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Janine Dee

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  • in reply to: MF Pose Review – 15. Play with Boobs. Kneeling: #15052
    Janine Dee

    Hey, I've gone cynical, I can admit that.  ;D

    in reply to: Room Ideas. Pick up Bar, Speciality places, Hot Tubs. #24712
    Janine Dee


    in reply to: Favorite Video Games #24888
    Janine Dee

    How are you managing the MMORPG? I have a friend who admits he lost a year of his life to Everquest, or as he calls it Evercrack.

    I ask because there are a ton of offline PC games… I STILL love my Diablo's 1 & 2, and there is even word of a 3… though it's not a reliable word.

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 15. Play with Boobs. Kneeling: #15049
    Janine Dee

    I wouldn't lay money on anything being done with the existing positions… at least not without an additional fee. There's nothing in it for them otherwise.

    in reply to: Room Ideas. Pick up Bar, Speciality places, Hot Tubs. #24710
    Janine Dee

    I don't know even if it could be called “not listening”. The comparison I would make is Metallica… after their Black album they tried some new sounds… and their record sales tanked until Garage Inc. Coincidentally made up of their older stuff.

    I'm a gay woman… if they aren't going to give me what I want I'm not going to feel any obligation to give them my business. They chose to focus in a direction I have no motivation to follow.

    in reply to: Favorite Video Games #24886
    Janine Dee

    MAG? What is that?

    Is Heavenly Sword for the PS3? I thought I remember thinking that one may be fun to play.

    Some games I am looking forward to now that I've upgraded.

    God Of War 3, as well as the graphically upgraded 1&2.

    GTA 4 (and most likely the downloadable alternate versions).

    Wet (It's voiced by Eliza Dushku, and since I would pay to hear that woman read the phone book I'll try to find it second hand, but I'm going to try to find it.)

    Maybe Metal Gear Solid 4… I've loved the franchise, but have fallen out of love with stealth games.

    Anyone know the games and can gave me any info?

    in reply to: Tired of AChat Dev Team not listening #25042
    Janine Dee

    I've been effectively boycotting like Sinnnn. Which could say the market is correcting itself and their customer base is already deciding their product isn't worth it. The problem I see with any boycott is that they keep pandering to the Het Set which will keep them with enough of a customer base to stay afloat as there always seems to be those willing to watch their avatars grind away.

    Sure the the more imaginative souls like Sinnnn or myself may not be bothering to log on, but the qualities we bring don't show up on a spread sheet while the guys firing off Cold Invite after Cold Invite and the girls promising pics for A$ are still logging on, and (in some cases) still members.

    I wish you luck, but I'm not sure how much impact you could really have.

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20016
    Janine Dee

    The Blair Witch Sequels were all bad ideas. The first one was awesome, and proof that you don't need huge budgets to make good movies, but the sequels were the big money guys squealing “Us too!”

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24388
    Janine Dee

    A belated thank you to Bear for bumping this back on the 20th.

    And another bump in honor of yet another Het Set position.

    in reply to: Learn to READ profiles! #24869
    Janine Dee

    While I will not “laugh” at your pain I smile because I know it all too well.

    in reply to: The Peeping Tom Theatre #24302
    Janine Dee

    Happy tears spring to my eyes. “Yes Love, yes.”

    in reply to: The Peeping Tom Theatre #24300
    Janine Dee

    I cry out happily at Her teeth nipping at my neck, but that sound is muffled as she pulls me into a kiss. I hear Her command to keep rubbing, but it wasn't necessary, I need Her, I need this, my body knows it, and is telling me in the way it's pushing into her thigh, in the surges of pleasure the action sets off in me.

    I feel Her grinding too, and that gets through as enough of my mind comes back to make sure I'm pushing into her motions, and I'm rewarded as her breathing increases.

    Soft kisses have been replaced by needy mouths devouring each other.Gentle touches are now frenzied, building to that peak.

    Yet as we reach that precipice I feel Her cupping my face in her hands and pulling my eyes to Her's and keeping them as we both climax. I moan, I shake, as does she, but our eyes never stop watching each other, she won't allow it, and I wouldn't deny Her even if I could.

    While it seems an eternity as I tremble against her eventually it passes and while I struggle to keep her gaze my eyelids flicker. She smiles fondly and rests my head to her chest, petting my hair, kissing the top of my head.

    What happens next is a bit of a blur as I feel her dressing me as if I were a small child, and then dressing herself. I am able to look around a bit and see the other theater goers have for the most part either climaxed before or with us, and while a few are finishing most are getting dressed like we are.

    I expect blushing, and people unable to meet each others eyes, but am delighted to see simple smiles, and what seems to be people trading means of contact.

    Mostly though I just know Her as she helps me to unsteady feet, putting my arm over Her shoulder and Her arm around my waist. “Let's go home.”

    I simply smile.

    Janine Dee

    You are correct buftee. I became a Bruce Campbell fan back when he was on Xena, and loved his stuff ever since. The guy is comedic gold. You turn to pick a quote.

    Janine Dee

    “It's a trick, get an axe!”

    in reply to: Room Ideas. Pick up Bar, Speciality places, Hot Tubs. #24704
    Janine Dee

    It's doubtful they would ever get one, because as it stands now they can get their feedback without us having any direct targets. A moderator would be someone who could be specifically addressed and would be expected to specifically respond.

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