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There there darling, there there. *cradling Sinnnn's head to my chest, petting her hair*
Um cumlover, I'll ask this since this is your first post. How did you set your “sex clothing” in your character editor?
If you are new then you need to realize that the “nude” button in room is really just to switch you to your sex outfit as you set it in your editor.
If you already know that then I don't know.
Well Bear honey the whole idea is that even with it strapped on I know I can do more then thrust.
Maybe that's why there are so many bi women on AChat.
Umm… Sweetheart… you missed she-male attracted to she-males.
And it's not really the terms Love.
It's more just curiosity at this point about how she-males express their sexuality on here. Do they pick one of the genders, all three, two of the three?
While I tested it with RobotGirl I was thinking about you the entire time.
Though honestly I sorta was, mainly when I took notice of the breast play. :-*
More like this and I may start getting my faith back in AChat. Much like the face riding position this is an oral where one gives or receives. In this position you can do additional touching of yourself and your partner, INCLUDING the breasts (yes I noted that for Sinnnn especially :-*). The variety of touching, the fact the faces aren't feeling over used and the fact that both girls have the full ability to squirt says this is a definite buy in my book. (Though yes the squirting still kinda looks like pee.)
Okay Sianna. So you are just attracted to other shemales? Now that would actually apply like when I first started this thread.
So if we continue that thought bi would be with both men and women and other shemales.
What would hetero be then? Or would it simply not apply as there is no “opposite sex”.
Anyone play Doom 3? I found it thrift shopping today and I plan on installing it on my PC.
My question though is if anyone knows where I can find the flashlight mod. I remember back when this first came out I heard how you can use your flashlight, or your gun, not both, and I don't want to even mess with that.
If anything I would say the increase in costs would show a lack of confidence in their ability to continue to get our business. Sort of a “Get the money and run.” Since I incorporate the server costs into the larger costs of doing business the only cost is in the design and implementation.
In other words the dresses cost them the same to make as all the other outfits, so increasing the cost to the consumers has no other explanation then they want to get us spending more of our A$ so they can get us buying more A$.
Well now Bear even on AChat in the FF missionary I can pull out and rub the woman's pussy with the head of my strap on.
I've looked at the het set set enough to know that there are things like titty fucking and oral.
I however wince at the idea of anal… that just seems cruel.
Come to bed Sinnnn. I’ll give you a nice massage and help you forget all about it.
You’re out of luck there Bear. ;D
As far as the half het-set. Nope. I coined the term for those who could enjoy heterosexual sex. A she-male by definition would not apply.
I think that the issue here is that by their nature there is some ambiguity.
I am homo, but I am also biologically female.
She-males don’t have that biological point, or more accurately they have both, which keeps it from being as defining of a characteristic.
I was hoping some of those posting in other threads would comment though as I am truly interested.
Definitely wasn't giving me the chance, but I just had to put it to the board. It brings up some reasonable (eye-crossing) points. Is a certain she-male attracted to men, women, both, other she-males, and what would their orientation be? Since their very name seems to exist between the male and female points it's a complicated concept.
I dunno sweetie, 11 sounds painful. I mean it's a pussy not a clown car. Even my toys are kept much more on the modest side. It's one thing to be penetrated, it's another to be impaled.
LOL, that's all I have to say. Honestly, WOULD that be enjoyable? I mean seriously??
A little help from our metric using friends… I had a guy ask me if I ever met a 29cm cock?
Despite being that much gayer for his asking I'm now wondering what that would be in inches.
And yes I know it wouldn't matter virtually, unless he wanted to cam…
And look! I'm even gayer for that realization