't exposing myself to her like some flasher, but sharing something personal, and … again words seemed to come up short, but looking at Miss Adera I thought she got it as she continued to watch me pleasure myself in front of her eyes.

    My eyes wanted to drift shut as the pleasure increased, but I forced them open, locked them to hers as my back started to arch and my hips rocked to my questing fingers. Fingers that needed a little more.

    I pulled my left from my breasts, and spread my legs as wide as they could get in the chair while put my now freed left hand to vigorously rub my clit while my right took up a similar intensity moving in and out, even as my inner muscles gripped, trying to keep them in.

    I didn't know if I was utterly beyond words, but I was content with the pants, and sighs of my increasing passion as I kept my gaze locked with my teacher's.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99998
    Janine Dee

    You're making me all the happier I broached the subject.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99996
    Janine Dee

    I'm pretty much the same, but ultimately the hope is that people sharing in it can enjoy sharing it.

    in reply to: Independent Study #100259
    Janine Dee

    “No way!” Is about all my mind can manage, and even then it's just inside my head.

    I graduate up to “No fucking way!” When my mind moves from trying to deny the situation all together, to trying to deny what that same stupid part that got me into this mess was trying to say.

    Caught! Caught frigging myself in the fucking library by the newest teacher Miss Adera!

    “A teacher that hasn't freaked out. That isn't angry, or embarrassed…” Was supplied by that traitor inside my head.

    “A teacher that seems VERY interested in what you were reading… enough that she probably knows what you are reading…”

    I lick now dry lips in an unconscious approximation of Miss Adera, looking down at the now closed book laying on the table in front of me.

    “I… I lost my place.” I manage to cough out through dry throat.

    Her reply was nonchalant. “Well just reach up and…Oh!” The smile on her face grew. “I see you fund the book VERY inspirational”

    I bit my lip, looking down at the table, and trying to find a way to discreetly extricate my hands, even as I berated myself for thinking there was any discretion left at this point.

    Miss Adera's voice became calming, though there was still a definite touch of amusement. “Janine… it's okay. I mean everybody does it.”

    My brain shot back to “No fucking way!” Sure enough though she was smiling at me in a way that seemed to be encouraging. It was helped by the fact that she was encouraging my to finger myself, here, in the library, in front of her. The simple truth of the matter was at this point if anyone would be in trouble it would be her.

    All that was supplied by that traitor in my brain, and my stupid body had to start helping her out by having a fresh wave of wetness coat the hand in my panties as my muscles gripped the fingers inside me anew.

    Looking up she smiled, and nodded, and it seemed that traitorous bitch inside me had taken over because she nodded, actually going so far as to slide the chair back, angle it to face Miss Adera, and pulling my hands from my pussy only long enough to hike my skirt up, and pull my panties to the side before my left hand moved up to unbutton my blouse so I could play with my tits through my bra while my right slid my fingers back inside me while my right thumb found my clit.

    My jaw fell open at the sensation, the feelings doubling as I looked up into Miss Adera's eyes, still amused, growing aroused, but also a bit shocked at my sudden boldness.

    And I felt all the more bold as I started to fuck myself with my fingers. Yes it was school, yes it was the library, but it was an unused part of the school at a time of day when most everyone had already gone home.

    But even more then that I was realizing that the traitor wasn't between my ears, but between my legs as my slender fingers made long, even motions in and out of my pussy while my thumb stimulated my clit, as I watched the growing blush grow on Miss Adera's cheeks.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99994
    Janine Dee

    Already a wonderful start, and I'm working on my next addition.

    And I think Brandybee shows a wonderful point. She's as straight as I am gay, but we both have a similar taste, hobby, predeliection.

    Now I should note (and I'll probably note it in my later addition) when I said “Feast of the eyes.” I'm talking of the sharing, just the idea of sharing similar passion, common indulgence. Of taking something personal to shared.

    If others want in, to share similar passion, just let us know. Just remember the point of that other thread, there are plenty of orgies, that is specialized in personal pleasures.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99993
    Janine Dee

    Well, an example of it in action has started in Erotic Stories under “Independent Study” for any interested.

    As a note, if you are REALLY interested you can PM to see where you should join in.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99992
    Janine Dee

    old_goat-“Shy” is not actually the term I think applies for me here. I know what I am after, and I am seeking it, but I am also aware of the difficulties of getting it, and of it going bad. So I am proceeding in a fashion that I hope will allow me to seek out the serious and get past those with other designs.

    HB- Well okay, now that does sound interesting. My connection SUCKS at the moment (with plans to improve it in the next few weeks), so that's actually VERY interesting to me.

    Covems-I'm happy you've enjoyed my contributions. That I've come back after being so long gone says something I think, and I will flat out say I am hopeful, but I will admit I must have the passion stirred, because I need to WANT to be here. This thread, and the voting results however are giving me hope.

    Pafe-I've kept the link, and I've kept the memories of the times I've had here. If I can reknidle the spark none would be happier then I.

    Adera-Well honey I knew you and I were similar in thoughts there. :)

    And to all the “Into it too” and “Sure” message me… discussion is fine, but I will plainly say I am hoping for some to share this passion of mine with.

    in reply to: Scenes from our private dungeons #98967
    Janine Dee

    I can only speak for myself, but the whole point of the Dungeon thread was the sharing of information. So for my part, feel free.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24288
    Janine Dee

    I was very happy to see that BDSM had a continued presence on the Forum, and with that continued presence I thought it a good idea to dig this up and get it back into circulation.

    Because while there was an excellent social and fantasy elements I thought it would be helpful to have (or in this case resurrect) a thread for the more real world applications, and there have been so many wonderful contributors that this thread really has become a wonderful resource. Not just in any single element like Sinn's Master's Creed (amazing though it is) but also things like the interactions SHOWING how different BDSM can be to different people.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24286
    Janine Dee

    Bumping as this thread has a plethora of hands on information.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99981
    Janine Dee

    I think the best way to explain it for me is to compare it to high school.

    During high school making friends was often very easy because you're all in the same situation, and you all see each other for long stretches of almost every day.

    Now AT graduation everyone is hugging everyone, telling them how wonderful they are, signing yearbooks, and swearing to stay in touch.

    And then people go to college, or enter the workforce, or become a parent, or just become a slacker because their parents aren't willing to make them do something with their lives.

    People who go to college aren't going to understand people in the workforce because the relationship between a student and a teacher is not comparable to that between employer and employee. (The direction the cash flows makes a HUGE difference, employees can be replaced, but a student that flunks out is no longer paying tuition.)

    Same token the college student will just see their workforce friend as flush with cash while the workforce friend starts getting pissed because they EARNED that cash, and while it's one thing to occasionally pick up a tab or two…. (money arguments can get ugly REALLY fast, let's just leave it at that).

    6 months to a year tops, and for the most part the high school crew is living their own lives.

    Starting here with AChat, it was like high school, no one had anything. The board was bare bones, and no one had many positions (yes MF had more, but not the glut there is today). There weren't even that many people on here to talk to/play with.

    I can't give a specific “graduation”, but poses kept dropping into MF laps while the FF was left to wither and die. On the Forum the suggestions often seemed to just come up with ways to give MF even MORE poses while FF was left to take the strap on shaft they would rather was taken out of far to many poses.

    And more people joined, and they were Het Set, MF users, and running the numbers that percentage makes TOTAL sense. I mean there was never any anger over it, but I was left feeling like that one friend on one path trying to keep in touch with all those friends on another.

    Now (hopefully) it's like meeting an old high school friend, and rather then trying to breathe life into an old bond you use it as material to form a new one.

    in reply to: Mutual Masturbation Kink. #99984
    Janine Dee

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me back so kindly. Lover, Rukya, Marilyn

    For some specific points.

    HB-Unless I'm reading something very wrong, that's in the flesh, and I'm still keeping my no voice/vid/pics rule. Part of what makes here here, and makes me able to post fetishes like this one that I am normally very timid about is that I keep that boundary up. It's an easy misunderstanding, and you didn't so anything “wrong” you just happened to be incorrect.

    What I am talking about here is play like what happens the rest of the time in rooms/threads/stories, but with a very specific theme, mutual masturbation.

    old_goat-  I'm sorry, but you're already tripping an alert in my head. That open ended  “Who knows what we might discover” screams “It's not if I'll get to fuck her, but how I'll make it happen.” I do in fact know what will happen, shared self pleasuring… or I'll flee that room like they implemented a smoke detector and it just went off.

    I appologize if I sound bitchy there, but I feel that if I don't make my boundaries VERY clear this will die before it ever starts… and considering the majority of positive responses I am getting I really don't want to let that happen.

    jcm/James- It's posts like yours that give me hope. With the girls my boundaries are obviously more relaxed, and with old friends like Lover and HB there is trust there, but the respect you are showing as someone I don't know very well… is making this look very positive.

    Brandybee-I think that sotry thread is part of what lit this fire in me, and there is a definite interest in writing up a story… though this thread may tip off since the theme of the story would be blatantly apparent.

    And as James has shown, such men do exist… here is to hoping.

    in reply to: Why Bother Hetero females? #98889
    Janine Dee

    Why bother gay females?

    If anything that happens across the board. There are those who will get to know you (or at least respect you as a thinking creature), and those who will simply see you are a more interactive RoboGIrl(or Boy).

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