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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: WARNING! Fake website tries to deceive AChat users. #42517
    Janine Dee

    Ohh! Do it like an update window!!!!! We all HAVE to see that and click to make it go away!

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24095
    Janine Dee

    Sinnnn got to it first. There are a lot of national stories that I miss. Another crazy person getting their own media circus… I'm glad I did.

    I try to stay informed, but an individual assault gaining national attention? If anything I think that's a problem with the media… it was sensational so they hyped it. An individual assault like that should NOT have been a national story in my opinion.

    As far as the judges/judiciary/legal system. While I do not support vigilante justice (I can't trust the public's intelligence.) I do believe in capital punishment, I do believe that there are crimes that warrant it.

    Not as a deterrent, but simply as a punishment equal to the crime. It has to be truly horrific, but there are some acts you just forfeit your right to human consideration.

    An example to show what I am talking about… another story that was hyped for it's horrific nature that I did catch was about a little girl who was kidnapped, assaulted, murdered (I think drowned) and disposed of in a suitcase.

    The woman deliberately murdered a little girl… even life imprisonment is too lenient to me.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24086
    Janine Dee

    I once read about a judge that suggested a rape victim get over it by going on holiday. The cold bastards don't let themselves get “influenced” by the pain of the victim because that's not recognized jurisprudence.

    It's supposed to be such a noble profession, but at this point it's a fucking joke.

    Janine Dee

    Oh sweetie, you may want to retitle this post because I had a WTF moment… I get where it came from but maybe a “New Position” or a poll like with the other new positions?

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24084
    Janine Dee

    Oh, nope… here I've been keeping up with the MidEast and the results of the primaries.  :P

    Janine Dee

    Like I said Love, not complaining.  :-* :-* :-*

    in reply to: WARNING! Fake website tries to deceive AChat users. #42513
    Janine Dee

    I can't help but think of those Kenyan banking schemes. I always think “How could anyone fall for that?” but if out of 100,000 only one does they can still make some money if they send out 1,000,000+.

    By the same token, not everyone knows about the forums and knows there is an active community here.

    More then that however I want to paraphrase the late, great, scoundrel P.T. Barnum “A fool and his A$ are soon parted.”

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24082
    Janine Dee

    Okay am I missing a news story because I have yet to hear about a woman throwing acid in her own face?

    As far as the driving issues… it's the same mentality that has people driving drunk, and it's essentially the same problem. If they were to kill themselves off I wouldn't bat an eye or shed a tear, but they never do. It's always someone else who suffers for their selfishness.

    Oh sure they'll shed a tear, and if that guy HAD hit you Sinnnn he probably would have looked all remorseful when he told the judge you jumped out in front of his car… I don't even say it's my cynicism when I say I could have them put down without twitching… it's just making the rest of society safer.

    in reply to: Achat server needs attention/updating! #42506
    Janine Dee

    That IS, or at least SHOULD be a major concern for them. People who are not happy with their service will go looking to their competitor… for the record though from what I've heard they are even worse with system performance.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24076
    Janine Dee

    Snuff as I know it is what Lover described, so I had the image of people snorting the stuff while driving.

    As far as cell phone use… I don't know about Europe, but it's getting bad enough here in the states that there are campaigns to get people to stop, but then again I'm cynical enough to figure our elected officials need SOME way to justify their paychecks so they come up with things to rally against so they don't look quite so incompetent.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #18799
    Janine Dee

    LOL!!!!!!! I'm sorry that's just hilarious, and further proof of equality on AChat as the women can be just as obnoxious as the men.

    Janine Dee

    I would give, but I often find myself laid out on my back receiving … not that I'm complaining mind you.  :-* :-* :-*

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24071
    Janine Dee

    @Sinnnn What get's me is the people who park in the damn cross walk… like those three feet are going to make that much of a difference in getting you where you need to go! I think the law should be modified to allow people to walk right over their damn hoods. Maybe a few dozen foot shaped dents would remind them to respect pedestrians.

    @Adera You have people talking on their cell phones, doing snuff (and whatever the heck that other words is too) while driving? Remind me to cross the streets quickly if I ever visit your lovely homeland.

    in reply to: Achat server needs attention/updating! #42505
    Janine Dee

    To be fair though Lover, three times in one night would have me complaining too.

    My guess would be that the new chat function is making more system demands then they expected and it's having system wide effects. If that is the case then they will be needing hardware upgrades. Which could increase costs. (Though I'm hoping they've been preparing and have the money from the increases we've already underwent.)

    The fact that Adera wasn't experiencing the problems were talking about seems to support the idea.

    in reply to: Living Canvas #42297
    Janine Dee

    In an act of will I make my hands stop shaking. I'm doing this, and if I'm doing this then I should just commit to it already!

    That will seems to consider faltering when she mentions visitors, and I picture those two dirty old men, but I cast that thought away… this is art, it's going to be seen anyway. That's a given so since I AM doing this I should get used to the idea that people are going to see me like this.

    I follow her directions to get undressed, and I find myself smiling. While her back is turned I almost wish it wasn't. I… my smile grew… I want her to see me… I want her to like what she sees.

    When she turns around she's the consummate professional, but as I lay down for her I find myself hoping I'm not reading this chemistry between us wrong.

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