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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: Staying Late #42359
    Janine Dee

    At first that wonderful little device feels heavenly. A sweet tingle running from that juncture between my legs, down taut thighs and calves before hitting the feet and running back up to tighten my tummy hum in my breasts and make my nipples sing with sensation. When it finally reaches my head I realize the moans and sighs of pleasure are coming from me.

    Yes, at first it feels heavenly, but when Miss Sinnnn straps the controls to my thigh I realize she doesn't want me to touch it, and the damnable little thing isn't vibrating quite enough!

    Sometimes when I would be laying in my bed thinking of those images from TV, or the internet, or cute girls at school I would sometimes draw it out before finally making myself cum. Here…. here I can't make that decision… here I can only teeter on that precipice, only falling when she finally lets me, because at no other time in my life have I wanted to do what Teacher says as much as I do now.

    It's Sweet Torture, Agonizing Delight, and it has me resting my head to Teacher's desk as I try to think about anything other then the dastardly little device between my legs.

    I'm given something else to think about as my hair is pulled to pull my lips to a kiss.

    A kiss… they meed to make another word, because kisses are soft, sweet, this is a searing, this is hungry, this reaches me more then even that vibrating piece of plastic.

    Then it's over all too quickly as Teacher walks over to Adera, and I am left to watch.

    in reply to: Just everyday crap, Bad Behaviour – just let loose #24067
    Janine Dee

    It's not just in cars either. I've had times where I'm about to cross the street and then some a-hole nearly hits me, and more times then not they are chatting away on a cellphone.

    Personally texting while driving is worse, you don't have to look while talking, but texting WILL take your eyes off the road.

    in reply to: Achat server needs attention/updating! #42501
    Janine Dee

    It is the kind of thing that can and should be addressed, BUT that's the internet. It's good to bring it up to them so they can see what they can do, but certain times and certain days will see more use. It's like traffic on a Friday night versus traffic at the exact same time on a Wednesday.

    It's not just the net, it's life.

    in reply to: Staying Late #42357
    Janine Dee

    My eyes widen in surprise… I know Adera always seemed… shy, especially changing for gym and such, but I NEVER imagined. Part of me feels bad, seeing she is obviously upset, but not TOO upset. She's not REALLY struggling, nor is she making any real sounds of distress.

    It could be out of a desire to keep the secret now pushing against the fabric of her panties, but Miss Sinnnn was doing to me what she was doing to me, and I had opened my uniform blouse to Miss Sinnnn. All of us have something on the other, but maybe that's it.

    I have a secret all my own, and I can imagine what keeping such an obvious secret was like for her. Maybe on some level she want's SOMEONE to know, and by letting herself be disciplined by Miss Sinnnn she can have someone know her secret without having to bring herself to SAY it.

    Of course I technically haven't said my secret, only hinted it as I savored the feeling of Miss Sinnnn's mouth, but *I* think of it as I take another angled glance at the bulge behind Adera's panties.

    I've heard the other girl's talk about them… a lot. Some girl's even claiming to have seen them, though it was a even guess whether or not they were telling the truth… but even now, my body tingling with the rolling climax I received from Miss Sinnnn's hand and mouth, yet still seeming to hum with arousal I just don't care if I see it or not… I'm far more interested in those soft hands of Miss Sinnnn's that are now caressing the flesh she was just spanking.

    in reply to: General Chat #42423
    Janine Dee

    You would think the Nasty Bitches would be getting used the most.  :P

    in reply to: Staying Late #42354
    Janine Dee

    “Stopping moving or next time your punishment will be in front of the class.” Her words conjure that image of me like this, effectively naked, ass red, pussy dripping as the teacher licks at my most private of places, with all the girls in the class watching… and I find the idea isn't as deterring as she might have intended.

    I feel light, hot, and I rest my sweaty brow to her desk, pushing back into her soft mouth and questing tongue, my legs spreading wider, wanting to give her more access, wanting to give her all of me.

    “Cum with me.” With her words I soar even higher, and my hands that were gripping the desk now push me upward, crying out as I arch my back and push down into her mouth.

    in reply to: Funny People. Favourite Comedian. #25249
    Janine Dee

    You can go see Katt William perform on GTA4. You can date, and you can take your dates to his shows, and so far I've seen two different routines. There's also a performance that I only saw when I was watching him on TV.

    He really is hilarious.

    in reply to: Pay as You go MP3 Downloads. #42402
    Janine Dee

    Ah well I ended up going Amazon, and happily while they did have a little box off to the side mentioning their download manager and how it can synch up with Windows Media Player and Ipods (because manual drag and drop is SOOOO passe) any one who's had sex with a woman knows there are just some boxes you don't want to touch.  :P

    I downloaded half a songs, in normal MP3, and they're playing just fine.

    in reply to: General Chat #42417
    Janine Dee

    I have yet to have the time to sit down with the new chat, but I do think we all need to let people get comfortable first before forming any truly solid opinions on the matter.

    in reply to: Pay as You go MP3 Downloads. #42401
    Janine Dee

    I thought of that to “What's the exchange rate? cause I'm guessing the dollar is still crap right now.”  :P I'm gaining perspective… and thinking I will go Amazon. I think I'll have to click “No I don't want the download manager.” for each and every damn song, BUT I'm stubborn enough to put up with it just so I can say I didn't buckle and give them an unknown level of access to my system for nothing more then the sake of convenience.

    Janine Dee


    Janine Dee

    I've wondered what people are supposed to do if they are getting monthly A$ deposits after they get all their relevant choices… I mean you would bank some for new implements, but  each month the problem would just get worse.

    in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #13534
    Janine Dee

    Still, have the outfit, and the spanking, gotta see that silver lining… as often as possible.  ;D :-* ;D

    in reply to: Speed Controller – Speed Me Up, Slow Me Down or Stop Me !! #16750
    Janine Dee

    Hey, once you find that certain special someonnnnne you just find a natural rhythm with them.  ;) ;D :-* :-* :-*

    in reply to: Pay as You go MP3 Downloads. #42399
    Janine Dee

    Can Paypal exchange currencies? Because while I couldn't read the site I could tell it wasn't set up for dollars (at least not the parts I looked at).

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