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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 74. Mouth Fuck – with Strap-on. #42370
    Janine Dee

    That seems the trend, and I do figure it's better suited but it should be *I* because as I noted there are girls who get off on looking down and seeing another girl's lips wrapped around their strap or looking up to see another woman as they suck.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42254
    Janine Dee

    Sinnnn my darling, I hold stupidity to be a universal constant. So yes there are guys who would think that would work, and yes there are women who are stupid enough to fall for it.

    You can ALWAYS count on the idiocy of strangers.

    Sadly you can't rely any where near as much on peoples self respect.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42251
    Janine Dee

    I don't know if it's an attitude exactly Adera… it could also have been a ploy. It could be that he didn't think Sinnnn was actually a guy, but was trying to coerce her into sending pics.

    in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 74. Mouth Fuck – with Strap-on. #42368
    Janine Dee

    I’ll probably get it on the “Have and not need rather then need and not have, but yes I totally thought of Bear’s post about them needing to go out and get laid, or possibly hire on a lesbian consultant.

    ;D To play devil’s advocate however I and another gal in the lesbian position section debated the sucking of strap ons.

    So in all fairness those women who like that will probably love this.

    in reply to: Staying Late #42348
    Janine Dee

    My eyes are wide as I look at her, and then down where my skirt still swishes slightly from her lifting it. The sensation of her running her ruler of my nipples has left them tingling. While most of my blood seems to be gathered at those two tingling points, or pooled at that pulsing juncture she had just exposed there's enough left in my brain to see she's smiling.

    Not angry, not glowering, not saying a word about calling my parents. While she's obviously wearing her underwear I can still see her lips are parted, her breathing heavier then normal, and her eyes. Her eyes are moving from my face, back to my chest, and back down between my legs… like she wanted to see more.

    Adrenaline joins that rushing blood, and seems to wash away my good sense, and a smile I imagine most wicked seems to make it's own way onto my face.

    “Technically I believe the dress code is that the underwear should be suitable… not that it's mandatory.”  My smile grows as I slip off my uniform jacket and start unbuttoning my blouse. Once my chest is exposed to her, painfully hard nipples getting even harder in the cool air, I meet her eyes. “Does it look like my breasts need a bra?”

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42247
    Janine Dee

    It's more a matter of looking at it honestly… I can't KNOW. It's not possible, and if I sit there and scrutinize every thing they say wondering “Is this something a man or woman would say?” I'll drive myself crazy.

    I've seen people get worked up over it, and they make themselves miserable.

    If we were going to insist on “real” there would have to be male avatars with receding hairlines that have to spend A$ to get little blue pills they take before every encounter. Women would have to have some sort of random boob generator to see if we can get the big tits. Your age would have to be verified and things like wrinkles would be added without your control.

    Because that is all “real”.

    I like the fact I can pick and choose what I bring from the real woman to “Janine”.

    Oh and welcome uktimbo… sorry I was on my soapbox, I can agree and say that we need a FF what we also call a “cool down” for afterward.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42243
    Janine Dee

    Unhealer? I'm assuming you're a guy, and well I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you… type one handed at certain points when rooming, but it's okay since you have a male avatar? How do I know that you really are a guy? In my previous post I asked why no one ever assumes there are women posing as men online, maybe you're one of those.

    We could play this game till the web crashes, but what's the point?

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42240
    Janine Dee

    I would recommend not going there Unlover. Not only is it an insulting implication to the genuine shemales, but it's a rehash of the old argument that many of the females are guys pretending to be girls (yet no one ever has insisted there are girls pretending to be guys?).

    It may very well be true, but one of the perks of AChat is you don't have to be yourself. I KNOW I've roomed with women who list themselves as “bi” but in real life are 100% straight and just use AChat to explore those bi curious fantasies… I would imagine it's the same with the men.

    So arguing about what people “really” are not only has no solution, but goes against a good portion of what I feel is the purpose of being here.

    Not to mention there are premium shemales, and as far as I'm concerned that entitles them to implements, period. You pay you get to play.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42238
    Janine Dee

    I’m much the same Bear, I’d rather have a tool I have and don’t need then one I need and don’t have. I just don’t have tools coming out as quickly.

    And it’s understood Adera

    🙂 I’m the same with FF.

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 38. Kneeling Lovers: #42280
    Janine Dee

    QUOTE: “If you don’t understand that,…, step away from the computer programming,…go out and get laid.”

    YAY BEAR! ;D

    in reply to: MM. Pose Review Request. 11. Cock Seat #42292
    Janine Dee

    Oh no, it can totally be trained. If you're doing it properly then that's how it's supposed to be done.

    There's just two thing people don't seem to think about.

    #1. It DOES need to be trained. Far too many just plunge on in, and that's why there is a frighteningly large market for prosthetic sphincters, for those who ruin theirs playing porn star.

    #2. It is NOT as elastic as a pussy. The vagina is MADE to stretch for child birth. While the rectum can be trained, physiologically it is NOT the same, and can not be expected to be… which again leads to the problems of #1.

    For me it's those two issues… as well as a hygienic issue. There is a reason that area is basically separate from the rest of the body.

    in reply to: Living Canvas #42293
    Janine Dee

    I wipe my hands on my jeans and take a shaky breath, letting it out I remind myself the add was in a reputable paper. That said if I get there and it's just a coupe of dirty old men waiting there for me I'm going to be ready to run.

    It's not that I'm a prude, far from it, and I've already gotten more then a few “art photo” jokes ever since I mentioned to some friends I was answering a “model” ad, but the “Assistant/Model/Canvas” was confusing.

    Still, it's daylight, and I left note of my location, as well as leaving my phone's GPS on, as well as a safe call. So… let's see what happens.

    Janine Dee

    I still need to go out and up my A$ for the Mistress outfit, but this isn't thrilling me like that one… and yeah it's like the club dresses… it would be one thing if it was a higher lump sum… like say A$100 for all the new lingerie rather then A$180 added together.

    And yeah Bobbler that seems to be the case. I think I'll start a fresh post on A$ economics rather then steal this one though…

    in reply to: MM. Pose Review Request. 11. Cock Seat #42290
    Janine Dee

    I've said before and will say again… NOT a fan of anal. My pussy is plenty TYVM  ;). Still from the others on here I seem to be in the minority there. So to each there own.

    in reply to: Game Idea. Chat Name Tabs #42234
    Janine Dee

    That almost makes it worse… when it's a slightly altered version of a previous position that just makes the gap that much bigger. If the situation were different I'd almost feel bad for the Het Set as they're paying for each slightly different version.

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